School's hard and not everybody fits in.

According to one study, around 35% of students may have experienced social rejection. Those who suffered from it were more likely to have symptoms of depression and PTSD. Other research showed that among adolescent girls, this exclusion is also linked to physical health problems.

So to get a better understanding of these dynamics, Reddit user NoMarket2312 asked people online to share what "the weird kid" did at their school that they simply cannot forget.

From bizarre interactions with their own bodies to inexplicable outbursts in the middle of class, here are some of the four thousand replies.


Uhh I'm late and this story isn't funny at all but here it goes

She never spoke and was hard to communicate but a sweet girl. Didn't understand most things, got overwhelmed and overstimulated quickly. Our teacher assigned another student to take care of her at all times, this student was also a little child so had no idea how to manage her friend. We would often hear her scream from (now I understand) overstimulation.

I transferred to that school at 5th grade, and on my first, very nervous day, she came to me, held my hand, kissed it and put it on her forehead. It's a sign of respect to elders in my country to kiss a hand like this. I was very confused as I wasn't her senior. After getting to know her a bit more I realized she was trying to comfort me in her own way. I had more sympathy and more importantly more respect for her after that, something I felt she severely needed.

Looking back, I knew even then her situation was sad and she needed better care for sure. But kids around her never taunted or bullied her, not even the worst kid in class. When we went to day trips as a class we always raised money for her to attend as it was known her family was poor. Parents & teachers raised money for her clothing, basic needs etc. When she cried out of frustration, anyone would console her, not just a teacher. She was like a little sister to all of us. I had to be transferred again because my family moved again, but I'll never forget her or the people around her. They were all just little kids, but showed more compassion and empathy than most adults I see now. She changed the way I perceive people with mental disability at a very early age.

Impossible_Glove1927 Report


Going through these stories one can't help but remember how difficult school can be, so while we discuss kids and labels, we also have to talk about individuality and empathy. To dive into these topics, we reached out to our parenting expert Vicki Broadbent, an award-winning TV broadcaster and the creator of the family lifestyle blog Honest Mum, as well as a mother of three.

"Compassion is a skill to be cultivated and the best way is by modeling it as a parent, and also acknowledging and praising your child when they demonstrate it," Broadbent told Bored Panda.

"My most important goal as a parent is to raise kind and caring kids who believe in equality and practice it. They are taught in daily actions and in my own views and actions to others that differences are what make us beautifully unique. Seeking out books and TV programs that promote inclusivity from a young age are important tools for communication."


    50 Things The “Weird” Kid At School Did That Still Haunt People Years Later He would howl like a dog. He’d get in trouble daily and get under the table panting and bark and growl. One day was an extra bad episode and we all thought it was funny being 5 years old at the time, and after that day we didn’t see him anymore. The state took him.

    Turns out he was kept in cages with the dogs at his house and learned dog behavior. Wonder whatever happened to him. Hope he got help.

    Echo_Raptor , freepik Report

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    Atom Bohr
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    4 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I heard about a case like this: a very young child was put in his grandfather's custody but pretty soon after, the grandfather's mental state deteriorated rapidly. There was no malice in it, but the boy was treated like a dog until well into his teens, and they lived far enough out in the country that nobody noticed. It was terrible

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    50 Things The “Weird” Kid At School Did That Still Haunt People Years Later I've posted this before in an older thread...

    This was primary school, we would have been around 10 years old. There was an attempt to bring special need kids in and intergrate them into our classes. One guy was just so odd, it wasn't going well. One morning recess we're out playing on the swings and monkey bars and a girl screams, we run over and the special needs guy has blood running down from where his ear used to be. He's also dragging an open cardboard egg container (the ones we used to cut up for crafts) behind him tied to a piece of string. In that container is the missing piece of his ear. He'd cut it off with scissors.
    That's how the special needs integration programme ended.

    StuRap , freepik Report

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    4 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    That's really sad. Integration programs are very beneficial...with the right kids

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    Vicki is not alone. The Pew Research Center found that 94% of parents say it's extremely (66%) or very (28%) important to them that their children grow up to be honest and ethical adults.

    At the same time, eight-in-ten say that it's extremely or very important to them that their children become someone who helps those in need and accepting of others who are different from them.


    Last day of school. All the lockers in the hallway had been cleaned out and the doors left open. Weird kid put on a football helmet, put his head down, and ran down the line head first into the doors slamming them all shut in succession.

