Hey pandas, please share the saddest moment in your life with your fellow pandas!


the saddest moment of my life when my parents left i was 3 years old and my parents left me and my grandmas house and i'm still here i have had to go thru rape abuse and depression and im only 11.


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Noel Bovae
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4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Oh honey, you've got to get out of there! That's not ok! You do not deserve that. Being anywhere else is better than being at your grandma's house. You need to tell someone, today. Another adult family member;a teacher; a doctor; a friend's parent; ANY adult you can trust. My heart is hurting so much for your. Please tell me you'll talk to someone. If there's anything at all i can do, please let me know.

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    I have had a lot of sadness and a lot of loss but the one that effected me the most was the loss of my beloved dog Bubbles. She was just amazing and was a great comfort for me. She was so loveable and knew when I was down and needed some love, everyone adored her. It has been over 6 years since we lost her and I still miss her. There is a special place in my heart just for her.


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    Billy The Kid
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I felt the same way about my dog patch when he had to be put down due to old age. We still have his ashes on the shelf. We have 2 kittens now but we still miss him. When you have had a pet a long time they become family.

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    losing my grandson 3 weeks before birth. I was totally devastated but my daughter suffered more : (



    The saddest moment in my life was when i had my 2 sibling taken away...we did foster care and became very depressed bullied really bad in 6th grade to the point when i hurt myself i didn't feel pain. and the bullying got worse and worse and i thought i wasn't going to make it out of the year alive to were i would turn 13. then my parent thought we need to go to church to we can get her some new friends and we went to Nappanee well turns out it helped me with my depression iI made a lot of friends and now i'm here living in almost a happy life, and i turned 14 on labor day this year!!!!!!


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    If you want to know what happened this year then upvote this to five or six and ill tell you happened to my dad and me...

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    The saddest moment in my life was when my 4 1/2 month old daughter Marlowe died from SIDS. She was the love of my life. My marriage fell apart shortly thereafter and I ended up having a mental breakdown. Really didn't help when people online began blaming me for her death because I had her vaccinated. The worst part of everything (besides not being able to see my beautiful baby grow into a woman) is that I will never know why she died. Some beings are just too good for this world. I trust that I will see her again one day.



    When I had to put my cat, my best friend, down. He was by my side, almost 24/7, for 15 years. A simple hairball caused him to not eat properly for a few days, which I didn't know, causes serious organ problems. The vets and I did everything possible to save him, but eventually I had to put him on hospice and then had to put him to sleep. It's been 4 years, but I still think about, and miss him, every single day.


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I had the same thing happen when i was six (four years ago) it was extremely hard because she had been with me my whole life . i understand how hard it is

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    The saddest moment in my life was when my mom died. Later, it was when my dad died.


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    Kim Lorton
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I feel you there. Both my parents are gone now and sometimes, my heart still breaks!

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    When I was younger I had severe anxiety. To the point where I could not leave my house without thinking "Everybody I know and love is going to die." I got so sick. I would not leave my home except for school but if I did I felt like I was going to through up. And I did, quite a lot. I got over my anxiety a few years ago and I have never felt happier.



    when my dog died that i had owned for my whole life since i was one yrs old



    when my beloved rat terrier died, i had had her for a year she was like 12 we did everything together in that 1 year but one day i was asking her if she needed to go outside and she wasnt moving and i was getting scared so i went over to her and picked her up and she was as stiff as cardboard, i was 10 years old... 2 years later and i still cry when i think of her, she was an amazing dog. i didnt believe in love until i met her... i hope she was happy with me i loved her so much


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Oh god, I can't imagine how you got through this. I would have needed to go to therapy!

