Recently, Redditor u/AlmostBarbie reignited the never-dying discussion on the generation gap. On July 18, they made a post, asking, "Gen Z and millennials, what's something you wish the older generations understood?" and millennials especially had a to get off their chest.

Just as millennials grew up negotiating choices in their families and at school, today they want to be and feel significant in their professional and personal lives. Here are the things that matter to them the most.


Millennials Share 30 Things They Wish Older Generations Understood In This Heartbreaking Viral Thread Just because someone is Family DOES NOT MEAN YOU HAVE TO LOVE THEM. Terrible toxic people should ABSOLUTELY be cut out of your life REGARDLESS of their relationship to you

Darth_Velos01 , Liza Summer Report


    Millennials Share 30 Things They Wish Older Generations Understood In This Heartbreaking Viral Thread Fox News and Talk Radio did to you what you thought video games would do to us.

    Leucippus1 , Felton Davis Report


    Millennials Share 30 Things They Wish Older Generations Understood In This Heartbreaking Viral Thread Your s****y jokes that objectify women or make fun of minorities won’t fly anymore. Get over it.

    radiocomicsescapist , Elayseah Woodard-Hinton Report

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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Someone should take this statement and tape it right into my father's face. He seems to only know 10 jokes, and all of them are either sexist or racist.

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    Millennials Share 30 Things They Wish Older Generations Understood In This Heartbreaking Viral Thread When I’m depressed that doesn’t mean you need to give me lectures on what’s wrong with me so I can improve

    Mosquito-Manchild , Andrew Neel Report

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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    The worst lecture I received was how they had life far worse than me, felt more depressed and yet never behaved like me. How I am weak and allowed circumstances and recent media hype over mental illness to make me feel sick deliberately!

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    Millennials Share 30 Things They Wish Older Generations Understood In This Heartbreaking Viral Thread Yeah, we know. You rode in the back window of a car that had no seatbelts, you got measles, rode bikes with no helmets, and still turned out just fine.

    Just because you happened to be in the group of people who survived doesn’t mean any of these were a good idea.

    etoiles-du-nord , Kelly Lacy Report

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    Caro Caro
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Those "In my days things were better" people. NO things were not better, just different AND we have better medicines, technology, transport etc. YES you did fine without them but we are doing better WITH them !

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    Millennials Share 30 Things They Wish Older Generations Understood In This Heartbreaking Viral Thread Customers ARE NOT always right.

    The original phrase reeks privilege, and self entitlement.

    RedRumm1411 , RODNAE Productions Report

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    Dave In MD
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    The original phrase is "The customer is always right in matters of taste"

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    Millennials Share 30 Things They Wish Older Generations Understood In This Heartbreaking Viral Thread That video games dont cause mass shootings. Things like neglect, bullying,a bad home life, and your s****y parenting are what causes mass shootings

    Sentry_74 , ianvanderlinde Report

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    Valisbourne Spiritforge
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Blaming something else is a rather old issue. It was Dungeons & Dragons in the 80s. Rock music before that.

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    Millennials Share 30 Things They Wish Older Generations Understood In This Heartbreaking Viral Thread You can’t put yourself through college by working at the supermarket anymore.

    Our generation is the biggest in US history, so competition for jobs is much harder than it was for Boomers, which causes wages to flatline.

    Add to this that housing and food costs are at all time highs and it’s pretty bleak for us, even many of those who have good jobs at Fortune 500 companies cannot afford to purchase homes.

    I would really just like Boomers for ONCE just to acknowledge how difficult it is today vs. when they were coming up. It’s a different world and they just can’t see it. It’s very frustrating because most of them still think that anybody willing to swing a hammer 40 hours a week can make a living in America and it’s just not true anymore.

    Plantayne , Wolfmann Report

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    David Beaulieu
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Wait until the boomers all die and the housing market crashes because of the massive surplus.

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    Millennials Share 30 Things They Wish Older Generations Understood In This Heartbreaking Viral Thread That $15/hour in 2021 does not give you the same purchasing power that it did in 1985. When I hear an older person say "I used to get by just fine on $15/hour", I wanna slap them.

    DeathSpiral321 , Karolina Grabowska Report


    Millennials Share 30 Things They Wish Older Generations Understood In This Heartbreaking Viral Thread Throughout our schooling, we had to write research papers using online sources, and our teachers really stressed the importance of being able to identify a credible source before citing it. Don't be offended when you send us an article from and we dismiss it outright.

