What’s The Worst Experience You’ve Ever Had In Your Life?
We’ve all had bad experiences, right?
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I switched schools in the beginning of fifth grade. After being at my new school for a few days, I made friends with this girl who we’re going to call Ellie. Ellie was super nice and we had lots of the same interests. We were best friends and spent the entire school year together. Then, in mid April, everything changed. I had begun to make a few new friends which made Ellie extremely jealous, despite the fact that I would still hang out with her daily. Ellie began to turn on me, starting with tipping my chair over and scribbling on my (finished) assignment while I was trying to pull myself back up. Later that day, she also started to physically abuse me. She stabbed me with pencils, hit me, and even cornered me in front of a bunch of people and punched me in the eye. By the end of the day I was on the verge of tears. I skipped school out of fear the next few days. I went back to school the next Monday and expected the bullying to stop. God, I was wrong. For the next three months she would spread untrue rumors about me, steal my stuff, sabotage my assignments, and continue to physically abuse me. She even tried to strangle me once. I would often go home with bruises or cuts, but I refused to tell anyone. Finally, after several months, the last day of school came. I was relieved to have the summer away from her, and I figured that she would forget everything by the next school year. Again, I was so wrong. Throughout the entire sixth grade year, she would continue to physically abuse me and forced me to spend every waking minute with her, which eventually caused me to loose all my other friends. Luckily, I’m in a different school now and haven’t had to deal with her for a few years. Sorry for the long story lol. Here’s a potato: 🥔