As adults, we dedicate a big chunk of our lives to our jobs, and a significant part of that time is spent with our coworkers. So it makes a world of difference when we genuinely enjoy the company of the people we share our desk (and office snacks) with. Especially when they go the extra mile to brighten everyone’s day with thoughtful gestures, like writing thank-you notes or even bringing homemade treats to the office.

If you’re one of those amazing people, know that your efforts are deeply appreciated. In fact, sometimes they resonate so strongly, they get shared all over the internet! Here at Bored Panda, we’ve gathered a collection of these wholesome moments where coworkers have gone above and beyond for each other. Find them below and upvote the ones that touched your heart!


World Needs People Like Ahmed

World Needs People Like Ahmed

ahmedhankir Report

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3 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I hope his colleagues return the gesture when it comes to holidays that are important to him. Unfortunately it's becoming more common for there to be an expectation that childless or people with no religion should automatically cover these holidays which I don't agree with. I used to always cover these holidays and one year I had plans with friends over Christmas and my coworkers were very annoyed that I wouldn't work those days even though I had covered these holidays for the past 7 years straight often working days and hours that werent part of my contract (weekends, late nights etc). Please be mindful that no one is obliged to work these hours for you because they amdont have kids or are christian. In a lot of countries these are public holidays which everyone is entitled to so be grateful and return the favour for anyone offering to cover these holidays!

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It may not seem like a big deal to look out for your coworkers, but when you consider that many are fighting their own silent battles, it really puts things into perspective. A colleague could be having health issues, a family crisis, or simply a bad day. Most people don’t even openly share with their employer if they’re feeling stressed at work.

“We all have different struggles, and yet kindness is something that everybody wants. It is a universal language that can help us communicate during times where there’s a lot of translation going on,” says Adrienne Bankert, ABC correspondent and author of Your Hidden Superpower: The Kindness That Makes You Unbeatable at Work and Connects You With Anyone.


I Had To Say My Final Goodbye To My Kitty Earlier This Week And Took A Last-Minute Day Off During A Really Busy Time. I Was Worried My Coworkers Would Be Annoyed That I Was Out

I Had To Say My Final Goodbye To My Kitty Earlier This Week And Took A Last-Minute Day Off During A Really Busy Time. I Was Worried My Coworkers Would Be Annoyed That I Was Out

But they just gave me this. Definitely broke my “no crying at work” rule.

lissalissa3 Report

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Kari Panda
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3 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

This made me tear up… No, it’s never long enough. I lost my childhood dog 13 years ago and the pain never goes away.

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Adrienne credits kindness as the reason she landed her job at ABC News. The general manager acknowledged that while Bankert’s resume was strong, it wasn’t the sole factor that impressed her. Instead, after speaking with a woman who knew Adrienne throughout her career, the manager came away with a sense of how she interacted with others. “I can teach you how to be a better writer, or be a better reporter,” she told Adrienne, “but I cannot teach ‘nice’. That is what we need more of in this business.”


“Our kind self is our best self,” thinks Adrienne. “Our individual kindness, our voice, our gestures are like our fingerprint.”


A Head Of The Department At Purdue University Babysat The Son Of An Award Recipient During The Ceremony, So That The Rest Of The Family Could Watch The Event

A Head Of The Department At Purdue University Babysat The Son Of An Award Recipient During The Ceremony, So That The Rest Of The Family Could Watch The Event

dibsondibsondibs Report


I Just Finished A Memorial Piece For My Coworker’s Cat. The Recipient Is An Avid Night Sky Photographer, So I Hope It Will Suit His Style Nicely

I Just Finished A Memorial Piece For My Coworker’s Cat. The Recipient Is An Avid Night Sky Photographer, So I Hope It Will Suit His Style Nicely

swannygirl94 Report

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3 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

So who's chopping onions at this time of the morning? Utterly beautiful idea and execution

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Truthfully, a positive attitude can transform a workplace. Studies show that employees who are friendly and respectful to each other have 26% more energy, 36% more satisfaction with their job, and 44% more commitment to their organization. Moreover, when people feel supported and valued, they are more likely to be productive and deliver high-quality work. This encouraging environment creates a safe space where employees feel comfortable sharing ideas and taking risks.

“Humans are a very cooperative species,” explains Dr. Oliver Scott Curry, Chief Science Officer at “Kindness in all of its various forms is a way of kickstarting that cooperation.”


