If you think accepting something is easy, ha, you are greatly mistaken, my friend.

Accepting an apology is never easy. No, it doesn't become any easier if you're a people-pleaser either. Accepting thank-you gifts is not always easy. Accepting things promised in a will is not easy. Heck, it's not even easy to accept a friend request on Facebook sometimes. Everything is very situational, and even that is hard to accept.

Well, folks on Reddit have been bold enough to go where most don't even try, and that is down the road of acceptance, and have shared some of their bits (or pieces, or pearls, or call it whatever arbitrary noun you'd like) of wisdom in response to an AskReddit question what have you FINALLY accepted?

Scroll down to read the best of the best answers found in the online thread, and why not share some of your hard-to-swallow pills in the comment section below! Oh, and upvote, enjoy, and be sure to share this list with those who need to hear it, because sharing is caring, and accept it as a fact that you gotta share everything we do now.

More Info: Reddit


30 Pills That Are Hard To Swallow, But These Folks Finally Accepted It And Shared Their Wisdom With Others I don't have to keep tolerating toxic people just because they are my family.

SuvenPan , Kim MyoungSung Report

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Lakota Wolf
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2 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I had to live an "extra" 20 years of my life with my mother, who has been physically, emotionally, verbally, and mentally abusive to me since I was 5-6 years old. My older sister is a mini version of my mother (and in some ways is worse; my sister is more physically abusive.) Why, you ask? Because my dad, who was a good father and whom I loved, had an accident when I was 18. He was catastrophically brain damaged and needed 24/7 care. We took care of him at home. I never moved out. I stayed for my dad, whom I would never have left in the care of my mother and sister alone (my mom was abusive towards my dad through my whole life, too). My dad died last year and I gtfo that house as fast as I could - and I took my dad with me (his ashes.) :) My mom didn't want them. She still lies that my dad is alive so she can get "oh you poor thing" pity-points!

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30 Pills That Are Hard To Swallow, But These Folks Finally Accepted It And Shared Their Wisdom With Others Most people are stupid, and there's no way to change that.

Slambien , .Martin. Report


30 Pills That Are Hard To Swallow, But These Folks Finally Accepted It And Shared Their Wisdom With Others There is no point in arguing with random people on internet, it's a waste of time and energy.

SuvenPan , g_u Report

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The leech
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I disagree. I got a bully to stop harrasing certain youtubers. I got a woman to admit she was a racist. And I've had a few "age doesn't matter" channels taken down. Sometimes arguing is fine.

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30 Pills That Are Hard To Swallow, But These Folks Finally Accepted It And Shared Their Wisdom With Others Treating people fairly doesn’t mean you will get treated fairly back. Doesn’t mean you shouldn’t, but never expect it back.

PYPEACH , /jeanbaptisteparis Report

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Cory Kent
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Treating people fairly should not be done so you get anything back. Treat people not based on how they are, treat people the way YOU are. You're a good person. You're a fair person. Show it.

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30 Pills That Are Hard To Swallow, But These Folks Finally Accepted It And Shared Their Wisdom With Others That two people can see the same thing and experience completely different feelings.

CronkleDonker , Peter O'Connor aka anemoneprojectors Report

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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I’m gonna use this post as a PSA: I’m not sure who is new here to BP, but downvoting is for inappropriate comments, NOT differences of opinion or unpopular comments. That’s what discourse is for. When you downvote people you’re saying they were inappropriate not disagreeable. BP is a user-regulated site. Ten downvotes is an automatic temporary suspension. Three temp bans or 30 downvotes causes a permanent ban. Please use your voice to discuss & debate comments you disagree with. Only downvote for users who are being inappropriate and/or offensive to most.

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30 Pills That Are Hard To Swallow, But These Folks Finally Accepted It And Shared Their Wisdom With Others The people that have gone nuts over the last 6 years are not going to just “come to their senses” one day. They will never admit that they were lied to and conned and there is no perfect combination of words that will lead them to that conclusion.

yousorename , Cristian Ungureanu Report

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M O'Connell
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

"The only thing more difficult than getting someone to fall for a scam is convincing someone that they've fallen for one."

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30 Pills That Are Hard To Swallow, But These Folks Finally Accepted It And Shared Their Wisdom With Others There will always be someone that doesn’t like you, no matter what, even if you do everything right, they’ll always think you did it wrong. So don’t try to please everyone and relax.

MajesticOtter903 , Crosa Report

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Lakota Wolf
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

It's just difficult when the people who don't like you and always think you did something wrong are your closest family members. I'd love to just relax, but it's gonna take a lot more therapy to get to that point ;p

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30 Pills That Are Hard To Swallow, But These Folks Finally Accepted It And Shared Their Wisdom With Others It’s better to be the best version of one’s self, than trying to impress everyone around you.

Quality_Quest7122 , Yaniv Yaakubovich Report


30 Pills That Are Hard To Swallow, But These Folks Finally Accepted It And Shared Their Wisdom With Others I am genuinely nowhere as smart as I thought I was.

kelldame , Claire Thompson Report

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Lakota Wolf
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2 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I was told from a young age that I was a "genius"; my mom had my IQ tested when I was a small child and it was something like 142. She pushed me into "gifted and talented education" classes and programs in school and made me take the GED test when I was 14. I started college at 14. I burned out BIG-TIME after two years, dropped out, etc. Never got a BA; the best I have is an AA degree. I also am horrible at communicating/making friends as I did not have a normal upbringing/school experience. I've also probably got some form of ADHD and/or autism, judging by my behaviors/habits/lack of ability to focus/etc. But no, my mom wanted to be able to tell people her daughter was a "genius" and didn't care one bit about how all of that affected me.

