I boldly utilise nearly any objects around me inside my house like cookies, veggies, coins, eggs and stuff you wouldn’t ever think of to convey my fun ideas out of my head.

I kept taking pictures while people were shaking their head questioning what was this one kid trying to do with hands full of random things.



    Earth Without Pollution

    I don’t smoke. I was in a high school rock band of 4 chain smokers while I wasn’t. I made this image as a message to stop polluting the world.

    Cookies Cross


    I took this picture to celebrate Good Friday. Never thought that these simple cookies could make a good art.


    Been thinking many times of an egg containing worms within that I ended up making one. This one is cuter that I imagined.



    Unaesthetic Opposite

    I took this eaten corncob from disposal bag in the kitchen. Bought the yellow GENIC89 wristband at JakCloth Festival, Jakarta with a good friend.

    Early Christmas


    Does this looks like one of a Christmas ornaments on the tree?

    You Are What You Eat

    I busted my butt off chasing the chick. Eat healthy food!


    “Harus Berani Jujur” means “to be honest bravely”.


    The Five Loaves & Two Fish

    I tried to depict one of the famous Bible stories for all kids around the world. Jesus’s miracle of 5 loaves and 2 fish.

    Just Married

    I tried to portray a wedding ceremony from a different perspective.



    Wholesome Breakfast

    Don’t eat this at home.


    Oreo Fleet


    I love Oreo. I love to make fried oreos. I took this picture as a tribute to Oreo.

    Potato Loves Me Not

    Tie A Yellow Ribbon Around The Ole Oak Tree

    I took this picture to tribute Dawn feat. Tiny Orlando, 1973.

    The Great Sperm Race


    Friday Flower

    I tried to picture a flower. Until now I have no idea of what that yellow thing was.


    Tango Love


    Sugar and a life.

    A Vow to Death

    I Sneezed a Car