    We saw him standing outside of the classroom door, put on a helmet, and all wondered what the hell he was doing. Then "bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang.".

    prodrvr22 Report


    Kid licked my foot on the bus once in elementary school.

    Was on the bus as a 3th grader, 1st grader randomly turned to me and said "I'll lick your feet." Me as a totally sane 8 year old was like "No way weirdo, you won't do that." And apparently I was wrong, as he grabbed my foot, slipped my sandal off and licked my foot and smiled at me while he did it. I was stunned and couldn't do anything but recoil my foot as soon as I could.

    Went out of my way to avoid him the rest of my time at school until it came to graduation week in 4th grade, when they made the 4th graders, read stories to a small group of 2nd graders outside as kind of a relaxing day.

    Guess who I got in my group? The kid immediately came up to me awkwardly and was just like "hey I'm sorry, I was really weird last year, I'm normal now don't worry."

    Wherever he is, I hope he's doing well lmao.

    DeathCore_Chef Report

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    4 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    We all make mistakes and do weird things, in varying degrees, at times when growing up. Let's just hope he continues to learn and grow.

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    50 Things The “Weird” Kid At School Did That Still Haunt People Years Later I came here to say we had one kid who would eat all his fruit. I mean all of it, bananas/oranges/mandarins/etc with the skin still on, apples including the core. Whatever fruit people had, he ate the whole thing.

    But after reading the other replies here, this kid's looking pretty normal all of a sudden. Y'all went to school with some nut jobs!

    SmugMonkey , freepik Report

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    Sara Frazer
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    4 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    There was a child in my class at work who would eat oranges with the peel, totally unfazed, like orange peel isn't the most bitter substance on Earth

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    Raising thoughtful kids who can step into another person's shoes includes interfering when they're ostracizing a peer who's deemed "weird."

    "Teaching empathy is key," Broadbent, the author of books Mumboss (UK) and The Working Mom (US and Canada), said. "Having a candid and open conversation with your child where they feel emotionally safe so they are able to open up to you, without harsh judgment from you, is the most important first step in communication. Removing judgment means you accept mistakes are made but they can be rectified and that we all keep learning and growing from mistakes."

    Building rapport with your children will incredibly benefit your bond, as one survey revealed that 55% of 8-16 year olds believe that something would stop them from asking others for help if they were struggling with their feelings.


    50 Things The “Weird” Kid At School Did That Still Haunt People Years Later Wrote and recorded a rap about what teachers he wanted to [unalive]. He claimed it was “art” then he claimed it was a joke. Neither the school nor the police saw the funny side of it.

    Active-Strawberry-37 , freepik Report


    There was a kid at my school who would exclusively pacman walk. he would NEVER cut corners and always go to the end of a sidewalk, stop, turn at a right angle and continue.

    whatsbobgonnado Report

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    Yellow dot
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    4 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Awesome, I do this for funsies, pivoting just on my feet while keeping the rest of my body straight with it 😅 I get weird looks and one time someone asked if I'm in the military (I guess because of the pivoting, idk)

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    50 Things The “Weird” Kid At School Did That Still Haunt People Years Later Called a quadriplegic substitute teacher "man on wheels," stormed out of the classroom and disappeared. The school thought he tried to walk home so they start searching everywhere only to have him pop out of his own locker at the end of the day.

    SchrodingersNutsack , Eric Vo Report

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    4 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Wtf? Wonder how long he was hiding in his own locker and also how small he must be to even fit into one?

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    Focus on emotions. "Helping your child understand how it feels to be ostracised, to put their shoes in the excluded child's shoes, will help them build greater understanding and empathy," Broadbent continued.

    "You can ask them how they would feel if others left them out or made them feel they didn't belong? Or if others focused on their differences (as we all have them) in a discriminatory, hurtful way?"


    50 Things The “Weird” Kid At School Did That Still Haunt People Years Later We had a kid that would skip down the hall and simultaneously yell, MEATS! CHEESES! SAUSAGES! That same kid is now a televangelist pastor in Florida.

    PowderHound40 , freepik Report

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    4 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Are you sure he wasn't yelling "Meet Jesus, savages!"?

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    50 Things The “Weird” Kid At School Did That Still Haunt People Years Later Told everyone the first day at freshman year he was going to shoot everyone up. Suspended for a week. Turned out to be the Valedictorian. Who knew?

