It's natural to feel a little put off or lose one's appetite when the food we are presented with doesn't smell particularly appealing or fresh. Although not as finicky, our ancestors did the same and used smell to determine whether food was safe and suitable for consumption. If it doesn't smell rotten—then it's good to go. No rocket science here.

The smell and look of food helps us decide what's safe to put in our mouths and what's not. However, food is not the only area where scent matters. And as we've come to realize, some in more brutal ways than others, not all that smells good tastes accordingly. And many of the good-smelling things are not even edible. Many have heard the riddle asking what tastes better than it smells (FYI, the answer is tongue), but what about things that smell good but taste bad? That's a different spin on the riddle! However, it's not so much of a mystery when you realize how many things that smell nice taste rather awful. In fact, they shouldn't be put in one's mouth at all. Interested in what smells better than it tastes, user Muntszy of the AskReddit community asked fellow Redditors to name more things that smell good but taste—not so. Unsurprisingly, many of the things people listed were not supposed to be eaten (at least not by humans). 

Below, we've compiled some of the most spot-on or simply funny replies people left in the thread. As always, we invite you to upvote the entries you liked or can agree with. Also, do you know of more things that smell better than they taste which haven't been mentioned? If so, let us know in the comments!


Person putting Vanilla extract in to the cream m00kiiprinxess said:
"Vanilla extract."

Sailor_Chibi replied:
"So glad this is near the top. I once made the mistake of giving into temptation and tasted vanilla extract. That’s a mistake you only make once."

m00kiiprinxess Report

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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

how does it taste like? my impulsivity is kicking in and i may or may not try doing this later

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    Cocoa powder in a metal spoon PmMeYourTattoo said:
    "Cocoa powder."

    ClutchingMyTinkle replied:
    "Unsweetened cocoa powder."

    guy_who_likes_coffee replied:
    "I distinctly remember my older sister begging my mom to let her eat some of the (still unsweetened) chocolate stuff my mom was making... and then I remember my sister washing her mouth out under the sink cuz it turned out mom was right and she very much did not like it."

    PmMeYourTattoo Report

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    Louie Peter Way
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    turns out that raw produce which was plucked from the ground and ground up does not taste good

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    Five people drinking a cup of coffee Sighwtfman said:

    I know billions and billions of people like the stuff.

    If it tasted the way it smells I would too. Love the smell.

    The taste? Awful. Unless I put enough cream and sugar that it's basically a milkshake."

    TheShoot141 replied:
    "I like drinking coffee. It smells way better than it tastes."

    Sighwtfman Report

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    Vedette Aecus
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    So happy to finally find this on the list. Coffee smells divine. Diedrichs used to have coffee that tasted as good as it smelled, until they were bought out by Starbucks, who has the worst coffee ever brewed. Yes, it's got to be dressed up as liquid candy to choke it down.

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    Perfume bottle with a branch and a blossom dash47 said:

    User No 2 replied:
    "When I was little, I saw Pepé Le Pew spray something that looked like a fancy perfume into his mouth tryna get a smooch for that foxy cat or whatever he was always after. My mother had a similar-looking bottle and so I obviously had to try it.

    Sometimes making a mistake once is enough."

    dash47 Report

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    i went to a fancy store a while ago and i was spritzing the tester perfumes around to see how they smell like. accidentally spritzed it in my mouth lol

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    Scotch Whiskey in a glass "Scotch. Always smells delicious. Often tastes like bandaids."

    bbear122 replied:
    "Bandaids is a new one. I usually think of old carpet or books when I drink scotch."

    Kinky_mofo Report

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    The thing is that even when you read the description it already sounds less desirable. They say stuff like: a nice, rich body of dark fruit and leather with a hint of moss and wet earth and tones of smoke. Om my. Sounds like a dog would describe a musty old boot

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    Rotisserie chicken on a table with cutlery "The rotisserie chickens are sold in the front of supermarkets. They taste fine, but they smell amazing. I'm not sure anything tastes as good as those things smell." Report

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    The Doom Song
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    About 90% of my customers walk into my shop with a cooked chook and my God sometimes I feel like crash tackling them for that chook

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    Pair of leather boots on the ground "Leather/new shoes."

    sushisay replied:
    "My dog would disagree."

    Eh_okay Report


    Multiple garlic's on a wooden table "Uncooked minced garlic."

