35 Stories About Customers Who Fell From The Confused Tree And Hit Every Branch On Their Way Down
As someone who has a brain that’s all about structure, order, and, really, any other aspect pertaining to having a stick up your canal, being confused is one of the most irksome experiences for me.
Much of it has to do with the fact that the confusion might transcend the corporeal boundaries of my mind and manifest itself into an embarrassing situation, which essentially adds insult to injury.
But, I gotta admit, sometimes reading one of those “Sir, this is a Wendy’s” stories does make me giggle. A guilty pleasure of sorts. One that pops up every once in a while on Reddit and we can’t but enjoy them.
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I've told this story tons of times to my friends/family because it's one of my favorite Domino's Stories. This happened somewhere around 2017-2018.
One day it was really slow at work at Domino's. I was still a relatively new Insider (only a few months in to what would be about 4 years) and still in school, so I was hoping that it would stay slow so I could go home so I can cheat on my math homework, play some League of Legends, and get some sleep since my school started an hour earlier than other schools in the area. A woman, probably mid-40s, comes in to order a pizza. She's pretty chill, and we're just chatting while she's ordering because there really isn't much to do otherwise since we already cleaned the store and oven and all that.
After she gets her pizza all done up I ask her if she'd like any drinks. She's like "oh what do you guys have?" I'm running down the drink options and she notices Coca-Cola and looks at me wide-eyed like she just saw someone get hit by a car.
"^^^I'm ^^^sorry??"
She then spends the next SEVEN. MINUTES. Running down pretty much every major conspiracy, from human embryos in Coca-Cola to Flat Earth to the moon landing being faked, etc. If you think of a pre-COVID conspiracy, she hit it. And she tied it all up in a neat little bow of "It's all the Jews."
I'm stunlocked. The only words that can come out of my mouth are ".............. so no on the drink?"
"Coke Zero please. :)"
I guess the Zero means "Zero Embryos."
I worked at Walmart for a long time in the hardware dept. Had a customer call asking if we sold toilets. I said, 'like, toilet seats?'
He said, 'No, like actual toilets.'
So I said, "Sorry, we just sell the seats and replacement parts., no porcelain."
He got all huffy and said, "Jesus, what is this place? Walmart??"
I paused for a moment and said, "Yes sir, it is."
Silence for a long moment. Then he said in a little voice, "This isn't Home Depot?"
"No sir, you called Walmart."
"Oh s**t, I am so sorry!" And he hung up. I laughed my a*s off.
Went to drive-thru at a Wendy’s and the person taking the order said welcome to Walmart. I was really confused and I heard laughing and he said I’m so sorry he works there too and was on autopilot.
I’m a high school teacher in Australia. I had a parent rail me out that I wasn’t teaching their daughter how to do her taxes.
I’m a history teacher.
I had a car for sale and an influencer called me up and said they would like to use my car for a podcast.
They said "You need to have your car at" and I cut them off and said "I am sorry did you just tell me that I need to deliver a car you are asking to borrow for no money"? They said "Yeah". I said "Oh, okay, just send me a retainer of 1/4 the price of the car and you can borrow it, I don't know you". She said "I don't have that much money". I said "Well I do, so who the hell in their right mind tells the person they are asking for a favor where to be and what to do"? She got really angry and explained to me "Who she was". Then told me "I can destroy your business in minutes with a negative comment". I couldn't stop laughing, I am an architect and normally work for corporations. She said "The people do as I demand and I have 90,000 followers". I said "Cool have every one of your followers send you $ so you can borrow my car" and then hung up. I got 4 emails from her loyal followers...4.
"What use are your followers if they don't make you enough money to buy a car?"
If you’re not aware, “Sir, this is a Wendy’s” is a meme of sorts at this point, most likely originating from The Office (season 4, episode 14). The official description of the meme is a catchphrase used essentially any situation where a person wants to deflect someone who’s annoying (exceedingly or slightly, doesn’t matter) with questions or comments that may or may not be bizarre or irrelevant.