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    My saddest moment was a continuous moment that lasted a year roughly. In chronological order;
    My husband committed suicide while my son and I were in the house with him.
    1 month later my "adopted" neighbor son, whom I was very close to his entire life, died in a car accident
    2 months later my beloved grandmother died unexpectedly. We were like sisters.
    3 months later my sister-in-law's father died.
    3 months later my oldest son was killed by a negligent driver at the age of 29 while on his vacation. His death hit me the hardest.
    2 months later one of my best friend's father died.
    2 months later I almost died in the hospital from loss of blood. I lived but was left with permanent organ injury.
    Same month another very good friend of mine lost her daughter. She grew up with my kids.



    It was many years ago, but I will never forget. My husband kidnapped our 2 year old son and took him out of state where he was living with another woman. He didn't take our older son because the school would not let him. I was working at a low paying job and trying to support the two of us. We had very little money for food, and he cried because he was hungry. I would go to the convenience store and write a hot check to get gas and food, praying that it would not go through before I got my paycheck. My husband and I ended up getting back together and we raised our boys together. I had to do a lot of forgiving.


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    Billy The Kid
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    That must of been very scary for you! He traumatized you and left you to struggle and then you take him back? I hope you are in control.

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    When I first started telling myself, as a child, that I wasn't worth it. Years of self-harming, suicide attempts and being diagnosed with Bipolar, eating disorders, PTSD, OCD and body dysmorphic disorders. I wish I could tell my 'child self' that I was worth it, and I'm a warrior and will battle through anything!


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    Maria Forte
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    4 years ago

    I have been through the same, except I never went to a doctor about it and was never diagnosed with anything. In my case, it was more caused by parental divorce in the same year I started going through puberty and my first hormonal mood swings, which made the divorce situation feel like the end of the world literally, for roughly five years.

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    umm, mine seems a little minor next to all of these, but we've had so many cat deaths in our family, and they have died painfully, but this one was actually my cat in my grandma's house. My cat (oreo) died last year January, so it's been a little over a year since. We found her in Pakistan, and I guess we "unofficially" adopted her. My mom and aunts wanted to get her spayed, so she wouldn't be like another cat we had (who also died [she got run over apparently]). I said to leave her alone, and all of my cousin's. And they were like okay. But then went I came back to America, my mom and sister went again in December (we found her in the summer, around July-August). I didn't know what happened. My mom comes back, and she doesn't say anything, she acts normal. But my sister (she was 5-6 at the time), she kept trying to tell me something, but my mom was like "SHHHH, DON'T SAY ANYTHING!" and I was like "wut?". Fast forward like 3 weeks, we're at the beginning of Feb, my birthday coming up. We were chilling at our family freidn's house, and my mom drops the bomb. "Oreo died" "What?" "I'm sorry, I didn't tell you, but we tried to get her spayed, and the vet wasn't qualified, and she lasted 3 days in severe pain before she died. Sorry" My mom said with tears in her eyes. It was at that moment I cried like I had nerve cried before. I cried my eyeballs outright at there house. But then I was like, at least, at least she's not in pain anymore. Until now, I can't shake the feeling that if I had never found her, she probably would've still been alive.


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    It's not your fault, it's the vet's fault. If the statue of limitations has not expired, sue him for malpractice!

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    When I found out my brother died when I was at school.

    It was from a car crash. A driver purposely rammed his car.

    He was only 17.


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    purposely??? WHY could ANYONE do that? did the driver get jailed? and now i am more sad from reading the saddest moments.

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    My saddest time was when I lost a beloved uncle suddenly and then both of my dogs died, all within an 18 month period. It just felt like one thing after another which culminated in losing my job - which I had worked and trained hard for - indirectly due to my depression diagnosis.


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    Billy The Kid
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Sorry for the loss. As for the job, couldn't you of asked for special leave considering the circumstances ?

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    Probably waking up and coming down stairs to have my mom explained to me my stepmom died two days ago and they didn't want to tell me because they wanted me to have a happy birthday. I was 15 at the time.

    Then on my 16 birthday carrying out my dad from the pet adopting center, because he was so sicken with grief he couldn't even get up from the floor, he just cried and screamed.



