Books are meant to take us on exciting journeys, but sometimes, they just miss the mark. Share a pic of a book that you absolutely hate—whether it was a letdown, hard to finish, or just didn’t live up to the hype!
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A Pretentious, Badly Written Romantization Of A Toxic Relation Disguised As A Romance Novel. Need I Say More?
Most uncomfortable book and movie ever and basically has no plot just long meandering creepy sex scenes
That's Not Writing, That's Typing - Tuman Capote About This Book
The Boredom And Lethargy Of This Book Killed It For Me
I know it is a classic, but it bored me half to death. Napoleon's retreat from Russia was faster...
I Just Couldn’t Stand Those People
Whenever It Seemed Like Something Interesting Was Going To Happen, It Fizzled Out. I Gave Up About A Third Of The Way Through
This book spoke directly to me. Not much happens, but his philosophical musings are amazing.
Gave Up After 10 Pages
...whereas I liked it very much. It's (arguably) part of the Baroque Cycle series. Together they make one of my favorite literary formats, the Series of Big Fat Novels. De gustibus 'n' stuff.
Dad Jokes File, Minecraft Editon
I tried so hard to read Catcher in the Rye but at around page 250 I just couldn't take that whiney, self entitled little prick any longer.
I had to read it for school. Probably the second worst book I've read
Load More Replies...I don't have an image, but I DESPISE "Dry" by Neal Shusterman, the characters and plot are so awful
*NOTHING* ruins a book faster than being assigned to read it for an English class. In college, our professor decided he was going to do us a huge favor and assign a *Science Fiction* novel for us to read and write papers on. As a lifelong SF fan, I was excited. Turned out to be Vonnegut's 'Slaughterhouse Five', and a more self-indulgent piece of c**p I have never encountered. If I had thought of that one in time, I would have submitted it.
I tried so hard to read Catcher in the Rye but at around page 250 I just couldn't take that whiney, self entitled little prick any longer.
I had to read it for school. Probably the second worst book I've read
Load More Replies...I don't have an image, but I DESPISE "Dry" by Neal Shusterman, the characters and plot are so awful
*NOTHING* ruins a book faster than being assigned to read it for an English class. In college, our professor decided he was going to do us a huge favor and assign a *Science Fiction* novel for us to read and write papers on. As a lifelong SF fan, I was excited. Turned out to be Vonnegut's 'Slaughterhouse Five', and a more self-indulgent piece of c**p I have never encountered. If I had thought of that one in time, I would have submitted it.