Nowadays, you can find anything you want online. Need a robot vacuum? It’ll arrive in three to five business days. Your cell phone needs a new case? There are thousands of options you can choose from right at your fingertips. But this kind of shopping really only works if you know exactly what you’re looking for. And sometimes, it’s better to just let the universe guide you towards what you need…
Part of the fun of going to a thrift store is having absolutely no idea what you’re going to encounter. And according to the members of Official Weird Second Hand Finds That Need To Be Shared, there are plenty of bizarre treasures just waiting to be purchased. Enjoy scrolling through this list of strange second hand discoveries, and be sure to upvote the ones you’d love to take home!
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It Came!!!! So In Love!!
My Mom Bought This Vanity (And Lamp) For Me In The ‘90s When I Was A Little Girl
I’m lucky to have grown up with a mother who instilled in me the magic of thrift shopping. Shopping second hand is truly for everyone, regardless of what kind of budget you have or what you’re on the hunt for. Sure, you might want to stick to buying new when it comes to things like socks and underwear. But when you’re in the market for new appliances, clothing, home goods, cars and more, don’t be afraid to look at gently used items first.
There are plenty of reasons why thrifting is a great idea. First of all, it’s likely to be much more budget friendly than buying things brand new. You’re also able to find items with personality that will stand out from what everyone else you know is purchasing. So your furniture and clothes will always have character!
Art Nouveau Brass Desk Set With Handblown Green Glass Inkwells By Kralik Glassworks, Bohemia, Circa 1900
My Father Passed In Dec Of 2022. I’ve Slowly Been Going Thru His Things. In A Box Filled With Glasses I Found My New House Hippo!!!
This Lamp Was Sitting On A Table For $10 Dollars. When I Looked It Up Come To Find Out It Is Murano Glass And Worth Alot Of Money
Shopping second hand is also great for the environment. It’s no secret that companies are producing far more furniture and clothing than consumers can realistically purchase, so plenty of items are going to waste. However, if we collectively agree to shop exclusively second hand, the demand for these items will deplete, and companies will have to start producing less.
There are billions of pieces of clothing already out there that nobody is wearing, including many that are polluting the ocean and taking up space in landfills. We might as well take some time to sift through what’s in our local thrift shops when we need a new pair of jeans or a dress to wear for an event. Plus, the thrill of finding something exceptional is way more exciting than going into a shop that has a dozen identical versions of each item.
Airplane Smoking Table/Ashtray Given To My Boyfriend For Helping Move Some Furniture For An Estate Sale. He Just Loves It, Thinks He Hit The Jackpot!
My $2.99 Find At Goodwill Today
✨ Found This Perfectly Enchanted Object At A Charity Shop This Weekend For £5. It’s A Letter Opener And The Talon Is Seriously Sharp
Another huge benefit of shopping second hand is that you’re probably going to find higher quality pieces. So much of what we buy brand new today is made from cheap materials to keep costs low and require customers to replace their items every year or so. But if you can find vintage items that have been around for decades, they are going to be made from much nicer materials that are actually built to last. Even appliances from a decade or two ago will probably last much longer than, say, a washing machine that you’d buy brand new today.
Found This Lamp At A Second Hand Store And Fell In Love! It Is One Of My Favorite Things That I Own. Lamp With Sturdy Iron Pole
Spotted This Creepy Guy At Goodwill In Strongsville, Ohio. For Only $11, He Did Come Home With Me
Not Weird, But Wonderful. I Lost A Sister On September 4, 2021. She Loved Owls And Orange Was Her Favorite Color. I Couldn’t Leave Him There. Found At Goodwill In Benbrook, Texas
Now, I understand that the items featured on this list might not be the best photos to inspire you to get thrifting. But these objects just prove that you can find anything in a second hand shop, including exactly what you’re looking for. I admit that it will take some patience, and you might have to visit 10 stores before you find those jeans that fit you like a glove. So if you need some advice for embarking upon your own thrifting adventure, Rachel at The Antiqued Journey has some useful tips.
Found This Bucherer Watch An Estate Sale ! I Have No Idea What Year It Was Made But I Will Wear It Because It Makes Me Smile
My Weird Find Today
Vintage Fp Little People Barn & Silo Which Was Such A Favorite With Our Children & G’ Children As I Collected 1 By 1 At Yard Sales , Thrift Stores & Flea Markets!
I love collecting sets piece by piece. It's the ultimate scavenger hunt.
First, Rachel recommends always getting a cart when you’re at a thrift store. You have no idea what kinds of items will catch your eye, and you don’t want to be limited to snagging whatever you can hold in your hands. It’s also a good idea to go second hand shopping when you don’t have anywhere else to be. If you’re in a hurry or feel rushed, you might miss out on some excellent pieces. Go with a full stomach when you’re free for the next few hours to ensure you’ll have time to scope out the whole store.
Perfect Pullover Top For An Avid Fan Of Halloween, Found At A Thrift Store. It Didn't Come Home With Me, Even Though It Was Certainly...uh...unique
“170 Holes Of Chicken Wire Filled With Glass Beads. I Had So Much Fun Putting It Together.” By Judy Bookhart Lewis
Found At My Great Aunt's House After She Went To A Retirements Home. No Idea What These Cuties Are 😄 Toothpick For Scale, Was Out Of Bananas
If you’re looking for vintage pieces, such as dishware, always check for the maker’s mark. For example, it might have a stamp stating where the item was produced. And don’t hesitate to look in every corner of the thrift store to find something good. These shops aren’t always organized super well, so you might stumble upon something unexpected in a part of the store you’d normally want to skip over.