    I thought mine was the five years where i lost 12 persons in my life, the first one was my father, then my grand-mother, then a fistfull of friends. Bad years, i call them the dark ages. Now, i take my s*** together and make my way. But today, few hours ago, i was with my boyfriend and got a call : 'cause i can't pay electricity bill, they gonna cut it tomorrow. "We gonna s***t in the dark and take cold showers ? Naah. I'm getting back to my place" (student flat - 9m2 and a fridge). Ok. Before thinking of a solution together, he chose his own comfort, started to pack things and left me speechless and deeply sad.


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    Joanne Hudson
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    You don't need that selfish piece of garbage. Rise above it. Be strong.

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    Noel Bovae 2 hours ago
    Oh honey, you've got to get out of there! That's not ok! You do not deserve that. Being anywhere else is better than being at your grandma's house. You need to tell someone, today. Another adult family member;a teacher; a doctor; a friend's parent; ANY adult you can trust. My heart is hurting so much for your. Please tell me you'll talk to someone. If there's anything at all i can do, please let me know everyone this is one of the kindest person i have meet no one have ever cared about me not even my mom or dad so plz show this person some love



    the saddest moment in my life was when i was 7 my dad was acting really different one night and me and my mom had to be in one room but something happened with his health or something i don't remember clearly but i had to run away because my dad knocked door down my mom called the cops because he was chasing after me and i ended up getting a big scar on my knee because he was chasing after me because tripped after that he had to go to the hospital and my mom was hurt


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    Pat Massie
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Sorry you had to go through that. Trying talking to your mum about it.it might become easier when you can understand what was wrong with your dad. I hope so anyway.


    I knew something was wrong in my heart but it didn't prepare me. I found my daughter after she had been murdered and left in her home. I still see her body if I don't consciously replace the image with one of her alive and beautiful.


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    So sorry you went through such a horrific experience. Wishing you only the best memories into the future <3

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    Being verbally abused for three years by my dad(it’s over now though and we’re rebuilding our relatuonship)


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    im very sorry you had to go through that cami, your name makes me cry because i had a dog that passed away a few weeks ago, but anyway i hope for a happy future for you and your father


    I was 6 months pregnant with my 1st child. My grandfather whom i was extremely close with had choked on a piece of food about a week before, we thought he was ok and it had cleared on its own. We were wrong. He woke up one morning and had a hard time breathing, eventually growing worse. I got a call from my father to quickly come over as my grandfather was in trouble. My husband & I rushed over and as we rounded the corner, we see ambulance & 2 firetrucks in front of the house. I ran inside only to be confronted by the sight of my grandfather lying on the living room floor and 3 paramedics working on him. I froze. My husband quickly ushered me out of the room and we waited for what seemed like an eternity. A paramedic walked up and said quietly that they were very sorry but they did all that they could and he was gone. The sound my father made, is a sound that I will never ever forget. It was deep, guttural and heartwrenching. I couldn't even cry at the time, i was so shocked.

    All the grand kids knew that I had always been grandpa's favorite...and i mourned that my son never got a chance to meet his great grandfather. How much he would have adored & loved my son. Losing him the way we did, just 3 months shy of when my son arrived...saddest moment of my life.


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    that is so sad and I so sorry for your loss. I never met my grandmother Lily, but she died a little under a year before I was born and my family says that we were exactly alike and they say that her spirit lives in me, and sometimes that is really comforting.


    Mine was when my girlfriend moved away, it's been over a year since we've seen each other, and when I learned how she was abused and was suicidal but the only thing that kept her from it was me. I feel like I'm not good enough for her. I wish I was a better girlfriend.



    When I realized my "condition" wouldn't be helped with medications. Living with Borderline Personality Disorder is the hardest thing in the worldx. Not just for me, but for my family and friends too. Thankfully I have a great support system, but I always just wish I had a normal brain that didn't lead me on an emotional rollercoaster constantly.


