Every parent wants what’s best for their child. Name included. But what makes a good name that will follow the baby through life is debatable. Some say it has to stand out from the crowd, others think it should still be a human name and not the name of a fruit (like Gwyneth Paltrow’s daughter Apple), and here you have different parenting styles and approaches clashing again and again.

But let’s take a look at what random people, passersby on the streets and fellow members of society have to say about the baby names they cannot stand. At least they’re a little less biased and may as well give us some fresh perspective.

Below we looked at a couple of Reddit threads where people weigh in on the weirdest and plain funny names to give to your kids, and here’s what we wrapped up. After you’re done, be sure to check out Bored Panda's previous feature with baby names that people say are better skipped for good.


My coworker named her baby "Strawberry Rain", which would be a great name, if she gave birth to a bottle of shampoo.

captainmagictrousers Report

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RK Barbo
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I had a friend who named his daughter April Rain, which I think is pretty. He also gave one of his sons the middle name Danger. Just so he could say my middle name is danger.

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Bored Panda reached out to Pamela Redmond, the baby name expert and creator of Nameberry who’s known as the world’s leading expert on baby names. When asked about new trends for children’s names, Redmond said that they are seeing a strong trend toward gender-neutral names for boys. 

“For decades girls were getting unisex names but parents shied away from them for boys, but now we're seeing that heading in the other direction. Some gender-neutral names rising in popularity for boys: Cameron, River, Angel, Rowan, Sawyer, and Amari.”


    50 Hilariously Unfortunate Names Pennis. Pronounced like Dennis but with a P. Why would anyone do this to their child?

    GodofWitsandWine , Ryan Franco Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    When your mom’s name is Penny and your dad’s name is Dennis

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    Jathan. This child has been damned to constantly sound like he has a lisp.

    "Hi, I am Jathan" "ohh nice to meet you Jason" ", its actually Jathan, my parents hated me"

    anon Report


    Not a teacher, but I work at my county's welfare office. There's a family and these are all the kids' first names from oldest to youngest:

    * Princess
    * Prince
    * Crowned Prince
    * Prince Mowgli
    * Princess Modica-Nordica

    I wish I was kidding.

    susistu9 Report

    Moreover, nature names just keep getting stronger, Redmond said. “There are flower names like Flora and Azalea but also tree names such as Oakley and Maple, water names like Ocean and Wave (Cardi B and Offset's baby boy), sky names such as Luna and Jupiter, animal names like Birdie and Wolf,” she explained.

    Interestingly, mythological names are also huge. “Mythological names popular on Nameberry are Aurora, Freya, Penelope, Daphne, and Maeve for girls; Atlas, Finn, Magnus, Aurelius, and Orion for boys,” Redmond told Bored Panda.


    50 Hilariously Unfortunate Names There is a woman named Lasagna that comes into the store I used to work in. She was born and her mother saw her and thought. LASAGNA.

    actioninreal , Dobromir Dobrev Report


    50 Hilariously Unfortunate Names I know this girl named Feline, most people just call her Kat.

    joniejoon , Ali Khalil Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Feline (Féline) is also a common name in the Netherlands (pronounced something like 'Fay-lee-neh')

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    Her parent is apparently a fan of Beyonce & the Kardashians. I feel so sorry for that kid.

    PandaAttacks Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Why would anyone like either? They're overrated and both are accused of using forced and child labour for their products.

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    According to the world’s leading expert on baby names, there are literally thousands of names given to fewer than five babies a year that doesn't even appear on the Social Security's extended list. “Some of these are names most people are familiar with. You could call these undiscovered names instead of unpopular names. For boys, these include Oberon, Gulliver, Bard, Florent, and Drummer. For girls, Delphi, Ianthe, Bluebell, Desdemona, and Zephyrine.”


    Sh*thead (pronounced shi-theed), Da Boss, and Sexy Beth. Sexy Beth was just referred to as Beth, because who wants to call a 12 year old sexy, and her mom was not happy about it. She came into the school numerous times ranting about how her daughter's name is Sexy Beth, not Beth, and we better get it right

    CeeDeee2 Report


    Moronica. She works at Walmart.

    Police_Telephone_Box Report


    My nephew is named Fox. At first I was kinda horrified but now I see how the name fits him perfectly. Whenever he sees pictures of foxes he says "There I am." He is 4 and it is freaking adorable.

    sparklespaz782 Report

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    I G
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Like Fox Mulder. It's cute! There's names like Bear, Birdie. Fox belongs!

