What’s the lowest grade you've ever had? Have you ever gotten an F-? Do you have a funny story to it? Mine was a C+, but everyone thought I was a nerd that year!


I got a 0 because I wrote with pen instead of pencil.



    I got a C because I was shy and did not present my slide in the group presentation.



    I got an F becuase I turned in my assignment 3 minutes late



    I had a C because I screwed off for ONE day. Online school is ruthless. Also, according to my Chamorro parents, I was deemed a failure by them since I always have A. And now my siblings make fun of me for being a dumb idiot when they have the same grades as me. It’s honestly not fair when you’re accelerated at a young age and then go back to being average. Everyone expects too much.



    I got a 17% as a final grade in my honors English class, because I absolutely hated the teacher, and did whatever I could to make her life difficult (e.g. such as do an essay assignment completely in Portuguese, or plaster hundreds of pictures of Bill Nye's head all over her classroom just to piss her off.) And in my misguided brain I thought that getting a bad grade would reflect poorly on her, I turned everything in but made sure I got a horrible grade on it, so I got a 17% in the class, which was probably worse for me than it was for her.


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    Ana Vaquer Perez
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    4 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I’m torn between congratulating you for your guts and face planting myself for your stupidity, someone help

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    I have E's in math, because it's really hard to pay attention. I guess I can say I get the math that we're learning, but I hate math with a passion. It does not help that my teacher doesn't understand half the questions I ask her, and the other half she simply doesn't answer. I'm really afraid of what my father will do when he gets sight of my grades.



    Got Fs like it was candy because I didn't do my homework. In my country, we had a ten-point system, so F was equal to 2/10. Why I didn't do my homework? Because I loved to play video games and watch TV and had a strict regime of doing my homework in front of a TV or PC. My parents forbade me to do it that way, so I stopped altogether. I don't know, maybe that's an ADHD sort of reaction, but that's how it went.
    One time I even got an F- (1/10), because the teacher got really mad that I tried to fake the fact that I actually did my homework. Later I learned to do my homework at recess.
    Didn't matter though, cause I aced my exams and got to study in one of the elite universities in my country.



    When I was 14 my parents switched my school and I had never taken up woodwork at my previous school. With no choice at the new school I was put into the 4th year woodworking class. That week was the 4th year woodwork test. I of course scored zero as I had no knowledge of woodwork. I also came bottom in French at my old school because could not pick the language up at all. One afternoon. I had to go back after classes finished because I had forgot my satchel. On the blackboard where the answers to that nights homework, even copying them down I only got 9 out of 10.



    One time in first grade I got an F for a field trip assignment where you had to tell the teacher two things you saw, and I said a ceiling and a floor :(



    I got a f*cking F- in my music theory class. Wanna know why?

    My professor was testing us if we could identify what note he was playing from hearing it once. He played an F# and he said it was a G.

    I told him it was an F# and he got mad that I got it right.

    Petty as f*ck.


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Wow so you got a f because you corrected a teacher that shity


    I got a C because I didn't understand half the questions 😑



    a d because i stuttered too much


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    Lula Gage
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    that's sad. You shouldn't be punished because of something you can't control.

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    I once got a C because I was doing online school. I am really good at all the subjects but it's really hard to follow along when your teacher is trying to teach kids at home and kids at school. All we do for like half a day is stare at the class's white board and try to pay attention to what's going on in class. Wish Covid would go away. Another time I would have got a C is when my dog chewed up my homework but the teacher let me off the hook so I'm glad...


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    i completely agree with the staying focused part. but i guess if it slows the spread of covid, it's the best we can do

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    *ahem* I got a D on my math test and I was crying so much because I almost always get As and I was so confident on this test.



    I had a very strict and picky Chinese teacher in our school district, and she was notoriously difficult with the heritage speakers in her class and basically only gave points when we did things the way we were taught in class. I think the lowest I ever got was around a C or a D.


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    Rachel Grieshop
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Oh that’s the same way with some math teachers (y’all are awesome btw! Teachers should get paid more! They are the basis of our eduction! Duh!)


    The lowest grade I ever got was a C- and it is because... my choir teacher grades us on our grammar in our written assignments!