This Is The Sweetest Thing I’ve Ever Heard

This Is The Sweetest Thing I’ve Ever Heard

veronicaspeek_ Report


This Is Awesome

This Is Awesome

ladycerebela Report

A recent study by, in collaboration with Beekman 1802, found that employees naturally gravitate towards workplaces where people are treated well. For instance, 77% of respondents said they are more likely to apply for jobs that list “kindness” as a key company value. 74% also reported that it’s important for them to have managers who check in on their team members, offering both professional and personal support. And, surprisingly, kindness at work appears to be a bigger predictor of happiness than income.


What An Awesome Coworker

What An Awesome Coworker

mhdksafa Report

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Kari Panda
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3 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

The place I work for has a lot of issues (as most places), but now that I think about it, at least our janitors are treated with respect. They have their own bureau, they’re included in events like Christmas parties etc., they can use the normal breakrooms… (the last two should be a given imo. Someone being forced or harrassed into drinking their coffee in front of the gate? That poor man!)

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Yesterday The Owner Of My Company Noticed That My Shoes And Jeans Were Worn Out. Today He Took Me To Costco And Bought Me 2 New Pairs Of Shoes, 4 New Pairs Of Jeans, And Some Food

Yesterday The Owner Of My Company Noticed That My Shoes And Jeans Were Worn Out. Today He Took Me To Costco And Bought Me 2 New Pairs Of Shoes, 4 New Pairs Of Jeans, And Some Food

I started in December of 2020 after being laid off/unemployed for the vast majority of the year. I’m still trying to get back on my feet financially and make ends meet. It was such an unbelievably nice gesture. I cried and gave him a hug. I can’t wait until I’m able to pay it forward.


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3 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I was just about to yell how about paying fairly, when I saw the backstory, so yes, boss is a decent person

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My Coworkers All Came Together And Gave Me The Money To Finally Change My Name Legally For My Birthday

My Coworkers All Came Together And Gave Me The Money To Finally Change My Name Legally For My Birthday

I am transgender and currently work full-time for Starbucks. I have savings but it’s never been enough to justify paying to get my name legally changed, but for my birthday this year my coworkers all came together and pooled money to give to me to get it changed! This is literally the nicest thing anyone has done for me and it certainly made me smile.

Not_A_Cowboy2003 Report

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Kari Panda
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3 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I think a name change should be free of cost for transgender people and people who‘ve faced severe humilation or aggression because of their name.

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And it’s no wonder kindness is so highly valued. Dr. Kathryn Greiner writes that its impact extends to tangible physical benefits. It acts as a natural stress reliever, lowering cortisol levels and blood pressure. When we do something nice for others, our brains get a boost too. Pleasure and reward centers light up, releasing hormones like endorphins and dopamine, leaving us feeling warm and fuzzy on the inside.


My Coworker Built A Feeding Station For His Local Chipmunks

My Coworker Built A Feeding Station For His Local Chipmunks

JayLapse Report


Trash Pandas Found At Work

Trash Pandas Found At Work Report

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Robert T
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3 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Local garden centre did something similar when a robin made a nest in the spring bulbs.

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Wish More Jobs Were Like This

Wish More Jobs Were Like This

ohmystass Report

Moreover, good deeds are contagious, research proves. They spark a ripple effect, one person helping another, then another. When someone experiences kindness, they’re more likely to pass it on, creating a wave of cooperation that can influence many people within a social circle.

It’s even more meaningful when this attitude spreads to leadership levels. Three in five employees believe that kind management is the reason they want to stay at their company longer than they originally planned.


In 2020 Both My Parents Lost Their Jobs And I Was The Only Person Working In A House Of 4, Making $14.80 An Hour. We Had Decided We Wouldn't Do Thanksgiving That Year

In 2020 Both My Parents Lost Their Jobs And I Was The Only Person Working In A House Of 4, Making $14.80 An Hour. We Had Decided We Wouldn't Do Thanksgiving That Year

When my coworkers found out 15 of them came together to make sure we had a proper family holiday. My sister's boyfriend even joined us.

Shatter4468 Report


I Would Work There Forever Out Of Irrational Loyalty

I Would Work There Forever Out Of Irrational Loyalty

Brttnyblm Report


My Coworker Brought Her Baby Goat To Work. She Fell Asleep In My Arms

My Coworker Brought Her Baby Goat To Work. She Fell Asleep In My Arms

dolan146 Report


“Kindness is a choice, and we all have a choice,” says Dr Bonnie Hayden Cheng, an associate professor at Hong Kong University Business School. In Hong Kong, society is more hierarchical, bureaucratic, and traditional, which can hinder compassion and empathy in the corporate space. However, Dr. Cheng argues that these elements can make for an effective leadership strategy.

