Comics For People With A Slightly Weird Sense Of Humor By Artist Aidee Sea (40 Pics)
Interview With ArtistWe always love to see new and up-and-coming artists with an original sense of humor. Since we know our readers share the same passion, today we would like to present you with After Death Comics, making its debut on Bored Panda. The creative adventure started for Aidee Sea by reading Archie comics. Eventually, this affection led to the discovery of the whole world of webcomics. Inspired by this unlimited freedom, Aidee started a journey of regular comic creation, aiming for at least one comic per week.
After Death Comics have managed to gather more than 55k followers on Instagram. People seem to like the author's very peculiar sense of humor in the comic strips. Combining characters from pop culture and other original ones created particularly for this comic series, Aidee has managed to get many fans of After Death Comics. Today we selected the most recent works from the author to share with you in this post. Let us know in the comments below which one of them was an instant laugh trigger for you!
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Bored Panda reached out to Aidee Sea to ask a couple of questions regarding the After Death Comics series. First, we ask how comics came into Sea’s life. We found out that: “My cousins were huge fans of Archie comics, so that was my first introduction into comics. I grew up borrowing any and every comic I could from the library, and begging my parents to buy me that new double digest of Archie comics at the grocery store. I always thought eventually I’d find out who Archie picks between the two girls.”
Next, we wanted to know more about the initial inspiration to start creating the series. Aidee told us: “I was looking for a new creative outlet in my life and just started reading comics on Reddit. It never really struck me that ANYONE could just post their comics online and that anyone could be me.”
Asked about how often the new strips are released, Sea answered: “At least one a week is what I'd like to say. I initially started with doing about one comic a day, then to once every three days… I have a lot more half-drawn comics or ideas that never get finished.”
We also were curious how Aidee feels having so many people following After Death Comics and having so much fun reading the new pieces. Sea revealed: “It feels great to have my work validated. I have this insistent need to express my weird ideas to people. The idea that my comic can be a part of someone’s day is wonderful. It’s a lot more effective than following people and whispering into their ears all day.”
Asked about an artistic background and the very beginning of Sea’s interest in drawing, we learned that: “I, like many kids, drew at some point for fun. I did it on and off throughout my life but I didn't really sit down and actually improve my drawing until about 3 years ago. I’ve always had a need to artistically express myself and found many different outlets throughout my life. It just happens that comics is the form I’m stuck on now.”
Yes, I like to be able to afford a slice of bread for dinner instead just water
Aidee continued: “I took no formal art courses outside of what grade school has taught me. I don't have the attention span to watch long videos on drawing tutorials, so I 'watched' a lot of them. I did study literature in university, and one of the courses had a section on deconstructing picture books (I know it sounds dumb but there's a logic behind it). It introduced me to how to tell a story with no words, which is really helpful.”
Finally, Sea turned to our readers: “I always have open slots for more interns. My horror comics around October always could use extra hands.”
Oooh smart skelly! So cute. I want to cradle it like baby. So sweet and smart. Oh I’m loosing it. So cute.
The last panel makes it look like he has nipples and I can’t unsee that.