    A F in social studies because i hate social studies and i never study



    i got a 30 because i forgot to turn in 1 assignment like come on



    A 17/100 in Tech class. I did literally NOTHING.



    My History teacher grades everything out of four. So you can either get an A, a B, or a D. No in betweens. So even if the assignment had 5 questions or 10 questions, it was graded out of four. Which means I have my worst grade in that class. My overall is a B+ which isn't that bad, but some assignments, I got D's on because of the grading system.



    im trash at whriting so i have had to have mutiple teachers for my whriting and i am still bad at spellin


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    Storm Anne
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    ican see how your bad at spelling, and also your not trash at writing!! Have you had any interesting dreams? has anything interesting happened to help you spark an idea

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    B- because my parents would have killed me if I got a C+ or lower



    An F because I honestly just suck at math. I’m really good at literature though.


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    You know, kinda same! I HATEmath, but I do ok. Nothing less than a B.


    I got an F (F means fail for those who don't know)because I got distracted. At the time I had a lot going on and wasn't paying attention to my work... But later that year I fixed all of them and got A's, B's, and one C.


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    4 years ago

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    actual grade* 4% it was for like geography social studies or what ever its called in elementary. Idk what for but i know the teacher hated me and did have favorites. oh wait i do remember! i was doing volly ball but she is the coach and gives us so much homework and volley ball is right after school until my bed time and nobody on the team get their homework done very often and when the girls she liked didn't finish she would joke around and didn't yell at them but me with ADD does not finish its yelling and screaming and calling parents and she hates me!



    My schools never did grades until I came to middle school. The lowest grade I ever got was in the dreaded Latin. I loved Latin mythology, but the teacher gave us complicated assignments and expected us to memorise the billion verb endings and declensions and conjugations and stuff, so I obviously hated that. Then he gave us a 6 page double sided quiz with only 45 minutes to complete and I got.... a D-.

    Also, sorry to interrupt, but I just had a big shower thought; 'E' is not part of the grading scale.



    I don't remember getting low grades, but I know my teachers get mad when i rush on tests and they say i should take my time because i could make mistakes (never did) and i would get lower grades (spoiler alert- i was in a special group for people who scored high on a test). I do know my teacher last year said my grades were getting lower.


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    I wanted to major in art history in college because I took an AP art history class in high school and loved it. Unfortunately, one of the requirements for that degree plan was taking several studio art classes. I love to study it, but I have ZERO talent when it comes to making art. We would display our finished projects in front of the class, and everyone else's were really amazing and interesting, and mine... had stick figures. I failed that class hard and switched my major.


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    Front 6th grade until I dropped out I purposely screwed myself over. Well, mostly on purpose. I've said before that my childhood was not the best, school was my only refuge but between my dyslexia, undiagnosed (found out this year) ADHD, and the sheer fact I saw school as my only time to myself, it made my drive not for grades but for time to read or write without having to be on alert.

    How did I do this? I looked at the syllabus, figured out exactly what I needed to do to get the lowest passing grade possible, and then i basically ignored the class except to do exactly the bare minimum. I have a photo of me somewhere openly reading a book in class while it was in session. LOTR during Algebra.

    I had an English teacher in HS who just gave up hounding me because I really didn't seem to care. Mid term comes and I had to write a 10 page original story with 10 pieces of original art work that was worth a lot of points for the class. I did it, handed it in, and went about my reading. I have never seen a teacher more furious in my life than when I came back the next week after she had graded our projects. Oh she was furious at me. I had to stay after class and she slammed my project on her desk and told me she had never seen someone who cared so little hand in what I had.

    What did I write? A 10 page story titled 'What is Reality?', with 10 pages, fully covered and colored, that were like those ink blot test things. Yeah. She made me read it a few of her classes, two of which were honors English classes, where there was a Q&A afterwards. She flat out told me if I applied myself I would have been in Honors courses.

    I dropped out of highschool a couple years later due to a transcript translation issue at an alternative school that would have kept me in it for 3 more years, and a lot of outside school reasons. When I was 24 I handed my transcript to a small town high school, found out three weeks later after they managed to straighten out what the alternative school had done to it that I had enough credits to graduate 2 times but I was missing 1/2 a science credit, 1 English 3 credit, and my state and federal government tests. Less than a month later I had my Hugh School equivalency, got a. Associate degree with almost all A's.

