If it wasn’t already clear as day, bodies are weird. And that’s just on a regular day. Bodies can get weirder given the right (and the wrong) circumstances. And then you have to live with it.

Folks were recently sharing some of the things they have to live with and the online thread picked up speed really fast with folks answering the question what's weird about your body?


40 People Share The Weirdest Things About Their Bodies My body does not make it's own antibodies. So once a week for the last 15 years, I've had to get an infusion of antibodies that are pulled from plasma donations.

If you donate plasma- thank you for keeping me alive!

stumphead11 , RDNE Stock project Report

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11 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

My dad goes 2 times in the month to donate blood and plasma for now almost 50years.

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    40 People Share The Weirdest Things About Their Bodies My proportions are all over the place.

    I used to study art. In drawing class, we had to study human proportions using our hands in strange positions and our bodies in front of a mirror. I got a bad grade, was told that my proportions were wrong. I had to go show the teacher that, yes, my thighs are unusually long, my pinkies abnormally short etc.

    My grade was changed.

    isabellepeppergreen , Anna Tarazevich Report


    I have 5 nipples. 3 on the right, 2 on the left. I call the unpaired one Lonely Tim. The others do not get names as they do not need them. They have eachother.

    Richard-Conrad Report


    It’s hard to pinpoint what is normal in terms of bodies. The easiest way to explain it is that which is usual, typical and expected. But that’s based on statistics.

    And since subjectivity is a thing, there can be a different normal for everyone depending on their condition, situation and experience.


    40 People Share The Weirdest Things About Their Bodies I have very high pain tolerance but can’t deal with tshirt tags scratching my neck

    Autism is funny sometimes.

    _manicpixie , Alexey Demidov Report


    Lost my lower legs, from about mid-tibia. Now I stomp around in carbon fiber and titanium, have great parking options, and I'm generally snake proof.

    Synthetics_66 Report

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    Bouche and Audi and Shyla, Oh My!
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    11 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Not if you play Oregon Trail. Those rattlesnakes don't care what your parts are made out of.

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    40 People Share The Weirdest Things About Their Bodies I have 3 kidneys. 2 that tried to kill me and one that I received from an unknown hero.

    saltwater-915 , Robina Weermeijer Report

    Following this definition, you’d think there has to be some sort of, say, average height, average weight and average anything else.


    That holds true for situations in which, say, most folks have 5 fingers, but that one person has 6. But then you have something like weight, which has a norm, but it’s based on your height, as per the body mass index.


    40 People Share The Weirdest Things About Their Bodies I know what human spinal fluid tastes like.

    Last year, a sinus specialist discovered I had a 7mm hole in the wall between my left sinus cavity and my cranial cavity. No clue exactly how long it’s been there but I’ve had a “runny nose” as long as I can remember. It was spinal fluid. Very salty. Got it patched up and after some insane headaches while my cranial cavity regulated the pressure, I’m doing much better.

    Edit: I’ve seen replies of people having the same symptoms. I highly encourage you to see a specialist because CSF (cerebrospinal fluid) leaks are how meningitis can happen. Tell your doctor that the liquid is clear and watery and has a very salty taste. Those are the hallmarks of CSF.

    insaneantics21 , Polina Tankilevitch Report


    40 People Share The Weirdest Things About Their Bodies My sweat is extra acidic. I can fully rust guitar strings in a week or 2, and have eaten holes on 2 laptops where I rest my hands, both happened within a year of use.

    BeautyKatt_ , cottonbro studio Report

    But then again, does having six fingers affect your life in a significant way? Does that entail some sort of debilitating disease or condition? There might be social stigmas, sure, but that’s irrelevant in the grand scheme of things because you are beautiful and amazing and loved.


    40 People Share The Weirdest Things About Their Bodies My right ear has a little point at the top… like an elf. My son’s right ear has a notch, like it’s missing the extra I have… weird!

