It has been scientifically proven (not really) that the sillier the joke, the funnier it is. But you know what’s even better than the most ridiculous joke ever? A joke that you expect nothing out of but get a full-blown laugh attack nevertheless. And while there are a couple of such seemingly predictable joke categories, such as science jokes and the good ’ol dad jokes, probably no other beats the joy you get from What Do You Call jokes.
Since there’s nothing we enjoy more than amusing you, we present our collection of only the best What Do You Call jokes ever that are sure to deliver some fun plot twists, unexpected endings, and glorious puns to you!
And you know what, although it isn’t scientifically proven, we are pretty sure that it is the random stuff that you get most of the kicks out of. Say you’re walking down the street and suddenly see that you are doing so in mismatched shoes. Cue the laughter.
Or imagine that you are in the office, peacefully making a cup of coffee while half asleep. Of course, you mess with the coffee machine, and now there’s a fountain of milk spraying waywardly right on your shirt. Cue the giggles.
And, of course, there’s the instance of your dog minding his own business, loudly passing gas, and getting scared of his own farts. Uproarious joy! Same with these what-do-you-call-a jokes — you might know what to expect from them, but the ending is so off-beat and kooky that your belly is now full of laughs.
Alrighty, then, let’s put our theory to its ultimate test, and let’s see if these what-do-you-call-a jokes are as funny as we thought they were. Once you are finished reading them, vote for the ones that you enjoyed the most. Lastly, tell us what you thought about these clever jokes in the comments, and that’s how we’ll know if they are as amusing as we’d hoped!
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What do you call the security guards outside the Samsung factory?
The guardians of the galaxy.
What do you call a dog magician?
A labracadabrador.
Best What-Do-You-Call-A Jokes for Kids
These what-do-you-call-a jokes are good, clean fun to keep the kids entertained. We’ve got a bunch of corny jokes tailor-made for the younger crowd, and we’re serving them up with no frills.
These What Do You Call a Man jokes are short, sweet, and straight to the point. Perfect for sharing during family gatherings, school breaks, or just about any time you want to add a dash of humor to your kid’s day. You see, laughter is universal, and these kid-friendly jokes are bound to get everyone chuckling.
Here are some simple, straightforward jokes that are sure to put smiles on those little faces:
- What do you call a cow with no legs? Ground beef!
- What do you call a snowman on a hot day? A puddle!
- What do you call a group of musical whales? An orca-stra!
- What do you call a spider that can dance? A jitterbug!
What do you call a fish with no eyes?
What do you call a doctor who fixes websites?
A URL-ologist.
Why my URLologist asked me to take down my pants if he is only fixing webistes?! :P
What do you call a dinosaur fart?
A blast from the past.
Cheesy What Do You Call Jokes
Next up, we give you these pun-tastic, eye-rolling one-liners that will make you groan, laugh, and maybe even shake your head in disbelief. They’re the kind of jokes that walk the fine line between brilliantly corny and downright hilarious.
In this collection, we’re serving up a generous portion of humor that’s as cheesy as it gets. Whether you’re sharing them with friends, family, or just enjoying a good chuckle on your own, these jokes are sure to brighten your day.
Here are some funny What Do You Call jokes to deliver some extra cheese:
- What do you call a cow that plays an instrument? A moo-sician!
- What do you call a cat that can play the guitar? A rock star!
- What do you call a bee that can't make up its mind? A maybee!
- What do you call a donkey with a Ph.D.? A smart ass!
- What do you call a tomato that’s trying to catch up? Ketchup!
What do you call milk that gets anything it wants?
Spoiled milk.
What do you call a French gentleman who is wearing flip-flops?
Philippe Philoppe.
Animal What Do You Call Jokes
You can make your own clever animal jokes, too, if you know how to play with words and make quirky observations. Don’t worry if you’re an animal lover. No feelings were harmed in the making of these what-do-you-call-a jokes.
- What do you call a chicken crossing the road? Poultry in motion!
- What do you call a cat that can fly? A hot air meow-balloon!
- What do you call a turtle who loves making jokes? A slow-poke comedian!
- What do you call a squirrel that steals your nuts? A bandit!
- What do you call a sheep with a smartphone? An ewe-tuber!
- What do you call a horse that lives next door? A neighbor!
What do you call a boomerang that doesn’t come back?
A stick.
What do you call a priest that becomes an attorney?
What do you call an owl that’s a magician?
What do you call an American bee?
What do you call a tiny mother?
A minimum!
What do you call a cute door?
What do you call a Spanish man who has lost his car?
my friends name is carlos............CARLOS! DID YOU LOSE YOUR CAR IS THAT WHY YOUR NAME IS CARLOS
What do you call a bad clown who is in jail?
A silicon.
What do you call a painting of a cat?
A paw-trait.
What do you call boys who love mathematics?
What do you call a policeman in bed?
An undercover cop.
What do you call a fake noodle?
An impasta!
What do you call the month that soldiers hate most?
What do you call a cheese that doesn’t belong to you?
Nacho cheese!
what do the Spanish say to satan while eating? Nacho day satan
What do you call it when you enter a coffee shop and feel like you have been there before?
Déjà Brew.
What do you call the longest word in the dictionary?
Smiles, because there is a mile between each “s.”
What do you call the process a cucumber goes through to become a pickle?
A jarring experience.
What do you call the doctor who graduates at the bottom of the class?
What do you call a bagel that can fly?
A plain bagel.
What do you call a person with a briefcase in a tree?
Branch manager.
What do you call something that goes up when the rain comes down?
An umbrella.
What do you call a bear in the rain?
A drizzly bear.
What do you call something that runs but never gets anywhere?
A refrigerator.
um no..........a river................right? What's something that runs but has no legs? a river
What do you call a dinosaur with a big vocabulary?
A thesaurus.
What do you call a man with a rubber toe?
What do you call a smelly Santa?
Farter Christmas!
What do you call a fat pumpkin?
A pumpkin!
What do you call a pig who is also a thief?
A hamburglar.
What do you call a skeleton who went out in freezing temperatures?
A numb skull.
What do you call a dollar frozen in a block of ice?
Cold hard cash.
What do you call a deer that only costs a dollar?
A buck.
What do you call a mac 'n' cheese that gets all up in your face?
Too close for comfort food!
What do you call a deer with no eyes?
What do you call a deer with no eyes and no legs? Still, no eye deer
What do you call a female cow?
A dairy queen.
What do you call a man with a toilet on his head?
greetings to my Lithuanian soul-brothers! I liked the boomerang one best. ahem: What do you call a very short Mexican woman? Consuelo
greetings to my Lithuanian soul-brothers! I liked the boomerang one best. ahem: What do you call a very short Mexican woman? Consuelo