Mine is radish flavored yogurt. My friend gave it to me as a prank.
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Pear sandwiches. Ripe pear slices on buttered bread maybe with a sprinkle of sugar, it's heaven.
My dad once mixed beans, veggies, fruits, yogurt, and spices together then called it a salad.
Grilled cheese with ketchup .My friends ,What are you doing ?
U weird.I was like so it;s delicious.I don't care.It's just delicious.
Idk if this counts, but eggs with rice. It's soooo sooo good!
I love Doritos with deli sliced white American cheese melted on top. Does not sound good but it is.
I also like buttered bread with young cheese, strawberry jam and mustard. Works for some reason. And I forgot to mention this in my first post, I'm a cook with 15 years experience, seriously hahaha.
A full cow tongue stuck in gelatin with some carrots and greens in it too. Even though it sounds bizarre, its a very common delicacy in Russia. A lot of that sort of food can be found in shops (or very commonly made at home). There are a lot of similar foods too, such as pickled raw fish and even pickled tiny octopi.
Coriander flavoured ice-cream with small fried chicken pieces on the side, I actually loved the ice-cream by itself !
IDK if these count but... 1.My friend once tried dipping her lollipop in milk! I tried it and it was disgusting! 2.My dad also once ate sheepskin stomach in Kenya!
The lining of an animal's stomach is known as tripe. Usually from a sheep or a cow, it is one of the offal meats formerly commonly eaten by poor people in Australia and elsewhere along with brains, tongue, kidneys and liver (lamb's fry).
It’s not a combination but the 2 weirdest foods I have eaten is camel hump burgers (despite the name it was just camel meat and not the hump) which tasted similar to beef and an alpaca burger. The alpaca patty is one of the most disgusting things I have ever eaten besides tuna mornay. Alpaca is bloody disgusting.
I would say mine is a flavor combination, but I tried sweet potato coffee. It was weird, and it was amazingly delicious. Crazy cups I think
Chocolate sauce poured in uncooked penne pasta. SOoo delicious, you suck the sauce of of the pasta. :D
Vinegar and grapefruit. I HATE grapefruit, it's disgusting. I wasn't paying attention to what I put on my plate, as I was distracted (blast you, James!). The end result was me knocking stuff off the table in my haste to get my water. And it wasn't even my water, it was James's.
Frick you, grapefruit. And vinegar.
Just why in the name of the gods would you EVER put vinegar on GRAPEFRUIT!? Ack Ack Ack! Your poor tastebuds! :'-(
Tuna and cheese sandwiches? Like, put cheese on the tuna.
Ham and cheese crepes with strawberry smoothie for sauce. It was ok...
Potato pancakes with cranberry or orange jam or applesauce. Love it!
A Green Apple Omelette! Its quite tasty, Julienne some green apple, throw into a cooking omelette with a dash of fish sauce and white pepper powder.
Some old fella in Thailand swore by them and had one everyday. I think he may have been onto something considering he was well over 70 and chopping down a tree!
Maybe not the weirdest, but the best was my highly sugary idea to put hot chocolate in my Lucky Charms cereal.
my weridest comdanation is natdo ( sticky beans ) and bread together. It was really good
Oh, speaking of natto, you should try it on Japanese curry. My mom says she's the only one who does it besides me, but it's good!
mine would have to be snail and chocolate eclair
People say I'm weird because I like to eat scrambled eggs with Ranch salad dressing. It's delicious though
Growing up the only way to eat scrambled eggs was mustard on them. Parents figured since I would eat deviled eggs then I would surely eat eggs with mustard.
Fries in a Wendy's frosty, applesauce and pretzels, potato chips in a peanut butter sandwich to name a few...
This sounds disgusting, but I really enjoy eating cantaloupe dipped in yellow mustard. Sounds weird, but I think it's pretty tasty.
Mine's north sea shrimp (so not scampi) with mayo (normal) with buttered bread, dipped in black coffee, because the bread was two days old. For some reason, the shrimp, mayo and coffee worked great. It's a weird combo, but you should try it :)
Pregnancy craving - maraschino cherries and hot salsa with tortilla chips.
When I was about twelve, me and my friends had a "Make the weirdest sandwich and eat it"- contest. I won. My sandwich was an "everything" type. I think I remember all of the ingredients, or most: dark rye bread with smoked ham, two or three types of sausage, cheese, marmalade, liver paste, pickled cucumber, pickled beetroot, ketchup, caviar and a mint chocolate wafer. It was quite good, actually! :-D
Ok, Kinder dipped in ketchup and sprite with some chicken at the same time. Don't judge me.
me and my friends tried cheese puffs and penut butter as a daare from my boyfriend
1 Extra hot pringle with 1 small rectangle of cream cheese with 2 small pieces of cubed ham.
Here’s a few: ice cream dipped in French fries, egg salad sandwich with cheese and jam.
I made a "western waffle" with additional egg ( more than what recipe called for), onions, bell pepper, fresh mushroom and pancake mix. Threw it on a waffle maker. The problem I had with such a waffle is that maple syrup didn't really work with it anymore and to this day I have no idea how to complement such a wayward waffle. It was delicious, by the way. It was the best part of an omelete, and a waffle
Friendship brand cottage cheese with sriracha hot sauce (or any hot sauce) and tortilla chips. Yum!
This sounds disgusting, but I really enjoy eating cantaloupe dipped in yellow mustard. Sounds weird, but I think it's pretty tasty.
Sorry, this is a reupload, I accidentally clicked the upload button twice.