    Smart-Cash2525 , freepik Report


    50 Things The “Weird” Kid At School Did That Still Haunt People Years Later Wore the same black long-sleeved shirt and green sweats *every* *single* *day*. Except for picture day, when he showed up in a full three piece suit, perfectly polished dress shoes and a tie.

    Outrageous_Case5083 , Racool_studio / freepik Report

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    4 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    They may have only had that for clothing that fit properly? Possibly had 2 pairs of the same green sweatpants and 2 of the black shirts, plus the suit for everything else or occasions that the former isn't 'acceptable.' I hope there are other things that make this kid "weird" especially depending on how old they were.

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    50 Things The “Weird” Kid At School Did That Still Haunt People Years Later We had a kid who refused to write with a pencil or pen. He was able to, he just refused.

    He had a portable electronic typewriter that he would carry between classes all day, every day.

    He had some mental issues obviously but nobody really knew what his deal was. He got transferred to a special school after 9th grade.

    I tutored him for science once. He seemed fine. He understood the material.

    scientist_tz , freepik Report

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    Elladine DesIsles
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    4 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    My son has ASD; he's considered very "high functioning" (I loathe that term) and has no academic impairments, is always near the top of his class in language. However, he has huge sensory issues with paper, with the texture of it when he has to handle it, and with the sounds it makes when being written on, folded, torn, etc. When he's feeling especially sensitive I sometimes have to read in a different room, because he can't stand hearing me turn the pages. Being able to work on a laptop or tablet allows him to communicate his grasp of the material and insight, and for the teachers to realistically evaluate his abilities, rather than the minimal responses he can force himself to put down on paper.

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    These conversations also allow you to expand on overarching emotions. "You can discuss the feelings of loneliness, embarrassment, and shame and then together brainstorm ways to ensure your child can be active in supporting and befriending someone so they don't feel that way," Broadbent said.

    "I discuss ways my children can advocate for others too, in standing up to those being hurtful, seeking support from teachers and parents where appropriate but also understanding the term that 'hurt people hurt people' and that often those being hurtful need help themselves so they have a deeper understanding on behavior. The approach will vary depending on the age and maturity of the child but either way, it is your duty and job as a parent to teach empathy and compassion, and that also means a responsibility to yourself to keep learning and evolving as a person and parent."

    Fostering empathy in our children not only helps them embrace each other's differences but also shapes a kinder world for us all.


    50 Things The “Weird” Kid At School Did That Still Haunt People Years Later Kid was angry at a teacher so he stood on the teachers desk and took the biggest diarrhea spill ever all over the desk.

    edit: whole story of what happened was it was a day the school had a different set of tests for students to take to test our knowledge in each class and no bathroom breaks were allowed. after lunch the weird kid started feeling bit queasy from lunch and when he tried asking to leave to quickly use the bathroom the teacher denied him the bathroom since the teachers didn't want anyone causing any disruptions during the testing. weird kid got mad and when the teacher turned their back for a minute the kid went onto the teachers desk and suddenly everyone hears the biggest fart and the kid just goes full blown diarrhea all over the desk not caring if it got on his shoes as it oozed out of him. the teacher turned around the second they heard the fart and the teacher looked like a deer caught in headlights frozen in fear that the kid was doing what they were doing and by time the kid finished he jumped down and then tinkled on top of his mess further spreading it all over the desk and laughed.

    Goddessviking86 , stockking / freepik Report


    He got lead around on a leash by a girl and would meow and hiss. Dude had the nerve to get pissed at us when we bought him some good canned cat food😂.

    Aromatic_Reindeer_25 Report

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    LakotaWolf (she/her)
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    4 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    That's typical cat behavior, though. They never want the flavor/brand of canned food that you bought for them ;)

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    50 Things The “Weird” Kid At School Did That Still Haunt People Years Later He would jump out from inside trash cans, yell, “They’re all gonna laugh at you!!”, then run off…weird, not dangerous or evil, but 25 years later I still remember him.

    baidu_me , freepik Report


    50 Things The “Weird” Kid At School Did That Still Haunt People Years Later Had two weird kids in my class, one had a breakdown (he was autistic) and threw a chair which almost hit the other weird kid. Queue a chair throwing match that resulted in the classroom being evacuated until they got bored of throwing chairs at each other. Both are actually nice guys nowadays lmao.

    notmesofuckyou , freepik Report

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    Kayleigh haigh
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    4 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    The kid in the pik looks similar to my youngest autistic kid he constantly pulls this face whilst clicking his fingers and jumping

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    50 Things The “Weird” Kid At School Did That Still Haunt People Years Later Would choose a pimple on his face, name it and feed it dirty and whatever else to make it "grow". basically made them super infected and even grosser than normal acne.

