This ‘Radically Inclusive’ Church Is Making People Laugh With Its Hilariously Creative Signs (30 Pics)
While numbers of people who identify as Christians are gradually declining in Australia, some churches, notably those that appeal to youth and inclusiveness, are bucking the trend.
Melbourne Welsh Church, which describes itself as a radically inclusive church, a warm and welcoming worship community situated near the heart of Melbourne, is just one of these places, moving on with the times and spreading God's word to a new generation of worshippers.
One of the most effective ways to break with the stuffy, serious, and boring reputation that going to church can have is to introduce a healthy dose of a good sense of humor. Melbourne Welsh Church does that through their funny signs, using a mix of witty wordplay, inclusive messages, and funny puns to promote themselves as an enjoyable and welcoming place, no matter who you are!
Scroll down below to check out some of our favorite church signs for yourself and let us know what you think in the comments!
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With the world seemingly getting ever more divided, it is more important than ever to celebrate the things that unite us. Humor is one of those things and Siôn, one of the ministers at Melbourne Welsh Church, knows this only too well. "I am the one responsible for most of the religious jokes on the signs," he told Bored Panda.
"They are not designed to attract people (bonus if they do) they are to make people think and also, hopefully, see a different side to Christianity. Not all Christians hate anyone different to them, some of us prefer to live with love."
Yes, everyone. Does not hurt to be kind regardless of faith, culture etc.
Sion went on to explain that the signs with christian jokes have garnered plenty of attention for the church, and he even gets request sometimes! "We do get loads of emails and tweets about the signs. Most positive, though not all," he said.
"There are a group of workers over the road who email if we haven’t changed the sign in a while. It’s quite popular."
Just recovering from a bad situation, this photo really gives me inspiration, just Wow!
"I find the signs myself, some are made up, some I see online, now people are sending me them too."
Sion even went on to tell us that he got inspiration from a Bored Panda post about Pastor Adam Eriksen. Pastor Adam has a similar penchant for funny and inspirational signs, and shares the same inclusive message about Christianity. Everyone is welcome!
"God loves you relentlessly and eternally because God is love," is one of Pastor Adam's core principles. Sion and his fellow worshippers down at Melbourne Welsh Church wholeheartedly agree!
Keep scrolling to check out the rest of Sion's brilliant signs, and peace be with you!
But by using palm oil Nutella shows they don't care about the happiness (or extinction) of orangutans.
English is not my first language. Can anyone please try explain this to me?
I can't be the only one annoyed that the full stop is the wrong way up??
I am not religious at all but it always pisses me off when people who declare that they are religious get angry with children acting like the children they are in church. Sanctimonious egotists.
So inspired. Gonna be a good Friday. I think I'll type some of these up and put them throughout my bedroom and my kids' rooms. I struggle so hard with religion, and I want so bad to find an inclusive church like this. Small town in rural Georgia (USA) here... we have like 8 bigot Baptist churches in a 5 mile radius. They DO NOT love everyone... saddest thing to not be able to take my 4 kids to a church that preaches LOVE- that's all I want. So I do it myself with my incredible husband. My kids will be tolerant and accepting and their future is incredibly bright.
If people could act out most of this inspirational words,the world will be better place and a peaceful one
So inspired. Gonna be a good Friday. I think I'll type some of these up and put them throughout my bedroom and my kids' rooms. I struggle so hard with religion, and I want so bad to find an inclusive church like this. Small town in rural Georgia (USA) here... we have like 8 bigot Baptist churches in a 5 mile radius. They DO NOT love everyone... saddest thing to not be able to take my 4 kids to a church that preaches LOVE- that's all I want. So I do it myself with my incredible husband. My kids will be tolerant and accepting and their future is incredibly bright.
If people could act out most of this inspirational words,the world will be better place and a peaceful one