“[It] doesn’t mean you have to lower your standards,” she emphasizes. “You can still have high expectations, you can still hold your people accountable, but you’re doing so with kindness as the underpinning factor that allows your people to trust your decisions, knowing that you have their best interests at heart.”


That's Beautiful

That's Beautiful

GraniteDhuine Report

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Colleen Glim
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3 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Yep. If you don’t hide it, it’s not gonna be there when you want it

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She Is Lucky To Have Such Colleagues To Cheer Her Up

She Is Lucky To Have Such Colleagues To Cheer Her Up Report

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Bouche and Audi and Shyla, Oh My!
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3 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I love the amount of effort that took, and no, I'm not being sarcastic. Many men just have no clue what would make a woman feel better. These guys got together, figured out something they know she likes, and ran with it.

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This Is So Cute

This Is So Cute

Hadriel_szn Report

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madeleine f
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3 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Only different in looks which should mean nothing really but sadly it does many times. I see two beautiful ladies with a happy friendship.

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In Harvard Business Review, Andrew Swinand, entrepreneur and CEO of the Inspired Thinking Group, shares his tips on promoting workplace kindness. Start with yourself: prioritize your own well-being, because it directly affects those around you. This might involve setting boundaries, like avoiding non-urgent work emails after hours, or taking a mental health day to recharge. When you’re well-rested, you have more energy to be a great teammate.


Went To Work Thinking We Were Having A Serious Meeting And Was Surprised By My Coworkers With Some Gifts For Our First Baby. 1600 Diapers

Went To Work Thinking We Were Having A Serious Meeting And Was Surprised By My Coworkers With Some Gifts For Our First Baby. 1600 Diapers

Sidbilly Report


I Made Peanut Butter Cookies with M&M's For The Office Yesterday. I Came In This Morning To My Tupperware And Found This Note On My Desk

I Made Peanut Butter Cookies with M&M's For The Office Yesterday. I Came In This Morning To My Tupperware And Found This Note On My Desk

llama_laughter Report

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3 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

depending on the coworkers and the overall atmosphere at work, this could be quite rude, couldn't it? i assume it's meant in a funny friendly way tho

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Be intentional and sincere in your interactions with colleagues. Let them know you’re actively listening by remembering details they’ve shared, like their pet at home or their recent move. Ask follow-up questions and maybe even rephrase what they’ve said to show that you’re being attentive.


My Coworker Knits Crotchet Animals To Hand Out To Kids

My Coworker Knits Crotchet Animals To Hand Out To Kids

beneaththeslope Report

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3 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Whoa -- the talent! I'd BUY some. The penguin 🐧 .... Coworker IS very kind. 💗

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A Fellow Coworker And I Burned A Checkerboard Into The Stump Of An Old Tree. We Played The First Game With Dandelion And Clover Flowers

A Fellow Coworker And I Burned A Checkerboard Into The Stump Of An Old Tree. We Played The First Game With Dandelion And Clover Flowers

The tree was struck by lightning and had to be removed for safety purposes. We thought putting the board there would be a neat way for the students to continue enjoying it.

that1guyonajourney Report


My Coworker Hand-Made Me A Screaming Goat For Christmas

My Coworker Hand-Made Me A Screaming Goat For Christmas

We did Secret Santa at work. I put down “a screaming goat” thinking... One of those easy buttons, that would lighten the mood when things get crazy. Anyways, we exchanged gifts and my technician had hand-made me a screaming goat made of straw, complete with a screaming goat button (in its bag) and a poem. I don’t know what I did to deserve this magnificence and I am speechless!

misspharmAssy Report

Sarah Goff-Dupont, Principal Writer at Atlassian, suggests that small actions can make a difference. For example, something simple like inviting new coworkers to grab lunch or coffee is a great way to welcome them. Take note of your colleagues’ interests: if you see an article they’d love or an album that fits their vibe, send it their way. Highlighting their achievements is also easy—leave a personal recommendation on LinkedIn to show you care about their work.


