We know how tough the recent years have been, dear Pandas. But we also want you to know that there’s lots of good in the world—even though it’s sometimes hidden by the shadows of our own doubts and fears, it shines bright if we let it. Truly, life’s full of brilliant people who go the extra mile to help their family, friends, neighbors, and communities. And let’s not forget that even though politeness, honesty, and vulnerability are more of a rare sight now, some people still cling to these old ways and hold them up as virtues.
Nowadays, the word ‘boomer’ is kind of a low-key insult, poking fun at baby boomers, the generation born from 1946 to 1964, right after the Silent Generation and before Generation X (though there are some nuances which we’ll discuss later). However, that’s a very narrow view of boomers. And the ‘Wholesome Boomer Content’ Twitter account, with nearly 137k eager fans, is proof of that. The online community collects the most soul-healing posts by and about members of the baby boomer generation that should restore your faith in humanity.
Have a look at some of the best soul-healing posts, upvote the ones that brought a smile to your heart and face, and remember to share these with your friends if they’re feeling blue. Oh! And if you’ve got any wholesome stories to share with all the other Pandas, that’s what the comment section is there for—have fun!
The founder of the 'Wholesome Boomer Content' project told me about why the content draws in so many people, how they maintain such a high standard of posts, and why some people tend to criticize baby boomers. You'll find their full interview with Bored Panda below.
More info: Twitter | Instagram
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According to the founder of 'Wholesome Boomer Content,' a lot of their content resonates with others because "boomers are often portrayed for only the mean/entitled/racist ones. In actuality, there’s lots of good old people and this account highlights the better side of their generation, so people like seeing that, cause it’s something positive," they told Bored Panda.
The secret to the Twitter account's quality is due to lots of people sending in "tons of submissions." And with more content to choose from, the founder can then curate the experience as they see fit, picking only the funniest screenshots.
Meanwhile, something that drives the founder's passion for the project is a desire to make internet users feel good. "I stay passionate [about the project] because while only talking about wholesome old people is boring, I could see a whole network of wholesome content coming out of this in which I can focus on anything happy, ultimately just improving the day of people scrolling through social media negativity."
Two reasons why baby boomers get so much flak, according to the founder of 'Wholesome Boomer Content,' is that their views haven't caught up to match the changes in the world and due to the improvements in tech allowing us to see more of their bad sides. However, what the 'Wholesome Boomer' project does is that it shows that there's plenty of room for nuance and that boomers aren't a one-size-fits-all generation.
"I think with the digital age, everything gets recorded. Couple that with our last president and a politicized pandemic, and a large portion of their generation has been outed for their very outdated beliefs which has led to tons of justifiable dislike. I don’t think my community sets the record straight, it just shows that the term 'boomer' includes a wide range of people and not just a single hive mind."
The thing about classifying generations is that plenty of experts have different ways to categorize things. So for instance, while boomers in the US are generally said to be born between 1946 and 1964, others define the generation as encompassing those born from 1943 to 1960.
For instance, the latter definition is used by William Strauss and Neil Howe, according to whom, baby boomers are people who were too young to have personal memories of the Second World War, but were old enough to remember the postwar boom in the United States.
Meanwhile, boomers outside of the US also have different date ranges for their birth. For example, in Canada, a boomer is somebody who’s born from 1947 to 1966. In France, the baby boomer generation refers to those born between 1946 to 1973 while in Spain it’s 1958 and 1975.