    Btch_Tuna , Startup Stock Photos Report

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    3 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Learning about credible sources is a great skill to have. A former friend of mine has been posting 10 times a day on Facebook since joining. Lots of dubious "facts" and "news". I kept pointing out inaccuracies and fact-checking sites. After several years, they wrote that they'd like to start consulting fact-checking sites. I was long disengaged by then. I can live with the occasional mistake (I've made them, too), but not a daily barrage that requires fact-checking by the audience.

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    Millennials Share 30 Things They Wish Older Generations Understood In This Heartbreaking Viral Thread I feel damn resentful when older folks tell me I should stay home with my kids. Like, yeah I’d love to if we could afford it, which we can’t. They act like it’s a choice to go back to work, when for a lot of moms, it’s not a choice.

    Momonthecoast , Gustavo Fring Report


    Millennials Share 30 Things They Wish Older Generations Understood In This Heartbreaking Viral Thread "I was spanked as a kid and I turned out fine."

    No, you didn't. You're a narcissist, get mad easily, joke about hitting your own children and even they're sick of your bull crap to the point that they cut you off. F**k you.

    TurtleGirl_goBrrBrr , cottonbro Report

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    John C
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Dang - somebody's got an agenda / jumping to conclusions. I was spanked as a child, and I don't get mad easily, never joke about violence, and have never once hit my own kids. You'll have to ask others about my narcissism and if they're sick of my crap, but even if I'm guilty of those things you've got some work to do to convince me it's because of my childhood abuse.

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    Millennials Share 30 Things They Wish Older Generations Understood In This Heartbreaking Viral Thread Your job is not your life, you shouldn't sacrifice time with friends and family let alone your mental wellbeing just for a paycheck

    VoltageGP , Valeria Boltneva Report

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    Valisbourne Spiritforge
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Catch 22 there. Hard to have time for your friends and family if you can't put food on the table or keep the utilities on. :(

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    Millennials Share 30 Things They Wish Older Generations Understood In This Heartbreaking Viral Thread That just because I don't want to be called something doesn't mean I'm a baby. People are allowed to have boundaries and things they don't feel comfortable with

    TrashyPrecure , SHVETS production Report

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    Carol Emory
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    It also swings the other way. If you hear me call my son "Monster Face," it doesn't mean he will grow up with a complex. It's a term of endearment. My sister flipped out at this. I was called "Monster Face" by my mom's entire side of the family. I called them names too like "Old lady." If it's an inside fun ribbing, don't call it out as cruel unless you're in on it or you see or hear the other person protest.

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    Millennials Share 30 Things They Wish Older Generations Understood In This Heartbreaking Viral Thread Just because we're more aware of our mental health and allow ourselves to feel what we want to feel, it doesn't make us weak or "snowflakes". If anything, it makes us better at coping with, well, everything!

    cwt48 , Polina Zimmerman Report

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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    "Snowflake" is a word almost exclusively used by people who truly are very insecure; similarly as they use "liberal" as an insult to mask they own lack of tolerance towards others.

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    Millennials Share 30 Things They Wish Older Generations Understood In This Heartbreaking Viral Thread Dad: “Just go in and ask for a job and keep going every day until they give you one.” Or “This random kid I was talking to at Wegmans (20 years ago) started in the mailroom and worked his way up and he’s making $x hundred thousand per year.”

    Me: “They just tell you to submit a resume online and never respond.”

    herbertfilby , cottonbro Report

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    Natalie Oleander
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    This worked when I was in college 2000-2004, but it doesn't work anymore. They get angry with you if you come in. "Apply online"

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    Millennials Share 30 Things They Wish Older Generations Understood In This Heartbreaking Viral Thread Texting is much more convenient, sometimes even better, than making a phone call.

    smoothbraint , Ivan Samkov Report

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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    So so so many times it's easier to actually talk to the other humans, scary as that can seem. With texting there's no tone, nuance and my sarcasm is much better while talking.

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    Millennials Share 30 Things They Wish Older Generations Understood In This Heartbreaking Viral Thread Unless you are extremely gifted and have a way to demonstrate it, social class is becoming more locked in than it has been in generations.

