Lead, follow, or step aside?


Public schools are a disgrace. I would like to create a competitive atmosphere so that students, many of them minorities, are not left trapped in the red tape. (a) the money attached to the student stays attached to them, whether they go to private, public, or are homeschooled. In order to earn this credit, the student must pass a test. Certain exemptions obviously for the differently-abled. (b) school must be refocused to teach skills students will need in their lives. An economic study should be made to determine what jobs are most needed and start making it easier to fill those shortages. Paid apprenticeships offered to ease the way into career fields with training-intensive demands. (c) early graduation of high school that awards the allotted remaining k-12 money as a bulk payout to use toward a job, a house, a car, or college. This allows the students who are ready to graduate to move on to the next phase and encourages them to do so. It also frees up school resources to focus on the remedial students who require more help, ensuring that those students have a better chance of graduating and finding meaningful jobs and careers


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Ian Bartels
Community Member
4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

As a teacher, I completely agree. I think one of the big problems is politicians telling teachers what they need to teach. Nevermind that we teachers go to a University in order to learn how to teach effectively. It started in the 80''s with nationwide standards and testing. Please, let teachers do their jobs.

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    First order? Deal with COVID-19, after that? Gun laws, no more full automatics, or Semi automatics with more then a 10 round magazine, pistols aren’t too great of a threat, just no extending the magazine on those (none of these apply to police or military). Afterwards, either de-funding the police, or, make a racially based crime (Police brutality, murder, etc etc) have a much harsher then what is commonly given, my next order, finally putting a cap on homophobia, LGBTQ gets full support. I know this isn’t one thing, but there’s so much I would try to do in my first few weeks.



    Be extremely confused, because I live in Canada and did not want to be the president of anything.


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    Free Healthcare. I feel so sorry for Americans going into debt just to afford something that should be a basic human right.

    Oh, and exile trump to the middle of the sahara desert, or antartica.



    i would make everyone have equal rights. everyone in the LGBTQ+ community, all the blacks, or just anyone that is considered less would have equal rights. i really hate how some people are considered less just because they are different. we are all human, we all have feelings. some people can't even go outside without being put down or being considered less. I don't really care if I'm president I just want someone that can understand what it is like to be considered less.


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    Ian Bartels
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    4 years ago

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    What rights do others have that LGBTQ+ and blacks don't have?

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    I'd cut military spending and convert funds to community help programs, and FIFA.



    I'd immediately pass laws supporting LGBT rights. Also, more laws on the rights of animals.



    I would make LGBTQ+ and every race who is being discriminated upon all have equal rights. I would also build 1 Trillion Homeless shelters with every benefit all around the world.



    Regret it I cant talk in public I have no patience and cant take care of a plant so if i had to take care of a whole country (330 million people) bad things will probably happen


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    First COVID-19, but then TEACHERS DESERVE BETTER PAY! Period.


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    Ooh just one, that is a tough one. I would do something about the pandemic first, strict lockdown measures and anyone protesting or people not complying would be fined, put in prison or a temporary iso camp. Don’t need to deal with their selfish bull**** when hundreds of thousands of people are dying and the number is just increasing by the thousands daily. I would then implement universal health care for everyone and more mental health services. I would create numerous homeless hubs across the country to help the homeless become part of the community and making something of themselves. I would stop the rich from getting richer whilst the poor to middle class suffer. And lastly I would dethrone the NRA and I would ban semi and semi automatic weapons across the country, and have stricter gun laws for example gun has to be locked in a safe and bullets in a seperate safe, not allowed to carry a loaded gun around or keep in your car etc. There is more but these are just some of the first steps I would make.


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    Benjamin Raymond
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    you cant legally provide a whole nation lock down that is against the constitution. That decision is up to the states

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    Reverse everything trump did.



    As of right now, I would make the police arrest anyone who is violating the social distancing rules and then invest in science in order to stop the onslaught. Then after that is taken care of, I would make peace with other nations and try to take care of the environment.


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    Benjamin Raymond
    Community Member
    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Can't arrest people for not social distancing do you know how ridiculous that sounds

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    Everyone would have the exact same salary no bonuses so they can do what they have dreamed of doing without having to think about the pay.


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    Vicki Donaldson
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    "stop the motor of the world" - Read Atlas Shrugged to see how that would play out.

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    I would secede the USA from the USA and join Canada



    World peace, banning cigarettes, and animal rights.


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    Ian Bartels
    Community Member
    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    How would you do world peace? I love the idea of banning cigarettes!

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    Well I can never be president but if I could then First change the stupid law that immigrants can’t become president. I’d change is so you have to have lived in the us for 30 years and be citizen for 20. I’ve lived here since six months after birth and am into politics and the well-being of this country but nope i can’t even be Vp. Also equal rights, decreasing pollution, make the public education system better, and so much more!


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    Universal basic income. People are having a tough time under lockdown, lose their jobs, etc. The financial stimulus would help soften that, and also motivate people to stick to lockdown.


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    Ian Bartels
    Community Member
    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I understand the idea of having a basic income, and the idea is good. But, we've seen cities, such as LA, that require a higher minimum wage, and it's been shown to not work. When you raise the minimum wage, prices for everything goes up. LA has basically eliminated the middle class. Unless you're filthy rich, you can't afford a house, you have to rent.

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    fix everything that trump ruined.


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    Ian Bartels
    Community Member
    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    What did he ruin? I didn't vote for Trump, but I'm also curious about what people think.

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    Free healthcare, or push the Green New Deal. none of those things would make it through the senate though.


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    Force Israel to sink or swim on it's own...no more handouts!



    I would give more power back to the states. It's not up to the president to tell the whole country what is right for them. Let individual states decide what is right for themselves.


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    4 years ago

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    I would be a good president. Restore the Constitution. Give power to the States. In my opinion the presidents main job is either to pass bills or to be the Commander in Chief of the military.



    I would encourage lots of culture orientation and make misogynistic behaviours against the law


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