The title says it all :)
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I, myself have done a lot of things... drinking a monster energy when i was 8, drinking 2 shot glasses of Jagermeister when i was 12, and then cutting my hair(a random chunk) by myself when i was 7. i was a wild, as well as stupid and defiant kid.(I cut my hair again when i was 8, and i said "I thought you wouldn't be mad if i did it a second time!" yeeeeeah, i'm dumb for that.... OH and dont forget eating a whole box of Marzipan and being hungover on sugar! (which resulted in a sunday morning of keeling over a toilet...)
Ok ok will u know this
So its 6th grade and me and will aka mrderpy dino grabd a fist full of jolly ranchers and we got cought
ay! good times! (suspension wasnt good times though, but we had secret pockets, and we both escaped with one.)
Royals, prime minister, brexit, royals, all of the cabinet bs, royals, all your rubbish oh and did I say royals?
Load More said royals thrice, and i almost forgot brexit was a thing, havent heard that word for a year or two now. but it sounds better than US
Ik I said royals thrice - that was the idea.... uh maybe but we have to hear all about the US so we get to know about both places being messed up lol
I just wish I could go live in an abandoned Missile Silo from the Cold War, and just live in there for 20 years, and then see where civilization has gotten.
whats with you ant these so called "royals" cuz u keep sayin it
She lives in the UK, so Kings and Queens and princes and so and so. prince Henry- blah blah blah.
Poor you! I'd say at least you're not living in Eton mess but I realise how awful you lot have it.
all this politics. all i hear is "president president president, biden biden biden, covid covif covid" (COVID just adds to the list.)
i honestly wish i knew if it would be cheaper to move to Germany or the UK. im sick of america
lol the only way we both knew to do it was... *drumroll* School gmail.
xD yeah, we ended up eating them in our next class.(the teacher was strict as hell, and said to spit them out, se we went to the garbage can, and spit out our coloured spit, big brain time.)
My google account is unusable now, btw. Sssooo if you wanna email me use my new contact details.
oh dang. okay. (idk why i was laughing when i read (account no. 2) )
Yep me Mrderpy dino and doggo froggo are all friends
I bet you would have more followers if you used punctuation, and correct grammar. just saying!
I rubbed a melted candle, medicine, lotion, paint and my dog on the new couch
I also did a fashion show on my birthday ( 4/15) for my hamster....
my family ate him later when he died
bad things to get hurt
roast random people but only if they were in my house
JAM/VIBE to MY WAY OR THE HIGHWAY i'd pick my way
be a BOSS BIC-H like doja cat cuz im bossy but im also a bic-h
chewed on chewing stuf thats not gum
keep chewing my tastles gum for like 4 hrs
try to do the "rEnEgAdE" but always fail cuz i dont even know the dance
look at my poop and pee before i flush and watch it go down
twerk with my grandma but if my mom saw us then we would say we was workin out(twerkin out)but now my dont see us
Well...... i was told not to go by the stairs when we had just moved in to the new house. I jot only went to the stairs, i took my bike androde it down the stairs. I think the words i say after say it all. "Mommy, i should have listened to you!" I was 3 or 4.
so wait, you rode your bike down the stairs, and what happened? did you just fall off and faceplant?
One time i ate my brothers pet lizard when i was 5. He thought it had escaped so i made a fake one and put it in the tank. I also heated up my moms sprite in the microwave when i was 6. i am actually 9 now and i still do not know any better
Derpy Dino, your 31 or 32 points from being top user and im 4 but we still at the bottom but at least we still on the list so good jod Derpy Dino, also love your post U~U
Derpy Dino, your 31 or 32 points from being top user and im 4 but we still at the bottom but at least we still on the list so good jod Derpy Dino, also love your post U~U