Hey Pandas, I am wondering what one of your biggest fears are. Share your thoughts with your fellow pandas!


Dead things. I know it’s irrational, but if I see a dead animal that’s bigger than the average spider, I freak out. I have a hard time even going to funerals. I know it’s a Stupid fear, but I’ve always had it. (Also, could some one tell me how to make an all pandas post I want too but I have no idea how)


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4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

For the record, if you’re going to add a downvote please note why. I don’t really mind if it’sa difference of opinion, but if it’s just to be a jerk, that really bothers me

Maia Metz-Tolliver
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4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Hey, I don't think its stupid. Whenever I see a squirrel or pigeon lying in the road, I get nervous as well.

Dorothy Parker
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4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Going to funerals is very difficult. You're not alone in these feelings.

Chris Watson
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4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

A dead body is a discarded set of clothes. The outfit is gone.

A Random Panda
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4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Just make a regular post with "Hey pandas" at the beginning, and once people start answering in the comments, they will turn it into an ask pandas post.

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Billy The Kid
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4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Personally i'm on the fence about this sort of thing but maybe in your past life something happened to make you feel like this.

Cat Nip Gal
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4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

You title a regular post "hey pandas, what's your _____ " and it might eventually turn into one.

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Right now I have COVID, got it from a patient who coughed on me. My fear is giving it to my husband who lost a lung from cancer.



Dying and not having anyone to look after my animals the way I do and love them the way I do1


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4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I'm not sure how you love your animals, but I love my animals as if they were human!

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The ongoing mass extinction and current loss of most species on this planet. That the inevitable change comes too late. The death of global coral reefs and rainforests. That the destruction will just go on and on until everything is dead.



My biggest fear is never having a family of my own, being alone and/or useless.


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Joan Humphreys
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4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

You will never, ever be useless. Somewhere there is a person that is waiting for the one and only you.

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Okay... first who da fq is downvoting ppl sharing their biggest fears? Like wth? Secondly, being left alone. It's happened a lot and those were the worst times ever. Like being left alone when I don't want to be, people leaving me behind, ext. I don't really have any other fears besides that.



Being forgotten


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Anxious Pansexual Nightmare
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4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

This is one of the things I love about Mexican culture. We have a holiday specifically made to remember our loved ones who have passed on. It also reminded people to remember the people we still have. Maybe start something like that with your loved ones?

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Drains, idk why but they scare me. Also mirrors and eyes in the dark. Getting covid that would make me miss xc races and school. My last one is loved ones or friends dying.



My biggest fear is deep water and drowning. It kinda sux coz there is a lot I would love to do that involves deep water, I just need to find a way to get over my fear.


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4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I can see why you fear drowning, it's one of the most painful ways to die.

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Dying alone. I am 56 and have been alone my entire life. Bullied by family, coworkers, my entire life. I wonder what the point is anymore. Why I exist at all.
I can picture myself being an old lady living her entire life just watching TV and only leaving the house to grocery shop.
What is the point.


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Maryam Siddiqui
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4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

i have a solution, if u rlly dont feel like u are able to succeed with ppl, then get a pet! they dont care if u make mistakes or how u look, they just want ur love🙂

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Dying. I know it has to happen eventually, but I'm still afraid of when I'm going to die.


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Steve Barnett
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4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

So many thoughts on this subject, but it's simpler to just say that I'm with you on this one Adam.

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When I fail in the responsibilities given by Mom. I feel terrible even on silly mistakes. I want to be a good daughter.


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4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

You thinking this as your greatest fear shows how caring and loving daughter you are!

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My biggest fear is that my parents will find out that I’m bisexual. If u have any ideas on how I could cope with this please share in the comments...no hate comments please...


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the oreo
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4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

sup- fellow closeted person here (lol), please don't lose hope! unless your parents have expressed clear homophobic behavior, I would not be scared- and even if they do, there is a good chance they will change their minds because you are their child and especially if they educate you. furthermore, you absolutely DO NOT have to come out before you're ready, if that means either 18 or 49. do what's right for you! and remember, even if they end up not accepting you, there are people in similar situations as you and we got your back. PRIIIDE!

