“9 out of 10 dentists recommend this toothpaste! And this chewing gum! And this flossing pick!” We’ve all heard this line used in countless advertisements. But have you ever wondered what the 10th dentist recommends?
Apparently, there’s a whole online community dedicated to the mysterious dentist who goes against the grain. We’ve taken a trip to The 10th Dentist subreddit, which provides members with a safe space to share their most unpopular and outlandish opinions. Below, you’ll find some of these strange ideas, so try to keep an open mind while reading through. And be sure to upvote the pics that you find particularly shocking!
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Pineapple And Anchovy Are Amazing When They're Both On A Pizza. Sort Of A Sweet And Salty Type Thing, I Love It
My Brother Likes To Add Popcorn To His Cereal. I Tried It Today, It's Actually Pretty Good
I Like To Peel Lemons Before I Eat Them
According to The 10th Dentist subreddit, the 10th dentist “is someone who sincerely, or professionally, disagrees with the broad majority of people.” This is the person who’ll eat the pizza crust and leave the rest of the slice for someone else. They love having long layovers and being forced to hang out in airports, and they believe that chocolate is disgusting.
Now, it’s likely that we all have a few 10th dentist level opinions. I love weird food combinations as much as the next person, and I absolutely hate ketchup. So it’s not surprising that The 10th Dentist subreddit has become one of the largest on the platform, with over 257k members. We should all be able to voice that the Harry Potter films are overrated without fearing for our life!
My Friend Eats His Cereal With Orange Juice
I Eat Oranges Like Apples. The Excess Of Juice That Is Released Is Just So Satisfying
I Dont Like The White Stuffing In An Oreo
Now, when it comes to the name of this online community, it obviously stems from those advertisements making bold claims about toothpaste and other dental hygiene products. But why do companies always use this claim in their commercials? According to TV Tropes, it’s easy to misconstrue this claim with the idea that 90% of doctors or dentists actually agree with something. But that’s not necessarily the case.
What likely happened is that a trial with an extremely small sample size was carried out (perhaps literally only 10 dentists or doctors), and the company cherry picked information that sounded like it would benefit them. TV Tropes also notes that some liberties may have been taken with the company’s claims. “Did nine out of ten dentists really say that their brand of toothpaste was best, or did nine out of ten dentists just agree that toothpaste in general is a good idea?” the writers asked.
How My Sister Butters Her Bagels :/
I would have a word with her - what is her motivation? Why does this make sense to her?
Maybe she's had too many BRI's in the past (see TIL post!)
Pizza In Diet Coke Makes The Pizza 10x Better
My Friend Prefers To Eat His Instant Ramen Like This, Ketchup And Pickles
No matter how cliche the idea of “9 out of 10 dentists” recommending something has become, it’s still used on company websites. You can find it on Sensodyne’s site recommending their toothpaste for sensitive teeth, and you’ll hear it in commercials all the time.
But some companies have decided to be a bit more careful about their claims, as in 2007, Colgate found themselves under fire for their bold statement that 80% of dentists recommend their toothpaste.
My Dad Likes Popcorn With Mustard
I Love Baked Beans And Egg Pizza For Breakfast
My Mom Folds Papers In Half Hotdog-Style
According to Reuters, the Advertising Standards Authority came after Colgate for boldly claiming that 80% of dentists recommended their toothpaste. Apparently, dentists were given a survey where they could recommend several brands of toothpaste. And while 80% of them did recommend Colgate, they did not necessarily choose it over any other brands. They just considered it to be one valid option.
Posting On The Behalf Of My 8 Year Old Sister Who Unironically Eats And Enjoys Sweet Brioche With Soy Sauce
I Like Adding Chocolate Syrup To My Orange Juice
The Dolls Nursing Students Use When Training At Their Jobs Are Cute And Adorable Looking
Nowadays, it’s really easy to spend time in echo chambers online. We’re pushed similar content to what we engage with and click like on, and we tend to follow pages that share beliefs that we agree with. But sometimes, it’s healthy to be introduced to ideas and opinions that are different from our own. That’s why The 10th Dentist subreddit can be such a great place! You might fervently disagree with many of the photos and opinions you see shared there, but they’re still opening up your mind to new ideas.
Cheez-Its And Milk Is Pretty Good. It Adds A Nice Salty Crunch To My Milk. I Don’t Eat This A Lot, Just On The Rare Occasion I’m In The Mood For It
Tuna Is The Best Pizza Topping
He Likes His Hotdogs Peeled
According to Maryville University, hearing different perspectives is important for expanding a person’s thinking, helping people develop empathy, increasing inclusion and equity, reducing biases and increasing creativity. You might see a food combination that you would have never thought of recommended by a 10th dentist, and your initial reaction might be that it must be disgusting. But maybe it’s not so bad! Keep an open mind, and don’t judge those 10th dentists.