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    Redmond believes that the “name for a child is hugely important not because it determines your child's entire future, but it contains the code for your family identity, your values, and priorities, whether you're conscious of it or not.” 

    Moreover, “your child's name says a lot about how close you are or want to be to your family, how much your religion or cultural origin means to you, how you view gender identity, whether you'd rather fit in or stand out, how you feel about your own name.”


    50 Hilariously Unfortunate Names Had a girl in class whose name was "Peonme."

    The boys had many variations of her name.

    (Staff members thought her parents meant to name her "Peony," after the flower, but got it wrong.)

    Back2Bach , Pixabay Report


    50 Hilariously Unfortunate Names Anyone remember KVIIIlyn? I do.

    BandwagonBot Report


    I've always hated the Hayden/Haiden/Jayden/Jaiden/Jaylin/Jaelin/Braeden/Brayden names, but I lost my mind at Drayden.

    pistachiopaul Report

    When asked to share advice for parents who can’t decide on the name for their baby, Redmond said it’s a good idea to hire their name consultants. “If you've already devoted hours to finding a name and can't come up with a choice you love, you can consult with an expert for a few hundred dollars and get choices that fit your style that you may not have thought of.”

    There is also the free name generator called Baby Name DNA which is also pretty magic at analyzing your individual name style and matching you with names that fit. So check it out!


    50 Hilariously Unfortunate Names Not a teacher, but theres a girl at my school named Lollipop...

    _Hashtag_Cray_ , Skyler Ewing Report


    50 Hilariously Unfortunate Names Worked at a Juvenile Treatment facility, had a kid sent to us middle name was "Ice Cold". Turned out to be a really good kid just terrible drug/gang infested f**k heads for parents.

    overthelinemarkit0 , Monstera Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    A good kid in juvie? I hope he turned his life around.

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    50 Hilariously Unfortunate Names I was subbing in a class once and had a kid named Insurance.

    mycatisawhore , Ksenia Chernaya Report


    50 Hilariously Unfortunate Names I'm not making that up.

    STUMPOFWAR , Анна Хазова Report


    Part of my job is auditing attendance and child rosters for daycares. Came across a "Moonlight Slaughter". Metal AF

    ILoveBroccolE Report


    Lovely Butts. Not even lying. (Butts is the last name)

    anon Report

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    Marie Dahme
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    That’s so sad. When she’s in her 20’s every guy will tease her and ask if she’s a p*rn star. Damn parents…where were THEIR parents???

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    50 Hilariously Unfortunate Names My wife is a teacher and had to stop Neo from peeling glue off his hand. He aint the one.

    Lord_of__the_Fries , imdb Report


    I arrested someone last week, legally named F*ck.

    UncleScola Report


    50 Hilariously Unfortunate Names When I taught in South Korea we had to give our students English names. A couple of the names I gave my kids were Tupac, and Rambo. It was all fun and games on my behalf until I met a student named squirrel. (She named herself)

    anumberofnames , Beth Macdonald Report

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    2 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I teach in China, and I've posted before about some of the English names I've encountered. But I recently started tutoring a 7-year-old boy whose English name was "Dummy." Dummy. It's apparently a transliteration of his Chinese name, but I told the parents that under no circumstances would I call him Dummy. We finally compromised (kind of) and he wound up with Dommy.

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    50 Hilariously Unfortunate Names I used to work with refugees who had recently moved to the US. There was one family with a baby named "Ice Cream".

    anon , Polesie Toys Report


    In high school we had an Asian kid whose last name is Shen. His first name was Eric. The lolz didn't occur to me until I actually had a class with him and the teacher was doing roll call, and I thought she loudly said erection in class.

    slickguy Report



    Craigs aren't born, they pop into existence at 40 years old in dad jeans.

    Hoothootmotherf-cker Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I love the Craigs in my life! My son-in-law & his dad, btw. SIL goes by CJ, dad is just a regular Craig. He may not wear dad jeans, but dang, that man loves his golf!

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    Interning in the counseling department at a high school. It's early Monday morning and I'm chugging coffee to perk up. They finish up mornings announcements and read off a list of students needing to go to the office for various reasons. The last name read was "Indiana Jones".

    I immediately check the school student roster and there he is, Jones, Indiana. The kid was actually fairly well adjusted and well liked.

    TheMadTherapist Report


    Met a guy whose 100% legal, unchanged name was "Lord Stormwalker".

    ryan-ryan Report


    Had a kid named Penelope, pronounced by her mother as Peen-a-loap.

    tchfunktah Report


    I was at the grocery store not too long ago, one older lady asked me what was my baby's name, then said her grandson was the same age. I asked her what was his name, she reluctantly said Dolphin but we call him Finn. Poor woman...

    mayflower7 Report

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    Marie Dahme
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    She could’ve just said Dolph. As in the action star Dolph Lundgren.