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Watching my mum die again. She survived death twice now: once when she was hit by a car at 18, then almost 7 years ago. Those 7 years ago I watched her heart stop for a minute. I only have my mum


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Chris Watson
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4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Correction! You will always have your Mum! Believe in faith. She is always with you whether you know it or not. And I don't mean on dates, or the toilet. But when you’re quiet and lonely. She’s there! And you know it.

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My cat dyeing. He is my life and soul.Hes also a senior.So I'm going to lose my soul at some point.


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Steve Barnett
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4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

With you Hannah. I know I've made the same comment on a similar post weeks ago, but a pet will bring you the happiest days of your life, but unfortunately also the saddest day.

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RATS. Freaking rats. My irrational fear started when i watched a tv program when i was 6-8 years old (not sure). There was a man who hung upside down. He was forced to wear a black bag around his face and that was tied with a rope. And hungry RATS were put inside that BAG. He started screeching and yelling out in pain for an hour (HOUR). The bag was removed with the now satisfied rats and the man's face was completely CHEWED OFF! That show ruined anything I ever thought about rats and gave me recurring nightmares. And that's how I am scared of rats for a little more than a decade now. p.s.the fact that there were a lot of rats where I lived didn't help at all.



my biggest fear is my horse leaving me as he is my best friend and we have been through so much together. he is my rock.


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Loosing someone I love and being ignored...


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Chris Watson
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4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

You must be young. You will experience the death of someone you care about. Happens to us all. As for being ignored? If you feel that happens, it’s okay. You’ll never get in trouble for something you said, or did.

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I fear that I am wasting my life. I've had a diagnosis of depression and everything seems too difficult. Getting out of bed on a morning is a major achievement but there's still this nagging, constant thought that I will reach old age with nothing to look back on.


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4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Be kind. Even if you accomplish nothing that the society would see as ”valuable”, be kind and you have done so much good already. I truly hope you can get better, and remember that you are immeasurably important and valuable no matter what.

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My biggest fear is being alone and something bad happens to me. Wether it is falling in the fire pit, drowning, or just plain falling to my death. I also fear swimming is deep water. I don’t like not being able to see the bottom.



I'm afraid of having a second psychotic break.


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Steve Barnett
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4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Hi Madb. Obviously, I don't know what type of episode you're talking about, but as someone else who has certain mental health issues (Primarily Aspergers and clinical depression) life is at times difficult. But, you know, I battle through. I hope you have a good support network. Look after yourself, you're not alone.

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Extreme Poverty
Being Homeless.
I have no backup in life, and I don't think I have the skills to survive living on the street.


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Chris Watson
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4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Worse case scenario? If your homeless you’ll have plenty of company. So make a plan if you’re worried! Tell yourself you won’t let this happen.

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Losing my mind. to Alzheimer or another neurodegenerative disease and losing who I am.


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Chris Watson
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4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I’m at an age where names and phrases escape me. Am I scared? A bit pissed off actually. And if I really Lose my marbles? I wont know any better.

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Freakin SPIDERS!!! I was really bad about them in my younger years. I have nightmares that I'm locked in a room with high ceilings and there a thousands of them of all sizes all over the ceiling and walls. When they start repelling from the ceiling in their little commando tactical gear (irrational I know but it's my fucking dream) I can never get away from them no matter what weapons I have. When I was a little kid, one of my jackass brothers would grab a piece of lint off the carpet and throw it at me yelling "Spider!" I would scream and run then we would hear my mom yell "Rick, quit throwing lint on your sister!" Yeah, good times. I eventually got even with him but that is for another time.


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Steve Barnett
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4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

When I was young, I was freaked out by spiders. I taught myself to not be afraid of spiders over the years. Now spiders no longer freak me out. In fact, I've learnt to love spiders; they eat flies. I hate flies. Had a spider in my house so i picked it up and put it outside, unfortunately I accidently slightly crushed it whilst putting it down and I killed it, I was distraught. Also, here's an interesting fact, the reason why we are afraid of spiders might be an instinct thing, but it's also attributed to something called the 'uncanny valley': They are completely unlike us, eight legs, lay eggs, multiple eyes, live on webs, their anatomy etc. Whereas we are (generally) not afraid of say, Cats; four legs, we have four limbs, they give birth to live young, as do we, two eyes, like us, etc.

