There are certain rules of life that are irreplaceable and can change the wholeness of living if applied to one's life. A golden rule is essentially a how-to guide that explains the best ways to live a happy and fruitful life in sync with yourself and those around you.

To help us understand what minset changes benefits in assisting one's life to be filled with positive affirmation, members of our community offered their life experiences in the form of advice.


"Never Leave Anything On A Chair That You Wouldn't Want To Sit On": 35 Good-to-know Rules To Ease Your Life, As Told By The Panda Community The way people treat you is a reflection of who THEY are, not a reflection of who YOU are.
There. I just saved you the 40 years it took me to learn it, thinking that I must be a terrible person all that time

Marc-Oliver Jodoin Report

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Katie Lutesinger
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

A related one would be that sometimes when someone's nasty to you it's not because you did anything to deserve it - sometimes, they're just a jerk.

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    "Never Leave Anything On A Chair That You Wouldn't Want To Sit On": 35 Good-to-know Rules To Ease Your Life, As Told By The Panda Community The Golden Rule. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. The older I get, the more I see in that seemingly simple cluster of words. I should admit that I stray at times, because I am human. But when we raised our children, that was our guide. It gave us patience and guidelines when we needed them, and made us better listeners. It also enabled us to comfortably admit when we had no idea what to do as parents. Instead of pretending (lying) we talked with them, listened, and ended up with a solution we could all accept.

    jovisjoseph Report


    "Never Leave Anything On A Chair That You Wouldn't Want To Sit On": 35 Good-to-know Rules To Ease Your Life, As Told By The Panda Community ALWAYS hug your partner when they come home. From work, the store, whatever. Hug and reconnect physically. This actually syncs your breathing, allows you both to relax, and be happy and at peace with each other.

    takazart Report


    "Never Leave Anything On A Chair That You Wouldn't Want To Sit On": 35 Good-to-know Rules To Ease Your Life, As Told By The Panda Community Always be polite to strangers especially where people serve or help you.

    lauraelatimer0 Report


    "Never Leave Anything On A Chair That You Wouldn't Want To Sit On": 35 Good-to-know Rules To Ease Your Life, As Told By The Panda Community The best apology is changed behavior.

    innernature Report

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    Katie Lutesinger
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    "You can't keep doing this! You can't keep doing shitty things and then feel bad about yourself like that makes it okay! YOU NEED TO BE BETTER."

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    "Never Leave Anything On A Chair That You Wouldn't Want To Sit On": 35 Good-to-know Rules To Ease Your Life, As Told By The Panda Community Never take criticism from someone you’d never take advice from.

    etiennegirardet Report


    "Never Leave Anything On A Chair That You Wouldn't Want To Sit On": 35 Good-to-know Rules To Ease Your Life, As Told By The Panda Community Just because you can doesn't mean you should.

    radu_floryn22 Report


    "Never Leave Anything On A Chair That You Wouldn't Want To Sit On": 35 Good-to-know Rules To Ease Your Life, As Told By The Panda Community Don't be afraid to disappoint or upset people with your boundaries.

    PublicDomainPictures Report

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    John L
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    This has saved me much stress in life. I make it their problem, not mine.

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    "Never Leave Anything On A Chair That You Wouldn't Want To Sit On": 35 Good-to-know Rules To Ease Your Life, As Told By The Panda Community Always put your keys back in the exact same place! On a hook, in your front left pocket, in your purse. Otherwise, they could end up in the fridge or inside the couch!

    stevepb Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Pro-tip: when leaving your abode, be sure to carry the keys in your hand, even if you don't need to lock the door. I learnt this after accidentally locking myself out not long after acquiring my abode as an adult.

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    "Never Leave Anything On A Chair That You Wouldn't Want To Sit On": 35 Good-to-know Rules To Ease Your Life, As Told By The Panda Community 72 hour rule. I tend to be very reactionary which has caused A LOT of trouble for me in the past. At one point I realized that when I calmed down and thought things thru I generally considered things from multiple perspectives and regretted my initial reaction. So I initiated the 72 hour rule. When something makes me VERY angry or upset I inform the person involved that I will not discuss it again for the next 3 days. In that time I consider the problem and follow up accordingly. Obviously there are times that 72 hours aren’t reasonable but by using this technique most of the time I’ve become much better at responding more reasonably and less defensively. It’s now to the point that the major players in my life know when I need my 3 days and several folks (including my mother... oh the irony!!) have adopted this rule!

    Conscious Design Report


    "Never Leave Anything On A Chair That You Wouldn't Want To Sit On": 35 Good-to-know Rules To Ease Your Life, As Told By The Panda Community If you're in a tight spot, your only appropriate response to sincere offers of help is "Yes, thank you". Swallow your pride and stomp on any revulsion of "accepting charity" until it stops twitching. Your best interests are served by accepting any help offered with gratitude.

    Engin_Akyurt Report

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    Fiona Enzo
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Yes, and then pay it forward when you are able. Kindness is societal glue.

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    "Never Leave Anything On A Chair That You Wouldn't Want To Sit On": 35 Good-to-know Rules To Ease Your Life, As Told By The Panda Community If you’re going to complain to someone, complain to someone who can fix it. Otherwise, don’t just complain to anyone. Everyone has their own problems, don’t add to theirs.

    ulleo Report

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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I think it's fine to discuss issues you've had, it's entirely possible others have dealt with whatever it was and can provide needed information.

