What Are The Craziest Prices You’ve Found On Amazon, And They Won’t Do Anything About It?
Hello fellow Pandas. I have spent an evening with Amazon chat debating why their Prime banner is on items that are 2 day plus delivery, and why so many items are hugely overpriced. I reported the items but they don’t seem to be that bothered.
Have you ever sorted your search by “price high to low” and found something extortion? Here’s one of mine…
Share on FacebookI've heard that this can be a form of simple, do-it-yourself money laundering. You post something at a price that will deter any real buyers, you use your ill-gotten gains to buy the thingie with a sock account, and you put a sale and a legal profit on your books, even though no money has changed hands. Prove me wrong!
I've heard that this can be a form of simple, do-it-yourself money laundering. You post something at a price that will deter any real buyers, you use your ill-gotten gains to buy the thingie with a sock account, and you put a sale and a legal profit on your books, even though no money has changed hands. Prove me wrong!