    Meddling-Kiwi , freepik Report

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    Dread Pirate Roberts
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    4 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Sounds like that episode of Family Guy where Chris had one that he named Doug

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    There was the one weird kid in elementary school who would climb up on his desk and pull down the sticky fly trap. He would then sit at his desk, pull a fly off one at a time, cover it in white Elmer's glue and then pop it in his mouth and eat it like some kind of gooey popcorn.

    After that year I never saw him again.

    MutuallyAssuredDeath Report

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    4 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    We had paste eaters, of course. But none of them added ingredients to it.

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    50 Things The “Weird” Kid At School Did That Still Haunt People Years Later I went to school with the kid who said, "On every level but physical i am a wolf" yes he did act like a wolf at school and run around with a tail on

    Edit: adding the video.

    rends420 , freepik Report


    There was a kid at school that had a habit of picking up worms from the sidewalk after a rain and he would walk up to random girls and snort a worm up his nose and swallow it just to gross out whoever saw him do it. Every time it rained he was out there snorting worms.

    dumbcrashtest Report

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    4 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Today, that kid is the programming chief for a major TV network.

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    Pooped in the water fountain, what's more is the water fountain was recessed into the wall (it was in the gym). It was just big enough to fit your head into. So the only way he could've managed it was to s**t in his hand and toss it in there. I'm the one that found it, I'm still afraid of water fountains 20 years later.

    5DollarF00tLon9 Report


    50 Things The “Weird” Kid At School Did That Still Haunt People Years Later Stapled his homework to his knees and then acted surprised when that meant blood got on it. Same kid also ate pencil lead and once tried to sharpen his pinky in the pencil sharpener.

    GenericNerdGirl , freepik Report


    I knew this girl since pre-k. In kindergarten, she peed in a mug and tried to give it to our teacher saying it was tea. In 5th grade, she put itching powder in a bottle of lotion and gave it to girls she hated. She dropped out of high school to run away and become a stripper. She actually seemed to be successful cuz then she opened up a weed shop right after it got legalized in the state we're from. The last ones aren't all that weird, I'm just reflecting on this woman's life lmao.

    Puzzled-Cranberry9 Report


    The "special needs" kid in my 7th grade class leaned into me and told me that if the teacher gave him a bad grade on the test that he would [unalive] her baby. The teacher was pregnant. The kid was regarded as special needs, but he was just a f*****g psychopath. Every student knew he wasn't special needs, but he was treated that way by the adults. It shocked me hard. Never treated that dude as a peer again.

    poursoul Report

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    4 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Psychopathy is most definitely a special need. I hope he got the help he needed and that he never hurt anyone.

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    There was a kid who brought a jar of mayo to school, sat in the corner of the cafeteria, and ate it with a spoon like it was yogurt. Respect the dedication, though.

    Daisydalores Report

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    4 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    There's also a somewhat common prank that you wash out the mayonnaise jar when it's empty and then refill the jar with a vanilla pudding or other similar looking foods to mayonnaise. Just to gross people out.

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    See Also on Bored Panda

    Came to photo day with a full medieval coat including a black cape and a farming tool for hitting grain.

    Gigigigaoo0 Report


    She dug up a recently buried baby, like right out of the cemetery. Went to jail or that. 
    Then, after the jail / prison time, she and her boyfriend stabbed the hell out of a guy we all went to high school with on some dirt road. The dude survived. As far as I know, they’re both in prison today… 15-ish (or more) years later.  .

    AmbientGravy Report

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    Dread Pirate Roberts
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    4 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    That is disturbing af. Sounds like one of those couples with the "Joker and Harley Quinn relationship goals" taking it like 10 levels further.

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    50 Things The “Weird” Kid At School Did That Still Haunt People Years Later He crawled into a storm drain to avoid taking an exam.

    faiffcal , wirestock / freepik Report

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    4 months ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Does anyone else think that storm drain looks like a music record by someone like Pink Floyd? It could simultaneously reference their circle-of-media concert imagery, and the content of Echoes or the album cover art of Momentary Lapse of Reason. It just needs a hole in the middle.