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Drowning or smothering I think is terrifying even though I have done an open water scuba course. The thought of running out of air down there is scary but your with a buddy so its not so bad.



Fear of losing a loved one. Honestly, who does not have this fear. I worry when I see the gray hairs on my dog and feel like I am not paying enough attention to him. Yeah, anxiety, depression and autism combined is a terrible combination, especially when it comes to thinking about stuff like this



Being judged. I am a teen, and I feel judged everyday.



In order
Being left alone/forgotten
Being unloved by family
Deep Open Ocean
The Dark
And the grand old one...
Death. Not death, but what happens after we die.


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Steve Barnett
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4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Hi Alice, as long as you are just afraid of Bees, that's fine. BUT PLEASE NEVER EVER KILL A BEE; they are so important to the environment.

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Being lazy and useless. The bane of my existence is work, I take pride in my work ethic, people know and acknowledge me for my work. If I don't work, than I have no purpose. If I have no purpose, I just spiral into a pit of disaster. So yeah.


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Steve Barnett
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4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Hi Madison. This too is something I can completely relate to; if I've done nothing during a day, even on a day off, I feel I’ve not achieved anything; therefore, the day has been lost. I think about The Myth of Sisyphus. I recommend reading Albert Camus's 'The Myth of Sisyphus'.

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This is going to sound really dumb, but butterflies. I don't even know why.
Also having everyone die. But butterflies and I run away screaming when I see one


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4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

My uncle does the same thing and he's like 300 lbs. He's also scared of moths.

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This is a time of grief for you. Life is your own journey no one can walk for you. You will suffer more by thinking about past and future. Best thing is always stay in the current moment. This is the moment you live.

Stop thinking what happened in the past or what will happen in future. Think only about the current moment. By doing this you start addressing the immediate necessities. Address them based on your experience and situation. Always plan to improve yourself.


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4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Thank you so much ,Sir! I think this the only solution to all of the miseries on earth yet it doesn't stop me from thinking life is really not worth all that people say it is.Good day to all!

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I know that it must be an obvious thing to be scared but i am scared of death. I don't want to die fast i want to die fighting for my life


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Anxious Pansexual Nightmare
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4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Honestly, that’s a pretty healthy fear. For me, not feeling like that is one of the warning signs that I’m in for a really bad mental health day.

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one of my biggest fears is some sort of zombie apocalypse happens and we dont have anywhere to go and then we turn into chickens and then my dad is a zombie (it was one of my dreams but its still scares me and i hope it doesnt happen )



In order:
1. Clowns
2. Spiders
3. Nuns (I'm not even Catholic)
(Distant) 4. Failure



In past years I had 3 pets: a parakeet, a dog and a cat (my sister's pet). Parakeet and dog died; their final days were really painfully due sickness. My fear is that the cat died also with lot of pain. Due Covid, sister is in another country unable to return. Also my fear is to tell her her cat died painfully.


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Dorothy Parker
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4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Take your pets in for regular check ups. If they are eating, sleeping, playing and eliminating normally you can assume they're fine. If they are ill, with no hope of recovery, talk to the vet about what the merciful thing to do is. Animals shouldn't suffer so we can have them longer. The kindest thing to do is let them go when it's their time.

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I'm scared to death of relapsing and becoming addicted to porn again.


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A Random Panda
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4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Concentrate on the people around you who give you joy. Just, try and forget.

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Honestly, it's being forgotten from existence when we die. It kind of makes it worthless to go through all of life just to die and be forgotten.


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4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

But doesn't that give purpose? The fact that we have just this life to make something better, to pass down knowledge, to care for the next generation and those acts will remain when we go.


My anger exploding. If I build it up too long it'll just hurt everyone, but there's not really an easy method to get rid of it for me.


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*sigh*, The Yellow Teletubby
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4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

hm, I wanna know what methods you've tried. I find creating art helps, not a lot, but it gets it down a bit. Also screaming in the shower, to a song or just screaming by itself helps. And writing isn't that effective for me, but it gets me tired enough to where I'm too exhausted to think about the anger and just go to sleep lmao.