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    "Never Leave Anything On A Chair That You Wouldn't Want To Sit On": 35 Good-to-know Rules To Ease Your Life, As Told By The Panda Community 1. Never suffer a liar, a thief, or a cheat.
    2. Take nothing but photographs, leave nothing but footprints, kill nothing but time.
    3. Do what you can, where you can, when you can.

    geralt Report


    "Never Leave Anything On A Chair That You Wouldn't Want To Sit On": 35 Good-to-know Rules To Ease Your Life, As Told By The Panda Community Here's mine from my English class:

    The 5 Rules In My Life:

    1. Always Assume Disappointment.
    If you are always assuming that someone will let you down, you’ll never be disappointed. And if they don’t, you will be pleasantly surprised.

    2. Always Respect Someone Until They Give You A Reason Not To.
    When you meet someone new, you respect them. Until they say/do something that makes it so you don’t anymore.

    3. Don’t Assume Something Is True.

    If you hear something about somebody that didn’t come from the person themselves, always ask them if it is true.

    4. Do What Makes You Comfortable.
    Who cares what John in the deli thinks? If you like that shirt, f*****g rock it! Do whatever makes you happy, not what you think other people would like.

    5. Put Yourself First.
    If someone, (i.e. a friend, an S.O., a coworker) wants to do something you don’t want to do, makes you uncomfortable, is pressuring you into something, don’t listen. Listen to what you want first. You are the most important person in your life. You will always come first.

    Follow these and live the best life!

    wilhazec Report

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    The Great Cheez
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    i agree with everything except the first one. i'm very optimistic and tend to get over things super easily, so i usually expect the very best.

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    "Never Leave Anything On A Chair That You Wouldn't Want To Sit On": 35 Good-to-know Rules To Ease Your Life, As Told By The Panda Community Never leave anything on a chair that you wouldn't want to sit on.

    sarahdorweiler Report


    "Never Leave Anything On A Chair That You Wouldn't Want To Sit On": 35 Good-to-know Rules To Ease Your Life, As Told By The Panda Community The Golden Rule. Treat others as you want to be treated. It truly makes life better.

    Andrew Thornebrooke Report

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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    The basis of common morality worldwide. Just because morality is subjective doesn't mean it can't be common. Treat others as you *want* to be treated after all...

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    "Never Leave Anything On A Chair That You Wouldn't Want To Sit On": 35 Good-to-know Rules To Ease Your Life, As Told By The Panda Community Big decisions where the right choice isn't obvious? Have a good night of sleep. The best choice will be clearer the next day.

    kate_kasi Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Or make the decision but do not act on it for a week. After a week see if that decision felt right. If so then act on it.

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    "Never Leave Anything On A Chair That You Wouldn't Want To Sit On": 35 Good-to-know Rules To Ease Your Life, As Told By The Panda Community 5 things to quit:
    1. Trying to please everyone
    2. Fearing change
    3. Living in the past
    4. Putting yourself down
    5. Overthinking

    zanilic Report


    Never get into car without using restroom first. Never leave the house without 'seeing' the cat. Don't want to leave her in a closed room without access to her litter box.


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Yep on the cat! I do this for exactly this reason. BUT, the other day I went into my closet to get something, thought both cats were elsewhere. About 4 hours later (FOUR HOURS!), I noticed one missing cat. Opened the closet, and there she was! I felt soooo bad!

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    "Never Leave Anything On A Chair That You Wouldn't Want To Sit On": 35 Good-to-know Rules To Ease Your Life, As Told By The Panda Community My rule is that integrity matters above all else - try to do what is right no matter how hard it is. No one is perfect, but I have found that the ability to do the right thing when no one is watching is a rare trait nowadays. It's an unpopular opinion, but I think revenge is not always the best policy, and that it perhaps says more about you than the one who wronged you first. The world has always been a mess, since the beginning, and the fact that forgiveness seems to be going out of style is a terrifying prospect. I'm not saying that you should let people walk all over you, there is absolutely a time to be firm. However, my personal rule of staying true to my morals has helped me see the good in people that I might have missed otherwise.

    Brett Jordan Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    On the topic of forgiveness: I'm of the opinion that forgiving someone is done for yourself, not for them. Also, forgiving is not forgetting, it's letting go of the hold that the pain has over you. The process of forgiveness must also include consideration of boundaries. For example, I'm still working to forgive my ex-husband for the years of abuse he put me through, but I will never change my mind about the no-contact agreement I insisted upon.

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    NEVER trust anyone who believes it's OK to hit animals and/or children in the name of disciplin


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    Tuna Fish
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Hello! I hear this one. My parents spanked me out of love, but it hurt just the same. I never spanked my children and was always honest with them about my feelings which my parents never did. They told us what they thought was best for us because they thought that was what good parents do. I don't regret doing it differently as my children did make their own mistakes but I didn't see them making the same ones I did. And only assholes would hit an animal out of discipline. My dog would clean the house and pay the bills for a bacon treat. Never a need for violence.

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    "Never Leave Anything On A Chair That You Wouldn't Want To Sit On": 35 Good-to-know Rules To Ease Your Life, As Told By The Panda Community I actually started writing them down in a little notebook, for when I need to remind myself of one or the other. Order not necessarily according to importance.