    Heardaboutthat , Ksenia Chernaya Report


    40 People Share The Weirdest Things About Their Bodies My fingerprints have almost faded away. I’m 56, and I can’t use those fingerprint readers for anything. It happened to my mom, and now my 31-year old daughters are going. It’s weird!

    feelingmyage , Angela Roma Report

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    Bouche and Audi and Shyla, Oh My!
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    11 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    In prison, we had our thumbprint scanned when buying commissary. When they scanned my thumb (after I'd been there several years), it came up that I was someone else, who didn't look a thing like me. After that, I was allowed to use my ID card as proof I was me.

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    40 People Share The Weirdest Things About Their Bodies I have extra pair of ribs, and both of my kidneys are on my right side.

    lostbedbug , Giacomo Irrequieto Report

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    11 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I'm missing 2 ribs and both my kidneys are on the left side. Are you free this Saturday night?

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    For example, obesity is considered by many—professionals included—a chronic and often progressive health problem. At least in Canada, roughly 6 million people are considered obese—that’s 17% of the population—and that alone costs around 4% of the yearly healthcare budget. But while the risk is obvious, it is still just a risk, not a reality.


    40 People Share The Weirdest Things About Their Bodies Energy drinks and coffee have very limited effect to the point where I feel sleepy while drinking them.

    Existing-Bins , Karolina Grabowska Report

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    Sleepy Panda
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    11 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Sounds like ADHD, stimulants often have the opposite effect which is why we take amphetamines. Meanwhile things like strong antihistamines that make most people drowsy, can make us very hyper.

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    40 People Share The Weirdest Things About Their Bodies My birthmark is on my inner a*s cheek and it looks like I missed a spot when wiping.

    The_Shitlipz , Karolina Grabowska Report


    40 People Share The Weirdest Things About Their Bodies I have two uteruses! (uteri, that is).

    mwyattf , Anastasia Shuraeva Report


    Some medical professionals have started finding people who, despite having a problem of obesity, show no health problems associated with it. You know, diabetes, high blood pressure, increased cholesterol and even certain types of cancer. This is what’s known as metabolically healthy obesity, a kind of obesity that doesn’t have associated health problems.


    I can wiggle my ears, my pupils, dilate my eyes on command, make my ear drums vibrate to help damper loud noises, but I can't think in pictures and color.

    rainbowtick Report

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    me myself and i (She/Her)
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    11 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I thought the ear drums thing was normal? my brother and I can both do it. are there pandas who cant?

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    40 People Share The Weirdest Things About Their Bodies Woke up paralysed from the chest down one day aged 27.

    Spinal MS/Transverse Myelitis - no recovery, none expected but it's so weird that even my neuro is like ''this phenotype is vanishingly rare in Europeans and whatever you're doing seems to be working'' when I ask him for any advice. Looking through local medical records (university access) I can't pinpoint a single person with a case like mine in the last 100 years.

    cripple2493 , World Sikh Organization of Canada Report

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    11 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    ''this phenotype is vanishingly rare in Europeans and whatever you're doing seems to be working'' What's actually working? Who's doing it?

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    40 People Share The Weirdest Things About Their Bodies I am biologically female. Was born female. Live in a female body.
    I am 💯 male at the cellular level. My DNA is male. And I no longer have the blood type I was born with.

    Edit: I had a stem cell transplant from a male donor. I have his blood type and DNA now.

    all_the_kittermows , RDNE Stock project Report

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    11 months ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I don’t think that is correct -The recipient's DNA does not change, but after the transplant, the recipient will have two sets of DNA in their body: their own DNA is found in most of their cells, and the donor’s DNA is found in their blood and immune system cells. This state of having two types of DNA is called “chimerism”, after the hybrid creature from Greek mythology. There is a article about a guys dna changing after a bone marrow transplant

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    So, again, what’s normal? Bringing subjectivity into the mix, for people who have physical abnormalities, these things might not necessarily be, or even feel, normal, but they would very likely not feel weirded out by it either.

    In that sense, weird is the new normal and everyone has their own.


    40 People Share The Weirdest Things About Their Bodies I was born with a webbed hand. Had a bunch of surgeries to correct it but my hand is smaller than my normal hand and my co workers call me Tiny Paw.

    buckeyemountain , Huw Report


    40 People Share The Weirdest Things About Their Bodies My eyes have been misaligned since birth. I've had two surgeries (one immediately after birth, and one in high school) to try to correct it, but they are still misaligned by about 1 degree (possibly more now considering it's been many years). This means I've never been able to use both of my eyes at once, so I do not have depth perception. People sometimes ask what it's like not having depth perception, and my response is what's it like TO have depth perception??