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Sharks, I really shouldn't have watched Jaws


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*sigh*, The Yellow Teletubby
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4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

look up cookie cutter sharks <3 and "ghost sharks". Avoid goblin sharks and that one prehistoric shark with the weird a*s jaw.


I'm a very anxious person in the first place, but hoooohhhh lordy reading these resurfaced so many fears I forgot I had, lmao. My top fear (I think...?) is being vulnerable. I'm scared of opening up to and trusting people with my emotions, because last time I trusted someone, I experienced something that should never happened to an innocent, 4 year old girl. I also have a kind-of fear of asking for help from others, especially when I really need it.
My 2nd is being alone, all by myself, and left with my thoughts. I'm scared of what I might do to myself, because I really depend on others to distract me from my thoughts. I can't stand the thought of not having someone to have by my side, to talk to, to support each other.
#3 is probably failing and having to come back to my father with the failure. He is really narcissistic, and just is horrible with dealing with the failure of people he knows. When someone he knows fails at something, it makes him think less of them, and he talks about it and jokes about them behind their backs. He mocks me and my sister if we do badly at something, and he yells at us and complains (VERY loudly) about it to our stepmom while we're a room away.
4th fear is becoming like him. I'm horrified of that, because sometimes narcissism runs in genes, and both me and my sister are actually scared of becoming like him, and picking up/developing some of his traits, haha. I fear this even more, because I've already found myself showing little hints of his personality.
My 5th fear is not being able to protect the people I love. I wasn't able to protect myself the 1 time I really needed to, and I can't stand thinking about anyone I know and love facing something so horrible and not being able to feel safe. I've always been a little on the naturally stronger side, so I can protect myself more now, but I couldn't back then. On the plus side, I'm working out to get stronger. I just want everyone to feel safe where they are, without having to worry about being assaulted/killed/hurt.
My 6th and probably last fear might be drowning. There's really not a really effective way to get out of the situation of which you're drowning. You're under the water, and no one's going to see you unless they've got a sharp eye. The chances of you pulling through decrease exponentially the longer you're under water. No thanks, not my cup of tea, lmao.


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4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

You know,I have similar fears and the thing about becoming like them .It causes so much of self hate within me whenever I see any hint of such trait.I also fear I'll just give up one day and become like him.Being afraid all the time of my own self and my stupid life ahead is so exhausting that I rarely wish to continue living.The Yellow Teletubby,now that you know you're alone in feeling such things,fearing them I hopw you get better everyday.Your story,your voice comforted me in my fight.I hope you feel the same way.*One big tight virtual hug

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House fires, It may sound not so bad but it is my number one fear in the whole world.


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*sigh*, The Yellow Teletubby
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4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I used to be horrified of this and have a bag filled with important 4-year-old possessions to grab-and-skeet if there was ever a fire in the house.

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Blood. I know it's kinda silly, but I have a valid reason. I tense up and get really uncomfortable. Even when I think about it, I get scared. As I'm writing this even.



My biggest fear is heights. I have actually passed out a couple of times.


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As a musician, one of my worst fears is messing up on a solo, be it in a live concert with an ensemble(such as orchestra or band) or screwing up quite literally as a soloist standing or sitting in front of a large group. I would be even more afraid if I get grilled by either of my private instructors afterward.


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My name not being written in the Book of Life.


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Anxious Pansexual Nightmare
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4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Well, I don’t know much about religion, but from what I know, isn’t god supposed to be forgiving? As long as you believe in him and love thy neighbor, I think you’ll be fine! (Please don’t attack me if I got anything wrong, and I hope this helps a little)

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Snakes even read one's scars me 2death



killing bugs. I don't know why, it's stupid, I'm not even afraid of bugs- but the act of killing them is absolutely horrifying to me for whatever reason. therefore pretty much any bug I see ends up being transported in a cup back to the outdoors lol.


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Shawna Rachelle
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4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I always feel guilty when I have to kill the spider who won't stop making webs in my house or the cricket that sneaked in. But no guilt on the damn mosquitos or fungus gnats ( I have a lot of indoor plants) those bastards can die!