    EclipsaLuna replied:
    "Fun story, my sister realized she had Covid one morning when she woke up and couldn’t smell or taste her coffee. So she decided to try out items in her spice cabinet and see how far she could take it. For the final test, she ate a whole tablespoon of raw minced garlic. Nothing.

    She then got to tell the story when the doctor asked her why she thought she might have Covid. The doctor had a good laugh." Report

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    Laura Lett
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I like garlic so much. When I was a child, I would pull it up out of the ground. And eat it, roots, dirt and all. Good times!! LMAO!!!

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    Sliced up Dragonfruit on a table Melisandre-Sedai said:
    "Dragonfruit. They smell heavenly, then taste like a solidified La Croix."

    Jmersh replied:
    "They really are a very mild flavor, but if you've had them in the US, you have probably eaten a not-quite-ripe and not-freshly-picked fruit. They don't travel well once they're really ripe.

    When they're fully ripe and just picked off the cactus, they are sweeter and/or more sour. I think they taste like a ripe pear with a little sourness like kiwi fruit. If you can find them in Central America or Mexico, I'd recommend it. Very good, but the further you get North, the worse quality you'll find."

    Melisandre-Sedai Report

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    when i was visiting my grandma in california, she had a friend that has dragonfruit plants, and let me tell you, THEY ARE AMAZING!!!!!!!!!

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    oohanonymousperson said:
    "My strawberry shortcake doll that I had when I was a kid. Turns out her hair doesn’t actually taste like strawberry. Just plastic…"

    geegeeallin replied:
    "I wish I had one of those old strawberry shortcake dolls to smell right now. The memories would be intense."

    oohanonymousperson Report


    Green tea in a small teapot FriskyKittenPaws said:
    "Snazzy flavored herbal teas."

    pamwhit replied:
    "Every time. “Oh, I bet this one will taste good!” Nope."

    FriskyKittenPaws Report

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    Person splitting a cookie in half silksalmon said:
    "Every grocery store bakery's chocolate chip cookies."

    Fragrant_Penalty_ replied:
    "They’re always too doughy and sweet, it’s an insult to cookie connoisseurs."

    silksalmon Report

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    A lot of places use one base dough that is sugary and bland. I'm always fooled until I bite into it and it is just sugary cardboard - yuck

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    Four different Scented markers on a piece of paper paulfromatlanta said:
    "Scented markers."

    BTW_The_Names_Marcus replied:
    "I don’t know, that grape marker looks pretty tasty…"

    paulfromatlanta Report

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Going in for a good whiff of those markers only for your brother to intentionally whack it so you get a purple mustache. Ah, memories.

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    Bouquet of roses in a glass vase 2kRandy said:

    earthdweller11 replied:
    "I love rose tea. Taste like nothing but hot water but there IS a mild floral nice taste. Basically, I just love the heavenly smell mostly though. Also love jasmine green tea for the same reason."

    2kRandy Report


    Opened old book Maso_TGN said:
    "Old books."

    nicetriangle replied:
    "Supposedly one of the chemicals produced by books/paper aging is in the same neighborhood as one of the main compounds in vanilla."

    Maso_TGN Report


    Man and a woman watching a movie and eating popcorn "Movie theatre popcorn."

    Impossible_Town984 replied:
    "I eat handfuls of it hoping it will taste as good as it smells. It never does." Report

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Not in my experience. The last popcorn I've eaten in the cinema was freshly made in their machine, still warm and caramelised. It was heavenly. But I live in Germany and I must admit the first time I ate popcorn in the USA I was a bit shocked. It was in no way tasting anything alike.

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    Multiple cinnamon sticks Prank_Owl said:

    sonic_silence replied:
    "The cinnamon really is only pleasant as an odor. The taste is actually bitter but is paired with other flavors to work with the scent. Such as sugar."

    Prank_Owl Report

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    Grudge-holding Treefrog
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    When we were little, my sister and I would eat the cinnamon sticks. Like the ones in the picture

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    Multiple long cucumbers no-more-mr-nice-guy said:
    "Cucumbers! They lure me in with that wonderful smell and then reward me with the taste of stale water. Why do you hurt me so?"