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    50 Hilariously Unfortunate Names My grandmother was a teacher in the "deep countryside" in Argentina back in the 50s. There is a hmm... tradition inherited from Spain I think, where you name your child with the name of the saint of the day he was born. Each day is the day of a saint, and they would sell these calendars with the name of a saint each day. So if your baby was born on the day of St. Rodrigo, you call him Rodrigo, for example.

    The problem was that some of these calendars also had the national argentinian holydays marked. So July 9, May 25, etc, were marked as "Fiesta Cívica" (something like "Civic Celebration") instead of with the name of the saints. Basically she told me that she had children who were born one of these days, called literally "Civic Celebration".

    LucasK336 Report


    I knew some people in school named TrustInTheLord (she went by Trust) and her brother JesusIsMySaviour (he went by Saviour). The names they went by are honestly great, but those full names just made EVERYTHING inconvenient.

    ClicketyClackin Report


    50 Hilariously Unfortunate Names Peachtreanna.

    In Georgia.

    macrocosm93 , exploregeorgia Report

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    2 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Reminds me of a horrible, idiotic polictian in that state who thinks that petri dishes are called "peach tree dish(es)".

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    Kind of cheating because I taught in China for a while, but I had one student that had picked Goblin as her English name.

    somethingasaur Report


    50 Hilariously Unfortunate Names Had a kid named Griffin, spelled Gyrophone.... also had a Mister, a Chi'Arion, and a Eusavio. Then there was my year in the inner city where there was one white girl in the entire school and she was in my class. Her name was Ivory...

    BrookieeWookiee , Keira Burton Report


    Andromeda Aurora. The dad was wearing a Star Trek tshirt and mom was wearing Dr Who.

    murknade Report


    50 Hilariously Unfortunate Names I work at a call center, here are some winners of children I have seen (all teenagers or younger):

    - De'creshondria

    - Maxx Gay

    - Marijuana

    - P*rn

    - Dingle,

    - Wanna (middle name Smoke, dead serious)

    - Dej-'unique

    tekhnomancer , Sharon McCutcheon Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Wanna smoke??? Dingle?? Marijuana?? If you like marijuana so much name your kid Mary Jane. And Maxx Gay and P*rn are just ridiculous, well they all are, but I'm also trying to figure out if there was an o in the name or not because if there wasn't that would be even worse!! Man some people should not be allowed to have children smfh.

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    50 Hilariously Unfortunate Names I do teaching for undergraduate physics. I've already seen the class list for next year and, starting in September there will be a girl called Framboise in the first year class. Framboise means *raspberry* in French and, by the way, this is a French speaking city so it's not like her name is going to go unnoticed. Can't wait to meet her.

    PhotonInABox , Pixabay Report

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    Cristian Gonzalez
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I actually like the name since raspberry is a symbol of love, creativity, and kindness. I don't see anything wrong with raspberry

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    50 Hilariously Unfortunate Names Obligatory not a teacher, but....a friend of mine from high school is naming her new daughter Espn. We were told it's because she likes sports. Well, so do I, but you don't see me naming my kid Fox Sports Midwest, do ya?

    the_right_place , Alexander Dummer Report


    Sexy... I kid you not. Someone thought it a good idea to name their baby girl "Sexy".

    Can you imagine trying to call out her name at Kindergarden...

    Kflynn1337 Report


    I went to school with a "Chandelier"

    Pls_No_Ban Report


    I'm a TEFL teacher in China. The kids here have some fascinating names. Some are obviously just mistakes (Like Biran or Windy). Some are quite clever.

    One girl about 15 said she wanted to be called KFC. When I asked her why she smiled and said "Because everybody likes KFC!"

    Another very shy girl about 19 called herself shadow...which I thought was a lovely name.

    Then there were the parents who had an extra child by accident and called her...extra. Seriously. There are also parents who name their child after an inanimate object like "telephone" or "train". "Tiger" is a popular name for boys too.

    There's also a boy named monkey; "apple" is quite common, and many others like this. For some reason there's a fair few older girls 20+ named Queenie; these days the name seems to have fallen out of fashion. These are the names the parents or kids themselves have chosen, we teachers aren't trying to make fun of them.