So there’s a lot of different ideas floating about how to classify boomers and, by extension, other generations. If you have different ideas about what a boomer is, trust me, you’re not the only ones, dear Pandas. (And let’s not get started about how difficult it is to classify millennials…)
My dad learned this before I did! He sent every text with something, even if it was just "ok" 😂🤦🏻♀️
I’m gen x and didn’t know that’s what I was until I was in my late 30’s! Am I considered ‘old’ ? It depends on the age of the person you ask right? But thanks to this post I found out about a fun news to me feature in my phone, so …. Thanks boomers I guess! Or this particular one in fact. And her granddaughter more importantly for explaining the thing so I could understand it too! And neither of my parents were boomers, they were both born long before 1946!! I kind of detest the whole ‘label a whole generation’ thing. Especially when people (mostly general public or the aforementioned older boomers) mistake millennials (who are all parental or even grandparent ages now) for gen Z and say they’re all lazy phone obsessed inconsiderate people which obviously isn’t true.
It’s not surprising why the ‘Wholesome Boomer’ Twitter account is so popular. It creates a nice contrast between the modern understanding of what a boomer is and how those gosh darn rude kids tend to behave these days. What’s more, the community highlights the most wholesome aspects of human beings. And who here doesn’t enjoy finally feeling good about humankind for a change?
handy dandy phone omg i'm never calling it anything else anymore
My older cousin tried to sell her brother to our grandma before I was born. When asked why she did this she said, “I like having a brother but I don’t want him in my house. This way I can still see him.” A few years later he tried the same thing with me. 🤨🤨
This is my aunt, wait no she still hasn’t responded to my message I sent in January
Here's the thing folks. About your parents & grandparents. If you're Millenials or younger, please Google the "Woodstock generation". Or just plain Woodstock. Check out the pictures, the major news events, the history. They were/are us. The most radical cultural upheaval in history. Our whole lives ahead of us. Newsflash! We never dreamed we'd be the ages we are now. It's a shock. "How & when the h€!! did this happen?" You don't get that now. You don't until you get there. If you're lucky you will. You'll all be lumped together. You won't deserve that & we don't either. Sadly, it's always the bad stuff that permeates. We've seen the most rapid technological & scientific advances ever. It can be overwhelming. Some embrace it, some don't. Feel sorry for those who are rude and judgemental. I do. They forgot the lessons of youth. Were weird, annoying, & can be clumsy at our tech tries. But we love you. Cherish us. We won't be here forever. H€!!uva a realization for us. Please see that too.
We were rad, we were cool, but our slogan was "Never trust anyone over 30". We blamed a lot of stuff on our parents!
Load More Replies...Amen, and thank you for that. I remain insulted that there even has to be a "Wholesome Boomer Content" as if it's a rarity. We didn't label my grandparents as anything negative, I didn't make snarky cracks at my parents when they got older. I don't look down on my Millennial or GenZ family. (My niece read this thread and actually said, "So, is there a "Intelligent things a Millennial did?" content?) It's ageism, it's narrow minded, it's rude. I miss my grandparents. People get/got old, they were treasures, they had a historical passing of time like we all do and will. Now my younger family asks me about "my" growing up (I saw all the cool bands, Live and worked in the very first Internet company when no one knew what email was yet.) I dont look at anyone's age any more than I do their color or religion. That was how the Woodstock Generation was. I'm just horrified it's all been undone, so well said Miss F!
This is so wholesome. I love to see how grandchildren take care of their grandparents.
I understand what you say and I didn't mean it in a bad way. Maybe my English is not good enough to convey the shades of meaning I want to convey. What I meant is that it is heartwarming to see grandchildren care for their grandparents. Do something for them that makes them happy. I wish I still had my grandma with me to take her places and do things for her. I only was 21 when she passed. Now I am 41 and I still miss her and as an adult I would be able to do more for her and to know better. I was thinking the other day how glad I would be to invite her over for dinner in my own apartment and cook for her and have her as my guest. So that is what i Meant more or less.
Ok. Thanks for clarifying. Apologize for the misunderstanding. Yes. I miss both gradmothers terribly and I'm 64! For my Nana, I have the last letter she wrote me. I cry every time I read it. Yes. It is so sweet to see grandchildren doting on their grandparents. To see my great big 6ft 6in nephew with his tiny but don't mess with her grandma was so special. It broke his heart when she passed. I understand and agree with everything you have said. As I said, I do apologize for my misunderstanding and will delete my comment.