    The social mobility that started to become available in the first half of the 20th century, but amplified much more so in the 40's, 50's and 60's started to decline in the 80s and by the 2010s was is straight up freefall.

    If you do not have parents that are willing and able to support your social and financial progress from childhood through higher education (or through training in a steady trade) you are at very real risk of falling through the cracks of this society through no fault of your own.

    reptiloidsamongus , Karolina Grabowska Report

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    3 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    The US has a system of equality where the more you own, the more equal you are and the more civil rights you have.

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    Millennials Share 30 Things They Wish Older Generations Understood In This Heartbreaking Viral Thread That electronics don't rot your brain,and that vaccines ARE effective.

    zilla-quesadilla , Katerina Holmes Report

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    Ted Expert
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I think boomers - the smallpox generation - are well aware of the efficacy of vaccines. It's younger people (mainly in the usa) who seem to think otherwise.

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    Millennials Share 30 Things They Wish Older Generations Understood In This Heartbreaking Viral Thread Just because I know where/how to find the answer to something doesn't mean I "think I'm smarter than you."

    I'm just trying to save both of us from wasting time.

    WatchTheBoom , Andrea Piacquadio Report

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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Or when someone knows more about some topic. It's natural, we all develop bigger knowledge about something. I know more about history, you know more about space. IT'S NORMAL

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    Millennials Share 30 Things They Wish Older Generations Understood In This Heartbreaking Viral Thread There was hope in your time. You felt like you could change the world. Nowadays, our economy is f****d, our environment is f****d, our privacy is gone, our governments are pitting us against one and other, and the planet is going to kill us off within the next century regardless of what we do about it.

    So don't look down on us as "weak" or call us "entitled" if we're a little pissed off and/or depressed about it, ok?

    Mad-Mad-Mad-Mad-Mike , Mental Health America (MHA) Report

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    Natalie Oleander
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Finally someone who gets it. It isn't left vs. right. It's society vs. government. Stop falling for the idea that we should be pissed at each other. Wrong!

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    Millennials Share 30 Things They Wish Older Generations Understood In This Heartbreaking Viral Thread That I’m not a lazy entitled CHILD. I’m in my mid 30s and most of my peers that are younger than me are smart and hardworking as well. It’s productivity and efficiency that matters, not the amount of time you spend at work.

    Actuaryba , olia danilevich Report

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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    There's a story here in Germany called "the seven lazy ones". It's about seven men, who are known to be incredibly lazy. Eventually, they left the town to find work. Years later, they came back and start improving things immensely: they build a dam to protect the town from floods, they build a pathway and houses for themselves and dig a well. But no matter what they do, the neighbors always find a way to keep calling them lazy because they're making life easier and obviously only lazy people would want an easier life.

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    Millennials Share 30 Things They Wish Older Generations Understood In This Heartbreaking Viral Thread That the cost of education far outpaced inflation and wage growth in the US. If I had a dime for each boomer who lectured me about working my way through school like they did, I might almost be able to buy a house!

    Eli-fant , Pixabay Report

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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Rather show to them how tuition fees are handled elsewhere in the world and you might get an idea about what is wrong...

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    Millennials Share 30 Things They Wish Older Generations Understood In This Heartbreaking Viral Thread That technology exists to enable people to work from home, and just because they do doesn't mean they are sat watching Netflix

    ty4nothing , Taryn Elliott Report

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    David Beaulieu
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    It doesn't mean that, but admit it. You are on BoredPanda and Netflix more than you would be in the office.

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    Millennials Share 30 Things They Wish Older Generations Understood In This Heartbreaking Viral Thread That it is reasonable to not want kids and enjoy life with your spouse.

    I can’t have kids, buy a house, and go on vacation even with my $100k+ salary. At least, not if I want to have money saved for emergencies.

    Either older generations played it looser with less savings, or s**t was different.

    LimitedSwitch , Anastasia Shuraeva Report

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    Eduard Korhonen
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    $100k a year and you can't do those things? What the f**k ARE you spending your money on? Few people reading this will have much sympathy for someone earning a vast amount more than they are

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    Millennials Share 30 Things They Wish Older Generations Understood In This Heartbreaking Viral Thread Apparently sleeping till 11 AM makes you lazy regardless of whether or not you had to work until 12:30 AM at your s****y Wendy's location.

