They can be helpful!


If you want to get out of an annoying call, put your phone on aeroplane mode instead of hanging up- Aeroplane mode says "Call failed" instead of "Call ended"



    Not sure if this is really a life hack but something i have recently realized. If someone (in my case my boss) is bulling you down, making your life more difficult and stressing you out. Be kind to others, like even more kind than usually, bring random people flowers, compliment them, thanks them and help them etc. It will brighten up your own mood and make the bully in your life seem somehow smaller and less significant.


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    Don’t let someone else’s bad day drag you down too. Give people a break and don’t be so quick to react aggressively. You have no idea what could be going on in someone else’s life to cause them to behave like that. Maybe that person who cut you off in traffic is on their way to the hospital, that person with the bad attitude just got fired. Too many people take everything personally, as if someone got up that morning and decided to be rude all day for the fun of it. Show a little compassion. Tomorrow you can be the one who absentmindedly cuts a driver off. Reacting negatively not only could make you behave rudely to others but it gives a stranger or even a person that you know the power to decide what mood you’re in for the rest of the day, and they probably don’t have any clue that they are doing it. It’s a domino effect and no one needs it. Be kinder.



    Don't be an a-hole. Refrain from engaging in a-hole behavior - that not even a magician's rabbit would want to pull out of their hat.


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    Don't die.

    But also: Be kind.
    There are a lot of smart people out there. There's a lot of successful people out there. There's a lot of pretty people out there.
    But there is never enough kind people.
    It's better to live a short kind life than it is to live a long angry one.


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    Percabeth Forever (she/they)
    Community Member
    1 year ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Sound advice. You are a kind person, thank you for all the advice you've given out. You inspire me

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    When you want something from someone who’s likely to not want to give that thing to you, don’t simply ask them for what you want. Ask for MORE than what you want, then let them talk you down to what you actually want. You’ll get what you want, and they’ll think they won.


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    See Also on Bored Panda

    If you make hot chocolate from a mix and water, add a little cocoa powder, creamer or whole milk, half and half, heavy whipping cream, anything that's nice and milky, and then add any spices or flavoured syrups you like, and now you have one incredibly yummy and easy to make cup of hot cocoa.


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    Drink wine, eat cheese and charcuterie
