Oh childhood… Our best times we so often look back to. The careless days many would like to revisit.

What is the thing you miss most? Is there something you absolutely loved that you wish you could still do now? We want to know, share your stories here!


And finally: living for the day, not caring about tomorrow (in a positive, not in a careless sense).



    Singing at home without the fear of being heard.


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    Ged Maybury
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    6 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    And back to your opening question (it's a good one) "What Is Something You Loved Doing As A Child That You Miss/Wish You Could Do Now?" - I used to be able to 'break into' our house by climbing the fat pipe just outside the bathroom window and wriggling in through the open fan-light. My big brother taught it to me. He was the adventurous one. When he got too big for it, it became my job. I've been back to the house many times after and always glanced up at it, "I got through THAT?!"

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    Honestly, the first thing that comes to my mind, is playing with all of my neighbourhood friends. The rushing back home right after the school day was over and then out again, knocking on all of your friends’ doors with a ball under your arm to see if they’re home yet. Those were good times.



    Playing LEGO!!! At the age of 20 people said to me that I was too old for that! Now I'm 28 and I have a baby, a few more years and I could play again with her! Can't wait! :)



    Never having the feeling that I have wasted my time, because I could have done something more appropriate (particularly that I should have worked or did house/garden duties instead of having leisure time).



    The belief that the world is a great place and that everything will turn out fine for all of us.



    Genuinely believing that there is still magic in the world...



    Climbing the trees! I was a master back then! I've stopped for a while when I encountered a beehive in one of them (it was so scary that I just jumped without looking, and I wasn't sitting on the lowest branch, of course (also, I had a lollypop in my hand so I was afraid that bees will love it)). I guess I could do it now too... But I'm not that brave anymore!


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    Alusair Alustriel
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    7 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I also used to climb trees and all sorts of other climbable things. Those were the days! :D

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    not being worried about what others think of me. Just being able to live without worrying about how i looked, how i acted and how i dressed. also the feeling of being free from depression. since i was 10 it hasnt ever gone away and i have been in a mental hospital for attempting suicide and cutting. 4 months clean from cutting and a year from yesterday i was admitted to the the hospital. worst week of my life.



    What I loved about childhood: Social media didn't exist, I wasn't a slave to my cell phone, I got to sleep in for 3 months during summer, doing whatever I wanted without a care in the world, flashlight tag, not worrying about the rejection that comes with dating, getting to play in other neighborhoods without fear of being kidnapped, exploring, building forts, climbing trees, and finally, being able to experience so many new things that I now take for granted.


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    Nancy E
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    7 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I relate to all these parts of childhood. I'd add catching fireflies, fishing+ tadpole collection , stargazing lying on the grass, riding my bike all over , sledding, the school playground, doing cartwheels & backflips, exploring the woods by myself, & , feeling what I think of now as being blessed. Where I disagree with you, is social media shouldn't be a drug. Also, a cell phone need not be an extension of a person. Anything can be overused, &, when that happens, you'll lose a part of yourself. Reflection is a gift to be used.

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    Summer break! No school, ice cream, watermelon, sun and friends. And somebody there to make sure you drink enough and use sun-screen, providing food anytime you're hungry and a ride home (thank you, Mama)


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    Blue wolf
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    7 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I liked going to Florida with my family :) we still do it, just I'm not a toddler and I can get in trouble now :P

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    Enjoying people and relationships that no longer exist. Enjoying my siblings before we all moved out, and started our own lives and families. Enjoying my parents before they got divorced. Solving problems by actually talking about them, instead of never talking again....


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    Naps during the day! Sometimes I still sneak in a short nap into my routine, but it's way harder now than back then.



    Hang out with people who are now gone.


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    One more: playing with Lego all day long.



    As a kid, I was so curious, excited and enthusiastic about a lot of things. I lost that somewhere and I wish that I could raise that kind of concern again.


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    Carelessly playing with my friend without being judged on anything.
    Going to bed at night without the endless train of thoughts and worries.
    Taking riding lessons without thinking "Do I look fat!? Or maybe like an idiot?!"
    Inventing new games in the blink of an eye without thinking too much!

    Those were the days... when our biggest fear was to be the last kid chosen for the soccer team.


