Please tell me embarrassing, inspiring, or frankly, any other stories that involve coming out and realizing you were who you were! Please no homophobia, biphobia, etc.


Mine was in fifth grade when I had a HUGE crush on my best friend. We're still best friends to this day, and they just came out as lesbian. I came out to my mom, brother, and all of my friends, but I waited until about 2 years to tell my dad, because, you know, h o m o p h o b i a.



    I figured out I was lesbian because I would always get nervous when I would go into the bra or makeup section in stores because of the models XD (this was in 5th grade). I came out to my mom and all my friends 3 years later.


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Dude, me too. I just realized a year ago why I tried to look up my action figure's skirt when I was 9.

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    I found out I was asexual a night before my race. It kind of startled me but at the same time it didn’t because I was reading an article one day and it was about like the percentage of people who don’t want to do that thing sure. And I was like wow I’m part of them but I never knew there was a name for it. My parents know because they read my texts but about a week or two later my friend again helped me to find out I was aromantic and I am forever grateful to her.



    I came out lesbian when i felt nothing to dudes and i told my mom and she told me to shut up and im so full of it its not even funny havent came out to my dad tho



    jade west in victorious and tiktok because blep i think my parents know im bi but i haven't come out to them yet



    Anime boys. My friends knew because i wouldnt stop talking about them



    I always got this feeling when i would walk pass a victorias secret in a mall and saw the models in bras and stuff. And like when my mom took me shopping with her to look at bras (idk why) I was getting that weird feeling when i would see the model. Sorry idk how to describe the feeling but i havent told anyone im bi cuz i know for a fact it wont end well. My family has told me that my friend cant be bi cuz shes only 12 so im scared to know how they would react if i came out...


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I'm bi too. I have a crush on my friend (who's a chick like me) but I also hae a crush on a boy. I don't know how to come out because my parents aren't really homophobic but they are religous, and I am afraid they will say I'm too young to know that, etc. etc.

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    I found out i was pansexual when i found out i had a crush and attraction to my best friend who was trans and i've always thought that people are pretty no matter what they are or what the color of their skin was, I still to this day have not told my parents. SOO, yeah. (I felt kinda weird doing this, but)



    I thought I was into guys untill I developed a crush on my best friend. I then decided I was bi but I haven't told anyone yet.



    So my best friend, meowmeowUwU, helped figure out I was bi. I mean, at our Christmas party for band, I kept spilling her drink on the floor. We went to the bathroom to get paper towels, and she kissed me. I kinda liked it. We actually dated for a little while, nothing serious tho. We never officially broke up but we kinda just, telepathically figured out we weren't dating anymore. But now I have my amazing boyfriend. I still haven't come out to my parents, I never thought I needed to because while I am bi, I'm in a stereotypical straight relationship.



    I realized i was bi after i was just like mentally going over me and one of my friend's friendship, and i was like, holy s**t... i have a crush on this girl. My parents are homophobic so when i came out on accident to them i had to switch schools, because they thought i was trying to be "rebellious", and then my mom says i'm too young to make that decision because i haven't had enough dating experience yet :/ bruh i'm 13 (which i know is still really young) but like i might not have dating experience but i'm pretty sure i know when i have a crush on someone.


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    In my experience, you are never too young to figure out who you are. The problem with today's world is the heterosexual norms society has set out for us. I wish you good in life.

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    I remember seeing people ask other people who their crush was and I started liking the opposite gender. I had a crush on my BFF for so long! Thankfully my parents were fine with it when I came out!


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    I had always thought that I would be with a boy. All my best friends were gay and I always had felt out of the mix. My “boyfriend” (more like little boy who thought he was my soulmate) at the time didn’t know that my friends were gay. I soon realized that my feelings were for my best friend. My friends and I are still trying get my “boyfriend” to realize that I am gay. Comment if you have any suggestions...


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Have a serious talk with him, but let him down easy. If he doesn't take it well, it's okay, that's normal, it may take some time.

