My family likes to make fun of me because I shed tears of awe whenever I see mountains…


Puppies! When they are SO cute this feeling just swells up inside and the only way to express it is through tears. I'm a 43 y.o. guy. It can be embarrassing.


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4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I think puppies are EVERYBODY'S weakness. Completely understandable!

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    I cry when I get really mad, It's weird. I'm not even sad at all and I'll just start crying. And then people think that I'm sad-crying and think I'm just a crybaby. It gets kind of annoying.



    I will start to cry when i'm talking about my emotions, mainly when i'm super turbo mad.



    Currently, the retirement of a professor of my institute. Due to my terrible writing anxiety which started when I was an undergraduate, I had many moments when I just wanted to give everything up and take the easy way out - quitting university. In such and other times he helped me a lot with his empathy and kindness and he has helped me to grow in my mind as well as a person. He embodies the tradition that my discipline began with and that since has been largely forgotten and/or marginalized, but doesn't force his opinions and preference on his students but has sincere interest in their opinions and results, no matter the topic. He is highly respected in academic circles and highly cherished among his students. He is one of the rare species of professor who would go out for a coffee with his students.

    I often joke that I can't imagine to do a PHD but (had things be different) that I would have liked him as my dissertation advisor.



    Not me, but my best friend used to cry at the beauty of the night sky's. She loved the stars.



    I once cried because I had been craving white chocolate buttons ALL day and I went to Tesco, paid for my stuff through self-checkout, got to the car and drove off, shortly realising I had left my white chocolate buttons at the self checkout. I cried. I guess I cry over missing out on white chocolate!


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    One time I went with my mom to the store to buy some egg noodles for supper, we bought several bags (we have a big family) and a few other things we needed, and then we checked out and drove home. When we got home, we didn't have the egg noodles! We had something else for supper.


    I have such a family too. They call me Werewolf because I just love the full moon. Especially when it's orange and starts to rise, and it rises so fast, you can actually watch it move. I'm always hypnotized with tears in my eyes while watching it...


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    Completely understandable, I cry when I see the sea, like a mothership of my tears, they move unstoppably towards the big blue! Absolute pure happiness with tears:)



    Seeing the reaction of families and their pets when their military family come home.


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    Billy The Kid
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    There are wars for the protection of innocent people and then there are wars over greed ie. oil.... and then there are wars to prove who has the better weapons. Religion also creates a lot of wars too. I'm for the soldiers that protect!

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    Good or happy news makes me cry because it is so rare. We are bombarded with bad news daily and I wish the reverse was true.



    Hahah I been waiting for this question, When someone start talking to fast, I start crying.



    warning mines sad: so when ever i think of my mom and dad it makes me cry because my father used to abuse my own mother so i had a pretty hard life it still is ;3;


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I'm so sorry about this B. It totally normal to get upset about that stuff. I Genuinely hope you are safe, and if not please ask for help it may not always look like help it their but trust me it always is.

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    I do a super weirdo thing where I smile like a madman (you know, full blown teeth and lips as wide as they can get ). And when I smile, whoever sees me do that has to smile too(weird, i know). Its something which makes people's mood better (only my family) and mine too. But I feel extremely sad when somebody doesn't smile back at me. I remember crying a couple-more like a dozen- times when somebody just doesn't return that smile, cause that would mean that my family member is too sad to smile, ergo crying like a baby.


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    when good things happen to disadvantage people or when i see adverts like kids with cancer. Very sad



    I never cry. I mean, it makes me human, but when I'm in pain or something sad is happening I just quietly stand there. My eyes not even glistening with the ghosts of my past.
    The only times I ever cry are when A: My math homework is inhumanly possible B: Sirius Black/Fred/Cedric Diggory is dying (sorry everyone else)


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    fred hurt me so much just because there wasnt too much attention put onto it. just like taka in danganronpa (you guys probably dont know who that is)

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    I really have a hard time crying, and when I do it usually takes a lot to get me to that point. I think the last two things that got me good enough to make me cry were two books. Dewey - About the library cat in Iowa, and Grace - about the Great Dane with dietary issues that led to her owner and his friend creating 3 Dog Bakery. Those animals lived full lives and inspired people, the mark they left on their owners and others lives made me start crying. I never did pick up Marley and Me but I watched that movie and it brought me to tears too.


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    It used to make me cry when a man with a mustache would get killed in movies. It didn't matter if they were a villain or a good guy, if he had a mustache and died I would start bawling.



    When a book gets really sad and unfair I have to take a break with tears in my eyes



    I cry when I go to my kids schools for their annual Halloween Parade. Its tears of happiness and joy and ai dry every single time


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    oops, typos. 'Tears of happiness and joy and I cry every single time


    When I see someone who's got red eyes (doesn't matter if it's for crying, allergies, being drunk or high or just sleepy), it always makes me cry.


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    Art - Sometimes a display at a gallery overwhelms me and tears start to form....


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    British Christmas adverts. I swear they are made specifically to make you cry. (Also, I once managed to tear up over a toilet paper ad. In my defence, I was on my period and there were puppies, so...)


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    John Lewis Christmas adverts! Like the one with the man on the moon..