    > live and let live.
    > be honest to yourself.
    > say what you think and do what you say.
    > value loyalty and sincerity.
    > respect should be given until disrespect was earned.
    > you can promise tomorrow, but you can't buy back yesterday.
    > always give second chances, never give third ones.
    > have good friends instead of many friends.
    > family is not a free pass for forgiveness.
    > give advice only when asked for.
    > say no if you want to and don't make up excuses.
    > take pride in yourself, don't belittle your own achievements.
    > if you feel you're being taken advantage of, you probably are.
    > don't let anyone question your ambition when instead they mean they mean they want you to want different things.
    > apologize if you mean it. stand your point and accept the consequences if you don't.
    > don't make yourself dependent on others.
    > don't ask if you don't like the answer.
    > better to think twice and work once than to think once and work thrice.
    > always have the back of your loved ones
    > don't say anything about someone that you wouldn't say to their face.
    > everything you do is a coin toss. always have a plan b and c.
    > better to apologize afterwards than to ask permission before.
    > expect the worst and do your best and you'll rarely be disappointed.
    > take what you earned, be neither wasteful nor forgoing.
    > there can be reprimand without judgement

    frame harirak Report


    "Never Leave Anything On A Chair That You Wouldn't Want To Sit On": 35 Good-to-know Rules To Ease Your Life, As Told By The Panda Community As a dad of 2 boys I'm trying to teach them some stuff:
    1) Be empathetic and support the needing
    2) Don't care about religion or belief, love and respect one another no matter the background (I guess this comes from legendary Kirk Douglas)
    3) Trust your guts no matter what
    4) Tell the truth, especially when it might hurt as these are usually the most important conversations
    5) Treat and respect girls / women like you'd do with your mom / granny

    felippetiago Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    3 I can't support. Guts aren't that smart often, and my guts, especially, only ever tell about the amount of food and fat in it. They don't know any else. 5 ... treat any girl/woman not only like stated, but treat them like Grandma is sitting by your bed, watching. Weirds one out, that, clearly, but may inhibit shiddy behaviour.

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    1. Always include what you're apologizing for in the apology. Don't just say "I'm sorry," say "I'm sorry for..."

    2. If someone doesn't want to talk about something, DON'T push it.

    3. If someone looks lonely, talk to them! That's how I met my best friend!

    4. If you find an opportunity to do something you're interested in, DO IT! Missed opportunities can change how you live your life.

    5. Be confident in your own skin! You don't have to look like an instagram model to be pretty! (Honestly, though, those people are creepy as heck.) You're perfect just how you are!

    6. Most importantly, BE YOU!!! Never try to be anyone else because it's just going to make you unhappy. I believe the key to happiness is authenticity.

    So there you have it. Life advice from a random 13-year-old on the internet. You're welcome. *bows*


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Erk! Sorry for bad formatting, the spaces between the lines disappeared for no reason. :/

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    "Never Leave Anything On A Chair That You Wouldn't Want To Sit On": 35 Good-to-know Rules To Ease Your Life, As Told By The Panda Community 1. You can't change others, people change when they are ready. 2. People always have a reason for doing/feeling/thinking what they do, even if it's not what benefits them. And even if it's not logical to you. 3. Stand up for what you feel is right but don't be afraid to change your mind if you realize you are wrong. It's better to own up to your mistake compared to keep being wrong. 4. There is always different sides of the same story.

    giulia_bertelli Report


    "Never Leave Anything On A Chair That You Wouldn't Want To Sit On": 35 Good-to-know Rules To Ease Your Life, As Told By The Panda Community 1. Always trust your gut instincts! Mine have ALWAYS been right.
    2. Be kind and helpful to elders.. Give up your seat, help them carry stuff, help them with a door, just chat with them, they have some amazing stories, ect. You will be there someday too!

    Danie Franco Report

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    roses are red
    Community Member
    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I have to help alot of elderly people to print photos as part of my job. They often apologise for being old and not knowing what to do. I always answer'll know something I don't, I know something you don't, that's how it will always even day I'll hope to get old, and hopefully someone will be kind enough to help me without prejudice towards being old

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    "Never Leave Anything On A Chair That You Wouldn't Want To Sit On": 35 Good-to-know Rules To Ease Your Life, As Told By The Panda Community 1. Always clean up after yourself before moving on to the next thing.

    2. Be honest, especially with yourself.

    3. Increase self awareness.

    Nathan Dumlao Report


    Don't argue with fools.


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    Freya the Wanderer
    Community Member
    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    They'll drag you down to their level and whip you with experience. Same with idiots.

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    "Never Leave Anything On A Chair That You Wouldn't Want To Sit On": 35 Good-to-know Rules To Ease Your Life, As Told By The Panda Community When shopping, pretend you're "Pin a vehicle and follow traffic rules: stay to one side, pause at intersections, etc. (easier if stores would put in traffic signals/signs!)

    "Please", "Thank you", "Excuse me", and so on are the lubricants that keep human contact from becoming friction - use them!

    If you wouldn't be happy if the situation or conditions were EXACTLY reversed, then it isn't "fair". Time to re-think your approach.

    Wesley Tingey Report


    "Never Leave Anything On A Chair That You Wouldn't Want To Sit On": 35 Good-to-know Rules To Ease Your Life, As Told By The Panda Community There are friends who just tell you what you want to hear, but true and valuable friends tell you what you need to hear. I've been told I was wrong, being dumb, crazy, etc. and I've learned to take it constructively and not be defensive or upset. I would stick close to friends like that and appreciate them. They're looking out for you and not just agreeing with you and letting you continue going down the wrong path.

    This has worked well enough for this to extend into the professional environment. Every time I hear a coworker trying to be PC with their response that may be critical or against my opinions, I let them know that they don't have to beat around the bush and just be as honest as possible. I find that setting that environment helps build better relationships.

    miinyuii Report

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    Freya the Wanderer
    Community Member
    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    True friends will tell you things you don't want to hear because they care. True friends will play devil's advocate. I am a better person because friends hurt me rather than let me get hurt.


    Do the best you can. This is about judging yourself on your effort rather than everyone else.


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    CharliAnn Olney
    Community Member
    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    My Grandfather (a Choctaw elder) would gently stop me from getting frustrated when something I made wasn't perfect. "Don't worry about being perfect. Only God is perfect."