This, by proxy, also extends to folks who are utterly confused by their whereabouts and that causes annoyance or trouble. It doesn’t have to be a Wendy’s. It does, unfortunately, most usually manifest itself in retail, as if that part of the corporate industry wasn’t already plagued by a very questionable contingent of clientele, the final boss of whom is the Karen. Or so it seems.
Over the years, the meme spread through Twitter, morphing into an Arby’s version for a bit, and being even further popularized by cartoonist SrGrafo in 2019 with their comic strip that references the now-popular catchphrase. Now I wonder if he did let him finish…?
This story is gonna show my age for a few reasons, but when I was about 12 or 13, I saved up my allowance and neighbourhood yardwork money to finally afford the newest iPod, the ones that could play videos as well.
I wanted to make sure they had it at the store before I got my parents to drive me there, so I opened the phone book, found the Apple Store, and called them.
Guy at Apple Store: "Hello?"
Me: "Hi do you have the iPod Video in stock?"
Guy: "Uh...this is an apple store. Like...crunch crunch?"
I had called the gift shop at an apple orchard.
I worked at Wendy's throughout high school and some lady ordered a burger meal at the drive thru. Over an hour later she comes back to the front counter, slamming the burger on it saying it was cold. I checked our receipts and told her she ordered over an hour ago and that burgers aren't meant to stay hot for that long. She said that was absolutely unacceptable and how dare we serve her a burger that gets cold. She then proceeds to ask me for my full name and details so she could sue me, at the same time freaking out when I didn't have a pen to give her to write down my info. Another customer walking by said holy s**t lady relax, and she yells at him to mind his business. He says well I just feel bad for this poor employee you're yelling at, if you don't wanna eat here go somewhere else. Bless his soul I was only 17 and was so shook.
I was working at McDonald’s and this lady said “can I get the Wendy’s 4 for 4?!” I said “ma’am this is a McDonald’s” and without a moments hesitation she replied “indeed it is can I get a Big Mac?”
I stopped at a McDonalds while I was traveling to visiting family. I ordered a McGriddle and the employee looked at me like I was weird and said she had never heard of that. I described it and she was just as confused. It turned out I lived in one of the test markets for the McGriddle and I didn't know it. I sometime wonder if that employee remembered the weirdo asking for a then unknown item when they were eventually sold nationwide.
I was in Lowes one morning right after they opened. There was a woman at the service desk having a complete melt down yelling and screaming because Lowes didn't have a licensed contractor there at the store for her to hire. She apparently woke up that morning and decided she needed a deck like that same day and thought she could just go to Lowes and have someone immediately start building a deck. It was dead so I stood with the cashier listening to the show. They ended up having to call the police to get her to leave.
Customers at my retail job explaining that COVID passports are the mark of the beast and check-in QR codes are a means of tracking us all... while paying for the groceries electronically via their phone.
And those eager to let me know that the mask I'm wearing traps bacteria and causes cancer... while in the process of purchasing cigarettes.
Bored Panda reached out to a former retail employee who also chimed in with a story. Redditor u/Effective-Ad-OFour used to work at a Target one summer and had a bit of a surreal experience (surreal probably on the part of the client, not the Redditor), when a customer walked into the store, filled up their cart with stuff worth over $100 only to be absolutely rejected at the cash register as they handed in their Walmart gift card. Needless to say, OP wasn’t thrilled to be putting everything back in its rightful places.
“I’ve worked a number of retail stores and I can’t say it’s a common situation, but my coworkers had stories like this. This is more common in places like Walmart where there’s a different customer base because of the cheaper prices and stuff.” explained OP.
“That was the only time something weird like that happened to me at Target. A coworker of mine said she was often harassed by a regular Karen who always asked something far-fetched every time she shopped there. She would ask things like if a particular blend of coffee was gluten-free, why does the pet food aisle have a strange smell and what does turkey meatloaf taste like. I never had the honor of bumping into this woman.”