    Until the second surgery I had to wear glasses, but afterwards my eyes were close enough that my brain could automatically choose which one to use based on the distance of whatever I was looking at. This is handy because one of my eyes is near-sighted and the other is far-sighted, so I get the advantages of both.

    I'm also double jointed in the hips and can put my feet behind my head, and I walk duck-footed thanks to my weird feet.

    Finetales , Andrea Piacquadio Report


    40 People Share The Weirdest Things About Their Bodies I birthed a FULLY INTACT empty amniotic sack when I gave birth to my son. The doctor looked at me like I shape-shifted into an alien.

    Jbrock1233 , Jonathan Borba Report

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    11 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    So was mine. They let the baby "bake" too long (didn't believe my conception date, etc). Which they realized as soon as the baby broke my uterus. They sent a chunk of *everything* away to be analyzed in hopes they weren't looking at a lawsuit. Thankfully, my daughter was healthy...tho came out the size and disposition of a toddler.

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    And again, if some layers of society push an agenda where certain out-of-the-ordinaries are considered abnormal, there’s going to be a community or several that are accepting of it. So, the idea of normality is all over the place.


    40 People Share The Weirdest Things About Their Bodies My vision is black and white like 1/3 of the time for no reason, doesn't relate to being lightheaded or anything, just weird.

    Miallison , Mălina Sîrbu Report


    40 People Share The Weirdest Things About Their Bodies I sneeze when I'm really hungry.

    Fluffy-Muffin_ , Mikael Blomkvist Report


    My body manifests suppressed emotions and stress as debilitating chronic pain.

    It’ll be so bad I can’t sleep or think or do anything really, and the only thing that helps is for me to root around in my subconscious for whatever is bothering me emotionally and then cry about it. After I cry, the pain will disappear over the next hour or so, only for the cycle to start again anew the next day, since I’m always stressed or suppressing emotions.

    Icanteven______ Report

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    11 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    "The Body Keeps the Score". It's true. I am in long-term therapy for PTSD and other stuff and when we do body scans, it's clear where I store my feelings: in my jaw, chest, hands and lower legs.

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    In a philosophical twist—or just a shower thought—if someone does admit that they have an abnormality, and shares it online, after being asked to, that alone kinda sorta feels normal at the same time. Even if they admit that this is a deviation from the norm, sharing how they’re cool with it, and others seeing that it’s weird, yet still feeling normal about it normalizes it. Does that make sense?


    40 People Share The Weirdest Things About Their Bodies I was getting custom moulded ear plugs made to block out the sound of our next door neighbour and his (at least) 3 different alarms that go off between 02:00 and 05:00.

    I have always struggled with the normal foam earplugs, ever quite able to get them to fit properly or having much sound-deadening taking place when I did manage to get them crammed into my lugholes.

    The audiologist who was taking the impressions of my ears commented that I have “unusually narrow ear canals”

    Guess that explains the problems with other earplugs!

    realmofconfusion , Kindel Media Report

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    Ovata Acronicta
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    11 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I have narrow ear canals too (although perhaps not unusually so, no idea). In-ear headphones were pretty much impossible until I found relatively thin, very soft foam tips for them - the compression of their form is far more comfortable than even the smallest silicone pieces. I'm uncertain if this is a result of the massive amount of ear infections I had as a child, or...if the ear infections are a result of the canals. Who knows!

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    I’ll try to sum this up 😂

    My biological father has Juvenile Type 1 Diabetes, so autoimmune. I was tested periodically growing up and was never diagnosed with either Type 1 or 2.

    Flash forward to having my first child at 25. No gestational diabetes. Second child at 29. Gestational diabetes during my pregnancy. Follow up lab work showed I was back to normal.

