Share the most quirky habits you've picked up from your parents.


my dad has paranoid personality disorder ppd fkr short. bc of this I picked up some wild habits!
1- I always put something on top of my drink and take a picture
2- I refuse food from anyone I don't fully trust
3- I power down my phone when talking about anything sensitive
4- I scribble out ANY personal info on papers ot even fast food orders.
5- I never give anyone my name unless it is really needed
6- never share where I live or who I live with to anyone besides a select few
7- I have a fake email and fake name. multiple. it actually saved me once.
8- I am invisable- i do not make waves or scenes. no matter what
I could go on



    I can’t use the dishwasher. Some background: I’m Asian and the dishwasher stereotype (not sure if this is just with china or with other countries as well—perhaps it’s a parent stereotype) is well alive in my house. We have a dishwasher, it’s not too expensive but works quite well as a drying rack. I know how to use a dishwasher. How? I don’t know, I don’t have a single memory of using it in my life. We do not use a dishwasher. We subject the hands of whoever is washing the dishes to the scalding heat of The Holy Water In Which Dishes Are Washed. Bonus: all of my Asian friends (and I know a lot of Asian people. This may be because I live in Asia) don’t use the dishwasher.



    I wear a keyring on my belt. I am 63 and haven't lost a set of keys since I was 16. Hopefully that is the only habit I picked up from him.


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    Inherited my dad's love of wordplay and puns, as well as his sarcasm, and promptly passed all that on to my own kids


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    Ross “Sarcastic Dad”
    Community Member
    10 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I hope I've done the same. Actually, that's b******t, because I know I have, lol. My wife yells at me when the kids have a particularly scathing retort, because she can hear my words coming out of their mouth.


    My mom is extremely superstitious and I have inherited a lot of it, some simple things like:
    Walking under a ladder is bad luck
    Breaking a mirror is bad luck

    Then there's some wackier ones;
    Having your shoes untied at a funeral means you're next
    Buying an empty pinata and not filling it up is a bad omen
    giving someone a wallet without money in it is bad luck
    losing a sock means a family member died

    Anyway, yeah weird right? I still follow all of them like rules though, just in case!


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    Amina Wijntje
    Community Member
    10 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Losing a sock??? You do realise how many people have this happen constantly, right?

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    I guess the only one I can say I truly got is sometimes swearing in Quebecois French, which I got from my stepdad who came from Montreal (he's been my stepdad for nearly 20 years now).

    From my mom, I dunno if this would count as a habit, but I sometime jump whenever a spider comes nearby... how ironic coming from a guy with a Spider-Man tattoo, am I right?


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    Slouching, talking using my hands and I type really loudly


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    Being sassy in front of my friends and letting words slip out randomly.


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    Community Member
    10 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    oh boy same I can't separate my supposedly acceptable launuge from bad words




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    robin aldrich
    Community Member
    10 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Oh... Nothing funny to say about that. But there have been advances in understanding it , from what I've read.


    singing songs that remind me of the words i hear, affectionate threats, and anytime someone says"pause" or "paws" we all turn to eachther with goofy looks on our faces and say "did someone say pAwSSSSSsssss?"



    Any number of unusual 'norfolk-isms' used by no one else my age, or probably the rest of Britain.
    My two personal favourites are:

    'It's looking pretty dark over Will's mum's'- when looking at dark clouds on the horizon.

    'played a blinder'- when an actor played a role particularly well.


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    When it drizzles, I start to sing ♫♫Raindrops keep falling on my head♫♫
    An earworm I picked up from my mom.
    Apparently its a really old song from before I was born.....I have never heard the original version of this song before.


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    Karen Jacobson
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    10 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Raindrops Keep Fallin on My Head is by Burt Bachrach, I think. Was in the movie Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid. Yeah, I'm old.

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    I drink grocery store brand lemon-lime sparkling water like if I keep doing it, I'm going to win something. Thanks, Dad!



    Crazy anxiety about random things. Example that drives my wife nuts - when I hear an ambulance pass in the vicinity and one of my family members is expected to be driving during that time I make up a reason to call or text so I know it wasn't them.


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    Community Member
    10 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I do this too! one time it actually mattered though. we were being nosy and drove down tbe road to where the ambulance was, and it was at my friends grandpas who had just fallen!

    See Also on Bored Panda

    My love of sword and sandal movies and TV shows. I definitely get that from my Dad. Our favorite is Ten Commandments.


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    "Squashing" my sandwiches. I will make a turkey (or whatever) sandwich, put everything I want on it, and then take the flat of my palm to "squash" it. No idea what purpose it serves, it's just what my parents did, so I do it.


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    Community Member
    10 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    helps make it smaller to fit in your mouth. I got a tiny ash mouth so I have to do it haha


    Talking to inanimate objects! I used to laugh at my stepdad for it; now my stepdaughters laugh at me. I hope the cycle continues! 😁


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    Any number of unusual 'norfolk-isms' used by no one else my age, or probably the rest of Britain.
    My two personal favourites are:

    'It's looking pretty dark over Will's mum's'- when looking at dark clouds on the horizon.

    'played a blinder'- when an actor played a role particularly well.


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    See Also on Bored Panda

    I don't know if this is "quirky" per say but I have an insane work ethic that I got from my dad. It's all he does and at 74, he's too afraid of what might happen if he stops working since he has never really ever known life without it being his "norm".

    Other habits include holding my breath as we drive past cemeteries because my grandmother always said to do it out of respect. "If they aren't breathing, we shouldn't either".

    And I love to do crafts that she taught me and my husband and I can fruits and veggies as well as make our own jellies and jams.

    Oh! And we never put sugar in our tea as that was considered sacrilege


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    Keeping secrets from family members which later on blows up in the face.


    See Also on Bored Panda