My Coworker Brought Her Day-Old Lamb Into Work

My Coworker Brought Her Day-Old Lamb Into Work

Spnvettech Report


As A Going Away Gift, My Coworker Knitted Me My Favorite Children's Book Characters Frog & Toad

As A Going Away Gift, My Coworker Knitted Me My Favorite Children's Book Characters Frog & Toad

betterbutterbattle Report

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It Is Bring Your Cat To Work Day, And Our Coworker's Cat Fell Asleep In The File Tray

It Is Bring Your Cat To Work Day, And Our Coworker's Cat Fell Asleep In The File Tray

Work4Carbs Report

So, you don’t have to be incredibly elaborate to think of ways to support your coworkers. Make kindness a part of your lifestyle and see how your office becomes a happier place for everyone.


Helping A Coworker With His Ties

Helping A Coworker With His Ties

NewDadNotes Report

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3 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Isn't there a great quote about "... teach a man to fish ... you help him for a lifetime."

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Coworker Passed His Citizenship Test

Coworker Passed His Citizenship Test

rumstallion Report


I’ve Been Anxious About Our Finances All Week. One Of My Coworkers Left This In My Office Today

I’ve Been Anxious About Our Finances All Week. One Of My Coworkers Left This In My Office Today

captkronni Report


The Plaque/Crest I Made From Scratch For A Coworker

The Plaque/Crest I Made From Scratch For A Coworker

ArtisticBrit Report

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3 months ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Graham Norton is almost in this picture, and Im confused eta: could someone please x him this picture? He loves to do lookalikes with others on his show, he really should see this one 😄

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In Light Of The Fires In Southern Oregon, My Work Has Set Up A Staging Area For Donations For Those Displaced By This Terrible Event. I Love The People I Work For

In Light Of The Fires In Southern Oregon, My Work Has Set Up A Staging Area For Donations For Those Displaced By This Terrible Event. I Love The People I Work For

_Death_BySnu_Snu_ Report

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3 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

The first serious fire of the season just started yesterday, near La Pine. Here's hoping this year will have fewer.

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Birthday Haul From The Most Considerate Coworkers In The World

Birthday Haul From The Most Considerate Coworkers In The World

Been at a new job for 4 months and really didn't expect anything, but I sure was wrong. Among many other perks, the owners set aside $175 and have the person's coworkers pick out the gifts (on the clock, of course). A couple of months ago I mentioned how I love Kerrygold, but man it is expensive, so I got 2 lbs of it. Also, I was talking about how I love making pizza from scratch but needed a new peel and screen so they got that as well as a few lbs of specialty pizza flour. Lastly, I just built my first PC with the help of a coworker (so they knew all the specs), but I mentioned how I could use a little more RAM, so they got me another 2 sticks of the same kind. I guess this is what an awesome workplace is like!

NotSoAverageStoner Report


My Coworkers Brought Cake And Food For My Birthday Since I Didn't Have Anyone To Celebrate It With

My Coworkers Brought Cake And Food For My Birthday Since I Didn't Have Anyone To Celebrate It With

purgatorybob1986 Report

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3 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

You THOUGHT you didn't have anyone to celebrate with. 💗 Happy Birthday.

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My Coworker Scooped Up These Baby Birds Off The Ground With An Empty Kleenex Box And Taped It To The Wall Nearby Because The Floor Of Their Nest Had Fallen Out

My Coworker Scooped Up These Baby Birds Off The Ground With An Empty Kleenex Box And Taped It To The Wall Nearby Because The Floor Of Their Nest Had Fallen Out

The mommy and daddy birds are visiting frequently.

chicadehoy Report

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3 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Thoughtful idea but I don’t think a bit of sellotape is gonna hold that on the wall for long

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One Of My Coworkers Brought This Cute Little Motivator Into Work For Us

One Of My Coworkers Brought This Cute Little Motivator Into Work For Us

Gibby5683 Report

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One Of My Coworkers Is In Her 70s And Always Asks Me To Help Her With Tech-Related Issues. She Made A Point To Find Me Today And Give Me A Little Christmas Gift As A Thank You

One Of My Coworkers Is In Her 70s And Always Asks Me To Help Her With Tech-Related Issues. She Made A Point To Find Me Today And Give Me A Little Christmas Gift As A Thank You

Such a cute little old lady gift! Complete with old lady candy in the dish too!