    "Never Leave Anything On A Chair That You Wouldn't Want To Sit On": 35 Good-to-know Rules To Ease Your Life, As Told By The Panda Community To borrow from Socrates, "a life unexamined is not worth living"
    You may and you will lie, doesn't matter if you like it, but try not to lie to yourself, at least.
    Honesty above truth.
    Where your personal stuff is concerned, don't make many compromises.

    chernus_tr Report

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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Love the Socrates point. That could eliminate so much suffering! Regarding honesty and truth, I see truth as something ultimately quite vast, and honesty as a limited set of truths about a particular situation. Would you explain what you mean by "honesty above truth?"

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    I always:
    Make my own opinions of others regardless of what others think of them. Everyone has haters. What you hear may not always be true.
    Be kind. You never know what someone is going through or how a simple smile may turn someone's life around.
    Life to the fullest.
    Be the change you wish to see in the world.
    Be yourself and love yourself.


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    Michael Largey
    Community Member
    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Can we drop this internet-speak "hater"? Disagreeing or criticizing is not hating. And the people who do hate you and mean you harm are rarely that open about it.

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    "Never Leave Anything On A Chair That You Wouldn't Want To Sit On": 35 Good-to-know Rules To Ease Your Life, As Told By The Panda Community Once a day, do something nice for someone you don't know. Call the "How did we do?" number and give positive feedback. Help someone return a cart. Hold a door open. Bring up misplaced groceries to the cashier. Small acts of kindness at least once a day.

    anniespratt Report


    1. Be true to myself, and accept myself for who I am
    2. Try to forgive and try to not hate anyone or hold grudges
    3. Only spread kindness and goodness
    4. Don't judge people that you don't know


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    "Never Leave Anything On A Chair That You Wouldn't Want To Sit On": 35 Good-to-know Rules To Ease Your Life, As Told By The Panda Community Don't ask questions you do not want to know the answer to!

    Emily Morter Report

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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I cannot stress this one enough neither. Sometimes, the truth hurts, and it can hurt bad. Being physically and mentally prepared for the tough truths of life is so important.

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    Do today what other won't so that you can do tomorrow what others can't.

    Don't be afraid to start from zero if it means persuing the thing that makes you happy, no matter how much time and effort you invested on the other thing.

    Never forget to thank God for the blessing you have.

    Also, never ever hang up first when talking to your mother. She is the one who ends the call.


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    Not to tell someone about a flaw unless it’s something they can fix in a few seconds like a piece of food in their teeth or if their pants zipper is down


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    1 - Try not to be a hypocrite.
    2 - Be aware that everyone is the protagonist in their own story, including the villain.
    3 - Sometimes you HAVE TO be the a$$h()le.
    4 - Try to be self aware that behavior that seems normal or fine, may be threatening to others (this does not include snowflakes or SJW's...eff them).
    5 - Just because a person has a different political view or religion than you, does not make them 'the enemy'; sometimes your side is just plain wrong.
    6 - Always be prepared to change your opinion in the light of new information. Double check sources though.
    7 - The beggar looking for a handout in the pouring rain or blizzard, probably needs the money.
    8 - 'fess up when you mess up. Any employer that would fire you for an honest mistake, is not a place you really want to work.



    1 - Treat everyone how you want to be treated
    2 - (to paraphrase the Wiccan rule) An it harm none, do what you will
    3 - If you can't say something nice, say nothing
    4 - The only person I need to be better than, is the me from yesterday.
    5 - If you aren't sure about doing something, go ahead and do it; it's better to look back and think I shouldn't have done that, than look back and say "I wish I had..." (Originally said by Cher, I believe)



    Respect boundaries and property, including property you're renting/borrowing.

    Allow yourself to make enough time for you and don't expect your job to schedule that for you.

    Resting is being productive and most important next to nourishment. Don't feel guilty for chilling and sleeping.

    Prioritize food over luxuries.

    Never just eat the same things all the time. Explore that store.

    Everyday is a school day. Now is the time to learn about all the things you've ever wanted to know. Curiosity should never die.

    Never suppress emotions. If you feel angry, be angry and shout. If you're upset, cry. If you need to scream, scream. No one can dictate what you should feel.

    Don't be such an opinionated, authoritarian towards your kids they'll never want to talk to you about real issues. Always have an open door blind of judgement, make clear rules with reasons and demonstrate healthy communication. They're not turkeys.

    Don't push too hard to make things happen. You might cause a disaster. Do give opportunities a nudge and go with the flow. If you really want something else, start the process or move on.



    1. It's easier to say I'm sorry than it is to ask permission.

    2. Why walk on eggshells when you can stomp on them? They're going to get crushed either way.


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    Try to change things you can not accept and to accept things you can not vhange.


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    Do the right thing even if it might not be the right thing for you.


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    1. You teach people how to treat you. If you let someone walk all over you, they will learn that they can do it to you, and they will do it over and over again. 2. If you keep meeting the same kind of people over and over again, YOU are the common denominator. Figure out what YOU are doing wrong, and fix it. 3. Honesty ALWAYS. Nothing hurts more than being called a liar by a liar, because they are only trying to boost themselves and hurt you. 4. The Golden Rule. Always. 5. If you are your authentic weird self 24/7, you will be appreciated and trusted. 6. ALWAYS trust your gut the first time, even if it makes no sense at the time. It will later.


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    The answer is always no if you never ask.


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    You're the one you have to live with forever. Make sure you're happy.