At my friend's wool shop, I was checking out the latest shipment she had just finished putting on the shelves, when this crazy lady walks in, makes a beeline for the counter, and just screams that she wants her hair cut now.
Cue my friend blinking in shock because that was very much not how her usual clientele behaved.
She pulls herself together, and goes:
"-Madam, I'm afraid the only thing that will be cut short here is our tempers. In case you haven't noticed, this is a wool shop, and has been for the last seven years.
-Wool. Shop."
She reaches on the shelf next to her and picks up a huge ball of yarn with size 50 needles sticking out of it, plonks it down in front of the lady and crosses her arms.
"-Unless you have need of knitting implements, kindly get out of this shop now."
The lady scurries out quickly. My friend deflates and starts laughing nervously, shaking like a leaf.
The previous shop before my friend's had been a library for 15 years. The one before the library? A hair salon.
Lady had been at the very least 22 years late to her appointment.
Or she walked in the wrong shop since the hair salon was right next door.
Used to work In a musical instrument shop, pianos in the window , a single file path to the counter , that went through about 20 pianos and keyboards , the counter is a giant novelty guitar amp. With guitars hung on every free inch of wall space .
Lady comes in , trips over a couple piano stools In her rage filled stomp over to the counter , slams a receipt on the counter and immediately starts shouting, conversation was as follows :
Me: “ well that must be frustrating for you but I’m sorry to say we sell instruments not TV’s , I think you’re looking for the Sony shop a couple of doors down the road “
Lady” so you’re calling me a liar !? I bought a £500 tv from this shop 4 weeks ago ! I’m not stupid I can see the tv on the wall !”
Me “ So that single tv is the one we use to monitor cctv and let customers know they’re on camera , we have a lot of issues with theft and stock loss , again I think you want to be talking to Sony staff the shop is like 50 meters down the road , and your receipt says Sony , this is not Sony , we don’t sell Sony items here , we sell guitars and pianos .”
Lady : “ where is your manager , I was in this shop 4 weeks ago and one of you sold me a TV that hasn’t showed up , there were TV’s on the wall like that and speakers like those you have over there . You’re a liar and you’re calling me a liar or stupid , either way I want my refund NOW “
Me : “ Well I am the manager , I have worked here for 4 years and can guarantee you we have never sold a TV to yourself or anybody else . You’re being rude and you need to leave now .”
Best part is she threw the receipt at me and a couple racist slurs , stormed out .
She comes back in 5 minutes later and starts shouting whilst I’m helping an actual customer
I pulled her receipt out the bin as it was just resting on top , gave it back to her and gave her a sickly sweet smile “ so did you find the correct shop on the end or are you just going up and down the road berating random shop workers ?”
She got a bit dumbfounded and just stood with her mouth moving but no sound coming out so I held the door open , pointed at the giant Sony sign visible from the doorway “ that is the Sony shop by the way, good luck!”
Closing shift at a Starbucks, was like 10pm at night and this couple come inside and walk up to me at the front counter saying, "The deli across the street is racist towards white people."
I really had no response besides just standing there for a few seconds before saying, "...did you want to order something...?"
I love when customers traumadump on me.
"OK sir that will be $2.15"
"Yeah my dog just died and my son was arrested. My mom's house burned down last week too"
"Oh.. would you like a straw?"
Had a guy come in to my place of work yesterday pissed off because he issued his payment date and had to pay extra to turn his phone back on. He said something along the lines of “it was due at midnight and y’all aren’t open at midnight so how was I supposed to pay?” I calmly explained that we are open until 7:00 pm every day but Sunday and he screamed “Well unlike you I actually have a job!”
At my job.
Whilst doing my job.
We asked u/Effective-Ad-OFour if they, being aware of the context as a retail employee, had any idea why folks were doing this in the first place. They speculated that, in most cases, it was just personality quirks and that these were peculiar people who were prone to ask weird questions like that because it was their way of doing small talk and they just wanted to talk to someone.
