“What Is Something You Are Thankful For”: 50 Pandas Shared For What They Feel Grateful This Year
Thanksgiving is just around the corner, so I just wanted to let us remember what each of us is thankful for. Being thankful helps us to feel more positive about our lives and appreciate what we already have. In our daily lives, all of the attention usually gets buried under responsibilities, expectations, and ideals, so it is healthy to just pause and feel grateful.
So, dear fellow Pandas, it's time to share what you are thankful for.
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I am thankful for being so loved. I woke up many times tonight because of pain but I was sandwiched between our dog and my partner. I felt so extremely loved and cozy. :)
Being grateful not only during holidays but in your daily life can have amazing benefits.
Bored Panda got in touch with a professor of psychological and brain sciences at Indiana University, Joshua Brown, Ph.D., to learn more about the healing properties of gratitude. When asked what the benefits of practicing gratitude are, Joshua said: “I can tell you that my colleagues and I studied gratitude expression, and we found that even writing a few short letters of gratitude to someone improved mental health even if the writer didn’t give the letters to the person they were grateful to.”
Bored Panda. I am thankful, grateful, and beholden by all that Bored Panda has given us. From the ppl who write and create to the ppl who come to read and relax. All that IS, and ALL that makes up "Bored Panda".
🇮 🇹🇭🇦🇳🇰 🇾🇴🇺.(✿◠‿◠)
I am thankful for my struggles for without them, I wouldn't be where I am today. I am a recovering addict and have accomplished more in my 14 months of sobriety than I have my whole life.
To understand better: gratitude is a mental state that we reach by practicing gratitude. To practice, you can start by just thinking about what you are grateful for once a day. You can even keep a gratitude journal or, as Joshua mentioned earlier, write letters. The purpose is to get you in a state of gratitude.
But the best part of practicing gratitude is that it has a long-term effect. Joshua said: “We also found that the practice of writing gratitude letters caused a measurable increase in the brain response to gratitude even several months later, in a region toward the front of the brain.”
So, Pandas, maybe it is time for us to start this new habit not only on holidays but every day.
I'm extremely thankful for the advances in medicine and medical tech. I was diagnosed in '76 with Juvenile Type 1 diabetes. Back then, there wasn't really much known about the disease still. My pediatrician did what he could with what he knew, which thankfully was enough at that time. But, as years went on, more and more research has been done and better treatments developed. Now, at 48, I am on an insulin pump and have a device I attach to my arm for monitoring my blood sugars. The pump-I no longer have to give injections. The Blood Glucose Monitor-I no longer have to stick my fingers to test my blood sugar. Even now, they are still advancing their research for diabetes of all ages and both types (1 and 2). So thank you to all of the researchers, doctors, and everyone else for allowing us to live a less hectic life and a better health-controlled one instead.
I’m grateful for knowing my little rescue kitty and for my husband’s love and support. Coming home Friday, after receiving chemo, he comforted me when I found my kitty lifeless by the road. Not thinking of himself (feeling s**t) but holding me and letting me bawl like a baby.
I am so thankful that I have my own home and am not living on the street like so many.
I have a great apartment and a landlord who hasn’t raised the rent in the five years I’ve been here. So grateful for that!
All that is nice and all, but what about the things we take for granted?
I, for one, am thankful for electricity, indoor plumbing, toilet paper, education, heaters, AC, etc.
Also grateful that my Dad is cancer free, as well as many, many other things, some of which others have listed.
In total agreement with you. We do take a lot for granted and should be thankful from those things as well.
I lost both parents in 1.5yrs, so I'm thankful for the time that I had & will treasure those memories forever.
Hot running water and a real shower! We finally get enough money to afford electricity for warming water. OMG life is so good when you are able to take a warm SHOWER every day. It is really depressing when you had to bathe every time only with cold water or have to boil it on the stove and then use a cup to bathe yourself.
My cats. Biscuit (the cat in the comments) is the only thing that keeps me going these days.
This is him: 588552722-...b9f160.jpg
I am thankful for the love of my small dog. I suffer from Schizophrenia and a bi-polar disorder and at various times have had suicidal ideations. During periods where it was an actual challenge to get out of bed in the morning she would nuzzle my head until I had no choice but to sit up and attend to her. Whenever I am too quiet at home she will will gently rub my leg with her paw as if to say "You ok?" It's may seem silly but her little gestures have kept me alive. I am forever grateful that my "rescue" has rescued me.
