What Are Some Of The Dumbest Comments That A Teacher Made On Your Assignment, Or What Was The Stupidest Thing Your Teacher Did?
Some teachers know what they are doing. And then there are the other ones, like my science teacher who literally wasted a quarter of the school year on fricking PhILosOphY oF ScIEnCe. (Literally every student hates her, and I am not joking.)
In other words, just rant about how dumb your teachers are.
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I once wrote about a book I liked saying "it sucks you in" got in trouble for saying it sucks.
So my dumbäss science teacher commented on this dumbäss assignment, where only, and I mean only 2 people got over a 90 on. And one of them was in my class, she got a 92. The other kid, in a younger class got a 96. Pretty much everyone else got either 70s or 80s. I got a 70, and she posted the dumbest comment on it:
"sent frag"
wtf could that even mean?
frag is basically just a grenade. did she send a grenade to me or something??????????????????????????????????????????????????????
She also got angry because a girl was struggling with that assignment. what did she say? "How does being dyslexic stop you from doing this like everyone else?" (that is the approximate quote.)
We were reading the Omnivore's Dilemna in English (lovely book for teenagers to read, especially when half the class has/had an eating disorder), and we were talking about food groups. The teacher denied red meats or nightshades as food groups, and accepted milk. Not dairy. Just milk. I'm still annoyed.
those teachers who never give a 100 on an assignment because "theres always room to improve" and "nobody's perfect"
that one time a teacher yelled at my sibling in front of the whole class cuz apparently, an assignment was not turned in. turns out, the teacher actually had the assignment and was not organized enough and lost it. my sibling had to be embarrassed for nothing. the teacher could've spent one minute looking but instead took it out on my sibling. and it wasn't even an important assignment it was homework or something.
In ICSE board, for language exams you’re not allowed to give a student full marks for the same reason. My Hindi teacher loves cutting marks whenever possible. She told us about this student in her old class who got full marks in every subject except Hindi because there was always room to improve
Once in 6th grade I didn't finish an assignment on time. I was at a private school that was pretty art based, so it was a large drawing and I wasn't the only one who didn't finish it. I did, however, finish a book. It was a book that a bunch of my friends and I were all reading, and I had read the last chapter or two the previous night after working on the drawing a lot as I way to relax for like 20 minutes before I went to bed. The next day I was talking about the ending of the book with my friends and my teacher overheard. She pulled me to the side in the middle of the conversation (this was during free time) and was like "I don't understand how you could finish a book but couldn't finish your assignment." I tried to explain that a) there were only 1 or 2 chapters left and b) she couldn't possibly expect me to spend 100% of my time outside of school doing homework, but she couldn't comprehend that students have actual lives outside of school. Also she didn't seem to care about whatever other students who didn't finish the assignment were doing, just me.
Our Hindi teacher expected us to memorise all our portions flawlessly. It would take me months to memorise less than half of the literature portions and years to memorise the grammar
In high school, geometry teacher told me I was too stupid to ever learn anything with numbers and to never take another math class. He said this in front of the whole class. I was mathphobic for years. Had to take two semesters of calculus in college. Aced them both.