    Two years later, I rapidly developed severe PSOD. I need an emergency hysterectomy. Lab work shows I’m Type 2. I continued to be Type
    2 until another year after that. I landed in the ER in DKA. The ER doctor came charging in my room demanding to know why I wasn’t taking my insulin. I had NO IDEA that i was Type 1. I had gone through a lot of trauma from right before my 2nd child’s birth until moving back home for support. That’s when I landed in the ER. My immune system and pancreas decided they were finished.

    It is a major, major struggle.

    Conduit-Katie82 Report

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    CM Peterson
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    11 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I was absolutely fine up to age 46. I was feeling awful and they did a blood test - my sugar was 500+ (Five times 'normal levels') I joined the Dead Pancreas Societyn that day!

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    When my anxiety gets bad i don’t have panic attacks or anxiety attacks i just faint. it’s a blessing and a curse because my “anxiety attacks” last a max of 15 seconds but it’s literally impossible to hide. i’ve had to explain to multiple professors that it’s not a d**g overdose because that’s always everyone’s first thought.

    ojdidntdoit4 Report

    One last thing: the idea of being abnormal doesn’t have to be a bad thing. It’s like having a super power sometimes. Yes, the body can go through genetic mutations that allow folks to be morbidly flexible, resistant to poison, shock proof or even immune to pain. That last one doesn’t mean you’re invincible, though, so don’t get any bright ideas.


    40 People Share The Weirdest Things About Their Bodies If I have an asthma attack in my sleep, I usually dream about it and wake up.

    acid-cats , Eren Li Report


    40 People Share The Weirdest Things About Their Bodies I can move a vein without touching it on my hand to make it look like a worm is moving.

    EvilBanana66 , Angela Roma Report

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    11 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I wish I could do that! It would have kept me occupied during exams at school.

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    40 People Share The Weirdest Things About Their Bodies Everytime I squat my knees crack very loudly.

    thatsmybetch , MART PRODUCTION Report

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    Tobias Reaper
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    11 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    me too but i think thats whats called getting old a bit of WD40 with sort you out

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    So, what’s something weird that you got on your corporeal vessel in this plane of existence? Share your stories in the comment section below!

    And if you’re looking for more content to go through, look no further.


    I can’t picture things in my mind. It’s just a blackhole. Always thought it was a figure of speech. Thanks, Aphantasia.

    hatestheocean Report

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    Ashlie Benson
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    11 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Always wondered how counting sheep helped people sleep. Now I know it's because most people can actually see those sheep to count.

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    40 People Share The Weirdest Things About Their Bodies I have a straight line of freckles from my shoulder, down my arm, to my middle finger.

    oOohalloweenqueenoOo , Ron Lach Report

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    11 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    That can be something associated with Blaschko's lines

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    I have a birthmark in the shape of a t Rex.

    Equal-Blacksmith6730 Report


    Coffee has put me to sleep since the first time I tried it when I was 12. Got diagnosed with ADHD 10 years later.

    Repulsive-Break-6937 Report

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    40 People Share The Weirdest Things About Their Bodies Ever since my earliest memory I have found the sensation of ANYTHING touching my neck & anywhere near my collar bone area absolutely unbearable. skin-crawling, want to peel out of my body, can't hold still when i think about it unbearable. I can't drive with windows down, I stretch my shirt collars out in my sleep, at the dentist i have to constantly be pulling that little bib that they put on you down away from my neck. I can't even look at someone wearing a turtleneck or a choker or even a tight-ish necklace. It really actually gets in the way of me enjoying a lot of things and is really embarrassing lol. I have tried exposure therapy like wearing things with a somewhat snug fit around my neck or a somewhat tight necklace but I just can't do it. It's awful.

    mizzmizeryy , Karolina Grabowska Report

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    Kinetics Loves Apples
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    11 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Someone told me once that this means you were hung in a past life.

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    I was born with one breast a congenital abnormality, I had six kids and breastfeed them all, after having the kids I got saline breast implants and due to being born with a congenital abnormality the government payed a great deal of the costs of surgery, had my implants for 29 years now and love them and love the feeling of not covering up.

    missiffy45 Report

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    11 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I used to be a lactation consultant - quite a few women out there with one breast that puberty forgot.

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    I can literally stare anyone down without blinking for several minutes at a time. Freaks people out.