    Love yourself first, then only you can spread love. Sad heart is full of chaos


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    My second rule of happiness and wellbeing:

    When doing something disgusting, messy or dirty, for the love of god, keep your mouth shut ! Anything that can blow up in your face will certainly do so.


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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Clean as you cook. Always give up your seat on the bus for older people and pregnant women. Keep an eye on your friends when out partying. Call out bullies. When offered food you think you'll won't like take a no thank you bite.


    If you can't be honest and kind, be silent.


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    Normal doesn't exist, weird is I complement.
    Keep friends close, fight for them.
    Never judge the looks before the person.
    Expel the opinions and advice that you know will be useless to your personality.
    If it helps someone else then it helps.


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Yes!!! Especially the first one, I’ve been taking weird as a compliment since elementary school!

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    My rules of life are
    1. Never talk about anyone unless you know them and it is something nice
    2. If someone looks uncomfortable, go see what's going on and if they need help.
    3. Try your best to help others and adapt to what they need at that moment.
    4. Be polite and kind.
    5. Always defend others.
    6. Never start a fight.
    7. Never turn your back on someone unless they deserve it.
    8. Don't try to fit in, just be yourself.
    9. Stay away from the 'Cool' kids.
    10. Always go at your own pace on tests.
    11. Someone is innocent until proven guilty.


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    You sound like a really decent, good person. I aspire to be like this. (1) is particularly important, so many people gossip.

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    In my community we have a few basic rules that our men follow, and if we don't the rest of the men will have a talk/fight with you depending on what you did:

    1. We never harm women, whether that be physically or verbally.
    2. We never lie to our wives.
    3. We do what ever we can to protect our loved ones.
    4. We try to think of a plan for every situation that could endanger us or the ones we love (home invasion, natural disaster, etc.)
    5. If somebody insults you turn the other cheek. If somebody insults your wife or another female in your family then they will apologize.



    Excuses are for people who know they've done something wrong.



    Don't judge a book by its cover: the soy latte sipping vegan man bun dude over there might be a stalker. The terrifying biker built like a gorrila with the rare steak and the scotch might be the dude who saves your ass, asks nothing in return and goes back to his steak.


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    Never put into action a "great idea" when drunk. Wait until you've sobered up and if it still sounds like a good idea go mad.


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    1. Wishlist items instead of buying them immediately. It’s amazing how often I remove them a bit later without purchasing them. I used to have an impulse buying issue. Now I don’t. 2. Stay calm when talking to arseholes, especially if there’s a power differential. 3. Don’t prank people or pets you know won’t enjoy it. If you know it’ll frighten or upset them, going ahead with it is psycho.


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    1. Go with your gut.
    If something doesn't seem right it
    probably isn't.
    2. Better to be quiet and have a few
    good than loud and have many fake
    3. If someone can't accept you for you,
    they aren't worth your time.
    4. NOBODY deserves to know anything
    about you.
    I used to come out to people
    because i thought they "deserved" to
    know instead of me wanting to tell
    them. This is how i was outted to my
    Catholic school.


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    R Carson
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Better to remain silent and thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.

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    Just be nice to other people and animals 🙂 and always try and be polite



    -) People who are always friendly or tell you that they are good persons are suspicious.
    -) Never leave without giving your loved ones a good bye kiss.
    -) Be nice and help, especially if it does not cost much.
    -) Don't care too much about others opinions. (Specially strangers) If it feels right for you it is good.


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    Learn how to say “No” to the people that only around when they need help and never reach your desperate call. It's easier and healthier to pursue a future dream than to change the past. Be a decent person, if you can't sympathize at least don't be an Ahole. It's ok to be different if you're comfortable with a small circle of friends and distance yourself from the potential trouble, that's your choice, and you're free to choose. Never engage with office drama, stay away from people who bad-mouthing colleagues. If you are traveling to a new place always learn the local wisdom and try your best to follow the guideline. Believe your guts. Try to stay within budget, never get a loan for unnecessary things. Sometimes in life being helpful to others keeps us alive, just remember not to burn ourselves out. Even if it's hard, live a healthy lifestyle, If exercise in the gym is too much hassle, static walking while watching TV is better than nothing. Do not litter. Stay away from drugs.


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    Fiona Enzo
    Community Member
    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Drugs can easily create zombies. Protect yourself -- choose healthy friends.


    Always live in the best of the better half.

    There will often be good and bad about the exact same thing, so don't waste too much energy on the bad bits, focus on the best of it instead. For example, you might have to deal with a pile of dirty diapers, but don't let that distract you from spending as much cuddle-time with the baby as you can.


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    1. Be polite to everyone--even when you're filing a complaint. You can make your point effectively and stand up for yourself in a civil manner. How many stories are on BP about people being rude?
    2. Don't assume help is on the way. Take care of yourself and your loved ones.
    3. Always keep a book handy. NOT an e-book, a real book that doesn't require charging.
    4. Judge people by their actions, not their words.
    5. Find the truth in the profit. Ask whos is gaining what by a situation.
    6. Always carry an umbrella.


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    I mostly go by one: When you feel sad, find a fictional world to disappear into.



    Be kind to humans and animals alike.
    Never give anyone any sorrows
    In what you do and in what you say
    Because you'll soon find that not even 1000 tomorrows
    Will buy you back 1 yesterday.


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    never react with physical violence as a defense against verbal violence.


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    I noticed in the adventure novels I read, that the hero couldn't have an adventure without first having a problem. The bigger the problem, the bigger the adventure.

    Now I just treat problems as the start of an adventure.


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    If an NPC brings you another problem, feel free to tell them you're already on a quest.