Living in the 1st world. It's a privilege for which we should all be grateful.
Definitely. After spending several weeks a year without being able to speak with my family because they are many times out of energy to charge their phone, I can't imagine to live in a 3 world country. Let alone the times they stay days without corrente water.
- Modern medicine. Ho boy, modern medicine.
- My family! They're awesome.
- My dog and cat. They make me laugh and I love them.
- Humans in general. Sometimes we're jerks but sometimes we get attached to everything and I just think that's awesome.
- Video gamesss (specifically Pokemon).
- Gotta love books.
I'm very thankful that I left my abusive ex husband before he was able to damage me permanently. Thankfully I live in a country (Germany) that forced him to economically help me allowing me to rebuild my life without spending a day in the cold.( social system with women's shelter). Kids drive me crazy but they are healthy and happy. Sometimes I feel overwhelmed and like a failure but so many things to me thankful for, help me come back to light and recognize that my life its better then the dark side of my head tells me. 💪
You're not alone. You have MANY "Pandas" on your side. (We) may not be there physically, but we stand by your side- in spirit. You ARE strong. And "(wait for it)," brilliant!★~(◠‿◕✿)
Grateful for a good husband, great sons, the stimulator in my spine keeping me upright and at minimal pain (most days), my job, the patients I help, my mom and brother, and my nephews, and for the sister I never had (sis-in-law).
I am thankful my health hasn’t given up on me, after many emergency room visits, and constant issues. I am just happy I’m here another thanksgiving to see my amazing grandparents!
I'm very very very thankful for Xanax. God bless the pharmacy!
I'm thankful for my family who gave me a place to call home when I had none.
I am thankful for chapstick, hermit crabs, play doh, lightbulbs, electric heaters, smoke detectors, bricks, bees, the list goes on and on but I’ll keep it short
I'm thankful for my existence.
My sister! Without her, I wouldn't have been able to survive 3 deaths in the family in 2 years, being stuck 3000 miles away and unable to say my last goodbyes due to the pandemic, or being able to go back to school and eventually pull myself out of poverty to have a great job and future.
She spent the better part of 5 years taking care of our ailing father. After he passed at the beginning of the pandemic, she had no income and no place to stay. Because her sacrifices helped me, I am now in a position to help her.
She is now gainfully employed, living near dear friends and feeling free. She goes on road trips with her dog and I deserves it all! She is my rock and my family forever! I am very thankful for my big sister!
Sorry for your losses. So glad you and your sister were able to help each other out. Many families lack this kind of closeness
I am so thankful for my 4 besties. They help me get through the worst.
That I have a job that I actually like.
After a week of stressing, I am thankful for my daughter's negative covid-19 and flu tests.
I’m very grateful for being me.
Bored Panda! Love this Awesome website!!!
Too many things to list. Still here for another day, my wife, my family, my doctor, and love.
All the words in the world can't describe how thankful I am to have been brought up by two absolutely amazing women, one of them not even being any other kind of) relative. Thank you for having me, Mom, I cannot imagine how overwhelmingly difficult it must have been for you given the time, the place, the situation. And thank you, Gran, for looking after Mom and me, and for showing me that family isn't defined by blood that we share, but by love that we have for each other!
Wow! This is beautiful I am so happy for you and you are exactly right... family isn't only blood relatives!!!!
I am thankful for my grandparents for raising me and taking care of me. While we’ve had our disagreements like family usually does, they are the most important people in my life. Without them, I don’t know where I would be. I’m so grateful for them. I’m also thankful for my rescue dog, Spike who is a Chihuahua and has captured all of our hearts. Also books…books galore.
I am so thankful that I have a spiritual life that has provided me with comfort and insight, especially during these past two years of this horrendous pandemic.
Cats, always cats.
Diazepam mostly. Followed by dihydrocodeine. Followed by sleep.
My grandkids and my daughters. They are the reason I am still here on this earth.
I'm thankful for my loving family, my housing, and my friends.
I am thankful for my amazing husband, son, and dog for helping me navigate my way through postnatal depression. It has been a tough year but bit by bit I'm getting there.
I am thankful for all of my online friends who are more supportive than anyone I know irl.
I am thankful to have a place to live, a job and my baby brother, who gave me a place to live. I continue to get up and suck air every day just for him even when I don't have it in me.