    VictimNumber7 Report


    40 People Share The Weirdest Things About Their Bodies If I have to pee really bad I get a sharp pain in my molars.

    qOJOb , Tima Miroshnichenko Report

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    11 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I wonder whether that's where the expression "I have to p**s so bad, my back teeth are floating" comes from?

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    I have an [epicanthic fold]( but I’m neither Asian nor do I have Down syndrome.

    Edit since people are asking about my heritage: Yes, I’m European. No, I did not take (make?) a DNA test. But at least according to my skin color, I’m not from Asian descent or any people that look similar. Neither is anyone in my heritage that I know.

    Edit 2: I know this also appears among European people. It’s just not common.

    Midnight1899 Report

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    40 People Share The Weirdest Things About Their Bodies I have a little stump in my pinky that’s an extra finger. Doctor wrapped thread around it when I was born.

    Barnitch , Kevin Malik Report

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    Andrew Keir
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    11 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    There is evidence that a Glasgow tram conductress in the 1920's had six fingers on each hand - her family couldn't afford to have the 'extra' ones removed at birth (before the NHS). She is said to have found this an advantage when dealing with drunks (Glasgow was then known for drunkenness at weekends) when she'd challenge the more vocal ones with "You're so drunk you think I have six fingers on this hand". The merry citizen would deny this, and their count usually went "Look, there's one - two - three - four - five - Oh god , six" after which they were usually quiet for the rest of the journey.

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    I often sneeze when I feel like I’m about to throw up and then the nausea immediately goes away!

    yourpaljax Report

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    11 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    This happens to me sometimes! Not when I’m actually sick but if I’m a little geepy I’ll start to feel really nasty, and then I’ll sneeze and feel all better

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    40 People Share The Weirdest Things About Their Bodies I look like a spider. My long appendages are in direct contrast to my short torso 😩 🕷️.

    Wecanbuildittogether , Alina Vilchenko Report


    I don’t feel any effects of alcohol until I’ve eaten afterward. I’ve never tested the limits, but Ive had 4 shots and 3 beers with no change of how I feel, but as soon as I eat afterwards it hits me all at once and I am completely smoked even if it’s in the morning after.

    Own-Park5939 Report

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    11 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I'd really like to know the science behind this one, really really strange.

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    My eyes are so dark brown that some people think they're black, or that I just have two really big pupils.

    Goro-Goro_No_Mi Report


    40 People Share The Weirdest Things About Their Bodies Since my foot injury in 2015 I can tell when the weather is going to change in it.

    britt_nicole , Towfiqu barbhuiya Report

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    11 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I had the same thing until I realized I was kicking the radio on my nightstand which was tuned to the weather channel

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    I’ve hiccuped every day since 2007

    Edit: this got more traction than I imagined. They aren’t constant all day long, but they happen every day. I’ve gone to some doctors, they ask if I can eat and breathe fine, I say yes, and that’s about it. The only thing that has helped a little is acupuncture! I don’t hiccup QUITE as much. After this long, I don’t mind it all that much. It’s a good ice breaker when I meet people, and a great drinking game when out with friends 😂.

    SoICanStillGetAJob Report

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    I'm bad at nicknames
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    11 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    A friend was studying acupressure and when I got the hiccups she would say that I have "rebellious stomach chi."

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    Probably my head shape, having an oblong head is far from fun, I will snap if I hear a "Why the long face" joke one more time😭.

    Bolster66 Report


    I wore super pointy shoes all through jr high and my pinky toes stopped growing. They are small and squished into the rest of my foot. Boring, I know.

    ontour4eternity Report

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    11 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Omg! This happens to people? I am so lucky I am unable to walk in anything that is not sneakers!

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    My legs are longer than my 6’4 fathers and I’m 5’8. So hard to find pants! I can also cross one eye any way I want while keeping one eye looking straight on.

    momygawd Report

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    robecca leyden
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    11 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    If this is a female it's usually because we have longer legs than torsos while men tend to have longer torsos.

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    I can push my shoulder blades up so that I look like a gargoyle.

    jhumph88 Report

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    11 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Same here. Great at concerts, nobody pushes into me from behind due to my pointy back.

