“What’s Wrong With Your Dog?”: People Are Posting Pictures Of ‘Malfunctioning’ Dogs (47 Pics)
Being a dog is tough work. They gotta protect their home from the postman, run around catching balls, and spend entire hours begging for food, all while making sure their owner feels like the most loved person in the world. Naturally, having so many responsibilities might exhaust the animal and send it into overdrive.
And when dogs malfunction, things can really take a funny turn The K9s, for example, might start climbing on the furniture or exchanging playdates for swap swims. You never know. Every case is different and the way they wind down really depends on the severity of their "problem"...
One thing's for sure, though. The derps often end up in the subreddit r/WhatsWrongWithYourDog. It's a place where people post pictures of their beloved pets having a moment, and it's hilarious. Continue scrolling and check it out for yourself.
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He Collected All Balls He Found In The House And Then Laid Like This For 10 Minutes
As of this article, r/WhatsWrongWithYourDog has 984,000 members. So if you're a fan (honestly, I can't imagine why you wouldn't be), consider becoming part of the community as it is making its final push toward the glorious 1 million mark.
Bored Panda got in touch with just-a-traveler, the person who created the subreddit back in 2015, and they were kind enough to tell us more about it. "I made this subreddit because dogs are goofs. Pure hearted, lovable goofs," just-a-traveler said.
Right Now, I'm Looking For A Dog To Adopt. I Gave This Little Guy The "Sit" Command And He Sat Down Like This. I Think I Just Found My New Dog
Awww... one of mine sits like this all the time, looking like a bar regular after a couple of pints haha
"I wanted that folks could have a place to share their [moments from their goof's life] while the rest of us gather around, point and laugh," just-a-traveler explained.
It's important to highlight, that r/WhatsWrongWithYourDog isn't taunting the dogs or their owners. It doesn't allow posts about injured or dead dogs—as much as people might be heartbroken, it's just not the place for this content. Breed hate and other kinds of (verbal) abuse aren't tolerated either. It's a safe space; members of the subreddit aren't laughing at the pooches, they're laughing with them.
This Is What I Come Home To Every Day
"I made a similar subreddit for cats [and Bored Panda already featured it], but the people are passionate about pups too, so when the world gets you down, visit us for eye candy and soul solace."
When it comes to causes of the most popular dog 'malfunctions', just-a-traveler said that mirrors and farts (both their own and their human's) are prime candidates. "Dogs will also sleep in any position as if their bones were jello. They have zero shame and are the best creatures on the planet," just-a-traveler concluded.
Before And After Playdate
Got A Live Feed Camera So I Could See What My Dogs Are Up To While I'm At Work
Not Sure Who Looks More Terrified
Made A Friend, Being Extremely Cool And Normal About It
Her Bowl Is In The Dishwasher
I Was Told She Played The Entire 9 Hours She Was At Daycare
OMG I love it .That makes me so much more hopeful about the prospect of dog daycare. There are literally some dogs who will play until they BLEED
It’s Just Her Face. She’s The Sweetest Dog Ever. But She Constantly Looks Disappointed In Us
My Favorite Pic Of My Pug. There Is No Hole In The Grass
After A Walk Through The Snow, Arlo Is Ready For Paris Fashion Week
Yikes. This is the face of an XY chromosome that hasn't worked out it's useless now.
When You Didn't Expect Your Owner To Come Right Back Cause They Forgot Something
She Sits Like An Alien Spider
Life Takes Its Toll On Us All
Men And Women Fled In Horror, When The Creature Emerged From The Depths
....but one brave soul would had the courage to confront it. A girl, not yet past the twelfth year since her birth, armed only with her bravery, marched onwards to meet the ancient foe. The creature, seeing her approach, in an attempt to put her off guard, arranged its face in a manner to make its appearance more pleasant. It waved its tail high in the air, and licked its lips in anticipation. Its shout was like thunder, and it covered ten metres with every great bound. The brave girl took an involuntary step back in fright, and then another, until she was running in terror. But too late, the beast was upon her, and brought her down, and began...licking her on the face. So she brought him home and gave him chicken. The end.