This made me miss my grandparents far more than usual. It makes my heart happy to see grandkids love their grandparents. We never have enough time with them. ❤️
I wish I had the experience of having grandparents! These are the sweetest!
So the boomers are grandparents now. I'm 61 years old, no kids, a boomer, and I feel old now that this could have been me. For me getting older, it's just in the papers, I feel and act much younger. I feel nearer to the grandchildren role in this thread than to the granny role.
This reminds me of one evening I was starting an IV on a lady who was 102 years old. Her sister had passed at 104. One thing I always did while getting ready is to talk to my patient at length about anything other than what I was about to do. I asked her if she ever imagined getting to 102, and she said that she hadn't . I asked "How old do you think of yourself as being? How old are you, in your head?" She answered, "Oh, about 64." Well, that was a revelation! I'm 64. In my head I'm 34. I hope the numbers never match.
These make me cry cos I’m so happy for other folks. I grew up in care since I was 6 & I never knew my real family but all the grammies I met along the way made me realise that there is real grand mamma love out there xxx
I know what you mean. The woman who raised my mother is not my grandma. Never was. But a lovely lady came into my life and we chose each other. I love her and miss her so much.
My daughter absolutely loves to "Okay, Boomer" me, despite the fact I'm too young to be a boomer. We have GIF-offs with each other to find the most ridiculous stereotypes and insults of stuff. With age, I have learned to embrace all new things and not take anything too seriously, unless it's a threat to life or freedom.
There seems to be some confusion about what a Boomer actually is, they are just retired or approaching retirement age or, in some cases, have 14 years left of work. These are mostly the Lost Generation, born during the Depression and witnessed their parents, the Greatest Generation, fight in WWII or work for the WWII effort. Get a clue folks about yer folks and their history. Some of them fought in Korea, but here are mostly too young to be hippies either. And that also implies y'all not listening to what the people that love you have to say about their life.
Here's the other thing, folks. I really don't have all that much in common with folks born in the mid to late forties...or even into the mid fifties. i' turned sixty this year, and man...those f*****s were all in the way my entire working life. they weren't about to retire, and they had all the management jobs. i hear what the next generation has to say, but...i'm kind of in the middle.
and so now i've looked...and man. 3 out of 28 aren't from nana. hunh...
Boomer is only a low key insult to a small group of people who cannot make a coherent answer to their own predicaments. As part of neither of those groups, I just laugh.
Here's the thing folks. About your parents & grandparents. If you're Millenials or younger, please Google the "Woodstock generation". Or just plain Woodstock. Check out the pictures, the major news events, the history. They were/are us. The most radical cultural upheaval in history. Our whole lives ahead of us. Newsflash! We never dreamed we'd be the ages we are now. It's a shock. "How & when the h€!! did this happen?" You don't get that now. You don't until you get there. If you're lucky you will. You'll all be lumped together. You won't deserve that & we don't either. Sadly, it's always the bad stuff that permeates. We've seen the most rapid technological & scientific advances ever. It can be overwhelming. Some embrace it, some don't. Feel sorry for those who are rude and judgemental. I do. They forgot the lessons of youth. Were weird, annoying, & can be clumsy at our tech tries. But we love you. Cherish us. We won't be here forever. H€!!uva a realization for us. Please see that too.
We were rad, we were cool, but our slogan was "Never trust anyone over 30". We blamed a lot of stuff on our parents!