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    Roadkill The Brave
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I'm glad you have a support system in place. It may be a ride but when you start to embrace it things will get a bit better. There is no such thing as 'Normal' darlin' you've just got a path with way more hills and valleys than others. There's still so much about the brain that we don't know and you need to find your normal, not someone else's.

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    when I was 11, My grandma's dog, Bobo passed away. he was a very old and lovely dog, and I cried a lot when I found out he. I loved him so much, and I still miss him.


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    My family found out there was a genetic disease in our family on my mom's biological Dad's side. He left when my Mom was 13 and no one knew it was in the family. By the time they found out all of them had children, grandchildren, and a couple had great grandchildren. My mom is the youngest of 6, and 5 of them tested positive for the gene.

    I told my mom I'd take care of her and I did until I couldn't anymore. She was getting to bad and I was taking care of my grandparents at the time too. I had to put her in a nursing home when she was 56. She's doing a lot better since they've gotten her meds stabilized. I used to go get her every other weekend because she can have 12 overnights in a 6 month period so it works out, but I haven't seen her since March. They locked down the nursing home to keep Covid out. They're one of the few nursing homes in my state that doesn't have Covid in it.

    I tested positive for the same gene that causes the disease in 2012. I'm not active yet but I already know what's going to kill me barring some accident. 2 of my Uncle's have already died because of it.

    Out of all the stuff I've been through in my life, and it's a lot, this is the saddest thing. There's no cure, there's newer hope for slowing progression that's come out recently. This disease kills your brain, it's the worst of Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, with some ALS thrown in, mixed in a blender, and slowed down to a progression that can last 20 years. There is so much more, that's just a way I can explain it to people who don't know it. It slowly takes away everything you are until you're gone.

    I'm not afraid of dying. Quite frankly I'm not afraid of death at all and that might shock some people but I've danced with death my entire life, quite frankly I'm shocked I haven't died yet considering some of the stuff I've survived growing up. I don't want to die but when my time comes I'm going to embrace it. I'm afraid of losing myself over anything else. I've worked hard on myself and I know that one day I'm going to become someone that others won't recognize because of this disease.


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    death is just another stage of life and you will brave it through

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    I have many many such moments in my life but if I'd have to pin down the top 3 it would come to:
    - finding my father dead on the couch when I was 5 and then having to listen to his relatives, who started the funeral without my mum and I, saying that I didn't care that he died bcs I didn't cry at the funeral - just to abandon my mum and I as soon as the funeral things were over... never heard from or saw any of them again... was almost 30 yrs ago.
    - When my first dog had her puppies - the ultrasound only showed 4, 7 were born, 1 already dead with an open belly, 3 more died bcs the vet messed up something and they got infected with herpes - one of them in my arms... shivering, shaking, whining so loud and I couldn't do anything to help her... still tears me up
    - When of the remaining 3 dogs, my dog (who was like my baby to me) died in horrible pain and among strangers in the vet-hospital. She got treated there bcs someone put poisoned food outside where a lot of dogs go for a walk and she ate a bit of it. It damaged her pancreas and she almost died, but she pulled thru, after 2 blood-tranfusions and 2 weeks in the hospital they said she was fine, but they wanted to keep her for one more night, just to make sure. She wanted to come with me that day, after visiting hours, and she was well and wagging her tail, and I looked at her and said "just one more night my love, just a few hours and I will be back for you first thing in the morning". I will never forget the look that she gave me as I walked out the door. I stayed up all night, til 07:20, dreading the call, praying she'd be alright. But then i got very tired (since I had barely slept for 2 weeks) and wanted to sleep a bit so I would be ok to drive to the vet-hospital at 08:00... at 07:40 came the call... I had to decide if they should put her down or let her suffer for longer cause she couldn't breath anymore and they tried to help her for the past 20 mins... I asked how long she would make it and they said max 5 mins... I needed 15 to the hospital if i had no traffic... so i didn't want her to suffer needlessly... She was still warm when I arrived... and I will never forgive myself for stopping praying and going to sleep, for leaving her there and telling them to not let her suffer longer, bcs as it turns out the autopsy revealed there was nothing wrong with her airways or anything... so until today I don't know why she had to die...and am haunted by the thoughts of her suffering and how scared she must have been going through all that alone, among strangers... It was 4 years ago and it really really broke me, I still cry when I think of her and I just hope so much she knows I loved her more than my life and that I am so soo sorry for leaving her there, not being there...