This Guy
Guacamole On Oreos Is Delicious. It Has A Very Interesting Flavour Mix
I Like Wet Socks
I will admit that there are definitely things on this list I would never do. But I’ll never judge anyone for their bizarre combinations and beliefs, as long as they’re harmless! Try to keep some of that childlike wonder alive in yourself, pandas, and try some guacamole on an Oreo! (Okay, maybe not that one… But find something new to try!)
My Favorite Meal: Cocoa Pebbles With String Cheese
How do people discover they like these combinations? I don’t think I’ve ever once had a craving and thought…cereal and cheese sounds amazing right now. Am I the strange one?
I Like To Add Coffee To Curd And Yogurt
I Sometimes Butter My Cereal
After looking at some of these photos, do you feel that you fall more into the majority on many of these opinions, or do you find yourself resonating with these misunderstood 10th dentists? Keep upvoting the pics that you find particularly surprising (or some that you might even agree with!), and if you’d like to read even more unpopular opinions from Bored Panda, check out this piece next!
My Friend Thinks Oysters Go Really Good Cheesecake
Ketchup On Pancakes Is Actually Really Good
Spread cream cheese on those pancakes, put some ham and cheese slices on it. Roll up and put it in the oven. Eat with ketchup.
I Like Mixing Eggs With Oatmeal For Breakfast, You Get The Rubbery Texture Of Egg With The Chewy Consistency Of Oatmeal, It’s To Die For
I Prefer 18 Over 19
I Like Sitting In Between The Benches On The Bus
So, taking up two seats? That'd wouldn't last where l live 😂. Either an angry grandma or myself would call you out
I Like To Condense All My Song Titles
I had a roommate that couldn't smell or taste anything. He would eat for nutrition, not flavor. One day, he made a bowl of cereal with milk, tomato juice, tuna, and green beans. He told me it had, "X grams protein, X grams carbs and X grams fat". He found out later that he had a brain tumor. He had a 15 hour surgery and is doing well, now.
My sister and I used to eat peanut butter and mayonaise sandwiches. They were just awful, and we didn't like them. But once in a while, we'd ask for them. I don't know why. It was almost like when you push a bruise just to check if it still hurts. "Still terrible?" "Why, yes it is"
Bacon and Nutella (or your own fav chocolate spread, I'm using an example here) on pancakes.
Bacon goes extremely well with chocolate. I made bacon and maple chocolate truffles once, they were divine
Load More Replies...I happen to like fish-and-cheese dishes. It has to be prepared right (obviously), but the two flavors can work fantastically together! Apparently this makes me weird? I guess tuna noodle casserole isn't a "thing" in a lot of places, let alone tuna macaroni and cheese...
This list brings to mind just a few words: Chacun à son goût. Or in English, different strokes for different folks. Not a literal translation, obviously, but it captures the spirit.
For some reason, I thought this would be a bit o' fun. I was soon proven horribly wrong.
Two personal opinions; 1) Butter sucks and olive oil is supreme. 2) Feta is the only good cheese. (My list of tried cheeses is now at 24).
Sour cream, Mr. Potato. (Can I call you that, or will Steve Harvey get mad?) No conditions? Olive oil is great on some breads and other contexts that Americans more often use butter, but it sucks on popcorn.
Load More Replies...I had a roommate that couldn't smell or taste anything. He would eat for nutrition, not flavor. One day, he made a bowl of cereal with milk, tomato juice, tuna, and green beans. He told me it had, "X grams protein, X grams carbs and X grams fat". He found out later that he had a brain tumor. He had a 15 hour surgery and is doing well, now.
My sister and I used to eat peanut butter and mayonaise sandwiches. They were just awful, and we didn't like them. But once in a while, we'd ask for them. I don't know why. It was almost like when you push a bruise just to check if it still hurts. "Still terrible?" "Why, yes it is"
Bacon and Nutella (or your own fav chocolate spread, I'm using an example here) on pancakes.
Bacon goes extremely well with chocolate. I made bacon and maple chocolate truffles once, they were divine
Load More Replies...I happen to like fish-and-cheese dishes. It has to be prepared right (obviously), but the two flavors can work fantastically together! Apparently this makes me weird? I guess tuna noodle casserole isn't a "thing" in a lot of places, let alone tuna macaroni and cheese...
This list brings to mind just a few words: Chacun à son goût. Or in English, different strokes for different folks. Not a literal translation, obviously, but it captures the spirit.
For some reason, I thought this would be a bit o' fun. I was soon proven horribly wrong.
Two personal opinions; 1) Butter sucks and olive oil is supreme. 2) Feta is the only good cheese. (My list of tried cheeses is now at 24).
Sour cream, Mr. Potato. (Can I call you that, or will Steve Harvey get mad?) No conditions? Olive oil is great on some breads and other contexts that Americans more often use butter, but it sucks on popcorn.
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