    I'm not the type of person to want to go back and change things in my past because it would change where I'm at now and I love me and my life now. There are sometimes though that I want to book highschool me over the head though.


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    I had C's in all of my classes in 7th grade. I brought all of them up to B's except one. I got in so much trouble that year. next year, (8th grade) I also had all C's but I brought all of them up to B's and A's. This year (9th grade) I'm an all A student and I'm still a dissapointment to myself lol


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    Joanne Haywood
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Nooooo. You cannot think you are a disappointment. Grades are not everything.


    For my final school exam for English Lit., I got got a U! - That means *Ungraded*, like it was even worth failing! :D
    The main part was that we had to write a lengthy diatribe about why Lady Macbeth pushed hubby MacB into killing everyone and their dog. One was supposed to drag on about things like ruthless ambition and so on.
    I wrote "Because Shakespear thought it be a bloody good plot."
    Unfortunately, the examiner didn't appreciate my minimalist, but truthful view...



    I got the equivalent of an F despite A's in most other disciplines because our Physical Ed teacher wanted us to run a number of timed laps during the PE hour but we, the six boys of my high school class, wanted to just play football (soccer) instead. As a protest we agreed to run but we passed the finish line together, hugging, and singing the (Italian) national anthem. Worth it!



    A solid SIXTEEN PERCENT on a MATH DCA!!! It was my first day switching to Differentiated Math. The teacher was terrible. SIXTEEN


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    I got an F because I had a bunch of missing assignments and I didn't turn my homework in on time.


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    My freshman year of high school I had a 70 average (barely passing) in my regents 2 math class for nearly the full year. This was due to starting the year in the advanced class doing fine, got moved to the general class due to a discrepancy a month in, and moved back to the advanced class 2 months after that. But the advanced was (obviously) moving faster, and the teacher liked things written just so, so I spent the rest of the year struggling to relearn things his way while adding new things to the mix. I did pretty good on the state exam, and pulled my grade up to a high C/low B by the end of the year, but it was certainly not as good as it could have been.

    My next worst was in college, working on my bachelors. Had a class on digital circuits, which I knew was going to be hard as I had zero electronics experience to build off of. It was made worse by a professor who dumped over 10 hours of lecture on us in one week (I filled a notebook taking detailed notes), and proceeded to give tests and assignments based on those 10 hours for the rest of the semester - no breaking things up in to learnable chunks. Had a test the week after the videos were made available and barely squeaked out a 65, which was the lowest passing grade. I knew I’d never pass if I depended on the prof, so got a tutor immediately. Thankfully one of my coworkers knew digital circuits insanely well, and had a great approach to helping me learn. He helped me get an A in the class, and I have since managed to forget at least 75% of what I learned.


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    I got an N in gym yesterday. Would prefer to not disclose why.


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    That’s perfectly fine.... although I would definitely love to hear some of the finer details... ;). No pressure tho!


    me and my friend Amelia spend way to much time on bored panda in class


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    Math test... I had 0,5 points of 20 possible.... I guess the 0,5 was because I had written my name on it :-)


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    Sophomore year of High School (grade 10), I had to take an art class that I can't remember the technical name of. It was basically arts and crafts though -- a lot of cutting of paper, gluing things together, and stamps. Not exactly high school material. So I took it upon myself to put my own twist on every last project: Making a box, stamps of angels for the holidays, flip-books of "poetry", things like that. Made a pyramid version of the Puzzle Box from Hellraiser, made the angels wearing street clothes from the early 00's (JNCO jeans, Tripp, things like that), and scrawled Linkin Park lyrics in the book, specifically Runaway's chorus off of Hybrid Theory. Teacher was NOT a fan of my "antics" and I failed the class in a brilliant swan dive. 100% Did Not Complete for the entire semester.

    To sum it up, I bucked so hard at a teacher by doing the *exact projects just not HER way* that I was only counted as having shown up and did not even qualify for a letter grade in the class at all. Guess art isn't subjective, huh?