We Gave Him Some Meds For The Thunderstorms And He Turned Into A Dare Commercial
We Put Her Bowl On The Bottom Step So She Didn’t Have To Bend Down As Far To Eat From It...
But, but... I'm a bender! I like bending. My name is Bender "Bending" Rodriguez. I bend 10degrees, I bend 15degrees, sometimes even 17degrees...
He Breathed In While Licking His Nose And His Tongue Got Sucked Into His Nostrils A Little Bit
This Is How He Sits
My Neighbor’s Dog Sits Like This Out The Second Story Window For Hours Every Day Just Vibing And Watching The World Go By
Uhhh... I Don't Think That's How You Do That
How Am I Supposed To Do My Work With This?
He Haphazardly Looked For Birds In The Tree When We First Set It Up. I Instantly Felt Bad When I Played A Youtube Video Of Birds In The Forest And Put My Phone In The Branches. He Stared At It Like This For Hours
My Dog Was Sitting Like This While Being Fed With A Fork By Her Grandpa
Ooooh her tail! 😍 (Also I knew I'm not the only one feeding my dog with a fork)
My Little Beauty Queen
My Dog, Beak. This Is His Best Angle, Showcasing His Formidable Teef
I ADORE his name. Everyone should have a descriptive name. Mine will be Snotters.
Everyday Is A New Weird Thing With Her
I'm not interested in Harry Potter, so I don't read the books or watch the films. But I don't feel any need to make fun of the series/character.
She’s entitled to that opinion. Insulting the books, maybe not great.
So How Do I Look?
I’m Eating On The Couch And I Look Down And See This
Must Be Watching A Terrifying Horror Movie
I'd Say He Malfunctioned, But Honestly He Barely Functioned In The First Place
What He Lacks In Intelligence He More Than Makes Up For In Determination
Tried To Take Picture As Dog Sees Bird Slam Into Window
Trapped Himself In The Shower At Some Point During The Night. Woke Up To Scared Whining
Just Sitting
Most Expensive Pillow. Dog Has Early Arthritis So I Bought Him An Orthopedic Bed. This Is How He Enjoys It
Perfect Fit
I used to be a 2 second dog with dropped food. Now I trims 1.8 seconds off that, food not messes the floor. ;o))
First Time She Has Been In A Hotel... She Opted To Sleep In The Shower
I spent far too long looking at this picture and wondering why the hotel installed a toilet inside of the shower before my brain caught up and told me “You’re an idiot”
Heard A Big Crash
Preparing For Bath Time
On His Way To The Fire Department
Yawn Or Minor Demonic Possession? The World May Never Know
you can see this video if you look up my dog yawns a little different on YT
The Way My Dog Poops On Walls
While group projects can often lead to frustration and discord among participants, they are initially intended to promote teamwork and establish a sense of responsibility for each individual in the group. This model of cooperation aims to bring out the best in educational settings but isn't always effective. Understanding the reasons behind this can lead to better strategies, similar to how some communities laugh and learn from hilarious situations their pets get into.
For more insights into the challenges and humorous tales of group projects, check why people often have mixed feelings about them.
I feel like the three most used words on dog posts on BP are aww, derp, and blep. 😂
This is peaches. She often slept like this. 1999-2020 95057564-A...d-jpeg.jpg
Oh my goodness, I don't think I've laughed that hard since 2019, jk, but by george I laughed so hard at this. I'm now gonna go make a million memes...
I feel like the three most used words on dog posts on BP are aww, derp, and blep. 😂
This is peaches. She often slept like this. 1999-2020 95057564-A...d-jpeg.jpg
Oh my goodness, I don't think I've laughed that hard since 2019, jk, but by george I laughed so hard at this. I'm now gonna go make a million memes...