Whether you want to regret it or not, we all did some bizarre things as a kid without a doubt. So what weird thing topped the cake?


I lived in a rural area and put myself in charge of buryimg any animals that got hit by cars. I wanted them to know someone cared about them even in death.

I also sang to trees that looked like sick to help them get strong and healthy



    I hid dimes, pennies etc around gumball machines so other kids could find it and get a gumball.



    I ate an orange without breaking it into pieces or peeling it just to see if I could get my OCD, neat, perfectionist friend to cry.

    SPOILER ALERT: it did make him cry



    When I was little, I loved to read. I would practically devour books, but then afterwards, if I really liked the book, I would swagger around, talking and acting like the main character. Ex: I’d read Harry Potter, and then talk in a positively awful british accent for a week.
    I was an interesting child.



    When I was a young girl of nine or ten I used to sit in the olive tree in front of our house and make up and sing songs so beautiful they would make me cry.



    I would confront kids who bullied my friends, and then take the blame for the fights and wrong things ( I know that this doesn't sound weird yet...just wait) I would proceed to do a growl-off with those kids ( mind you, I was a tom-boy so this didn't ruin any of my pride Whatsoever ). I, of course, always won....and always got in trouble, because I may or may have not screamed at those bullies...to stay away from my friend....


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    You might be my niece, suspended a couple of times for whacking on bullies...I love her :)


    im still 12 but i always bury animals also i have like 5 bobcats and 20 feral cats outside who greet me everyday



    I used to religiously shove jam on toast in the VCR player....



    i used to be scared of bad dreams when i was quite young (as most little kids are) so i would stay awake until i fell asleep and pretend my soft toys could talk and i would act out a scene with my teddies until i got told i had to go to sleep.



    I would sing to the plants in my garden. I also danced. Although by far the weirdest thing might have been the time I was playing a game, and I asked, "Are french fries meat?"



    I used to tell stories to the wall of my room, just random stories but the best parts are always reserved for the bathroom wall while I poop.



    As a contribution to the sixth post, as a kid, I used to eat worms ( because I though that they were the "Earth's Spaghetti"), every single one that I could find. Because I was revolting? Maybe....but I did it. Because one day, when I wasn't hungry, my mum told me how millions of people were living in poverty, and how some didn't have direct food sources, or any food at all! So I just ate every single one, until my mum caught me and stopped me from eating anymore.


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    pei meow
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Worms... do they taste good? I used to be so scared of slimy wriggly things

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    I am still eleven and have a very big fear of paranormal after a scary storytelling year of sleep away summer camp, and the light switch for my basement is at the bottom of the stairs and sometimes I forget to turn on the lights at the top so I turn off the lights and run upstairs as fast as my body will take me. I also do the same Thing when I grab some food we have in storage from our crawl space.



    When I was younger, I would talk to inaminate objects, besides my toys. I would give them little voices, too. I still do this.



    I would make disgusting food from anything I found in the kitchen and make my parents eat it. Also one time I tried to trade my little brother for a piece of gum it didn't go as planned sadly.


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    A lot of parents are awesome and will eat whatever you make them and say it's good

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    That was before I was diagnosed with Asperger’s syndrome but I used to constantly talk about chess or weather when I was in middle school. I also run in circles in apartment yard or parking lot. I still talk about weather to this day, but my interests diversified. Well, I’m planning to go into Ph.D program for atmospheric science or meteorology so that’s still weather obsession. Especially more specifically severe weather.



    Like most of you, I've done some seriously bizarre stuff when I was a kid. Most of them were one-time-thing, though. One of the weirder things that I constantly did was when I was in bed, I imagined I was working in a cave. The wrinkled inside the blankets were the tunnels, the top of the bed was the surface level, and the bottom was the depths (you have to imagine it sideways). I kept going down into "the depths," and unloaded the materials onto the surface. I've also drawn childish factory schematics for varying technologies, including a car and a few robots.


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    Lasagne I
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I can kind of relate, we had to read hatchet in elementary school and i pretended i was sleeping under some trees after a long day of survival and my teddy bear was some random bear cub i found

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    I honestly didn’t do much weird stuff but when I was about 8-9 years old I had a dream and in the dream I went to the toilet. Next minute I wake up to a wet bed, obviously I didn’t just go to the toilet in my dream but in real life too. First and last time that every happened. One other thing I apparently did as a child was eat a millipede. I was only about 2 or 3 but I can imagine it tasted absolutely revolting especially because of the strong smell they have.