“A lot of people also shopped after work. Usually the shopping then is more on auto-pilot, you’re deep in your own thoughts and can forget where you are and what you’re doing,” elaborated OP.
“I once followed a random stranger into a local bait shop thinking it was the drug store I get my prescriptions at without even thinking about it because of how exhausted I was that day from my 12-hour shift. Two seconds later, I realized a serious lack of drug-stocked shelves and the staff wasn’t wearing scrubs or lab coats. I immediately walked out internally embarrassed. I do sometimes think about the staff there wondering what just happened. It happens, you know.”
I work for a marketing company.
A customer saw one of our "BLM" designs and immediately went on a rant about how Black Lives Matter is evil.
It was for the Bureau of Land Management.
Loads of people from the USA get auto-blocked and flagged on my Facebook group when they put the BLM meaning the Bureau of Land Management, and when they put 'A*s'. The page is about donkeys! I have to send an explanation EVERY SINGLE TIME to get them unblocked! I don't even understand why Facebook would auto-block 'BLM', especially when you think of some of the other stuff you see on there!
Uber driver
Once had a girl I picked up from a karaoke bar that was obvious upset/distressed. Asked if she was okay.
“Yeah, I just did karaoke”
“Oh? That’s pretty cool”
“I did a song for my dad that died a year ago”
“Awe that’s sweet of you”
Nothing else was said until I got her home, which was only a couple blocks away. As I pulled in this is what she said.
“I’m not going to give you a bad rating for this BUT you could have been more emotionally available for me”
I just said “I’m …sorry?” And had to stop myself from bursting into laughter. I felt bad for her of course but that was just the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard from a passenger. Especially prefacing it with “I’m not gonna give you a bad rating for this but…”
Second story
Picked up a lady, she was distressed, I asked if I could do anything for her and she said “not unless you can take back the last forty years of my life”
It was a very silent awkward ride.
I used to run a free food bank for HIV-positive clients in a health care organization. Most days of the week, clients could come and “shop” at the bank for their items. One day each week, however, we offered pre-packed bags (this was clearly communicated to clients) to cut down on wait time, as the bank could get very busy and backed up while people chose their items. On those days, we had a strict “you get what you get and you don’t get upset” policy, since the whole point of the pre-packed day was speed. One fateful pre-packed bag day, a client who came in was adamantly displeased with the juice offering in her bag. She returned to my window to insist on a juice trade; I politely refused and told her that she was welcome to come back another day to choose her items. She proceeded to scream all manner of creative profanities at me and throw the family-sized juice at my head.
I’m aware of the strain that living in compromised positions (medical or otherwise) can place on people. I am also aware that throwing juice is not generally rational, effective, or respectful. It just results in spilled juice, and that’s no fun for anyone.
Work in radio. Got a call on the contest line one time.
"Yeah, I need a hotel room," said the caller.
"OK. How would you like me to help you?"
"Well...book me one!"
"You're aware you called a radio station's contest line, right?"
"Yeah. Don't you book hotel rooms for rock stars when they do a show in town? Book me one!"
Nope, that's the band manager's job. I can help you prank call someone, though...?
I used to work for Kmart. Someone came into the store and wanted to know where the pet department was located. We only had one aisle of pet items and it was mostly items for dogs/cats (food, litter, toys, etc).
I took the customer to the aisle, and they said “this is it? This is all you have for pet supplies? You don’t have an actual department like other stores?”
“Yes sir, we just carry the basics. If you need a bigger selection, there is a Pet Supplies Plus located at the other end of the plaza.”
The customer got upset and said, “But if I wanted to go to Pet Supplies Plus, I would have gone there. But I wanted to go to Kmart. So I’m guessing you don’t have fish food or anything like that?”
I showed him the same selection of fish food, and he got upset. He then started asking advice for fish tanks and again, I directed him to the Pet Supplies Plus that was located just a couple storefronts down from Kmart. When he insisted on not going to that store, I gave him directions to 2 other pet stores in the area.