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    The first memory I have, I was maybe 2 years old, on a hot summer,s day, and my mum let me run naked in the house. The feeling of my long hair on my shoulders and back was amazing! I never felt something so nice! Not caring, or realising, that I was naked and running free in my house! I miss those feelings.



    I miss being me. Life seems to make you something you aren't. I miss the feeling of being alone. Yeah, I was an only child. I miss staring out my window, daydreaming while listening to movie soundtracks (not the normal ones, Gettysburg, Hunt For Red October, Glory, etc.) It may seem sad to want that, it is, kinda, but I miss that.


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    Huggggg everyone!!!! Hug each person I know really tight, without any reason (no one will think that something is wrong with you if you do it as a kid)


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    Em Jay
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    7 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Being a little kid, not knowing how to tell time and even if adults told you, it didn't matter. Just playing outside, having fun with friends and being carefree.


    Three words: Annoying my sister.
    I mean I still can, and still do, but I had access to her room and I could get away with it a lot easier. :)


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    it has not happened yet for me for i am yet a child, but i shall always miss, as an adult, being able to cuddle my mother and father.


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    ...Not worrying about bills.


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    Sleeping in.


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    I miss going to my grandparent's house afterschool everyday and watching Dumbo over and over without caring if I was missing homework. I didn't have to stress about my future or how many calories I was eating or what I wore. I could scream the lyrics to all the Disney songs and my grandparents still loved me and never judged me.


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    I miss not feeling like I'm ugly, stupid, worthless, unwanted, and a waste of space.


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    I used to love to play with these little toy trains, I think they were called GeoTrax or GeoTracks or something along those lines, those things were THE BEST.


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    Rhi Whittall
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    7 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Omg! I used to play with these every day after school in CoolKidz 😍☺️😌


    I wish I could go back to the summer trips my Dad and I took when we went to the mountain country-side for vacation. Ther's a mountain near Żegiestów called Hollow-Huge (straight translation from Polish). We used to get up at 4 AM, climb above the river valley and eat breakfast in the raising sunlight watching the sleeping village covered in fog. We ate berries on the way, walked up with sticks like Hobbits and going back I always put my head under the freezing mountain stream. I miss that time.


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    Sitting on the leg of an adult while they walked



    Making dumb home movies. I have thousands of home videos of me playing with stuffed toys and just talking to myself.


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    I loved running around chasing fireflies after dark in the little town in New York where I grew up. The smell of fresh cut grass, and sitting on the patio with a cold glass of home made lemonade, watching a summer storm with lightning flashing and thunder rolling. Going to the drive in movie in my pj's and playing in the kiddie park under the huge screen, and never remembering any movies because I fell asleep in the back seat!


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    Always having fun, no matter the weather or what I did, I was always having fun!


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    Eating cereal on Saturday mornings, in front of the TV, watching the GOOD cartoons!


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    Laughing out loud and playing hard with all the children in my neighborhood. I didn't need to think who the person was, we just had fun playing tag together. That's how we began to create a genuine friendship. Nowadays, people choose who they want to be with and what advantage they could take. Once you got into trouble, they leave you.


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    Perfect friendships that somehow faded away...


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    I miss the feeling of ignorace, when everything was possible and time was my friend. I miss going for a drive with my girlfriend(now wife) and trying to get lost. I miss fishing with my son, hiking with my dogs, and running like the wind!


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    When afternoon naps were a must (even though I hated them at the time)... Action movies were a 'no no' unless it had Jackie Chan in... My feet were stained purple from climbing mulberry trees... building go karts (among other things) with the neighborhood kids. Playing hide and go seek until 10pm... Perhaps I can just relive my childhood?


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    Run through water fountains without people staring at me as if I was crazy.


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    I was really good at math (relatively), so I could just sit in the back of the classroom. I finished The Blood of Olympus in two days!


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    Daniel Fleming
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    7 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Um... blood of olympus came out 2 years ago, so your like still young

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    I miss going to the shopping malls in my pj's.


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    Building houses with big old tree branches. There weren't many good places to build small branch houses when I was little, but know, when I'm older it's almost impossible to find one! I need bigger place which is well-hidden from other people: a difficult task in the city. Still, I think it will find its place in this summer to-do-list.


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    Kipper Mcgee
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    7 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I loved it when my parents trimmed the trees. I used to pretend I was a fairy living in the woods out of the treebranch houses.

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