    I used to sing 'The Lord's My Shepherd' to a field of cows regularly for hours at a time and they used to come to the fence, flies everywhere and just stand there snorting and sticking the tongues right up their noses.
    One day they had all gone and it wasn't until I was grown up that my older brother told me that the field was part of an abattoir.
    I'm glad I didn't know then - it would've broken my heart.



    Me and my cousin wanted to be stunt men. we used to jump of roofs and out of trees, and jump over small bonfires.


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    Oh boy... I definetly have a few.

    I used to play this game called "Trash Can Fishing" with my friend Annie. We would dig around in the trash cans at school and fish out anything looking particularly delectable, especially chips. No, we did not wash it off.

    I read Harry Potter for the first time in second grade and I loved it!!! ...Buuuuut I was then afraid to go to the bathroom because basalisks. I always checked being the faucets for carvings of snakes.

    3: I layed down on cement becaus It was warm.

    4: One of my favorites: I wore heels to school every day pf third grade. Yes, even during P.E. Never sprained an ankle once

    5: When I was in fourth grade, some sixth grade guys started picking on me. I told them to quit it. They continued to make fun of me. I just smiled innocently and told them, "I hear that the big kids like you are awfully afaid of teachers..." and they just laughed and pointed so I quick marched up to the office. One of them cussed and strted running. The other made somme scrawny excuse. As they turned back to look at me, I waved sweetly at at them and called, "Bye bye!"



    When I was very very small I picked unopened buds off the hydrangea bush in our yard and took them in to my mother to cook for supper because I thought they were broccoli.


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    Kathryn Brooks
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    When I was about six my mum had made a pot of tea and was busying about looking forward to it so I very 'kindly' poured her tea for her but added salt instead of sugar on purpose as an 'experiment' to see what she would do. I still feel guilty but it still makes me laugh - a lot!


    I used to collect snails I found in the garden, put them in a giant glass box as pets. Go to all the neighbours and ask for permission to catch snails in their gardens. I would then cry every time they went missing every morning I woke up. I had no lid for their "home"..


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    Kathryn Brooks
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I did similar with a shoe box. I put a caterpillar called Cynthia in there with a leaf to eat, a worm who's name I can't remember with a lump of soil, a beetle called Wiggawaggar with a daisy and a fly called Christopher with some dog poo to eat. They were all gone the next day too and I thought they'd eaten each other!

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    I use to play an air guitar and i did it for 4 hours and i ate a sandwich at the end



    Whenever I slept, I always wore a heavy blanket, even if it was extremely hot outside. The reason was because I was afraid of aliens biting off my toenails while I slept. I needed to cover my legs.


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    Cat Nip Gal
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Nice, I have to have weight on me while I sleep. Sensory issue I guess.

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    I spent a lot of time playing with chickens. My favourite game was to turn them into stunt chicks. I picked them up and ran around with them for hours, holding their wings closed, to let them experience what it was like to be flying like a stunt plane. I would hold them like that and let them run up the diagonal supports of the fence. So after a couple of days they actually learned to escape, running up the supports, wings flapping. :D



    When I was a little girl, I went on a long car trip with my grandmother and other relatives. I had learned to read recently, and I was showing off my new skill by reading out loud every billboard we passed. After about an hour of this, my grandmother snapped at me: Dont you think you've read enough billboards? We all know you can read.


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    Lynn Gardenhire
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Sorry she was not a little more patient with you. I am an avid reader as well. Actually, my Grandmother was the one who started my reading journey.

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    When I was.about 7, I decided to walk to my mom's friend's house. I got hopelessly lost. I remember being taken home by a police officer. Boy did I get in trouble.


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    A Random Guy
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Reminds me of whenever I went to Walmart, I would get distracted by something cool, lose track of my family, and get lost. Instead of going to a security officer to help me find my family, I walked around for 20 minutes trying to find them.

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    Does trying to eat your own poop as a toddler counts?



    Me and my siblings put on a "play" for my parents. This included banging around on pots and pans, having each other ride on top of us, and wiggling around of our backs like turtles, and spitting and pooping cars. Yeah. We were weird kids.