I am a wee bit of a crankenstein, so I'm grateful that my husband laughs it off. I don't know how I'd manage if I had to be ever-so-polite every time I want my sweet boy to leave our teeny kitchen. "Out. NOW. Don't make me use the spatula..."
YaY! MORE pandas to be thankful for! *Psst! I am referring to your humor, M. Viviane! ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)!
I take a breath denied to my 2nd child, then rise and walk for my 1st child paralyzed at 18.
My family
My friends
My cello, and the fact that I get to play it
Daisy and Una (cat and dog)
All of my readers on the story that i'm writing!
Not having any syndrome.
It's called a no-syndrome syndrome, you have to check that with your doctor.
My kids. My degrees. My privilege growing up in a moderately wealthy country and family. Never having had to really struggle when so many around me did. And to the ANC for liberating south africa from the fascists we had running us previously.
I’m thankful for my independence! The opportunity to study in a whole new country and all the parks that Sydney is blessed with!
My mental health worsened, but I am thanful for my therapist and psychiatrist because I know they will help me like they had before.
I hope you feel much better soon. Mental health is real. I too suffer from it
I am thankfull for all the homies
I need some help, I don't have social media accounts or a reddit so I'm turning to yall. I host 2 Thanksgivings a year, one on Tuesday and one on Thursday. I do this for emergency services, like EMS, fire and police, who have to work on Thanksgiving and/or are displaced from their families and want a friendly environment to celebrate in. The problem is that last year one of my friends got a new gf. She's 6 years younger than me and my husband with everyone else being 8-10 years older then us 2. I have a no recording or pictures rule in my house during especially during Thanksgiving. Some of the guest that come aren't technically "off duty", some come during their lunch break or between calls to just grab a plate. I really don't want to "expose" them when they are just trying to get some food or not feel so alone during a family holiday. Over the years I have had 0 expose for this and people learn about it from word of mouth. Last year the gf kept taking pictures and recordings and making my guests uncomfortable. I politely asked her 3 separate times to stop and when she wouldn't I kicked her out. (Which was the first and only time I've very kicked anyone out of my house) This year I told her that if she can't respect my or my guests' privacy that she's not invited at all. Now she's threatening to expose my Thanksgivings and get everyone who comes in trouble because I won't "respect her culture right as a gen Z." I have no idea what to do.
I meant to respond to your comment, but I accidentally posted it as a general comment. Please read. Sorry about your unfortunate predicament.
Load More Replies...@deathrose - WHAT a SERIOUS conundrum, my dear! If I understand correctly, you give and show your emergency services personnel just how grateful you are to have them by offering comfort in what would otherwise be trying and solace. And, due to the unease of knowledge in policies/ procedures/ protocols involving official emergency services, you adhere to your own "privacy policy." Meantime, you have a friend with a NEW gf who doesn't feel she needs to abide by YOUR requests to uphold (the) "no phones at the dinner table." Is this correct? My questions for you would then be: Who have you known longer? The "FRIEND" or the friend's NEW "gf?" Do you think the "gf" would/ will listen to the "friend?" Did the friend and the friend's new gf come (to your house) together? Were they INVITED over, or did they "just show up unannounced?" Are "they" STILL together?
I have known my friend for 10 years. I only met the gf last year when they got together and yeah they're still together. My friend was invited and his gf came with him. My friend won't talk to me about the incident, saying that he agrees with me but he doesn't know how to explain the situation to her in a way that she would understand. She's under the impression that any good deed should be documented, that the world should know what I'm doing. I tried to explain that I'm doing the most good by not doing so but she just doesn't understand.
Then, you have no other choice. (I would) explain to "the friend" that she ISN'T welcomed- AT ALL. And if that means him too, so be it. You ARE doing a WONDERFUL and self-LESS act by sharing what you can with those who are working their bums off to protect (us). Therefore, stand by your guns. YOU GOT "THIS!"
What you are doing is wholesome! She and your friend should respect that!
I dunno the laws in your country, but can she really publish other people's image without their consent?
Your house, your party, your rules! Anybody who doesn't want to respect your privacy and that of your guests should be given the boot. In plain and simple terms this "gen z" is an asshole and your friend is a jerk for not respecting your traditions. Give them the boot!
I'm thankful for living in one of the least corrupt countries in the world. That I was able to buy a hous and I have 3 happy and healthy kids and a wife I actually love. It sound too good to be true and that's why I'm thankful. Millions of people struggling every day just to get by.