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I have an irrational fear of slugs. I can see one and start crying, my husband has to remove them and tell me where he put it so that I can calm down. I know that it’s a stupid fear and that I can out run one but it is a very real fear to me.


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seaweed but not on shore under the water and feeling it glide by your foot and thinking it would either

one drag you down

two be a jelly fish



The things IN the dark. Not THE dark, the things IN the dark. Please understand the difference


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4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

i know humans fear the dark for they cannot see what there is, and the possibility that there is someTHING in there.

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That is easy. Outlive my son. This should happen to no one.


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Foxxy (The Original)
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4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I agree with you there. Sadly my nanna has lost 3 of her kids and her husband, losing one kid is bad enough let alone 3.

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That evil will win at the end of the game.


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When I was in the Marines we had a presentation about fear. It was discussed a lot. This presentation was particularly about going into battle and how it was normal to experience fear and how to cope with it. The Marine presenting did a great job of normalizing fear and reassuring Marines that they didn't have to suppress emotions; that we could all rely on each other. He asked several people to discuss things they are afraid of. When he asked one hardened Master Sergeant, the MSgt replied, "I ain't scared a shit". I believe him. I've tried to reach that goal ever since then. I feel that I'm close.


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I've always hated spiders that I don't know. I'll be uncomfortable if one of my teachers/friends owns a pet spider, but it isn't that bad.

Looking for a spider in a garage though.... It scares me beyond belief. I know they're supposed to be 'helpful' and all, but when my dad found a huge black widow....eghhh


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I have a giant fear of failure. It sucks because whenever I fail I absolutely breakdown for about an hour.



frogs and toads I know this sounds outrageous but when I was young frogs would always chase me and the same with toads. they also gross me out. whenever i see a frog or a toad while walking ill just spin around like a ballerina and go the other way. i swear there out to get me


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Drowning. I even panicked during my baptism at age 7 (Baptist-they fully submerge you). I never learned how to swim and I'm still afraid to learn. I've been in pools many times, so that is facing my fear a bit. 10 years ago, I braved going down a water slide, and panicked because I couldn't feel the bottom of the pool after I came up (I was told it was not that deep). I had hit my head on the bottom of the pool, but didn't know it until the next day, when I found a large bump on my head. No more water slides for me!


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Dying alone


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A Random Panda
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4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Hey, all the lil cells and bones and stuffs will always be with you. You ar never alone.

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My fear is being stuck in a tube not being able to move with my hands down by my sides all alone. Left to rot but worst of all, having an itch and not able to get to it!


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i have a few big fears:
wasps and hornets


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That I'm not good enough and will keep disappointing myself and others.


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Arctic Fox Lover
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4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Whaaaat? But on other posts you were saying how "Oh, failure is nothing, just brush it off cuz you're still a great person", while here, your fear is that you're not good enough? Duuuuuude

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Basements. It's one of my triggers still too. Unless it's furnished I don't handle basements well. So much fun considering I live in Tornado Alley. I've legitimately had to argue with myself out loud about taking shelter before.

I also fear heights...well more the sensations of falling. The height itself makes me nervous more than scared. I know everyone keeps telling me the landing hurts worse but that but wrenching sensation while you fall gets to me.

Those are my big two.


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Dorothy Parker
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4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Finished basements don't look scary. Furnished, lighting. It's the ones with unpainted splintery wood and open stairs that are on tv or in the movies. Not much light and old junk. They're supposed to scare you.

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One of my biggest fears are of spiders. Even if a spider is on the ceiling I freak. Also, when I have something over my face like a face mask I feel like I can’t breath.


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Snakes Spiders and Crawling Things


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Outdoorsy person here-- lots of normal fears about either myself or my partner getting hurt while climbing or mountaineering (my partner fell down a crevasse two years ago). One of my more unreasonable fears, though, is falling into a pit toilet (like the ones at campgrounds and trailheads).


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My greatest fear is bees and wasps, ok the reasoning when I was a smol kid I was playing around in my backyard and I saw a bug. (I was big into bus then) It was a wasp. I tried to grab it (I didn’t know what it was) I made it mad it flew straight at me. It stung me like an inch away from my eye.


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