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    I am trans, and gay, and I thought I was just another dis, straight girl. Who was just really interested in gender and sexuality stuff. Then, I was reading an article, and one sentence that really stood out was this: If you think about your gender 24/7, you probably aren’t cis. So, cue the 2 month long journey of figuring myself out, and here we are. If you are still figuring yourself out, i recommend checking out the LGBTA wiki, as there are lots of articles, and the people on there are super nice. Remember, you are valid!


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Good for you! It normally isn't until you figure out you're gay when you realize you were SUPER gay in the past xD

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    my parents looked through my search history and found out I was pan and polyamorous and they both supported me and wished me luck


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Sorry to ask but, what does polyamorous mean. Please don't think I'm rude I just don't know what it is.

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    right , buckle up for this one !

    ive always known im a lesbian and last year i tried to come out to my internalised homophobic dad. as i declared my sexuality with courage , my brother came strolling into the room to say "no youre not! youve slept with a boy nakie!" and then strolled back out . my dad moved out years ago so he scooted back to his house immediatly , thinking that his precious 11 YEAR OLD DAUGHTER has already lost her virginity and to make it worse , is gay .

    that took a while to patch up.


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    It was the summer before 6th grade and I became a little bi-curious. I've dated both guys and girls. My parents found out I was bi going through my texts.



    I was weirdly fascinated with gay things from age 15 or so, but was definitely not interested in being with girls. I came out as lesbian at 19/20, but didnt date or do anything sexual until 22/23. Much later on I learned about being asexual, and now identify as demisexual. I came out as ace pretty publicly a few years ago, as I was on a tv show talking about it.

    Currently I am 35, married to my wife and we are expecting our 3rd child ❤ It does get so so much better


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    So I spent a lot of my time thinking about my sexuality, just after my friend came out as gay, and I came out to myself as bisexual. I then came out to my friends, pretty easily, but how I came out to my dad is a different story. So me and my friend were making mini pride flags to give out at our school, and I started making some at home, and then my dad walks in (a straight cis man btw) and sees all these flags. He's like wtf are these, and I said to him, they are lgbt pride flags. I then explain what each of them are, I'm going through, gay, lesbian, bi, trans, non binary, ace, ally.. and my step mum's like, "so, which one are you?" I'm thinking wtf do I say?? Do I say it???
    So I just say, I think I'm bi. And my dads like "oh, ok" so that's fine now. Occasionally he can get mildly homophobic, but overall he's a great guy.

    I came out to my mum a few days ago, and I knew she would be supportive, but it was just so hard, you know? But I'm sitting next to her, and I say, you know, I have something to say, I've been thinking about my sexuality a lot, and I'm, I'm, bi.
    And she's like oh great me too!!
    LMAO WTF!!!!!!???!?!??!?!!


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Haha, great story! Epic plot twist xD It was so hard for me to come out too, but once I did, it was like a weight being lifted off of my chest.

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    I have such a touching moment, so stay here. So one day in kindergarten I found a pride flag and I was like "Oooh pretty rainbow ima take it home" and I had no idea that nearly 7 years later, I'm some polygender boredpanda dude.



    I just gradually felt less and less attracted to boys and I started finding girls more attractive. I originally thought I was bi and went through about half a year of figuring out my sexuality (boy was that hard), but I figured out after a while that I was a lesbian, and I told my friends who were all supportive. I told my family not too long after that and they were accepting, but told me not to define myself too early on in my life (t'was good advice, but I didn't care :D).

    Right now, I'm very comfortable with my sexuality and how I define myself and have no doubts about my identity. Although it is totally possible for me to identify differently in the future (and that's totally ok), I am a lesbian and proud of it.

    (and now every time homophobe enters my room, they have a big fat rainbow flag glaring at them, hehehehe)


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I'm so happy for you. Many people aren't as confident as you (*ahem* me) and you should really be proud of yourself. Positive thoughts!

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    See Also on Bored Panda

    I'm bi. I have a crush on one of my friends from school, but I also have a crush on a guy. The only one who knows that knows me perosnally is my very best friend and my dog because I tell him everything. I am afraid to tell my parents becuase they are religous. So am I, but I don't think God is against queer people. Even if it is a sin, everyone sins, right?


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Even if it is a sin, so is divorce, tattoos, and round haircuts :)

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