    In movies, I will cry when the music swells. Especially if it was one I was emotionally invested in. I cried extra hard watching “A Dogs Purpose”


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I went to see A Dog's Purpose' in the cinema... cried a lot, friend and I ended up practically holding on to each other. Sounds melodramatic but if you've seen it you know what I mean. Loved it so much I got the dvd :)


    For some odd reason I tear up when I listen my country's national anthem. There is no good reason for this, I'm not THAT patriotic! Like, at the start of national squad football matches I have to pretend I'm yawning or sneezing big time to justify my teary eyes. I feel so stupid...



    I cry for no reason sometimes, or when I get really bad chest pains 🤷🏻‍♀️


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    Whenever the homework is hard and there's a question that takes more than 9 or minutes, I would cry, so sometimes there is tear stains on the homework.


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    ok 10 minutes . why are those people downvoting in other people's posts? did you see that they downvoted the most harmless post ever (see the posts above and below for ex.)

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    Sad moments in shows. Like when someone a girl likes is leaving and the boy likes her too.
    I don't know why this makes me cry. It's weird.



    Movies. Nearly every single movie makes me cry. Even kids' movies. The funny thing is, books don't evoke the same reaction all the time.


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    Here's a funny story...
    Once went to go watch Star Wars: The Last Jedi and cried at the theater. Not during the movie. During the commercials.



    a certain episode of one of my favourite tv shows. (i cant remember which one my mind has currently gone blank :p)


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    My husband teased me about this one. I cried when I read Cujo, and just thinking about the book makes me sad. All I could think is that the poor sweet dog gets bit and then is all confused, then turns mean from the disease. He doesn't understand what's going on and wasn't, on his own, a bad dog. It is a scary book, but it makes me sad.


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    Over dead bugs....this includes bee's, ant's, ect.


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    Cruelty towards the most vulnerable: children, animals and the elderly.


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    I cry when someone is kind to me.


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    Song accompanied by a guitar at a fireplace.


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    There is a channel on YouTube ‘Paul Barton’ that is simply Piano for Elephants. Just a guy and his old piano, in the tropical forests, playing classical piano for elephants. It’s beautiful to watch them listen. I cry. Every. Single. Time. I don’t think I’ve ever cried with happiness. I’ve cried from sadness a lot. But this is a positive, worthwhile cry.


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    Joe Dunn
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I've seen these videos on YouTube. It is really amazing to hear the elephants listening to him play. Have you ever seen the video where the elephant pulls her caretaker over to a younger (new) addition to the herd so the caretaker will sing a lullaby? That one made me tear up too.

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    Seeing love.


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    I cry at movie trailers when I'm in the theater. Doesn't have to be a sad movie, either. I think I just get overwhelmed. There was that one time that I was PMS-ing real bad and I cried during Baby Got Back when it was on the radio. The part where he says, "Kick those nasty thoughts." I also cry when I remember that David Bowie isn't here anymore. Huge fan.


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    Something that is so awesome, beautiful, or ginormous it doesn't even have a word to describe it


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    one of the few times i cry is when an anime character expresses sadness after losing someone... a good example is erza comforting wendy in fairy tail final series in episode 316 after makarov died in battle... might be the first time i cried this year... wont be able to cry again for the same scene



    I always tear up watching those homecoming video's of military men and women surprising their kids... I don't even have anyone in my family in the military. I can just see their kids face overwhelmed with love, and surprised by their mom or dad just being in the room. knowing they are alive and well, and they were thought of and missed. Its heartwarming.


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    Going to an animal shelter always makes me cry, I just want to take them all home.


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    The song "lemon boy" by cavetown. Its not even a sad song it just kills me.


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    I was at Bonnaroo, and got to see John Butler perform “Ocean“. That moment moved me so much, it was the most Incredible feeling. The music echoed through my whole body. The warmth of a hot sunny afternoon in the middle of a field in Manchester, TN., surrounded by tens of thousands of people vibing off the same sounds... The positivity and unity and overall beauty from the music and the moment was almost surreal. It was truly a magical and life changing experience. 🍁☮️


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    Just seing an orange cat. Mine died.Or when a book, movie, or series ends. Like at the end chivalry of a failed knight


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    Music... A lot of songs that kind of have depressing lyrics, or like that are slow, and just good songs to cry to in general.


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    I also cry when i see a Fellow American get killed or miss treated just because they have a different skin color.


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    I cry when I see a balloon that has been lost. Somewhere nearby is a child who is very sad over losing something that brought them joy. The worst part is that they can see it as it goes. It is still perfectly intact, still good, still capable of bringing joy, but it is gone forever and you have to endure the tragedy of watching it slip away. It's a metaphor for so many different kinds of loss. I am actually crying while writing about it.


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    Springy boi
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    There there you can cry on my vaccinated sore shoulder. Just let it all out!


    the song two of us by louis tomlinson I don't know why it just does


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    Mine is not sentimental. If a have been holding my need to pee for too long tears start to fall.
    Sometimes I joke it is just overflow.


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    The final episode of Babylon 5 "Sleeping in light"... reduced me to a bag of tears every time


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    I cry when I can’t see my friends as to me they are family and I love them to bits


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    The song "She used to be mine" from Waitress the musical


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    I can talk without crying more about my son who passed away than I can a cat who passed away b/c the vet killed her in a procedure.


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    Seeing Joe Biden being forced to continue as a presidential candidate when he obviously has no idea of where he is or what he is doing.


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I still hope he becomes president because trumps Vice President wants the LGBTQ community to be burned. And I’m apart of that community. Also trump is racist. He said that he’s not willing to change how black lives are being treated.

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