Eventually he left, but not before saying “this is why Kmart is going out of business!” Sure buddy, the lack of a pet department is the sole reason Kmart is going out of business.
Oh I absolutely love when customers play the "this is why you're going out of business" or "this place will be shut down in a year" card.
The original AskReddit post garnered nearly 21,000 upvotes (90% positive) as of the moment of this article, clocking in at 6,400 comments with people’s stories and responses.
Among the best of the best, we had everything from folks confused that a McD’s isn’t a Wendy’s and calling a radio station doesn’t actually mean you can book a hotel room with a rock star. The best one probably had to be that one time when a guy walked into a taxation company’s office, speaking Spanish. Immediately, the receptionist got a Spanish-speaking coworker to help out and after the talk, the coworker returned with a confused look on his face and asked if this was a practical joke being pulled on him because the guy had some medical emergency in the nether region and thought the first door in this apartment block was a medical center.
You can keep scrolling to read more “Sir, this is a Wendy’s” goodness. And once you’re done with that, we have more. Here. Enjoy. But before you do that, why not share your own stories and thoughts on anything here in the comment section below!
Found the product I needed online. Drove to the store. Spent 20minutes failing to find said product on the aisle it was supposed to be on. Showed the picture to multiple staff, none of whom recognised it. Finally went to the customer services desk and after 10 minutes of waiting in line got told the website I was looking at was one of their competitors.
A man come into my tattoo shop once and asked for a massage with a happy ending. Was like “err this is a tattoo studio not a massage palour” and he just stood there like “yeah? I know” as if tattooists are synonymous with sexual masseuse.
I worked in a local cafe/newsstand/convenience store type spot. We also had a ticketmaster outlet for a bit. Our small town had an annual concert that usually ran two or three nights. It was really popular with the local folks, so it brought in a lot of foot traffic with people buying tickets (my boss was honestly a small-business mastermind). That was the extent of our involvement — we sold and printed gate passes.
On night one of the event, I was closing the store as usual, at 10pm. An irate woman called wanting to “file a noise complaint” about the concert. I was like, ma’am, you must have the wrong number, this is *local cafe*. She INSISTED that she was filing “an official noise complaint” and demanded to speak to the owner RIGHT NOW — 10pm on a Friday? Yeah, he’s not here. He also isn’t the police, and doesn’t deal with noise complaints. Also, it’s only 10pm, and this concert has been widely advertised for months.
She then went on a wild rant that we needed to do…something?…about the noise, since we sold tickets. She wouldn’t let me off the call, and was going berserk. I told her I was going to disconnect, since we had nothing to do with the event or the noise. She called back multiple times, and finally I just let the phone ring…was still ringing when we locked up. MA’AM ARE YOU OK?
These folks are now on Nextdoor pissing into the wind. On a side note, a retail shop I worked eons ago was a Ticketmaster outlet as well. Absolutely hated ticket on sale days. Utter chaos, loads of confused anger, no extra pay, and we’d lose tons of product to shoplifting since our attention was occupied with TM sales. For the “back-in-the-day points,” the retail business was Blockbuster Music!
I work for a CPA office that is in an office park with a couple doctors offices. One day a guy came in only speaking Spanish, so I grabbed my Spanish speaking colleague to translate. He talked to the guy in the lobby for a few minutes, then the guy left and my coworker came back and asked if that was a joke or we put someone up to that. Apparently the guy explained that his testicles were extremely swollen and painful, he was looking for one of the doctors offices and just walked into the first building in the complex. …I’m, sir, we do taxes here, not testicles.
When I worked at subway, there was a dude who asked how I hadn’t been murdered as a baby. The conversation went as followed:
Him: “What ethnicity are you? You speak English so well”
Me: “I’m Indian but I was born in Chicago before moving to California!”
Him: “Chicago? You should’ve been murdered as a baby, I’m surprised you’re alive.”