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    4 years ago

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    When my brother said to me, multiple times, "You are a burden on our family!" Made my depression worse and I even considered 'lifting that burden permanently'. Luckily though, new meds and support from others like my family, friends, and people like you guys has really helped me.



    The saddest day of my life is when I was 3 months old and my father died. I obviously don't remember it but it effects me even at the age of 47.



    All my dad ever wanted was to walk me down the aisle at my wedding. All my mom ever wanted was to see me become a mom and to be able to spoil my child. Unfortunately neither one of them got what they wanted. They both passed away within 48 hours of each other, completely unrelated causes, in 2014. My hurt hearts even more when I really think about it because my wedding was 3 months later and then 2 months after getting married, I found out I was pregnant (ended up having a miscarriage).



    I have a few (all of these happened a few years ago):
    My grandpa dying
    One of my cousins dying
    Our last four cats euthanized
    One of my uncles dying
    My parents divorcing


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    Two of the worst things I’ve ever been through involved the deaths of my grandpas on each side of my family. One had Alzheimer’s and we watched him fade away right before our eyes. When he passed, I went into a really deep depression. To see someone who would go from proudly holding up family photos to being unable to recognize anyone was heartbreaking.
    Me and my siblings were always really close with our other grandpa. He was absolutely the greatest person I’ve ever known in my life. He was 85, still driving and living on his own when he was diagnosed with leukemia. I live with anxiety, and always dreaded the day we would get a phone call saying that he died. To see him go from being independent to hooked to an oxygen machine within the span of a few short months was so sad. He was always so independent. Me and my family were there next to him when he passed. I don’t think I’ve ever taken the time to grieve and heal from the loss because it happened so fast and I was focused on my last semester of college. I miss him every single day, and I live really lucky knowing just how much he loves us. I’m crying right now writing this omg. Anyway, hug the people you love in your life and don’t be afraid to let them know how much you love them because you never know what life may bring.


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    See Also on Bored Panda

    the saddest momento of my life so far has been the death of my grandfather 6 years ago.
    He was my only father figure, because my father worked full time and wasn't at home most of the time and when he was he didn't interact very much with me as my grandfather by my mother's side.
    That day of july was the saddest one for me, I remember vividly every moment, every action I and others in the family did.
    At least I got the time to tell him I loved him a few days prior.


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    Earlier this year, before COVID, my Poppy passed away. I was at my friends house when it happened and I was so devastated and sad that I didn’t say goodbye. To top things off my Nanna’s old dog Tessie, who the whole family loved and who was always Poppy’s favourite passed away of old age.


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    And I got food poisoning at the funeral and missed a ton of school which didn’t help my anxiety


    Well i don't really know if this counts as a moment, but. It does make me pretty sad. I have a lot of insecurities, I just feel like I wanna be somebody else. I never opened up to people I know in person about it. I keep it a secret. I'm 12 years old, the insecurities started when I was 10. I always try to act like I'm okay with myself around people, but it's really hard to do it. And dear, reader: please don't ever feel like I do, it's not a good feeling to experience. And somebody will love you as you are, I try to tell myself this, it doesn't work, but I hope it would work for you, please stay strong and just be yourself, you're perfect just the way you are.


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Thank you for sharing. I hope you have people in your life who do love you as you are.