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    Titas Burinskas
    BoredPanda Staff
    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Art teachers sometimes are the worst offenders for bad grades, they really hate it when someone has a different understanding. Subjectivity goes out through the window in that case.

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    i've got an 18% right now because homework is summative and I just haven't been doing it. simple as that.



    My D-minus because I didn't add a bibliography. Now who takes off 36 points for a bibliography?


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    High Schools and College take plagiarism seriously. So it is super important to include a bibliography to show that you aren't copying something, or using unreliable sources.


    I got a 50% yet all the answers were wrong in very confused I brought it up to my teacher and changed it to a hundred because I was the only honest kid who showed her...it was an honesty test



    I didn't do my homework.



    I got a 8+ out of 10 in Geography. I hadn't studied.

    Yes, I'm a nerd
    No, I'm not kidding


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    ok so because of covid this year when I came back to school I got lazy and had a 44 in math but my grade is going back up and is now a 85


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    I got a zero in Spanish because there was a formal assignment and those are worth more points and I sent in the wrong document which was blank. 🤦


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    I got a E on a math test because i forgot to check my work. It does not help that i hate math.



    One time in 5th grade, we had a test in Social Studies to see if we could remember all 50 states in America. Got an F, my lowest grade to this day. Had to study and re-learn it. When I got it back I had an A.


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    Got a 2/15 in Math high school end exam. So did the whole class. (Best had 3 points) The test was extremely hard and our teacher didn't prepare us enough for those and did always easy assignments. We didn't even do anything with probability calculation and that was one part of the test you could chose. I usually got 10-13 points (B to C) in normal math exams.


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    A C because my math teacher gave us really hard questions.
    She left my school after one year and I have never been happier.


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    This year I had a bunch of like Fs and Cs and Ds in the middle of the semester, but I somehow managed to bring my grades up to As and a few Bs before the grades became final. Phew, I was lucky.


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    U (UK - absolute fail). As I was told by another teacher, my teacher discovered that my father was standing for local government elections for a party my teacher disagreed with, so just before the coursework was to be picked up by the external examiner my teacher shredded my folder containing all my coursework. It was apparently so my father would go crazy at my bad mark and stop campaigning. The examiner was told afterwards, I redid the work in summer and got an A-. My teacher still teaches in the same school, nothing happened to him.



    mythology class in 6th grade because I kept on looking at memes and sharing them with my friends instead of paying attention! (we worked on computers a lot in that class).


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    Joanne Haywood
    Community Member
    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    You young ‘uns and you’re learning by computers. In my day computers were the size of a gym hall! And we were banned from using calculators in Maths.

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    I've gotten some F's because i didn't show up to class or study but once I figured out what I wanted to do for a career I worked hard to make it happen. I got pretty much straight A's for the next 3 years. The lowest grade I got after that was one C. My teacher and I had a disagreement over a test which I felt included material which wasn't in the study material in the first week and he didn't respond to my emails after that.


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    I failed English 10 three times in High School, had to take it in summer school to graduate. Oh, I've spent the last 40 years as a professional writer/columnist and have won multiple Emmy Awards.


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    Maths. Failed CSE Maths 3 times. Eventually had class work assessed and got the lowest grade possible.

    However various jobs involved overtime calculations, totalling up petrol receipts and time sheets - manually. So even if you fail at school it doesn’t mean you’re stupid or thick it just shows that schools don’t teach the right things!


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    I was 7 or 8 at the time this happened. If it had happened today I would have reported it. The class had been set a few sums to calculate. When it was my turn to go to her desk to have the work looked at I got all of them wrong. Mrs **** gave me the slipper for being so stupid. Yes, you Angela. Don’t think for a second I’ve forgiven you. Upset and resentful after 40 odd years? You bet your backside I am.


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    We were given the assignment to write about our "dream wedding". At the time, it was my intention to not get married and I had no dream wedding planned in my mind nor could I come up with one. I did an essay about what my dream life would be like without said wedding in it. I got an F for "failure to comprehend and complete the assignment." That was the only grade below a B- that I ever got on anything.