    When I was 8 I had an Im a celebrity get me out of here birthday party and forced to eat bugs and gross food served by my EVIL brother who was 6 at the time who tried to make my friends to eat urine and then he asked one of my friends to pee in a jar so he could trick me into drinking it


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    I have two... the first one: I used to plug my nose like you would when you jump in water and put my hand up behind my head to make a "fin" and pretend I was a shark... have no idea what was with the plugging of my nose or where I got the idea but 30 + years later I still treat shark week like a personal holiday... and also terrified of sharks... wth??
    The second, not sure how "weird" it is but I get it from my father. I rock in my sleep (yes I wrote that correctly as in present tense because I STILL do it) I broke three cribs as an infant from doing it and still do it. Sucked while dating to try to explain this to people. My husband is awesome he knows that I do it and he also knows that if I do it a lot in a short amount of time (days) that I'm overly stressed. He also knows that IF it wakes him (I found a sound sleeper thank God) all he has to do is touch me ever so slightly and I'll stop. It's weird because I never knew I did it until my teens. I spent the night with a friend and she told me. I went home embarrassed and my dad was like, "Oh you get that from me... I broke beds too." I was like fantastic thank you. lol I've tried everything to not do it, but I can't break it. I've noticed one of my kids do it too. They never broke a crib but still inherited it. I just hope she doesn't get my insomnia as well.


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    Courtney Christelle
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I used to kick in my sleep as a kid. I'd kick the wall and my sister when we had to share a bed. I don't anymore tho.

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    My nephew was attending the Camp Fire Daycare & would religiously get on all 4's growling & barking like a dog. Then Govenor (Texas) Ann Richards visited & he locked teacher in broom closet & turned into a watch dog lunging at anybody trying to rescue taech, growling & biting. That was his last day there.



    I used to dip plain white bread into koolaid! I know it sounds gross but at the time I thought it was great!


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    Courtney Christelle
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I like to dip bread in grape juice... That was the only reason I agreed to go to church with my aunt as a child. Also she would take me to Dairy Queen afterwards.


    My dad was once called the garbage disposal because he would eat everything. I was just like him and would eat out of garbages, go to international markets, and would literally try (almost) everything edible in front of me! I still do some of these things!


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    Created a story about a monster who comes out at night and kidnaps the kids who are still awake.
    The weird thing is that I believed it. I believed the story that I created from my own imagination.


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    I used to take a big hand mirror, hold it horizontal and look into it while walking around the house. I'd pretend I was walking on the ceiling, stepping over the doorways and lights.



    I was about five and I would take my dad’s ashtray and hide behind the living room drapes. Then I'd scrape at the cigarette ash that was ground into the bottom of the ashtray with my fingernail-and eat it!

    Also, at that age I took a wire hangar and held it in front of the wall plug, and then plugged the vacuum in to see what would happen. After the first electrical shock, I never tried THAT again.

    I guess I had a death wish. LOL


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    As a kid I always had to clean up all the dog poop every week before mowing the lawn. I hated this so much! The only way to get through the chore was to imagine they were cities that I, Alexander the Great, was conquering to build my mighte empire! And then I would mow the lawn.


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    Ok here we goooooooo

    Eating ice (this was when I was 13-15, due to an underlying medical condition I had at the time)

    Wishing that I could be like my idols (2014/2016) little did I know I achieved that dream in July 2018

    Give my villagers in animal crossing new leaf weird catchphrases e.g I made Bluebear’s “AAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!” (She has since moved away from my town and I miss her)


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    I would not go into the master bathroom without the light on. Sometimes I would make my mom turn the light on, sometimes I would slide against the door frame and move my hand around until I found the light switch. I still do it.


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    Cat Nip Gal
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I do too, I was afraid of mirrors because I needed glasses and my eyes looked like pits in my head...


    When I was a kid I was REALLY picky. I also had a habit of leaving ONE bite on my plate. I never had a reason and sometimes I would still be hungry after leaving one bite left...


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    Damn, all these cute/sweet submissions and then there's me... The kid who would put cotton buds in his pajama pockets before bed. I have no idea why, so don't bother asking


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    I never believed in santa claus (was super curious, liked surfing the internet and parents allowed me to watch stuff like the walking dead since I was 8) so I would tell the other children that he wasn't real every christmas season and they would all tell me I was wrong........................I told them I would get the last laugh.................by 4th grade I did



    I colored my legs with all the the marker colors making stripes around my legs all the way over my knees. I also poured salt all over my room including in my sisters eyes.


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    When he was ten my friend stuck his face into mud at recess in this mud hole and walked into school showing off his face to all the highschoolers and middleschoolers. Some of them started following us trying to see his face better. It was so funny! Then the teacher got mad and made him wash it off.


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    I would eat paper, lemon/orange peels, and, on one occasion, dirt.



    i made friends with the neighbours dog through the holes in the fence. never got to know the neighbours though


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    ate soap and other stuff people think kids shouldn't eat


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