Load More Replies...Amen, and thank you for that. I remain insulted that there even has to be a "Wholesome Boomer Content" as if it's a rarity. We didn't label my grandparents as anything negative, I didn't make snarky cracks at my parents when they got older. I don't look down on my Millennial or GenZ family. (My niece read this thread and actually said, "So, is there a "Intelligent things a Millennial did?" content?) It's ageism, it's narrow minded, it's rude. I miss my grandparents. People get/got old, they were treasures, they had a historical passing of time like we all do and will. Now my younger family asks me about "my" growing up (I saw all the cool bands, Live and worked in the very first Internet company when no one knew what email was yet.) I dont look at anyone's age any more than I do their color or religion. That was how the Woodstock Generation was. I'm just horrified it's all been undone, so well said Miss F!
This is so wholesome. I love to see how grandchildren take care of their grandparents.
I understand what you say and I didn't mean it in a bad way. Maybe my English is not good enough to convey the shades of meaning I want to convey. What I meant is that it is heartwarming to see grandchildren care for their grandparents. Do something for them that makes them happy. I wish I still had my grandma with me to take her places and do things for her. I only was 21 when she passed. Now I am 41 and I still miss her and as an adult I would be able to do more for her and to know better. I was thinking the other day how glad I would be to invite her over for dinner in my own apartment and cook for her and have her as my guest. So that is what i Meant more or less.
Ok. Thanks for clarifying. Apologize for the misunderstanding. Yes. I miss both gradmothers terribly and I'm 64! For my Nana, I have the last letter she wrote me. I cry every time I read it. Yes. It is so sweet to see grandchildren doting on their grandparents. To see my great big 6ft 6in nephew with his tiny but don't mess with her grandma was so special. It broke his heart when she passed. I understand and agree with everything you have said. As I said, I do apologize for my misunderstanding and will delete my comment.
This made me miss my grandparents far more than usual. It makes my heart happy to see grandkids love their grandparents. We never have enough time with them. ❤️
I wish I had the experience of having grandparents! These are the sweetest!
So the boomers are grandparents now. I'm 61 years old, no kids, a boomer, and I feel old now that this could have been me. For me getting older, it's just in the papers, I feel and act much younger. I feel nearer to the grandchildren role in this thread than to the granny role.
This reminds me of one evening I was starting an IV on a lady who was 102 years old. Her sister had passed at 104. One thing I always did while getting ready is to talk to my patient at length about anything other than what I was about to do. I asked her if she ever imagined getting to 102, and she said that she hadn't . I asked "How old do you think of yourself as being? How old are you, in your head?" She answered, "Oh, about 64." Well, that was a revelation! I'm 64. In my head I'm 34. I hope the numbers never match.
These make me cry cos I’m so happy for other folks. I grew up in care since I was 6 & I never knew my real family but all the grammies I met along the way made me realise that there is real grand mamma love out there xxx
I know what you mean. The woman who raised my mother is not my grandma. Never was. But a lovely lady came into my life and we chose each other. I love her and miss her so much.
My daughter absolutely loves to "Okay, Boomer" me, despite the fact I'm too young to be a boomer. We have GIF-offs with each other to find the most ridiculous stereotypes and insults of stuff. With age, I have learned to embrace all new things and not take anything too seriously, unless it's a threat to life or freedom.
There seems to be some confusion about what a Boomer actually is, they are just retired or approaching retirement age or, in some cases, have 14 years left of work. These are mostly the Lost Generation, born during the Depression and witnessed their parents, the Greatest Generation, fight in WWII or work for the WWII effort. Get a clue folks about yer folks and their history. Some of them fought in Korea, but here are mostly too young to be hippies either. And that also implies y'all not listening to what the people that love you have to say about their life.
Here's the other thing, folks. I really don't have all that much in common with folks born in the mid to late forties...or even into the mid fifties. i' turned sixty this year, and man...those f*****s were all in the way my entire working life. they weren't about to retire, and they had all the management jobs. i hear what the next generation has to say, but...i'm kind of in the middle.
and so now i've looked...and man. 3 out of 28 aren't from nana. hunh...
Boomer is only a low key insult to a small group of people who cannot make a coherent answer to their own predicaments. As part of neither of those groups, I just laugh.