What food would you absolutely not under any circumstances eat? For me, that would be some of the local foods made by my ethnic group and some other foreign prepared foods I’ve seen on TV that I’d rather starve to death than eat… So what is yours?
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I won't eat a fish that still has its head attached. I get very uncomfortable when my food stares at me.
Surströmming. Fermented herring. Said to have the most putrid smell of all foodstuffs.
My boyfriend at the time once took a big mouthful of fruity Yakult to wash down his morning vitamins amongst which was a fish-oil capsule that accidentally burst against a tooth edge and flooded cod liver grease into his youghurty gob. His face could have been the dictionary image for 'disgusted' lol
Fake orange flavour with chocolate. As a child I threw up after eating a whole box of jaffa cakes. Never could stand even the smell again.
Not that I won't, but that I can't! I can eat ham, hot or cold. Cheese, hot or cold. A cold ham and cheese sandwich is delicious! But a hot ham and cheese sandwich, while tasty, will lead to my body purging itself, and me unable to hold down even water for a week.
Oddly, I can eat Hawaiian pizza!
Bromelain (from pineapple) and Papaine (from papaya) together make me so sick. Papaya or guava make me sick.
And I can't eat shark. Found that out at Disneyland after eating at Blue Bayou when they still served it.
Raw fish sushi, more being scared of all the bacteria and junk in it. Has to be cooked! Blegh
There are so many but I am gonna go with something that I have actually tried before. I will never ever eat Tuna Mornay again no matter how starving I am. Absolutely revolting stuff.
For me it's cooked green beans. The smell triggers me and I immediately throw up. When I was pregnant I added Mexican food to that list and fried fish - as much as I tried, I couldn't eat either without throwing up... thankfully I was back to burritos and beer battered cod right after I had given birth!
Chicken fries from Burger King and a Mary's Mountain S'mores cookie.
burger king does the best burgers but i admit that crapdonalds do the best chips/fries
Cheetos and maple syrup. My 18 month old twins ate their pancakes, but there was syrup left on the plate. When I walked back into the room, they were soaking the last of the syrup up with Cheetos. It has been 17 years, but I can still smell it. And the thought makes me nauseous.
Sliced tomatoes. Like that you put on a sandwich
Alligator , veal, lamb & rabbit... eeeewwww
Not food, but watching a screen or reading a book (even comic books) within a moving bus or car. I'm okay with trains, though, and planes only while flying.
Raw tomato. It literally makes me puke.
idk if my gag reflex is just weird but if i see a sandwich that has been flattened (like if someone stepped on it) it makes me gag.
idk if my gag reflex is just weird but if i see a sandwich that has been flattened (like if someone stepped on it) it makes me gag.