    JokicCheeseburgerMan , Ivan Oboleninov Report

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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Not exclusively a boomer thing, though. There's still very little regard for people working in nightshifts.

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    Millennials Share 30 Things They Wish Older Generations Understood In This Heartbreaking Viral Thread Kids use computers/phones for more than just playing video games and scrolling through social media. I basically live on my computer. My best friends are online. My favorite activities are coding and making games. But no, my parents assume the devil computer is rotting my brain and making me stupid. As a wise man once said: phone bad, book good.

    Afely , Windows Report

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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Ask the same people if back in 1960 they were writing with charcoal on stones or went for the convenience of pencil and paper.

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    Millennials Share 30 Things They Wish Older Generations Understood In This Heartbreaking Viral Thread That “just get a better job” is not all that easy

    GigiJuno , Clem Onojeghuo Report

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    Eduard Korhonen
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    This isn't new. Older generations kept getting that useless come back

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    Millennials Share 30 Things They Wish Older Generations Understood In This Heartbreaking Viral Thread That not everything can be solved with immediate aggression. That being patient and thinking on the right thing to say rather then saying what comes to mind first goes a lot further

    Bman28345 , Nataliya Vaitkevich Report

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    Donkey boi
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    This was one of the first things they tried to teach me at the hospital. I kept calling it 'plotting' and they didn't like that. It's one of my most used pieces of advice, every time I get an email from head office, I click reply, delete the addressee and type my angry response. Then delete the email and start anew with a more measured and planned response.

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    Millennials Share 30 Things They Wish Older Generations Understood In This Heartbreaking Viral Thread That we're not that lazy and we have a good reason to be depressed, cynical, and pesimistic. People like my grandma always talk how "at your age i was married, had a house, and 2 kids blah blah" not realising they did all that on 1 paycheck, while simultaneously complaining how money isnt worth anything nowadays and they just went grocery shopping and spent 25 % of their income while chanting "dont worry, its gonna get better". How can you not put those two together

    Sir_Daniel_Fortesque , Alexander Dummer Report

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    Lesa McFadden
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    1) Your grandma got married and had kids at your age because she didn’t have a lot of other options...but because it was necessarily what she would have otherwise chosen.... those good old days weren’t always so good if you dig a little deeper. Anyone who wants to go back to the “good old days” is either living in a fantasy world or they like a world where white men were the only ones with any rights (it’s not been so many years ago that a woman couldn’t get credit in her name without a male counter-signer). 2) Your grandma didn’t send her kids to school every day worried that today might be the day some sick person will target their school for a mass killing. 3) While her generation should have been worried about climate change and its effect on the future of this planet, she was not faced with the urgency that your generation is.

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    Millennials Share 30 Things They Wish Older Generations Understood In This Heartbreaking Viral Thread How much college and housing really costs compared to when they bought those things.

    And it's just a domino effect, too. The less reasonable college is, the harder it is to buy a house with all your loans.

    And both of those things make it very difficult to have children.

    tinypiecesofyarn , Kindel Media Report

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    First Name Last Name
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    College does not serve the same function it did even 30 years ago. College is no longer about educating people. It is purely a money making venture based on outdated social expectations. As such it is one of the most socially destructive forces going these days.

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    Millennials Share 30 Things They Wish Older Generations Understood In This Heartbreaking Viral Thread You told us that if we didn't go to college we would be working at McDonald's or the supermarket. Well we are. Why? Because we are lazy? That's because every "entry level job"s require 5+ years of experience and a degree. You got your foot in with a degree. A degree that may not even have been related.

    Oh, and you say we need to work temp jobs and internships? Guess what: That experience mysteriously doesn't count when it comes to applying. Apply anyway? Auto trash.

    CrazyCoKids , Paul Sableman Report

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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    In Poland people had similar attitude, but more regarding a degree, than experience. "Oh I see that you don't have a degree? Hmm... Do you plan to have one? No? Well, it's great that you have the experience we're looking for, but you don't have a degree". And it's not like they're expecting specific one. You can have a degree in psychology and work as an accountant, because all they care about is papers

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    Being LBGTQIA+ doesn’t change who we are and it shouldn’t affect how they treat us.

    WinterPhoenix05 Report

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    Neil Bidle
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    It does get confusing when they keep adding more letters to the list faster than I celebrate birthdays...