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    I have a botched circumcision. I have 3 skin bridges. Didn’t know I had it till I was 14.

    Alex_anders1998 Report

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    11 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Very sad. Genital Mutilation in the name of religion or just tradition should be banned.

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    I have abnormally high arches on my feet. I knew they were high, but I had torn Achilles a couple years ago and every specialist who looked at my feet was like “holy s**t!”.

    duzzabear Report


    If I inhale through my nose super fast it does something to my ear canals such that it filters out a lot of low frequencies and a good bit of volume. I can basically turn it on/off at will. Comes in quite handy if I forget earplugs at a concert, or if I’m having trouble hearing people talk in a crowded room.

    PuppyCocktheFirst Report

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    11 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Oooh I wish I had this. I’m easily overstimulated by sound and that would be so useful.

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    Not a joke: I only have one visible testicle. I have something called an ascended testicle iirc where one of my nuts never dropped I guess

    I also have a condition called Visual snow where I basically see static in my vision in darker places.

    100percentrealfacts Report

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    11 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Undescended, not ascended. I had surgery to correct this aged 9. Only discovered at that age that other boys had two.

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    • sneezing when i walk outside when it’s sunny ?

    • my head is extremely tender. when someone hugs me and it tugs my hair even a little it hurts

    • can open doors with a toes

    • i can smell sickness and it grosses me out

    • double jointed in arms and thumbs

    EDIT: wanted to add i have dark brown eyes for the sneezing thing :).

    random_fangirll Report

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    DE Ray
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    11 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Smelling sickness isn't that rare, but a lot of people don't know what they're smelling. A lot of diseases smell yeasty, or nutty, or foul. And it seems like most people who can smell different diseases don't necessarily smell them the same, so it's not a great diagnostic. I'm much more impressed by people who can smell snakes, because I can't and have accidentally stepped on more than one while out hiking (obviously I've survived, but very frightening).

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    When I’m really tired, my hands stop working. Dyspraxia is fun.

    Slaidback Report


    I have NF1 soooo I have tumors all over under my skin on my nerves 😃👌🏼.

    Conscious-Mess-6557 Report

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    Bewitched One
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    11 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I know someone with this. I always wondered what caused it but never knew what to google and never wanted to ask and offend her. Sweetest person I've ever met though!!

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    I can pick stuff up w my feet.

    Vikingtender Report

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    Ovata Acronicta
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    11 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    High foots for everyone else here who can also do this! Please just do not try to hold my foot with your foot like it is a hand (and I won't try to do it to you either).

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    I have only half a working heart.

    Vast-Sail-8351 Report


    I can pop my thumbs out of their sockets and back.  .

    WassupSassySquatch Report

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    11 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I can do this with my shoulders - no pain or discomfort, I just flex the muscles like _this_ and they pop out and then back in when I relax.

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    Don’t know how weird it is, but vitiligo.

    CorrectCard8489 Report


    Went to the doctor one day and found out my left kidney is completely atrophied. It’s below the proper amount of function so they just consider me to have one kidney. Mom said it looks like a shriveled-up piece of burnt bacon on my scans.

    Makes a little bit more sense why I sometimes pee blood. I just thought I might be the Kool-Aid man.

    kookyfishz Report

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    11 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    My mom only has one kidney due to having cancer as a 2 year old - back before they even really knew how to treat cancer. I'm lucky to have her!

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    I can touch my nose with my tongue.

    I can also fold my hands in half by folding my fingers into my palm at their main joints.

    Edit: I do not have Ehlers Danlos syndrome. Thank you all for your concern. lol.

    Gorilla1969 Report

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    11 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    You could have hypermobility? I can fold my legs into a double lotus and then walk on my knees . Hypermobility syndrom is a collagen defect, sometimes caused by allergies which can lead to protein deficiency. If you have it in other joints as well, please check out if you need more protein, because when you grow older it can lead to all kinds of joint problems.

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    I can crack my toes as many times as I want, with no cooldown.

    oxnq Report


    Club thumb. Look it up. It's the s**t that Meghan Fox has. F*****g irritates the living f**k out of me. .

    Worth-Flight-1249 Report