Shuddupmegz Report


My Company Has A "Great Ideas" Board. I Gave Notice Recently, Came Into Work Today And Found That One Of My Staff Members Left This On The Board. It's Good To Know I'll Be Missed

My Company Has A "Great Ideas" Board. I Gave Notice Recently, Came Into Work Today And Found That One Of My Staff Members Left This On The Board. It's Good To Know I'll Be Missed

EricaH121 Report


Homemade Seed Packets For Two Of My Coworkers

Homemade Seed Packets For Two Of My Coworkers

bestdisappointment Report


My Coworker Made A Crochet Mushroom Guy, And Someone Tucked Him In

My Coworker Made A Crochet Mushroom Guy, And Someone Tucked Him In

Jonk209 Report


I'm The Only Geologist That My Coworker Knows, So He Came To My Office Yesterday All Happy And Eager To Talk About This Rock That He Found

I'm The Only Geologist That My Coworker Knows, So He Came To My Office Yesterday All Happy And Eager To Talk About This Rock That He Found

During lunch hour, we spent a little time to look and talk about this rock. He'd found it on his parents' grounds and thought "Hey, I know a geologist, I'm gonna bring this to work to show her". When he told me he had the rock in his car I was ready to send him out to get it, he had the decency to wait until lunch.

nukaati Report


This Is Adorable

This Is Adorable

_wadexwilsonx Report

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Kari Panda
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3 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Trying to find other gamers at work is quite difficult because if you tell people that you like gaming, you always run the risk of them replying that video games make kids violent etc. (Happened to me just last week in fact.)

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I'm An American Intern In Sydney. The Office Made Me This Spread Of Classic Australian Goodies

I'm An American Intern In Sydney. The Office Made Me This Spread Of Classic Australian Goodies

honeyedlife Report


Yesterday Was The Last Day For My Favorite Coworker, With Whom I Shared A Love For The Movie "Office Space". I Found This On My Desk This Morning. Happy Trails, My Friend

Yesterday Was The Last Day For My Favorite Coworker, With Whom I Shared A Love For The Movie "Office Space". I Found This On My Desk This Morning. Happy Trails, My Friend

ToshiroBaloney Report


It’s A Hot Day In Omaha, And At My Job, We Mostly Work Outside, So The Supervisors Decided To Come Around And Give Us Employees Free Ice Cream To Keep Us Cool

It’s A Hot Day In Omaha, And At My Job, We Mostly Work Outside, So The Supervisors Decided To Come Around And Give Us Employees Free Ice Cream To Keep Us Cool

SwagFeather Report

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3 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Just finished a 3 week long job at a sulphuric acid plant at a phosphate mine. There was 2 guys whose job consisted of driving around and handing out ice cream sandwiches, freeze pops, Gatorade, etc. It was a nice thing on some hot days

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My Dad Dressed Up As Batman For A Coworker’s Kid Who Was Celebrating A Birthday (Sometime In The Early To Mid-1990s). I Think He Was Pretty Cool

My Dad Dressed Up As Batman For A Coworker’s Kid Who Was Celebrating A Birthday (Sometime In The Early To Mid-1990s). I Think He Was Pretty Cool

ProudHearing106 Report

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3 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

My dearest friend used to dress up as the Easter 🐰 and go into his daughter's classroom. 💗

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I Will Steal This Idea For My Own Parties

I Will Steal This Idea For My Own Parties

Miexriir Report


I Was The Only Person In My Office Building To Get The Security Team A Christmas Present. Today, As A Thank You, One Of Them Brought Me Back A Gift From Their Trip To Jamaica

I Was The Only Person In My Office Building To Get The Security Team A Christmas Present. Today, As A Thank You, One Of Them Brought Me Back A Gift From Their Trip To Jamaica

niamhxa Report

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3 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Perfect for a Feuerzangenbowle! (Really needs to be over 40% and that's quite hard to get in many places.)

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My Boss At My Internship Was Told By A Coworker That I Like To Listen To Music But Don't Have Headphones At The Moment, So He Gave Me A Headset

My Boss At My Internship Was Told By A Coworker That I Like To Listen To Music But Don't Have Headphones At The Moment, So He Gave Me A Headset

MrQuackalotOWO Report


Someone Broke Into My Car And Stole My Steering Wheel For The Second Time This Summer. My Coworkers Showered Me With Love And Hugs

Someone Broke Into My Car And Stole My Steering Wheel For The Second Time This Summer. My Coworkers Showered Me With Love And Hugs

One brought me cakes (not pictured) and another made me this “screw thieves” care package.

Original-Willow4606 Report

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3 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Why on earth would they do this? Is this common in places?! Twice in a few weeks seems an awful lot!

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Note: this post originally had 97 images. It’s been shortened to the top 50 images based on user votes.