Not Really Sure What It's Called Or If It Has Any Value
This would clean up beautifully ... you'd just need very high ceilings. And a strong back to move it.
Mid Century Liquor Cabinet. Super Cool
I’m Dying- Marie Richardson Made Golden Girls Nutcrackers
And when you’re going second hand shopping, keep an open mind. It’s extremely rare that you’ll find exactly what you saw on Pinterest or what's been trending on Instagram. But you might find something even better! Be open to exploring, and be willing to take home something that’s totally unique.
Inherited This Piece Of Furniture In A House-Turned-Office-Building We Just Moved Into. It’s A Very Cool Piece!
Hard To Believe. Went To A Gw Out Of My Area. Found This “Blue” Atlantis Fenton Hand Painted Glass Bowl Hand Signed By Peggy Lane. Wait For It…….$7.99
Nice Rug!
Are you enjoying this list of bizarre yet captivating second hand finds, pandas? Keep upvoting all of your favorites, and let us know in the comments below what the strangest thing you’ve ever encountered in a thrift store was. Then, if you’re looking for even more photos like this, you can find Bored Panda’s last article featuring the same Facebook group right here!
I Found It! I Always Told Myself That Any Hippo That Appeared In Front Of Me While Thrift Shopping Would Be My House Hippo 🩷 Welcome Coco!
My Son Has A Girl At School That He Really Likes And Wanted To Do Something Special For Her
Do You Love Dragons? Yes! 🐉 Do You Love Tea? Absolutely! 🍵 Well Here We Have A Dragon Tea Set Just For You!
I Found This Years Ago In A Tiny Shop In Dhaka, Bangladesh
Cutest Mushroom Cups 😍😍
Turned This Dumpster Manikin Into A Planter 😱
Imagine If You Opened The Door And Then Dy Replied With A Helping Hand I Found This And Thought It Would Be Perfect For The House
Now that I would have like a shot - even if it did catch on every bit of clothing!
I’ve Been Lurking On This Page But Haven’t Posted. Here Is One Of My Favorite Second Hand Finds. His Name Is Barley Mo (The Original Owner Named Him). I Got Him On Auction
I Found A Used Watch From My Mother's Collection When She Was Young... This Week At Her Collection Place
Things really used to have nice designs back then. These look soooo good! Nowadays is mass production and boring looks. Even apps looked nicer before. I still remember my Windows Sonique music player.
Found This Incredible Frog Tea Set At A Shop I Unfortunately Cannot Remember The Name Of In Wilmington, Nc. Has Since Inspired My Manic Pursual Of A Frog Tea Party
I Wonder What This Spoon Is For?
"Duhme antique sterling ice cream spoons. A set of sterling silver ice cream spoons by Duhme of Concinnati with hand engraved satin finished handles and chased and engraved bowls." Escargot utensils generally come in two parts - a small "clamp" for holding the shell and a pick for picking out the poor creature that once enlivened the shell.
£5 In A Charity Shop In Wales. Already Converted To A Lamp. Chihuahua Gives It A Scale
Lo And Behold Right On Top Was This Little Guy! He's An Old Coty Perfume Hippo That Has Scent Chips In Him And He Still Smells Like The 1980s!
BP, these pieces are neither bizarre, haunted or cursed. They are art and great gems. And stop changing your titles five times a day ffs.
I Just Bought It, What Do You Think?
This Lamp Was The Perfect Amount Of Weird And Hideous To Be Amazing So I Took It Home With Me For $6
This piece reminds me of my grandmothers early life. Rich and massive home in Poland and then living in a walled-in ghetto almost overnight. She would sneak out for food and even until the day she passed away she had scars from cutting her hands on barbed wire from climbing back over wall!
Found In Friday In Dallas. Love It But Have No Idea What It Was On. There Were 2 Of Them
My 2nd Amazing Thrift Find Of 2025: A Large Ceramic Potato… Cookie Jar?? 🥔 Different Ceramic Potatoes Seem To Find Me, This Is My 3rd One I’ve Thrifted And I Love Them All ✨
I Found This Cute Bowl For $2.00 At A Local Thrift Store. I Think It's Indiana Milk Glass
A ‘Chain - Saw’ Apparently 🤣
Omfg Look At This Cute Little Thing I Found Shopping Today!
Does It Get Any Creepier Than This?
Found These Chairs For $4/Each At A Local Thrift Store Today. They Remind Me Of Luna Moths So Contemplating Painting To Reflect That, But Was Hoping To Find A Little More About Them First!
I Found This At A Thrift Store For My Daughters Birthday -I Can’t Find Anywhere It Came From -Must Be Hand Made. She Thinks It’s Haunted And Wants To Throw It Away
I had one identical to that but I gave it away when I got tired of the three grotesque faces.
Note: this post originally had 74 images. It’s been shortened to the top 50 images based on user votes.
I really love these thrift findings lists or the ones with stuff people find on the street. I just wish I would have their luck in finding these kind of treasures, i never do.
Why change the title to call these “haunted, cursed,” etc.? Many of these items are sweet and attractive, some are truly valuable antiques. Others are quirky vintage or retro kitsch. There are a few odd items, but, it’s irresponsible to label them cursed because they’re old or not your specific taste. Says the retired art historian/puppeteer, increasingly grouchy old man…
I really love these thrift findings lists or the ones with stuff people find on the street. I just wish I would have their luck in finding these kind of treasures, i never do.
Why change the title to call these “haunted, cursed,” etc.? Many of these items are sweet and attractive, some are truly valuable antiques. Others are quirky vintage or retro kitsch. There are a few odd items, but, it’s irresponsible to label them cursed because they’re old or not your specific taste. Says the retired art historian/puppeteer, increasingly grouchy old man…