Me: “…uh. Yeah.” Him: “my buddy is on [illegal substances] and homeless”
I literally didn’t know what to say.
Literally working at a Wendy's. Guy threatens to jump over the counter and strangle me because I accidentally entered an extra kids meal on his order.
I made the mistake because while he was ordering, he was simultaneously talking on his phone *and* poorly wrangling like 4 or 5 small children, leading him to repeat himself several times. I didn't catch that one of them was a repeat.
So my family own’s an old fashioned Chinese restaurant. One of those places that have like 100 menu items with massive portions because it was from way back when.
So I’m taking an order and this woman gets her kids together. The son whose a teenager I think asks “do you guys have Thai tea?” I said no. The little girl whispers something to her mom and mom asks “you have sticky rice?” No. Some girl whose younger than the teenager says “oh, I don’t see pho on here.”
At this point I’m screaming in the back of my head; “This restaurant has been open since before my uncle was born. At that time you Americans thought that fried rice was exotic. Nobody was worried about ox tail soup, chilled tea with cream, and rice steamed in a bamboo. If you would like, you can drive 5 minutes down the street to the Lao restaurant that serves that. I know the owner and will give him your order.”
So my aunt notices me from the register and in our language asks me what’s taking so long to get their order. I told her that they were asking for. She tells me “send them down the street where they serve that stuff we don’t do that here.”
I got their order, and told me cousin about it. She says “well that’s technically Asian food. It’s not stupid to ask.” Don’t walk into a Chinese restaurant and ask for ‘Thai Tea’ or Vietnam’s most famous noodle soup dish.
Not one specific moment, since it happened all the time when I worked at Ulta.
"I'm looking for this lipstick" *shows me Sephora brand lipstick*
"We don't sell that, but I can show you something similar!"
"No, I want this specific lip stick, don't you sell it?! Well where can I buy it?!"
"At Sephora m'am"
I worked at Sprouts for 2 1/2 years in the vitamins/supplements department. There were countless times I had customers come in, show me an empty bottle, and demand I point them towards said item so they could buy another bottle… and the bottle was very clearly from Whole Foods as it was labeled as their house brand XD I didn’t know the “sir, this is a Wendy’s” meme while I worked at Sprouts, or I’d have used the line XD
“Can you take me to pick up my son from soccer practice?”
Lady- I’m a psychologist. I’m not a taxi service 😆
I work as a cashier at a home goods store. I’m very friendly and honestly treasure my customer interactions.
I was doing my usual patter - “Hi there, how’re you doing, did you find everything all right?” - and this lady tells me that it’s the first time she’s been out of the house in a while. I thank her for choosing [store] and go to move on with the transaction. She raises her shirt, shows me a HUGE angry red incision on her stomach and starts telling me about her recent hysterectomy. The stitches hadn’t even been removed yet. I sort of nod and smile and try to pivot to her total so I can move on with the MASSIVE line that’s building, and she won’t stop talking.
I had to call for a back-up cashier, while getting a very detailed description of surgery, uterine cancer, and the recovery process. She didn’t drop her shirt the entire time.
I worked at a cable company for a couple years in call center customer service. We handled accounts all over the usa.
A man calls in and gives me his account number. I immediately notice that there are too few numbers , but try anyway. No account.
"What the f**k do you mean you can't find my account ? What are you an idiot" Dude starts getting real angry and toxic , repeats the same 8 digit account number back to me slowly and has me repeat it back to him.
I told him our account numbers were ten digits long , and he was only giving me eight.
He asks for a manager and starts yelling about how Verizon was the biggest s**thole of a company and he was going to have me fired.
I told him he had called the wrong company. He called their competitor.
"Well....s**t , whats Verizons number?"
Use that to offer them an account at your company, but only give the priciest options. If they say that's too expensive answer with "well, if you can't afford good service, you'll have to stay at [competitor]."
I used to work at Pier 1 Imports. A woman came in asking where our food was, and I told her we didn’t sell any food except for decorative food. She said, “You must be new. Where’s your manager?”
