I’m A Pessimistic Person So I Make Comics About My Daily Struggles To Cheer Everyone Up (30 New Pics)
A lot of my comics are really wholesome. I try to make people happy as I'm a pessimistic person myself. So the comics are therapy for me and hopefully for those who read them. If I can make one person cheer up reading them, it's a success.
Inspired by my relationship with my boyfriend and daily personal struggles, I hope that they will find a way into people's hearts.
It's all about the feels.
All in all, I'm a comic artist from Germany and I make comics about everyday life, hoping to put a smile on people's faces! If you'd like to see my previous features on Bored Panda you can find more of my comics by clicking here, and here.
More info: Instagram
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As it sometimes gets kind of repetitive to always just write about my own life, I'm working on a new series that will hopefully be ready for everyone to read soon! I'm really comfortable with my simple and cute art style, but for my new project, I'm trying something new. I don't know what that will look like yet, but it will definitely look different than the stuff I did before.
The comics dearest to me are the ones including my childhood dog. And somehow also the ones where I yeet my boyfriend across the room! I already accomplished more than I would have hoped for with these little comic strips. I'm a full-time comic artist/illustrator right now and that would not have been possible without the little Frollein. Of course, being an artist is still hard, so I hope it gets easier over time.
People always ask me which program I use to draw comics or if they need to buy an Ipad to do so. Spoiler: you do not! I started with paper and pen and it worked just fine. :)
If you want to draw comics, just draw comics! You will get better over time, everybody has to start somewhere. Just don't beat yourself up if it doesn't come out the way you expected it to look like right away. I think everybody can draw comics!
I often get messages from people, telling me that they look forward to my comics because they brighten their day a little bit. That's all I could ask for!
One girl reached out to me and told me that she wanted to commit suicide and my comics kept her from doing that. She said that reading them made her realize that there is still good in the world and that we should cherish the little things in life.
That was by far the most intense comment I ever received and it really touched me. I hope you are doing okay, girl!
Nope my mom would be passed out too after the leftovers got put away the dishes could wait till tomorrow. Once in awhile though if the family wasn't too stuffed they get together and help wash everything up before they left which was cool.
Relatable.. you should see what my hair does to the beater bar in the vacuum cleaner. Sometimes I have to give it a haircut.
Wow this is just like my family gatherings but with more drunk passing out
That special part of the day where it's you alone by yourself enjoying your favorite activities. Unfortunately sometimes the only time you can be alone in a busy house is the bathroom and then you still may have kids or pets trying to put their hands under the door.
Except in another post we saw all those bad boss signs say dry your tears before you go back out & no crying on the sales floor.
Yeah, I uh… have a playlist on my phone that is called “LET THE TEARS FLOW” and it’s literally just the songs I know will make me cry (most are about loss of a parent). It’s really cathartic to sob your heart out sometimes.
People coming to Florida for the first time from northern climates. They always think the sun is the same in their country but no you can get second or third degree burns within moments especially if you don't use some really high power sunscreen. Floridian skin get used to it after a while but always wear sunscreen.
I was laid up for 4 months this year recovering from a couple bouts of surgery. My wife took spectacular care of me (love that woman!). For entertainment, I downloaded Skyrim. She sat in there and watched me play through it completely 3 times.
This one made me tear up. It hit home. I lost my dad this year and my brother a long time ago and I still get thoughts that I would like to share with them and then I have to remind myself they're not around anymore. 😢
Why does Halloween costumes have to be scary? I’m gonna dress up as the majestic glitter unicorn and there’s nothing you can do about it. FEAR THE POWER OF GLITTER
I feel like I want to take this to my hairdresser. I want that hair!
Sunlight can often help my really bad migraines (despite me having artificial-light sensitivity during a migraine)… but I’m super-pale so it’ll give me skin cancer :p So I hunch in the shade, staring out at the lovely sunlight… XD
These were absolutely hilarious! Great job I always go to the comic section first to see if there's anything new.
These are adorable! Love the characters and how you draw them. So expressive.
These were absolutely hilarious! Great job I always go to the comic section first to see if there's anything new.
These are adorable! Love the characters and how you draw them. So expressive.