When One Streaming Service Canceled Password Sharing And People Lost Their Minds, We Decided To Share Pizza (5 Pics)
So, a certain streaming service has canceled password sharing, and that’s NOT CHILL. In response to people all over the internet losing their minds, we decided to share something awesome and far more delicious to consume- pizza!
We launched “Red Baron Pizza Sharing,” encouraging users to share a frozen pizza with friends, family and loved ones because, although they may not be able to share passwords, they can still share something delicious: pizza. And with Red Baron, sharing isn’t just allowed—it’s highly encouraged.
We created a site suspiciously similar to another site and sent people there for a free pizza to share with someone in their life. In less than 2 hours we ‘sold out’ of all our free pizza coupons (with hundreds of users entering their info every minute!) And because pizza appeals to everyone’s tastes, we made a bunch of pizza film posters to lift the internet’s spirits.