My manager told her the same thing and she left yelling that “no one wants to work anymore!”
Then a complaint came in about us from corporate, that we refused to show her the snacks and we were discriminating against her because she said she was heavier.
I think she thought we were the same as Cost Plus World Market…
I own a Drywall company and our shop is in a giant storage unit complex for big rvs (like $500k-$1m rvs) so the bays are gigantic, a lot of contractors have their shops there, the front building is shared between myself and a power washing company (we both have signage up clearly stating drywall business / power washing business)
One day my crew was at the shop loading up equipment and some older guy came up and wanted to rent a storage unit. My guys gave him the info for the owners (which is on a big sign by the road that says rv storage units with all the info)
He just ignored them, pulled out his check book and said” who do I make this check out to? I want to rent unit #12” again my guys pointed to our business sign clearly stating drywall business. He then got aggravated and asked when we were open so he could get a unit. Finally my crew leader told him the boss would be back in a couple hours so he would leave them alone.
Guy never came back.
Poor guy was hard of hearing and would not admit he didnt hear their responces? Edidet to make sense.. edited some more
When I worked at McDonald's someone came in and demanded steak. It was a McDonald's. He demanded to see a manager who helpfully informed him this was a McDonald's.
"I can get steak at Taco Bell!" he claimed. Then go to Taco Bell??
Well he probably has beef with that McDonald's now. (I tried my puns not very good but I tried)
I worked in an ice cream truck, a tweaker came up to the back (the rear doors were open), and tried to buy weed from me while I was serving customers. I had to explain to him I was not selling weed.
Later on he ambushed my truck when I was leaving the park, stood in front, hit the hood a couple times with a piece of metal, and then when I was driving off, threw said metal and shattered one of the side windows on the truck.
I once ordered a burger with no tomato and the cashier looked at me weird and confused. She goes "You just want a tomato, like a whole tomato?" LOL, she obviously misheard me but I thought it was really nice that she was actually going to try and get me a tomato and figure out how to charge me for it so we both had a good laugh.
I work at specsavers. A couple of weeks ago I had this guy call up who said he'd moved and wanted new glasses so could I send him his prescription? I say sure, and start trying to find his file. I try every possible spelling of both his names, I look up his number, and skim through every person with his date of birth, but can't find him. We're able to access files from any specsavers branch in the country, but not from other countries. So I ask him, 'are you sure it was a specsavers in [this country]?' He goes, 'no, it wasn't at specsavers.' He'd literally been to a different optometrist, and somehow expected us to have his prescription on file???
I work at Crumbl. One time recently an older man and I were talking while I was topping his cookies, and he started complaining about how "my generation" (im gen z) doesn't want to work. While I was actively doing my job. I responded with a friendly "good thing I'm working so you can get your cookies!" And he started backtracking about how I'm "one of the good ones." Smh
I once ordered a burger with no tomato and the cashier looked at me weird and confused. She goes "You just want a tomato, like a whole tomato?" LOL, she obviously misheard me but I thought it was really nice that she was actually going to try and get me a tomato and figure out how to charge me for it so we both had a good laugh.
I work at specsavers. A couple of weeks ago I had this guy call up who said he'd moved and wanted new glasses so could I send him his prescription? I say sure, and start trying to find his file. I try every possible spelling of both his names, I look up his number, and skim through every person with his date of birth, but can't find him. We're able to access files from any specsavers branch in the country, but not from other countries. So I ask him, 'are you sure it was a specsavers in [this country]?' He goes, 'no, it wasn't at specsavers.' He'd literally been to a different optometrist, and somehow expected us to have his prescription on file???
I work at Crumbl. One time recently an older man and I were talking while I was topping his cookies, and he started complaining about how "my generation" (im gen z) doesn't want to work. While I was actively doing my job. I responded with a friendly "good thing I'm working so you can get your cookies!" And he started backtracking about how I'm "one of the good ones." Smh