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    C+ in an AP class, because my parents will disown me if I have a GPA less than 4.0


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    D- I was an outstanding science (and other subjects)student in HS until physics, I had the worst teacher imaginable ..class would begin he would start (writing on the chalk board) "teaching" we were expected to copy his notes and pass hiss testing from them. If (as I did) we had a question or asked for an explanation of a concept his only answer was "re-read it it is self explanatory" which it obviously was not. That mark brought me from head of my class at graduation to only 5th. Many of the test questions were not in the notes or the text book we were expected to extrapolate answers from thin air I guess because I never got an explanation why they were wrong


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    I got a D in calculus 201 in college. It was the second midterm exam and just after the drop deadline so it was going on my transcript and pulling down my GPA - this was my worst grade in college. I blamed it on poor teaching by our TA (it was his first teaching class) and it turns out that most of the students with that TA did poorly. A group of us complained to the dean and he agreed to let us late-drop the class even though it was past the deadline and re-take it. I got an A minus the second time.


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    I was doing my BSW and am horrible at math. I am also very stubborn. My husband was studying economics and is very good at math. I had to take a Stats course and got a D on my first assignment. My families response, obviously you did not get any help on the assignment. I swallowed my pride and my husband guided me through the course. I ended up with an A-. I also have my MSW now.


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    0 because I'm really bad at algebra and my teacher gave us a 4 question test....



    Couple years ago (7th grade year) my teacher gave me an F cause I did poorly on my test. I always asked questions and payed attention although, he never answered some of them or just ignored me. It annoyed me and I have to ask the same question more than once, he got annoyed and then yell sometimes (at the whole class). He always told us he loved his job, but did he cause his attitude wasn't always the best.


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    So this may make me seem like a nerd but, oh well. I am usually an A/B student. One time I got a C on a poem task, and my teacher called a meeting with my parents, and my parents were so pissed. Life of a Hispanic child lol


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    70 because I mixed up east and west


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    Conner Runyon
    Community Member
    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    east west north south southeast southwest northeast northsouth and so on and on


    I got a 50 because my teacher accused me of going to a conference and getting all the answers on a test.



    In art, I drew this shell, it was truly ace. I'm generally unhappy with my work after about a day of working on it, I was so proud of it, but then my stupid teacher scribbled 'need to add shadows to make it realistic'. I was adding shadows while she wrote it. I hate her she's done other things to ppl in my class as well.



    Hold Up. You guys go to School.


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    I got an F in one of my assignments because I turned it in reeeeaaallly late... When I turned in the page (online) I forgot to attach the file. But the teacher only reminded me that i forgot 2 quarters after it happened. .___. . luckily it didnt matter to much because this was before online learning so everyone just got a passing grade. :)


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    I got a zero on an assignment at the beginning of the semester.



    so im a very shy person (i act like im not on here but in real life im extremely shy when like asking questions to people i dont know) and last year i had a teacher that taught retarted math equations i didnt understand and everytime i asked a question she'd ignore me or angrily explain it so i just stopped asking question and i had an F most of the year but somehow i passed


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    The lowest test grade I have gotten is a 75 % which is a C in my school. I have never had any final grade lower than a very very rare B. I have to keep my grades up for college in the next few years.



    Usually a A/B student, I called 2 classes junior year... that was the year my parents split up, divorced and all 3 of my siblings moved out ...I couldn't focus on a class that required my full attention span... Chemistry and Algebra. The following year I got an A in both classes when I was in a better emotional state.


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    I got a D last quarter because anytime there’s literally no school, teachers call it an “independent work day” so they lowered my grade for not doing enough school work on the weekends and days with no school. Like just because we’re at home doesn’t mean we don’t need a break! I can’t even take a few hours off my schoolwork because any reason is just an excuse for being lazy just because we’re at home. I really hate online school, I used to have a 3.8 gpa.


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    3% because I started the timed test and had to go to another online class so I only did one problem and forgot to sign off to stop the timer.


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    I didn’t turn something in so I got a zero. Simple enough (I get what I get but I’m NOT pitching a fit lol)


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    At one point I had a seven in my math class, because I was really bad about not turning in my homework, even though I took the time to complete it and bring it... yeah, “good” times.


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    My lowest grade ever was really low. I was distracted and got a super low grade. I got a B :'(