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    Mmm. There was this girl that would cry and pretty much have a breakdown anytime she was asked to read something, or when she was asked anything in general.

    Like, "hey girl, whats the chapter about?"- *INSTANT TEARS*, *question is asked again*, *starts sobbing loudly*. She was about 12 years old.

    It was weird at the time but i now realize she mightve had some serious s**t going on.

    a_blixed Report

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    Yellow dot
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    4 months ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    In spanish class specifically, the extra quiet kid was asked to read from the textbook. Obviously this was an all spanish textbook but he was not learning any spanish. He sat there in complete silence, after being asked to read rhe book out loud, as more and more of the students asked him why he wasnt reading, why he wouldnt even speak, why he couldn't look up from the book, why he wouldnt acknowledge our presence.. turns out the poor kid has dyslexia and literally could not read it. He also had crippling anxiety that obviously only worsened when teased.

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    50 Things The “Weird” Kid At School Did That Still Haunt People Years Later During study hall he'd soak tissues in his own spit and or mucus then drape said tissue over his face with his head tilted back. The third time I witnessed it I loudly called him out on it. He claimed it wasn't gross, it's just how he was cooling himself off.

    pknasi60 , freepik Report

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    LakotaWolf (she/her)
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    4 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    He's not wrong. This is the same way those cooling towels work. OP just took umbrage with the fluid the kid was using... XD (as anyone should, spit and mucus are unhygienic)

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    Turned around and stabbed me with a pencil about 5 times. I think he got committed after that.

    CautiousWrongdoer771 Report

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    4 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    A kid I went to junior high with graduated to the local high school. Apparently he was bullied bad enough he snapped and almost kil led another kid. This was way back in the late 80s. This link is to the 1989 story

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    A group of girls in highschool went through this wierd phase where they would lick eachothers eyeballs. I don't know if it was for shock value or what but one would open their eyes wide and another would press their tongue against her eyeball. Was this a thing anywhere else?

    Iguanaking1991 Report

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    4 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    This briefly went around the middle school I went to sometime in the 90's. I thought it sounded gross then and somehow I ended up experiencing it done to me and I vividly remember it was one of the grossest feelings that's now burned into my memory. It's probably a good way to spread infections too.

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    Went to a boarding school with a farm. A goat was harvested for educational value and food.

    He painted himself in the blood and spent the night in the field in protest. 

    I didn't eat meat as kid, so I respected his dedication, but it was weird and he was otherwise weird as well. .

    fish60 Report

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    4 months ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I'm guessing "harvested for educational value" is a euphemism for "slaughtered in front of all the kids".

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    When I was in primary school we used to have sheep/rams just casually wonder around the premises from time to time, all us kids loved it, most of the time we'd just watch in awe from a distance. One time, one of the sheep/rams had shat in the playground, big round ball of s**t. This kid, for whatever reason thought this was his time to shine, picked up the s**t, bare handed and just took a big ol' bite out of it.

    Danielduff95 Report


    I was in a Star Wars RPG club where we spent lunch geeking out. There was one kid who played a few times, but he spent most of the time wondering from table to table. He would ask “How are your parents?” And “What are you doing when you’re done with school?”. He was clearly special needs and we cut him some slack as he looked like he needed a friend.

    But, he tried something when the teacher left for a moment. He went over to our teachers aquarium (which had a lot of tropical fish and were fun to look at) and took out a smaller fish with his fingers. He brought it over to us and said “Look at this!”

    He proceeded to swallow the fish and then he left with a smile.

    He was not allowed back into the club and had later left school into a behavioral program.

    RforFilm Report

    See Also on Bored Panda

    50 Things The “Weird” Kid At School Did That Still Haunt People Years Later Eat all the bones of chicken wings.

    Opposite_Speaker6673 , freepik Report

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    4 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Umm pretty sure that is extremely dangerous, if not fatal. The sharp edges and rips from biting and chewing the bone can perforate the bowel, as well as probably everything else from mouth to bum hole(only bc I can't say rec tum?), if it makes it that far.

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    Sit cross legged on his desk and start meditating during class because he was mad about something.

    JunjiItoColaBear Report

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    Katy McMouse
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    4 months ago

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    50 Things The “Weird” Kid At School Did That Still Haunt People Years Later He used to seek attention by eating coins, drinking the ink out of pens, and ingesting various other nonfood items in class.