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    that the old work schedule isn’t the best work schedule. i’d get more done in 4 10 hour days and be happier then i would in 5 8 hour days

    Kayzz18 Report


    CLIMATE CHANGE. Reduce, reuse, recycle. Save our planet

    billy_the_kid16 Report

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    Leo Domitrix
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Um, Gen X (in ths US) is between boomers and millennials, and we were doing this before millennials were born in some cases, so stop with the assumption you can't trust anyone over 40, okay? Thank you.

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    I'm not lazy, I'm tired. There's a difference between not wanting to do something and not having the mental capacity to something this very moment.

    OceanTSQ Report

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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Wow,try that on my Asian Parents they'll look at you like you're from Pluto.

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    Millennials Share 30 Things They Wish Older Generations Understood In This Heartbreaking Viral Thread We're not lazy, and we don't see anything wrong with "paying our dues." We just want to be fairly compensated for our work, and also the job market is a lot more competitive (so advice that worked for you 30+ years ago simply doesn't work for us today).

    coffeeblossom , Andrea Piacquadio Report

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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    "Fair" in compensation is in the eye of the beholder. It will never really be fair, for the entirety of your career. Best you can do is the best you can. Sometimes the best you can get is not going to be fair to you.

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    Millennials Share 30 Things They Wish Older Generations Understood In This Heartbreaking Viral Thread That the American economy is f****d and unbelievably slated against younger generations. Because those with power and money exerted their influence to gain more power and money. So now all the resources have been sucked up to the top and young people are left fighting over table scraps.

    PolarBearClanGaming , Pixabay Report

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    Eva Bryson
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Everyone is fighting for table scraps, not just the "younger generations".

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    You don't need to go to university or college to be successful and if you go there's a massive debt

    bruins9816 Report

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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    It's all about the degree you get. If you major in Art History or Gender Studies and you are still working at Wal-Mart, that is because your degree is useless. Find something that is marketable. Going to a university is fine if you do the actual research and determine the field you are going into has a projected increase of growth.

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    Millennials Share 30 Things They Wish Older Generations Understood In This Heartbreaking Viral Thread Stop telling me directions, I'll just use GPS.


    But they just keep going "and then at the 3rd light, go left, go straight for about 3.5 miles, then make a right at the farmhouse..."

    Omniwing , Samuel Foster Report

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    Ted Expert
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Quite a few numpties have died, and tons more have got lost, when their sat nav told them the wrong directions.

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    That their "help" isn't help unless I've asked for it. And that they need to stop it with the unsolicited advice.

    Immediate-Eagle7522 Report


    Just general cost of living, especially for young families. I was at a baby shower yesterday and the mom mentioned that daycare she looked into near work was $3,000 a month. That’s for an infant so I know that’s always more expensive but, man, that means most of my paycheck would be going there. On top of that, it was a hustle to get where I am, graduating into the recession, and it’s just now really paying off (literally and figuratively). I need to save for retirement so it’s not like I can just stay home. Plus, what if there is a downturn, and my husband loses his job? His parents were totally f****d by the recession. Plus COL is so high. Homes, cars, food, phones…everything costs more. Our whole goal is having a mortgage we can pay off stocking shelves at Trader Joe’s if we have to.

    gerdataro Report

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    I don't want the moon. I just want what I was promised after doing everything you asked me to.

    neohylanmay Report


    Millennials Share 30 Things They Wish Older Generations Understood In This Heartbreaking Viral Thread That we aren’t completely oblivious to what happened when we were born, when I was a kid we still had a vhs.

    nomadic-jack , Anthony Report

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    Mike Crow
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    That photo is not vhs but Betamax. Don’t mind me, just showing my age.

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    My ability to find the power button on a computer does not make me anymore a genius than your grasp of the dewy decimal system makes you a genius.

    glarbknot Report

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    Leo Domitrix
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Yes, but I do know it's spelled "Dewey", and it does mean that in case of a power outage, I can still find information in crazy things called "books".

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    Millennials Share 30 Things They Wish Older Generations Understood In This Heartbreaking Viral Thread That at this rate, my future grandkids will ask me where Santa lives, and I'll sigh when I remember the North Pole melted years ago.