Got another one I used to eat in the kitchen, when I was working and had little time to eat. Kitchen fast food. French fries with spaghettisauce and mayo. So good.
A tablespoon of vinegar into your coke. Trust me, try it (but you may want to start smaller).
I have so many! Hot dogs and toasted marshmallows ( fire roasted of course) Hot dogs and peanut butter is amazing too. I know it's weird but try it! So good.
Hot Dog (has to be a red hot) on a bun with Kraft peanut butter and mustard.... oh soooooo yummy
Oh where to begin... I once ate mayonnaise and grapes as a dare from my dad. Also, me and my friends would mix strange combinations with school food. The weirdest I've actually eaten was applesauce, chocolate milk, ketchup, and mustard.
Hash browns with chocolate syrup. My sister jokingly gave my dad the chocolate syrup instead of the ketchup, and he drizzled it on, mixed it up, and ate it. Says it was good, but I'm scared to try
Insect-flavored ice cream. With grape soda. And sugar-free chocolate syrup, wasabi, and mayonnaise. It was a dare and I just couldn't back down.
I regretted it. Immediately.
It was just one of those days when I got tired of normal. Tried Rice and a Chinese prawn dish with Strawberry jam. finished it off with Radish cake, mango souffle with mango pearls with a generous amount of Chinese red chili sauce- not enough to kill the sweet, but enough to bite back. The second one actually goes really well together.
Basically anything at my D&D campaigns.
Carrots dipped in frosting, fruit snacks stuffed in chips, and a sour patch kid in a soda to name a few.
Lentils along with watermelon juice. The juice was so sweet so they gave lentils a strange taste
Green grapes with sliced cheese....but has to be the "plastic" cheese...
Grasshopper and guacamole on taco. Yum!!
When I was a kid I made myself a lemon curd and spam sandwich. It was not nice.
Also, my friend likes to combine bacon flavour crisps with chocolate.
My Great-Grandma made me a Peanut Butter and Mayo sandwich when I was younger. I still like them.
Pizza dipped in coffee. It gets a little soggy, but the flavor combination isn't as bad as it sounds. I'd try pizza made with coffee-flavored dough.
Hot cheetos with nutella it was good at first but them got wayyy to sweet and spicy
Its not really weird, but try horseradish sauce with Sriracha sauce if you like hot sauces. Together the hot sauces create a sustained burn and its amazing for sandwiches
delicious yet terrifying, particularly whilst on the toilet later that night!
I like ketchup and banana sandwiches and but my favourite has to be cheese and onion crisps and chocolate, especially Mars bars.
As a youngster i used to like dry Weetabix spread with butter and Marmite (Vegemite for non British). Haven't had it for many years now and afraid to try!
Chocolate covered licorice with mango sprinkles
mixed ranch and ketchup together and dipped my fries in it.
My sister would use orange juice instead of milk on her Cheerios. Very tasty.
Peanut butter sandwich with sweet pickles! By the way, pickles are always appropriate (culinarily speaking).
... Wasn't this one of Elvis's favorites?... (and...yeah ... I know about the PB, Bacon and Banana sammies...) ✌
Pizza and chocolate, it's honestly so good. Heat up a frozen pizza and place chocolate chips on top (make sure the chocolate melts first).
My 2 year old granddaughter loves pickles and while eating her choc ice yesterday she sneaked one off her Grandpa's plate to eat with it. "Yummy".
Cottage cheese with olives (I prefer black but my dad liked stuffed green ones). Also, if you have leftover couscous or noodles, stew some sliced onions and raisins in honey with a bit of cinnamon and put on top.
1. Bananas and Ketchup- It was meh
2. Fries and Ranch Dressing- It was DELICIOUS
.. Fries and Ranch?... Really?... This is definitely NOT weird... Ask anybody between the ages of 2 and... dead? 🤣
I love to dunk my ham or salami with cheese sandwich in chocolate mlk or coffe with milk. With a little touch of mayonnaise, just to avoid the oily blobs on the liquid surface. I give it two Michellin stars, specially if the bread is toasted.
Hot cheeto puffs and nutella. As both are amazing individually, I thought eh, why not try them together--maybe they will be even more amazing. Alas, they did not go. Do not recommend.
My friend taught me to eat spaghetti with lingonberry jam and a tiny touch of mustard. Delicious.
(Lingonberry jam tastes bittersweet)
I only eat my pancakes with mayo I also enjoy eating a pickle while eating popcorn
Grilled cheese and marshmallow sandwich. White bread, American cheese, and mini marshmallows (or the big ones sliced in thirds) cook as usual in a skillet with butter.
1) Red Vines & taco bell hot sauce. I was stuck in an orchard while my mom picked the abandoned crop. That was all there was in the van.
2)Onion bagels with peanut butter and turkey, 'cause I ran out of cares & was hungry. (no. . . not stoned, just low on food while quarantined) It did not suck.
Not me but my dad: Omelette with chocolate chips and frosted flakes.
Peanut butter (preferably crunchy, for texture) and mayonnaise sandwich. It’s my favorite. Don’t eat it often though. For health and all that.
About once a year I love a bacon and peanut butter sandwich. Salty, sweet, creamy, crunchy, soft. Outstanding.
Crackers and juice. Go to snack.
I love gravy over my fries. Add some applwsauce with mayo in it. I absolutely love ut. And yes.... I am Dutch. So Samual L. Jackson was right.
I don’t know if this is normal, but I eat tomato sauce covered Oreos. It’s delicious.
A few drinks into a cocktail party, I decided to go literal for a shrimp cocktail: vodka, silver tequila, and cocktail shrimp. It was unremarkable.