    SpiritualFail2642 , Racool_studio / freepik Report


    50 Things The “Weird” Kid At School Did That Still Haunt People Years Later Ate canned cat food in exchange for cigarettes.

    One_Indication6395 , freepik Report


    Kinda weird but saw a kid in my class pull a banana out of his sock and eat it.

    The1Koalaman Report


    Not my story, but my dad’s. The valedictorian, who was on a fast track to be a doctor, took the arm off of a cadaver after an anatomy class and left it in the coin slot on a toll bridge.

    jesterPaul Report

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    4 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Sounds like a typical medical school student prank. I've heard of much worse ones.

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    I went to a small high school in a very rural town in the Deep South, so we had quite a few “weird kids”. The one that comes to mind the most was this really skinny, pimply, greasy-looking redheaded boy who would bring a Bible to school every Wednesday. He would use the Bible to “cast out the demons” of the goth-punk (basically anyone who dressed in all black) clique by hitting us over the head with it. He got his a*s kicked once a week, but he kept doing it every Wednesday for the three years we were in school together.

    YaThinkYerSlickDoYa Report

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    Bat cat in a hat
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    4 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    As a high school goth I'd definitely deck anyone hitting me over the head with any book, let alone a massive bible!

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    He was in my 7th grade science class. Our teacher was a young woman, 27 years old at the time and hot. During the sex ed portion of the year, in Life Science, he asked if she'd take her shirt and bra off to show us how to breast feed. That was an instant trip to In School Suspension. However, it did not end there. Somehow, and I don't know how, he ended up f*****g up In School Suspension and ended up having to hang around the school vice principal all day. He was the only one we ever saw manage to score the level lower than In School Suspension.

    Worth_Box_8932 Report

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    Weasel Wise
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    4 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I was sexually harassed by one of my students, he was in 5th grade. It was SOOOO much more uncomfortable and disturbing being harassed like that by a child than by an adult. And when reported cuz he wouldn't stop, his parents insisted I was lying. 😮‍💨

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    On their own these two individuals weren’t that “weird” or “strange” but when they were dating, they slit their palms, joined hands, mixed their blood and then they licked their palms in class. I think they went out of their way to be the “weird” couple in middle school.

    mdanielaaa318 Report

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    4 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Early 70s this was a thing where I grew up. Nothing as dramatic as this, we'd nick a finger with a pin, make it bleed a little, and press fingers together.

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    At school they started jumping in big puddles (we had heavy rain for a couple of days), proceeded to scream at the teachers, followed by his best attempts at front flips in the puddles.

    It wasn't funny, the guy was clearly having a breakdown. He always had weird behaviour, but this was a clear meltdown.

    avidfilmgeek Report

    See Also on Bored Panda

    She said she has a boyfriend that put cameras all over her body to check what she was doing.

    cleverwall Report


    He took off his shirt and threw it in the trashcan because it was "too smelly". The teacher was speechless.

    Edit: Sorry, English is not my first language, and I am a bit rusty.

    drpedrico Report


    When I was in first grade, there was this awkward girl I sat near in the classroom. She's so shy that even when she needs to pee so bad, she can't speak up. I was her only friend and a few months passed, she started bringing a potato with her daily at school. It's just a raw potato and she talked to it. I never really mind since I thought she's just playing. Later before that school year ends, she brought a potato peeler to school and started peeling the potato and poked it with her pencil. It was so sudden that I felt a bit shock but didn't really mind it later on. She ended up transferring and never saw her again.

    Now that I think about it, it could have been something dangerous. It was definitely a weird experience.

    Own-Temperature2613 Report


    A group of students who are extraordinarily smart all got detention because they hacked the school’s security cameras. They found the manual for the school’s security cameras and in the first page was a statement saying the default password and CHANGE IT IMMEDIATELY. So they logged into the security cameras using the default password that was never changed. Later when I halfway joined this group, we protested the sanitary conditions of the engineering wing(we’re all engineering students) by having a jar of cockroaches we’d find in the hallway. We had Tom, Tommy, Tim, Timmy, John, Johnny, Jim and Jimmy. Tommy was a 5 legged fat bastard of a cockroach before the senior engineers had the cockroaches fight the red ant infestation in the same wing.

    Things Alumni of my school had done are take a cardboard cut out of Dani Devito to Prom and a famous yearbook quote of “thank you for teaching my [insert sentences whose acronym is “F**K YOU”]”.

    Luchin212 Report