    My saddest moment was when i found out my grandpa died at 9/11. I never got to see him.


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    I have realized. All the sad moments are when someone has left the world to a better place. I agree. I recall coming home from school, and finding my bird, who I had for only 3 days dead. AHHH, I CAN’T CONTINUE. 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


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    Death of my mum.


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    My Nana adopted and raised me from a young age. My Nana was my Hero! She was, still is actually, the woman I want to grow up to be. She fought and won skin cancer for years but as I got older her health got pretty bad. She had a stroke that left her paralyzed, got dementia/alzheimers and eventually lost her young, spanking self. It was the hardest thing to watch her decrease with life over the years. Due to her lose of memory she was no longer in a good state for surgeries and eventually passed from the cancer over taking in 2015.
    Although I was her caregiver for 10+ years (I was 13-14 and nobody else could "handle" it when I started), I still feel like I didn't do enough for her after every she did for me.


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    Kim Lorton
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    You did! You gave your all! Shame on the rest of the family for leaving a child to do what they should have and could have done for your gran!

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    My best friend left 3 years ago to go to Florida, and she came to our first day of band camp to go to lunch with us and say goodbye, and one minute she was there, standing by the fence, and the next time I looked, she was gone. I haven't been the same since. For the past 3 years since she left, I have been struggling with self-love and depression, but I am starting to get better. I guess.


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    Kim Lorton
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Find someone you trust to talk to and maybe thing of going to therapy. Its not bad to do that. It does belp.


    When my grandma died a day after we buried her husband. I made the call to take her off oxygen since it was only prolonging the inevitable. I spent the last 2 weeks of their lives taking care of them because my mom and uncle were both too far away. My heart hurts every day.


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    when we put my 12-year-old dog down, because of his lyme disease, ehrlichia, and pancreatitis. we buried him in his favorite spot in the yard, under a flowering tree.


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I can not imagine the pain of losing a dog, that must have been awful...


    The saddest moment of my life was when I found a love letter in my husband's wallet while grabbing a credit card. We'd been married 25 years and he had been having a year long affair.


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    My saddest moment was I realised no body from my ethnic community wanted to marry me because I was a divorced lady that is over 30 with a child


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    Joanne Hudson
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Live your life as if the perfect partner is around the next corner thinking no one wants to marry HIM for whatever reason. And maybe someone from outside your community will be charmed by you and approach. Keep an open mind.

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    The saddest moment in my life was the day after my eighth birthday when my godmother (or something alike to that) died of a heart attack. Before she died, me and a lot of other kids (including my sisters) stayed almost every weekend with her. It was the worst birthday present ever. 😢



    The saddest moment on my life was when I found out how my siblings really think about me and how they trash-talk and lie about me behind my back and to see, after she found out about, my mother crying about that at the age of 86.


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    Kim Lorton
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    They are not worth the time of day! Reassure your mom yo are fine and will be fine. Kick your siblings to the curb, they don’t deserve you or your mom

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    The saddest moment of my life was when I lost my underwear at the beach and my older brother had to find them. WELP, more embarrassing than sad, but I was like, 5 years old.


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    not me, but a friend had a similar experience. She somehow lost the bottom half of her two piece as she was going down the slide, and the lifeguard (male) had to go find it... needless to say, she wears one pices now. All the time.


    When my dog Grissom Died in my arms.


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    A family friend who was only about 2 years died from leukemia :(


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    When the love of my life for 14 years died just over two years after we married. Even after 17 years and an even happier 15-year marriage, it still stings sometimes.