    Sapphire580 replied:
    "The first time I had cucumbers I knew I had tasted them before, but then I realized they taste like a bit of watermelon at the rind. With no red in the bite."

    no-more-mr-nice-guy Report

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    Lakota Wolf
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I love cucumbers, AND I love watermelon pith (the whitish-greenish bits next to the rind, after you eat all the pink flesh.) I don't know why, but watermelon pith is AMAZING to me! XD It's not bitter or anything. I recommend trying a bite or two past the pink bits, next time you have a slice of watermelon ;)

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    Split coconut in half "Coconuts. Not that they don't taste good but man coconuts be smelling bomb!"

    RukeSkyWokker Report

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I looooove the taste of coconut (especially fresh), but when someone walks by me followed by a waft of coconut shampoo or sunblock, I always get a little nauseous.

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    Person putting gas in to his car truthesda said:

    Ralfarius replied:
    "Unleaded tastes a little tangy. Supreme is kinda sour, and diesel tastes pretty good."

    truthesda Report

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Being charitable, I assume Ralfarius is a professional fire breather

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    Play-doh container with Play-doh outside as well "Play-doh."

    throwaway20220712 Report

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    Terry Tobias
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    As soon as I read "Play-doh" I could smell it... and I haven't been near any for over 20 years!

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    "Lipsmackers chapstick." Report

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    Laura Lett
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Some of them actually tasted good.but ,then the company changed the formula. Not so good anymore.


    Peron holding a bottle of deodorant in shower Zoltarrah2000 said:

    an_ineffable_plan replied:
    "I once accidentally applied deodorant like one would apply Chapstick because I was seriously spacing. I don't recommend it."

    Zoltarrah2000 Report


    Two car tires SuvenPan said:
    "New tires in a tire shop."

    KDeol replied:
    "This is unjustly underrated."

    SuvenPan Report

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    Person putting a Christmas decoration on the Christmas tree "Christmas trees. Currently decorating one. Tried a broken-off piece. Smelt great, tasted bad."

    Roecasz Report

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    Pine cones on the tree "Fresh-cut pine. Amazing smell, a little bit prickly of a taste."

    PatrickPak Report


    Man with a beard smoking a Pipe tobacco inside Mapletron2020 said:
    "Pipe tobacco."

    gil_beard replied:
    "I've been a pipe tobacco smoker for almost ten years and mainly smoke aromatics like bourbon, vanilla, etc. People love the smell of it when I smoke around them. I have to remind them the taste isn't the same. Not as bad as a cigarette of course but no it isn't going to taste as well as the name implies."

    Mapletron2020 Report

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I remember my great grandparents house smelling of pipe smoke. My GGranpa smoked his entire life, it's like an early childhood memory I can bring up when I think about it.

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    Slices of grapefruit and seeds near by No_Language_423 said:

    Misseskat replied:
    "Yes, I remember the grapefruit craze about 10 years ago - it's unbelievably bitter. I remember tasting it as a kid and I still feel the same way about it. Makes awesome juice and soda though."

    No_Language_423 Report

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    Lakota Wolf
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Ah, I'm one of the strange ones, I LOVE grapefruit :) I also love green apples, so maybe I'm just a fruit mutant XD

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    Two sausages on a small grill "Sausage sizzle. I love the smell of sausages and onion cooking but I really do not like eating them. Sausages just make me feel sick. It's weird." Report


    Fresly poured beer in a glass EntropyBier said:
    "Hop extract.

    I brew beer and use the hop extract in certain processes as an alternative to fresh or processed hops. It smells great if you love the smell of beer, particularly an IPA. Got some on my finger once, just a small drop, and without even thinking licked it off. F'ing ruined me. Destroyed my taste buds for like 3 days, all I could taste was bitter."

    Stagism replied:
    "This is how I feel after tasting an IPA. Just palate destroying bitterness. I think it's literally the only type of beer I don't like."

    EntropyBier Report

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    A lot of the 'craft' beers of the last couple of decades, particularly American ones, have far too much hops in them. It was originally used in IPA to disinfect the beer to allow it to stay good on the trip from Britain to India, not as a flavouring in and of itself. For some brewers it's become a trademark, almost so it's the only thing you can taste in their beers.

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    korinthia said:
    "How has nobody said McDonald’s pancakes? They smell like heaven and taste like regret."