I've this. So grateful for you and your happiness
Load More Replies...I am grateful for my Mother's advice "Never expect gratitude. That's not the point" .
my mental health, even though it’s a joke. it’s helped me appreciate the people who actually care. and that mentally abusive stupid boy i dated, who told me he was gonna unalive and it was all because of me. without him, i wouldn’t be the person i am now, who is a lot smarter and stronger and empathetic than i used to be.
I can't have a dog where I live and I am thankful for all the good dogs I meet when I walk around.
I need some help, I don't have social media accounts or a reddit so I'm turning to yall. I host 2 Thanksgivings a year, one on Tuesday and one on Thursday. I do this for emergency services, like EMS, fire and police, who have to work on Thanksgiving and/or are displaced from their families and want a friendly environment to celebrate in. The problem is that last year one of my friends got a new gf. She's 6 years younger than me and my husband with everyone else being 8-10 years older then us 2. I have a no recording or pictures rule in my house during especially during Thanksgiving. Some of the guest that come aren't technically "off duty", some come during their lunch break or between calls to just grab a plate. I really don't want to "expose" them when they are just trying to get some food or not feel so alone during a family holiday. Over the years I have had 0 expose for this and people learn about it from word of mouth. Last year the gf kept taking pictures and recordings and making my guests uncomfortable. I politely asked her 3 separate times to stop and when she wouldn't I kicked her out. (Which was the first and only time I've very kicked anyone out of my house) This year I told her that if she can't respect my or my guests' privacy that she's not invited at all. Now she's threatening to expose my Thanksgivings and get everyone who comes in trouble because I won't "respect her culture right as a gen Z." I have no idea what to do.
I meant to respond to your comment, but I accidentally posted it as a general comment. Please read. Sorry about your unfortunate predicament.
Load More Replies...@deathrose - WHAT a SERIOUS conundrum, my dear! If I understand correctly, you give and show your emergency services personnel just how grateful you are to have them by offering comfort in what would otherwise be trying and solace. And, due to the unease of knowledge in policies/ procedures/ protocols involving official emergency services, you adhere to your own "privacy policy." Meantime, you have a friend with a NEW gf who doesn't feel she needs to abide by YOUR requests to uphold (the) "no phones at the dinner table." Is this correct? My questions for you would then be: Who have you known longer? The "FRIEND" or the friend's NEW "gf?" Do you think the "gf" would/ will listen to the "friend?" Did the friend and the friend's new gf come (to your house) together? Were they INVITED over, or did they "just show up unannounced?" Are "they" STILL together?
I have known my friend for 10 years. I only met the gf last year when they got together and yeah they're still together. My friend was invited and his gf came with him. My friend won't talk to me about the incident, saying that he agrees with me but he doesn't know how to explain the situation to her in a way that she would understand. She's under the impression that any good deed should be documented, that the world should know what I'm doing. I tried to explain that I'm doing the most good by not doing so but she just doesn't understand.
Then, you have no other choice. (I would) explain to "the friend" that she ISN'T welcomed- AT ALL. And if that means him too, so be it. You ARE doing a WONDERFUL and self-LESS act by sharing what you can with those who are working their bums off to protect (us). Therefore, stand by your guns. YOU GOT "THIS!"
What you are doing is wholesome! She and your friend should respect that!
I dunno the laws in your country, but can she really publish other people's image without their consent?
Your house, your party, your rules! Anybody who doesn't want to respect your privacy and that of your guests should be given the boot. In plain and simple terms this "gen z" is an asshole and your friend is a jerk for not respecting your traditions. Give them the boot!
I'm thankful for living in one of the least corrupt countries in the world. That I was able to buy a hous and I have 3 happy and healthy kids and a wife I actually love. It sound too good to be true and that's why I'm thankful. Millions of people struggling every day just to get by.
I've this. So grateful for you and your happiness
Load More Replies...I am grateful for my Mother's advice "Never expect gratitude. That's not the point" .
my mental health, even though it’s a joke. it’s helped me appreciate the people who actually care. and that mentally abusive stupid boy i dated, who told me he was gonna unalive and it was all because of me. without him, i wouldn’t be the person i am now, who is a lot smarter and stronger and empathetic than i used to be.
I can't have a dog where I live and I am thankful for all the good dogs I meet when I walk around.