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    We could have had sad times during the WWII, but we faced the days, regardless of the fact that they were days of uncertainty and danger. We faced those days gritting our teeth, entertaining the thought that, this too shall pass. We felt that the Lord was with us, we prayed to Him every day without fail. Almost like magic, the WW ended as if in the blink of an eye. We knew too well things happened with the Lords Divine Power. The WW ended with the dropping of the atomic bombs on Nagasaki and Hiroshima. Let me say God was not happy with what happened in Pearl Harbor, equivalent to "back stabbing" that killed a large number of US soldiers still sleeping in the we hours of the morning, when the other party gave the command. That was in spite of President Roosevelt's hope and wish for negotiations. The Lord's Divine Power worked that ended in victory for the US.


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    There's been a lot of tragedy in my life, but the saddest moment by far was telling my then 10 year old daughter, completely out of the blue, her father was dead.


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    When my beloved Brother in law unexpectedly took his own life.... leaving my sister with 4 kids and a forever broken heart. They were best friends and married for 10 years. We had no idea he was suffering from depression that badly. my sister called me to go talk to him, (after a text he sent her saying he will take his own life) while she quickly drove home to him... he had been heavily drinking ( which he never did) he hide from me, i never seen him. and i regret leaving him there, because a few hours after i left, he took his own life. My sister seen everything.
    The next week her LDS landlord told her she has to leave their house, even thought she signed a 3 year lease... landlord didn't care though. Her religion was more important then compassion.
    My sister lived in a dumpy tailor for 2 years, she is currently renting a house and awaiting her new house to be built. she is the strongest person i know. its been 3 years, and we are all still broken hearted and deeply saddened by his death, and i am reminded of it evetime, i look at my nieces teary eyes. he was strong glue that held and united our families together. We are stronger then ever because we know he would have wanted us all to be.


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    My grandpa died when I was 9. He was only 67. My other grandpa died before I was born so he was my ‘only’ grandpa. It was on December 12, 2015. He and my grandma were at my house for my younger sister’s baptism. We had just moved into this house 3 months earlier. At about 8:30, Grandpa came up the unfinished basement stairs, as they were staying in the basement, and said ‘good morning’. This was the first time I saw him this visit because he had arrived the night before when I was sleeping. I remember the last words he said to me. I was having tech issues on the computer and was wondering g if I should quit a application on a computer. He walked up and said. “Don’t quit it! Come give me a hug” I hugged him and returned to the living room. He had to go downstairs and get ready, and was carrying some things in his hand. He went down the stairs. I heard the loudest crash I have ever heard. It still haunts me. My mom, his daughter, called down to him. She didn’t get a response, and started running down the stairs and shouting “Dad, Dad!” He had fallen down the unfinished stairs and was unconscious. Apparently there was blood everywhere, but he was still breathing. My grandma called 911. I went to my room, because I didn’t want to be there when the ambulance came. They took him in a helicopter to a hospital about 30 min away. My mom, dad, and grandma went to the hospital later. I went to a friends house with my siblings. It was hard to eat because my stomach was so queasy. I hoped he would make it but was unsure. At about 3:30, my friend’s dad got a call, and I heard him walk out the door, saying, “I’m so sorry!”. My stomach sank. I didn’t know anything else. But still prayed he would be ok. At about 5:00, my sisters and I went home. My mom and dad were there and called us to the living room. They said, “Grandpa died.” We all cried for a long time. My cousins came after they heard about the accident, but were too late. They stayed with us for a day, but then went back to Ohio (where they and my grandparents live). My mom went back to Ohio with my grandma. We went a week later for the funeral. The following year was hard. Especially for my mom. It was hard to see her struggling. It has been 5 years. We are better now, but still missing a part of our family.


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    When I realize how universally animals are abused. And allowed to be abused. Many are smarter than people within their own environment. Human children as well as animal children are abused.


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    Isabella R.W.
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    yea, it's sad how abuse is everywhere and happens to so many creatures. We all need to be wary of animal abusers, child abusers, spouse abusers. Hell, all kinds of abusers.