    Nickgio999 replied:
    "You watch your mouth… those are delicious."

    korinthia replied:
    "Well, then I pity you for never having had a quality pancake."

    korinthia Report

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    Lakota Wolf
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    One can love McDs pancakes AND love "quality" pancakes as well. Personally I'm pretty fond of the McDs hotcakes. They taste of childhood joys :) I especially love rolling them up and dipping them into the syrup by hand. But, as I have established in previous comments, I am strange ;)

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    Multiple slices of crispy bacon "Bacon. I think part of the problem is that people often overcook it to the point that it’s charred. This isn’t acceptable for most other kinds of meat, so I’m not sure why it’s commonplace with bacon. I like it on the chewier side."

    Steev182 replied:
    "Back bacon is where it’s at for that. The problem with belly bacon is that by the time the fat is mostly rendered, the meat has lost all moisture even when it isn’t charred. But back bacon, there’s only a light rind of fat, so it’ll render much quicker and leave you with a decent amount of meat."

    Billiesoceaneyes Report

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    Mrs. EW
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Never was a fan of bacon. The grease always made my stomach hurt. Been a vegan for 12 years and the comment I always get if having to divulge my eating habits is, “but bacon!”

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    Roasted cashew nuts AllysonAmbrose said:
    "The roasted nuts on the streets of NYC."

    Basketball312 replied:
    "Roasted chestnuts they sell (or used to) around London were like this. Smelled so good, tasted not bad but nowhere near as good as they smell."

    AllysonAmbrose Report

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    Red Lotus 🪷
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Roasted chestnuts taste amazing! Warm, and tasty. I have no idea how to describe it.

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    A nose of a dog Tedtox77 said:
    "A nose?"

    Moonlight_Darling replied:
    "The nose actually does most of the tasting for you. Try eating something with your nose plugged and unplugged. You’ll be able to tell the difference since the plugged taste will be much more bland."

    Tedtox77 Report

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Hey, this same dog winked at me in another thread. I'm beginning to think he's following me... 🧐


    Grass with morning dew jzpidtzqsyvcsulrnb said:

    _i_own_this_username replied:
    "Never tried it but tbh it seems like it'd be nice too. Chuck it in a blender and you got green juice too."

    jzpidtzqsyvcsulrnb Report

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Very bitter taste, but freshly cut grass with a high moisture content is the best smell on the planet. It smells good when the grass is dry, too, but not nearly as good as when it's lush and dark green. Plus, you can put a blade of grass between your thumbs like a reed, and blow through it to make an awful whistle that sounds like a mutant bird stepped on a Lego.

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    nbarry1425 said:
    "Purple gluesticks."

    Verminnesotanboio replied:
    "The only thing worse than how a gluestick taste is how "well" it sticks."

    nbarry1425 Report

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    Tide pods on a table "Tide pods."

    Kjetil Ree Report

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    Multiple pet goodies in a tray and on a table hcos612 said:
    "Beggin’ strips. “Dogs don’t know it’s not bacon” but I sure did."

    KevinFrane replied:
    "My older brother tried one of my dog’s Milk Bones once out of curiosity and from then on he’d dead-a** snack on them now and then."

    hcos612 Report

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    actaeon cross
    Community Member
    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    My great-grandfather had to be told Beggin' Strips were for dogs cause he was snacking on them. Admittedly the man did live through the Great Depression so he probably had worse

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    The front of a Subway store wtfhassan said:

    Shadowchaos replied:
    "I honestly like Subway too but it's the first thing I thought of when I saw the question. It's not bad but it's not great either, but the smell of the bread and the restaurant itself is amazing."

    wtfhassan , TAC PlazaMaster Report

    See Also on Bored Panda

    Sliced loaf of bread on a table "Bread. Whenever I drive past a bakery, I'm like "That smells delicious!", but when I eat a slice of plain white bread, I'm like "Meh. It tastes like bread. That being said, the brown cracked wheat bread from the Cheesecake Factory tastes as good as it smells."

    TheBagman07 Report


    Woman doing her nails with nail polish clutchcitycupcake said:
    "Nail polish."

    BuffsBourbon replied:
    "I prefer nail polish remover."

    clutchcitycupcake Report


    Multiple ginger roots "Ginger root. I was tricked, okay?"

    murderofcrows90 Report

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    Lakota Wolf
    Community Member
    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I love ginger. It's hugely common in Asian cooking and I guess I've gotten used to it/developed a taste for it after dating my Chinese boyfriend for 22 years XD I also get frequent migraines and eating some ginger really helps. Whenever boyfriend and I go out for Japanese food, I'll eat all the sliced ginger they give you on the little plate XD

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