    Matt11228 , Beeblebrox Report

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    Eduard Korhonen
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    The North Pole will still be there regardless as to where it's covered in ice or not

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    I know that you were able to get by on $15 an hour, but there’s also been an 800% inflation rate since then, Grandpa.

    Captain_Cookiez Report


    That the earth isn’t full infinite resources.

    RainAndTea77 Report

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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    That's pretty condescending when you factor in the millennial predilection for disposable tech. Most people I know understand that the earth is in trouble. We also understand that the main polluters and consumers are big tech. What to do, I wonder.

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    That back in their day, one person could work an average 40 hr job and still afford a mortgage, car and a family.

    Im in my early thirties and my spouse and I both work more than 40 hrs each at well paying jobs. With side hustle jobs and can only afford a house.

    We have no kids and have no time to vacation cause we need to work work work to afford our mortgage we millennials were 'oh so lucky' to get. I dont want to work so much just to afford basics.

    Minabebe Report

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    Millennials Share 30 Things They Wish Older Generations Understood In This Heartbreaking Viral Thread School is much harder. In high school, both of my parents only required one algebra class to graduate. Today, I needed algebra I, algebra 2 and geometry to graduate and another math class if you plan on going to college.

    saltyasss , JESHOOTS.COM Report

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    Dave In MD
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    BS, I'm probably your parents age and I needed more than just one algebra class to graduate.

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    We do need our phones. Yes, there's lots of ways to use them just for fun, but you are not employable or socially viable if you don't have a smart phone. It's not a point of pride to "not mess around with those darn texting machines," it's annoying and dangerous. I can never get a hold of my 72 year old father, and it is not cute because that's not how the world works anymore.

    WaterChestnutII Report

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    Natalie Oleander
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Yeah this is true. I'd love to ditch my phone, but you have to have one these days. It's annoying.

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    Millennials are grown ass adults. Literally the youngest conceivable cut point for millennials (ability to candidly remember pre-9/11 at least for US in my opinion) is in the latter half of their mid 20s. The oldest possible cut point is in their early 40s.

    Millennials didn’t kill industries. Complacency and a lack of forethought killed them. Taxi monopolies had a decade or more to make an app or whatever that was transparent about pricing, route and at least vastly more secure for riders than an anonymous pickup. We didn’t kill Applebee’s, the world is just more accessible now and I’d rather eat something more interesting than frozen and microwaved dishes I can make at least as well at home for 10% of the cost. Industries committed suicide because they thought being the best when we were 6 was going to be good enough.

    You gave us participation trophies although I agree they’re dumb. You were the snowflakes who couldn’t let your precious little angel grapple with the fact that he wont be one of the like 500 NBA players one day.

    It is wholly unnecessary to spend 10 minutes giving me directions somewhere.

    HitEmWithDatKTrain Report


    That you can't just walk outside and get jobs stuck in your hair or on the soles of your shoes anymore, also that minimum wage jobs will in no way allow you to earn enough money to get on the property ladder. If you do manage to land a job you have to jump through a billion hoops such as uploading a CV as well as filling in a form asking for the exact same information that's included in your CV, group assessments and all that carry on. It's not enough to just hand a CV over anymore and get an interview. Even if you know how to game the system getting a job is bloody difficult.

    Maybe back in the 60s you could afford to support a family with a full time job flipping burgers, but not anymore.

    Concerned-Pineapple Report

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    Community Member
    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    LOL, it was always tough! Back in the eighties we didn't have internet, I spent my Sundays mailing out hundreds of resumes to companies I never heard back from.

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    I wish they could understand that we are not playing edgy...we are legitimately depressed, as the years go by life is supposed to be better, improving ! but no...just because you see us as kids doesn't mean we can't do any good, stop the condescending behavior and let us help fix the mistakes you don't even consider as real.

    YacineYahioune Report


    They took everything. They are still taking everything. Their lifespan is draining our whole society from pensions, healthcare, education housing, tax policy, the list goes on and on. They took advantage and were bad stewards of the society they inherited. The me me me generation is not millennials... it's the baby boomers.

    Low_Peak2030 Report

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    John L
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Yeah, I don't agree with this. This is just as bad as "millenials kill everything".

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    That my gender, sexuality, and romantic orientation are valid and not “made up labels to make me feel special.” Also that the US education system is f****d up and desperately needs reform for many reasons. Actually that a lot of systems in the US need reform

    ConfusedBisexual28 Report