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    I treat all people and animals with respect. I am very kind to everyone I come across and speak to them. I do not litter. When I go in stores, I do not clear out the item I am getting because someone else may need it as well. I try not to complain so much. I see the good in all people until they give me a reason not to.


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    Everything I learnt about morality:

    1. Morality is subjective and relative.
    2. There exist commonly held values.
    3. Morality requires authority.
    4. A rule is more enforceable if it has greater support and strength.
    5. Religion is mankind’s first attempt at finding factual and moral truth.
    6. Humans generally value their own lives.
    7. More can be achieved through cooperation.
    8. War is the ultimate form of conflict resolution.
    9. Karma does not enforce itself, but rather your actions affect how others react towards you.
    10. One has to balance self interest with the interests of others.



    I’m not moral or strong enough to follow my creed as closely as I should, but it goes, “Weigh all words and actions with compassion and reason. When in doubt, err on the side of compassion.”


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    Fiona Enzo
    Community Member
    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I would add, be very careful abiut what you feed your brain. Feed a wide range of ideas/beauty/science, etc. So your thoughts are wide-ranging and appreciative of diversity/ever-expanding understanding.

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    When I have to make a decision or a choice, I think about which action I might regret the most if it doesn't work out. I play all the alternatives to the end, and focus on which one feels the most bearable if it wasn't the best one. Which one can I back out of, or most easily undo, if necessary? Most advice I read is "go for what makes you happy", "maximize profits", positive stuff like that. Positive outcomes do not come often to me and cannot be counted on, so I stick with minimizing the emotional fallout from negative ones.
    A second rule I follow is to document everything and save as much as possible, and that often means on paper. You can't count on cloud storage to always be there. I am talking to you, Kodak EZ share, Verizon Pix Place, and Google Plus, where some of my photos vanished forever, and their warnings were either too late or the method they gave you to save them did not work. My most recent "thank you for saving all those boxes of crap, Mom" incident was the College Board trying to tell my 35 year old she had to take the SAT again, because they lost the record that she took it. Well I didn't lose it, they dug a bit harder and she did NOT have to relearn all that useless algebra and geometry to try and achieve her 1400 score again!


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    Brandy Grote
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Yep. Dad saved EVERYTHING, neatly filed and labeled. Everything about the house, which we bought from him, receipts and documents on life insurance, car insurance, even the gardener. Everything. Now he's dying and we know exactly where everything is so we don't have to freak out later.

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    Started using these a few months ago.

    1. Clean the room once a week. My room was a MESS for months at a time

    2. Me before friends (just little thing though like saying no to going out when I don’t want to and not just agreeing with everything being said)

    3. School comes AFTER mental health. Always. My family keep pushing me to put school first and go to school when I am literally having a breakdown and it ticks me off.

    4. If they won’t make time for me I won’t make time for them. If you aren’t willing to give up a few seconds to message me back then don’t expect me to message you back straight away.

    5. Bored panda and books are life. (Most important one of all)


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    Not really a rule but whenever I’m scared or nervous or proud I tell myself I’m doing this for others. I try to do that whenever I can.


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    I have one that I follow very much.

    Always try to be honest. The truth can be much more fascinating and easier to keep track of in your head than any work of fiction you might be tempted to come up with.


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    John L
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I've found if you are always honest (and admit to your mistakes), people will believe when in doubt.

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    Look both ways before crossing a street



    ALWAYS be nice to cleaning staff and food workers.
    Not just when you are out, but at work and school.
    I was always very polite to the lunch ladies when I was in school, they'd give me better portions just for that.
    I'm kind and chat with the cleaning crew at work, guess who will get help faster?
    Oh, and I used to be a cleaning lady at the place I currently work as a sysadmin, I know who deserves my assistance first and last, those who treated me with basic human respect vs those who would just ignore me or treat me like slave labor.


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    Always write an Email or text as if your Mother would be reading it later.
    Same rule on pictures, don't take any pictures that you could not show to your mom.
    Sounds restrictive, but I feel it stops a lot of potential problems.


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    First dates should happen over brunch. If the date does not go well, you have all day to recover from it by doing something you enjoy with people you like. And if it goes well, you have all day together, to walk for miles, and share more meals, and if you're really really lucky, spend the next almost 20 years together. (My last date went very very well ♥)


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    1.) The Golden Rule
    2.) Mind your business
    3.) Don't make things more complicated than they need to be.
    4.) Just because someone has a different opinion than mine, doesn't mean either one of us is right or wrong.


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    Don't lie to people. There are ways to say things without lying.
    Always try to be kind
    If you're wrong, apologize. But apologies Don't erase the hurt (see above)
    It's OK to say no (hard for me)
    If you need help ask! It's alright to need help


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    I keep to a very strict sleep schedule. I even have insomnia, but I still go upstairs and start my nightly routine at 8:00 pm. By 9:00 or 9:30, I'm in bed, even on the weekends. I have to be up at 4:30 am three times a week for dialysis, so I just keep this this schedule. I've been sleeping pretty good for the past 2 weeks except for tonight. It's 12:05 am as I type this and I'll go up within the next 10 minutes or so and will still get at 4:30 and will not take a nap!


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    Honesty is the best policy, unless you're protecting your privacy, you're in a life-or-death situation, or other strong circumstances. I learned this when I was really little- lying doesn't feel good, so I don't do it.


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    When you rely on someone - you are abandoned

    The only person you can ever rely on and who is always there for you is yourself. That's why I don't do what I don't think is right and only do what makes me happy.


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I rely on my wife, and she on me. I couldn’t get by without her, and I become more reliable knowing that she depends on me. We make each other better people.