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30 Pills That Are Hard To Swallow, But These Folks Finally Accepted It And Shared Their Wisdom With Others That life is unfair and you just have to continue having the will to live and make the most out of what you've got.

rntopspin100 , Kim MyoungSung Report


30 Pills That Are Hard To Swallow, But These Folks Finally Accepted It And Shared Their Wisdom With Others That I don’t have to justify my decisions to people. It it makes me happy and has a purpose for my life that’s good enough for me.

dxonnie , joey zanotti Report

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2 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I’d specifically add “my personal decisions,” as part of healthy relationships is accountability, communication and understanding. The decisions I make that affect only me are nobody’s business and I owe no one justification. When my choices affect or influence others, I often times owe them some reasoning.

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30 Pills That Are Hard To Swallow, But These Folks Finally Accepted It And Shared Their Wisdom With Others When something is wrong, it is not always my fault.

hobbiez11 , My Photo Journeys Report


30 Pills That Are Hard To Swallow, But These Folks Finally Accepted It And Shared Their Wisdom With Others Most people, even (especially) those in charge, have no idea what the f**k they're doing most of the time.

kefefs , Olaf Report

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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

That’s because they don’t actually do any of the daily work of the people they are managing.

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30 Pills That Are Hard To Swallow, But These Folks Finally Accepted It And Shared Their Wisdom With Others Some people are just monsters. There is no redemption.

sixfeetsouth , Caleb Jenkins Report

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Lakota Wolf
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017


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30 Pills That Are Hard To Swallow, But These Folks Finally Accepted It And Shared Their Wisdom With Others Being mad never solved any of my problems but sure caused me a few.

BawRawg , Melinda Seckington Report

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Michelle C
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Getting angry about something, depending on what that thing is, is fine by itself. How one handles anger in a given situation may or may not be.

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30 Pills That Are Hard To Swallow, But These Folks Finally Accepted It And Shared Their Wisdom With Others That it’s not worth your time or energy worrying about thing’s you cannot control.

Witty_Window1035 , Sari Montag Report

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2 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Well, you can plan for them and hopefully create a desired outcome. Just because I can’t control Mother Nature doesn’t mean I don’t worry about specific, very likely natural disasters or destructive weather. I worry a little and use a fair amount of energy to plan a lot. - If it’s something that I cannot influence change or outcome, only then do I not give it my time and energy.

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30 Pills That Are Hard To Swallow, But These Folks Finally Accepted It And Shared Their Wisdom With Others That I have to learn on my own because school won't teach me important things.

Far_Organization_610 , misskprimary Report

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Carole G.
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

🤣 In mathematics classes they would tell my kids "show your work, you're not going to have a calculator in your pocket all the time" 🤣

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30 Pills That Are Hard To Swallow, But These Folks Finally Accepted It And Shared Their Wisdom With Others Not everyone is my friend.

IndigoBonnie , Nenad Stojkovic Report


30 Pills That Are Hard To Swallow, But These Folks Finally Accepted It And Shared Their Wisdom With Others That no matter if I get my diet straight and get a good exercise and lifting routine in place, I’m not going to lose that 20lbs I gained over the summer until I look at the scale every day, track my progress, and take some g-d accountability.

Doing the work in your 40s is a lot different than doing it in your 20s.

thumper_spot , charcoal soul Report

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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

no one should weigh themselves every day except wight class athletes. It is counter intuitive. Weekly is best from all the research I have done. I wait longer. I DO share a food journal with two other friends.

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See Also on Bored Panda

30 Pills That Are Hard To Swallow, But These Folks Finally Accepted It And Shared Their Wisdom With Others That being hungover for a day is not worth a few hours of fun the night before.

yomamasanagger , Travis Wise Report


30 Pills That Are Hard To Swallow, But These Folks Finally Accepted It And Shared Their Wisdom With Others I will never be good enough for my mom, and that’s okay.

Strawberrypalms , Zen Chung Report


30 Pills That Are Hard To Swallow, But These Folks Finally Accepted It And Shared Their Wisdom With Others Not every action needs a reaction.

indigovioletginge , Noelle Otto Report


30 Pills That Are Hard To Swallow, But These Folks Finally Accepted It And Shared Their Wisdom With Others That I don't have to change to be accepted, fk those who don't care about me.

MasterRed456 , Caleb Oquendo Report


30 Pills That Are Hard To Swallow, But These Folks Finally Accepted It And Shared Their Wisdom With Others Work is what you do for money. Time is what you spend.

Efficient_Ad6015 , Nikki Buitendijk Report

See Also on Bored Panda

30 Pills That Are Hard To Swallow, But These Folks Finally Accepted It And Shared Their Wisdom With Others My parents are never going to change.

old_man_MN , Harsha K R Report

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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Yeah, I live away now. Had a call from my Mum today, berating me for not calling (I've been ill). Then someone else can to her door when she was on the phone and she hung up. I've never been important.

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30 Pills That Are Hard To Swallow, But These Folks Finally Accepted It And Shared Their Wisdom With Others I gotta go get it if I want it.

StupidThoughtsIGot , waferboard Report


30 Pills That Are Hard To Swallow, But These Folks Finally Accepted It And Shared Their Wisdom With Others That not everyone is your person and its ok just move on, don't keep people in your life that make you feel some type of way, they don't deserve your time.

MysteriousShake7676 , Hugo Chisholm Report


30 Pills That Are Hard To Swallow, But These Folks Finally Accepted It And Shared Their Wisdom With Others That I only have two actual friends.

firuacr , Elvert Barnes Report

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Amy Taylor
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Like my gramps used to say, would you rather have a dollar or 100 pennies?

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Note: this post originally had 40 images. It’s been shortened to the top 30 images based on user votes.