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    Several events added up to becoming the saddest moments in my life. First, after my 4th surgery, including chemo and radiation for brain cancer, I found out via MRI that it was already growing again after everything I went through. Second, a few month later, my grandma, who was my mother for many years, passed away. Third, a few months after that, my golden retriever suddenly passed away. Both she and my grandma had helped me through so much...I just didn't (and sometimes still don't) think I could ever survive without them. At least the cancer's under control, I'm considered cured after 5 years of clear MRI's


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    My husband, not used to being given something for nothing in his life before me,
    Hirt my fathers’ feelings when he told him
    He really didn’t have to give him a tool set up bench, it was unnecessary. The look on my fathers’ face, made me cry! My father has 4 daughters, and looked forward to son in laws he could do things with. Had to have a talk with the huns about my dad wanting to do this or whatever out of the goodness of his heart and to help us. To his immense credit, after this, he always only said thank you and it’s great whatever my father gave us!


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    So in the beginning of february my dad had quadruple bypass heart surgery when i was 13 I wasnt that scared, but I realized that it was a big deal if he has complications he dies and ill never see him again...his surgery day was on valentines day but then we realized my grandma die the hour before his surgery, and it was his mom. I thought oh...that's sad but then i realized i will never see her again and i will never hear her say I love you or Im so proud of you...and then that's when i became really sad...plus my dad was supper sad, lets not forget all the medical bills he had and the pressure my mom had working for a job that only pays her like 9.50$ an hr we were all stressed. Now he is back home and healing my mom is doing better found a good job R.I.P grandma.


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    I met my dog, Squiggy, in 2011. He was chained to a tree in a backyard in Georgia and was rescued. I was only set to foster him, but we fell in love and we couldn't let go of each other. Over the next few months, he would wake up in the middle of the night snarling inches from my face because I'd jostled the bed and he thought he was back tied to the tree and being trapped by an animal. He'd been attacked and had scars all over his little back. After a time, he would learn to breathe easier with me and he became a therapy dog for me.

    In August of 2018, he stopped eating and we found out it was a particularly aggressive form of lymphoma. I spared no expense up to the point where he let me know it was time. Unfortunately, it was time on my birthday in late September. We stayed one more night snuggled up together and the next morning, I took him to find his peace.

    I didn't realize how much I needed him until he wasn't there anymore. I had a broken heart for well over a year. Every time my heart breaks, it seems to last longer and longer. His was my most recent and my most painful thus far.


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    *sigh*, The Yellow Teletubby
    Community Member
    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    my heart goes out to you. I have a dog that I became close to in pretty much the exact same way; she was traumatized as a puppy, and we were set to foster her, but she bonded to me because of what I assume was a shared fear/trauma, and she can't leave our care now. I'm absolutely dreading having to take her to begin her walk to the rainbow bridge, because she is extremely protective of me, but also extremely anxious around people outside our family, and especially men. If the vet is a man, she will be extremely stressed out, and I feel like she is going to bite the vet or something, and my fear is that she would pass of extreme stress and anxiety levels and not the aliven't juice. I hope that she will pass at home, when she feels most comfortable, instead of in pain and uncomfortable and scared of everything around her. She's done so much for me over the 4 years we've had her, including saving me from kms a couple times, and I know I've done so much for her that I can't bear the

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    I am so sad and angry how human beings treat each other! It breaks my heart. There is no need
    and so many have lost so much. My heart and love and prayers go out to you all!


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    Dr patrick tample
    Community Member
    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    My name is Denial Edward, I want to thank Dr. Patrick who cast a SPELL that helped my family win a court case that would have sentenced my brother for life, who was charged with murder. My family and I are totally grateful. You can also contact him if you have a similar challenge on the email: drpatrickspelltample2001@gmail.com, he also cast a spell to win the lottery, get your ex-lover back, promotion spell, luck spell, coronavirus COVID 19, hiv cure / AIDS, cancer, spell to have children, etc.

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    When my grandpa (pop) died and then my riding instructor sold the horse I was riding.


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