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    1. No Debt - no matter what.
    2. Try not to do money transactions between friends. Lend enough so your relationship doesn’t hurt with them even when they wont be able to give it back.
    3. Priorities your life needs. Sit-down and talk to yourself from time to time.
    4. Plan as much as you can and after that execute it. After execution forget about the plan, forget about the result. Leave it to god.
    5. Karma gonna bite you back no matter what. Keep your deeds checked.
    6. Family is like a spiderweb- no matter how hard or bad things would be with each other. Its gonna connect from each other like a web connects to itself.

    Oh I have too many…


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I prefer my found family of friends over my bio family, my besties are my real family now thanks :D

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    Take people for what they are the very first time.


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    1. Live every day as if it were your last
    2. Ask yourself if that hill is worth dying on (pick your battles).
    3. Just chill, very little is worth getting worked up about
    4. Find a job you can do that brings you money and keep your passions for hobbies.
    5. Be yourself and be kind to yourself.
    6. Treat others how you want to be treated.
    7. Low expectations of others keeps you happy.
    8. Stretch, drink water, move. Keeps you healthy and well.
    9. Very few people either notice you or will say something to you, do what makes you happy, wear what you want.
    10. Own little, experience much.


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    Give a random stranger a compliment every time you go out. You could make someone's day with just a "love that sweater" or "your shoes are great!!".


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    That's not complimentary to them, you're complimenting their clothes. Tell them, that sweater looks fabulous on YOU. YOU rock those shoes....etc.

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    Get paid double by making sure you are learning as well as getting money. If you are not growing in the job, and still have room to learn more skills, move on.


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    Never say anything in public to wouldn't want a five year old to hear. They're everywhere, hear everything, and repeat it.


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    i have always called it "the intangible contract' that you make with yourself. it's basically the 'golden rule' of do unto other, etc., but there are caveats that go with it.

    you need to understand and accept that just because you are a good person doesn't mean good things will happen to you. especially when it comes to other people. you should accept that you will be decent, kind, compassionate, etc., with others and that they will not always reciprocate. when that happens, no revenge, no venting your spleen, nothing. if you have to address them, be specific and move on. don't let them live in your head. don't let them make you feel guilty if you move on. if you can learn to control your anger, jealousy, etc, you can live free and have patience in life. now, does this always work? of course not! why? because as imperfect beings we can fall to the negative side of the path. but, it is our decision to allow others to keep us there or allow others to shove us there. and, most of all....learn to laugh - at yourself! finally - dogs! learn from them in having unconditional love and willingness to forgive.


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    If you want something, go for it. If you really are passionate about something follow that dream!


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    Smile back at people that help you. It wouldn't hurt anyody to be kind. Help the other person if possible. Be kind and respectful to waiters, servers, domestic help, etc. They are also people and have feelings.


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    Life is life and you need to follow your own path.


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    Treat others the way you want to be treated


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    Organize your closet by color. Regardless of short sleeve, long sleeve, sweater, etc., you’ll quickly find what you need and your closet will forever be organized!


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    Early to rise. No matter the date, no matter the day.


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    When buying dress shoes, I always ask myself "if I have to run away from someone or something, can I do it in these shoes?" If the answer is no, or I'm not sure, then I won't buy them. I know it may sound paranoid, but to me it makes sense.


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    1. As long as you hurt no one and nothing, do what you like. Without reservation.
    2. Take care of yourself first. You cannot take care of others if you are a wreck.
    3. Every day, look at yourself in the mirror and smile.
    4. Say please and thank you.
    5. Never trust a grapefruit.


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    Don’t get depressed. Get even.
    Doesn’t matter how bad things get, so long as you maintain a good attitude you’ll always come out on top.


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    F*ck it. Sh*t happens in life. You can either accept it, laugh, and move on


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    Don't delete anything. I'm kind of a data hoarder with a well organized archive, but it has greatly worked in my favor as an IT Specialist.

    Email is the easiest way to document an encounter/conversation.

    Education doesn't end once you become an adult.

    Good Manners should be used, but some people need to be told to back off when needed.

    Don't be afraid to have fun! (^o^)/

    Know the difference between "understanding" and "awareness". It'll save you from being slapped (verbally/physically).


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    When someone offers to do something nice, I ask, “Are you sure?” But I only ask one time. If the answer is, “Yes,” I move on to expressing thanks. I hate that game when two people are both insisting on paying the check for a meal or something (and I have been the server forced to decide who gets it and it’s awful!). I also warn people that they only get one, “Are you sure?” I love how many people have adopted my rule. Of course, the “thank you” is mandatory if they are sure!


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    1. Never borrow money from friend and/or especially family. It so rarely works out and even when it does, they will always be able to lorde it over you.

    2. Look at the people who you're asking for advice from and ask yourself if this is a model of who you want to be.

    3. Don't ever believe you are special. You're not. Goth? There are a million others like you. 'I'm just kind of weird'... not you're not. There are many like you. Don't ever think you're unique because you end up sometimes getting depressed or worried about not fitting in. Whatever you're worried about, most people are worried about, too.

    4. If you really want to be differnt then be smart, push past the excuses people will allow you to give into to justify not pushing yourself and not succeeding. And don't give into mediocrity because it's easier.



    1. if they ask for money and didn't pay you back don't give em anything
    2. the hot water belongs to the one who wakes up early enough
    3. never eat taco bell unless you want to get rid of guests
    4. sound proof the windows


    See Also on Bored Panda

    1# Keep learning, keep improving.
    2# Say you are sorry for X. Not, I'm sorry you are X. There is a difference, and it means a lot to hear it.
    3# Talk to yourself like you are your best friend.
    4# Allow yourself to express bad feelings, then keep moving.
    5# Listen to your body's limits.
    6# When you can, offer help to someone.
    7# Remember everyone makes the same mistakes, even when they know better.
    8# Let other people be happy, how it makes them happy. Don't tell them why you think they're doing it wrong.
    9# Learn to trust, knowing it can hurt.
    10# The job does not, in fact, own you.

    Others I haven't quite pinned down. This helped me really put them into words, thank you.


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    Fiona Enzo
    Community Member
    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Yes, we all play the fool sometime - and there is that golden self-deluding time that makes life worth living in that moment. As long as people are not really harming themselves, let them learn through their own mistakes.

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    Ultimately, the only person you can fully trust is yourself. If it's really important, do it yourself.



    The Golden Rule... Nothing else required.


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    1. Don't be too polite and friendly with strangers because they often interpret it wrongly...
    2. Don't rely on anyone but yourself
    3. People are ungrateful, no matter what you have done for them
    4. Nothing is what it seems at first
    5. Not everything is worth the cost
    6. Everything happens for a reason. Eventually you understand why... sometimes years later
    7. Spend on experiences rather than things
    8. You drift apart with some friends and that's okay
    9. Everyone makes mistakes, but don't get stuck in the past
    10. Giving is better than receiving


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    Mary Rose Kent
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I don’t believe everything happens for a reason. I was raped as a child...outside of the hatred, what was that supposed to teach me?

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    Never try never win


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    When someone shows you who they are, believe them.


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    Variety is the spice of life, and everything in moderation.


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    I promised myself I would never hurt myself physically when I was young. I stand by this!


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    1. Karma is a b**ch, think about that before you do something
    2. Be kind to others until you are not being treated kindly in return
    3. Never look at airline flights after you've bought your ticket


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    I have a few.... Never marry a guy who proposes in times square on New Year's Eve or at a football game.... Don't post anything online you wouldn't let your grandmother read... dress how I want... and when you binge a series don't tell anyone about it


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    Never harm, never lie, never be unfaithful to a lady.



    1. I will not litter. Haven't since I was 13 years old.
    2. I will not lie to you. I haven't told a lie since I was 43. I'm in my 60's now. Telling the truth is very hard to do day in and day out. Test yourself.
    3. When I meet someone and I think we could be friends. I work in this question in a general conversation. I'll ask them " Do you think it's easy or is it hard to tell the truth?". Most of the time " It's easy" pops out of their mouth way to quick. I give those people a wide berth.
    3. I just wing the rest by knowing no matter what happens one day I will die. What I like about that is that I already know what I will die from. One word: Happiness.


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    Strive to be a good person, and if you can't, be an amazing person.

    Just general human decency


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    I believe in living and let live. And by treating others as you would like to be treated. Normally that doesn't happened but today I actually had three Angels help me. Now I'm an atheist so I mean Hurstbourne angels but I went to go pick up my paycheck and money for the bank for my mom to pay rent I ran into the landlord in the parking lot give him his money and then went shopping at Dollar Tree. When I went to look for the rest of the money it was all gone I couldn't find it anywhere. I retraced my steps I went crazy all of the bags and given me were broken and falling my phone broke it was awful but angel number one helped me when I didn't have money to pay for my food at the Dollar Tree. As I was coming home and all the boxes were breaking angel number to pulled up with a nice reusable bag I could use to get my things home. Then after a couple hours of worrying about my wallet angel number three called from the Dollar Tree to tell me it had been found and nothing was missing. People do have that in them and I'm more grateful than I can ever say if I. So thank you and my angels around Island Pond Road this morning your problems we never read this I hope you get some graduation anyway and thank you.


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    I'll do your laundry and deliver it to your room, but YOU have to put it in the hamper (I won't go looking for it) and YOU put it away.


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    You would? How kind of you! The hamper waits for you in Dubai :-p


    the top rule in my home
    1 never let mom cook when she is ill



    Big fish eat little fish, fast fish eat slow fish, and smart fish eat stupid fish. Grasp that in all its subtle nuances and take it from there.


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    -excerpt from "i can I can be happy a man, Philosophy from Dr Seuss"

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    Mine all relate to my distrust for the people I’m forced to live with… like don’t make funny sarcastic comments unless they’re in a good mood, always keep grades up, don’t refuse things, let them guilt trip you because if you don’t it’ll get worse… etc etc :)



    My rules for shopping:

    1. ALWAYS get tomatoes on the vine
    2. Check dates on bread and milk
    3. If it's cake you're getting, get it from publix
    4. If they don't have the exact thing, don't get anything
    5. Check for buy 1 get 1's



    Made it to 73 years practicing the following;
    1. Want to make god laugh? Make a plan.
    I really don't believe in a "god" or religion but I don't rule out spirituality so rule #1 is followed by,
    2. Take what the defense will give you (Plan 'B' so to speak when your first plan bites the dust).
    And in this age dominated by social media, pundits, influencers, celebrities, politicians, etc., etc. always remember to check sources or, as an investigative reporter once wrote,
    3. "If your mother says she loves you, check it out!"
    Lastly, the old, old military principle of K.I.S.S. when planning anything,
    4. Keep It Simple, Stupid!
    That's all folks!!!!


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    1 Do good in school



    Keep your bathroom clean, pleasant, smelling nice, good towels, etc. You can't clean yourself in a place that feels and looks dirty and unkempt.


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Having spent years in the military and 3 years in 2 war zones, I can tell you that yes, one can become uncommonly pristine in the dirtiest situations if one is so motivated to do so.

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    Better to have and not need, than need and not have.

    I always say this to my husband when he complains about stuff I packed.


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