    Edit: Forgot to mention I work with a Chinese girl whose name is Tim.

    anon Report

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    Will sell soul for corn chip
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I remember as a kid watching Ever after high and thinking "who the hell names their kid APPILe???´

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    Not a teacher but during med school, rotated with a pediatrician in Berkeley, Ca and came across a kid named Starshyt. When asked why that name parents said "you ever see a shooting star and behind it kinda looks like s**t...?"

    Bdubz Report


    My neighbors name is Tiger.

    A girl at the preschool I work at is named Legend Derry.

    A girl I worked with named her child Lexi Jewel. Not weird but sounds like a premade p*rn star name.

    I'm sure there are others but I can't think of any right now.

    Shiska0423 Report


    50 Hilariously Unfortunate Names Not a teacher, but in hs my son had a friend named Chris Growcock. He wears it proudly. As a bonus, his parents sent him to an all-boy high school and all day everyone asked him if he was "living up to his name.

    brneyedgrrl , cottonbro Report


    I knew a 10 year old girl named Felanie. I don't think the mom thought that one through.

    Citizenerased1989 Report

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    Кріста Еллен
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Neither did the mother of a girl I went to high school with, who spelled it Felonee. 🤦🏻‍♀️

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    There is 1 person in the US named Gay Bowser.

    So, that.

    Coffeechipmunk Report


    1st kid - January 2nd kid- February 3rd kid- March Etc. This list goes all the way to August

    RedKek16 Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I grew up with three daughters named Hope, Faith and Patience. Mr Long said he needed all three virtues with three daughters to raise.

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    Pitts. I assumed it was a nickname but no! Apparently his Dad was a huge fan of the Pittsburgh Penguins he named his son Pittsburgh but Pitts for short.

    GodofCat Report

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    Worked at McDonald's for my first real job and had a stereotypically Southern guy complete with mustache and mullet turn to his young daughter and say "Whiskey, hon, whadda ya want?"

    My brain nearly short-circuited.

    bog_witch Report

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    Marie Dahme
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Let’s hope she doesn’t live up to her name when she gets older.

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    Fahmi. Harmless enough, huh?

    In his native Somalia, it's supposedly to be pronounced Fuch-mi , something his Mother was always quite passionate about enforcing upon her 5 year old son. Made for some quite interesting inter- school sports team events, with large crowds of 5 year olds all screaming in unison "Come on, Fahmi!" in a field full of totally oblivious, outraged parents, students, and teachers, from neighbouring schools.

    3snd7s Report



    diMario Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Her parents were probably watching Robin Hood, Men in Tights when mom was in labor.

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    My daughter went to primary school with a boy named Azmataq.
    Asthma attack.

    anon Report

    See Also on Bored Panda

    Ugh. I live in Utah. The terrible weird names are everywhere.

    Worst so far? Sparkles. No, I'm not kidding.

    wtmh Report


    I'm a teacher, but I didn't come across these names teaching. I was working as a steward in my students union (basically, you know at night clubs, when you're dancing on a chair and some scrawny guy in a polo shirt comes up to you and says in the deepest voice he can muster, "Can you get down from there mate?"- me right there) while at uni.

    Anyway, I'm playing with the student search on the tills out the front, and I work out how to use the wildcard function. Like if you search "s?ith" all the people named smith come up. I did what any self respecting infantile MF would do and did all the swear words.

    There was a Ding Dong. A Mrs Poo. I'll let it sink in that she married into that name.

    Miss Fukunda Mbabwe.

    And my two favourites, whom I will never forget:

    Miss Bumtita Thongsari.

    And, I don't know if you'll read this the way I did: Mr Wancalerm Siruphand.

    Newtonswig Report


    Geronimo, Rickchild, Sirrobert, Mahnoor (poor thing), Shithead (pronounced Shy-Theed), Sukdeep, Precious Joy, Twinkle, Chery Hla-Tay (pronouced Cherry Latte).

    Some of these weren't my own students.

    PunkShocker Report


    Posted this before, but whatever it's my favorite. I'm a nurse and there was a case with two women who were related, I think cousins, and both pregnant with girls and they had their due dates around the same time. One had her baby first and named it Da'Finest. The other women was so angry that her cousin had her baby first and 'stole her baby name' she tried to get back at her by naming her own baby Da'Prettiest.

    thefreshestcereals Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I was the second child, and my mother named my brother without consulting our father, so itvwas agreed that I (the second son) would be his to name. So when I came out a girl my mother decided that I would be named Ida, after her great-grandmother. My father said "I want to name her Claire" to which my mother replied "oh, her middle name can be Claire!!!" Ida Claire. Thankfully my father claimed his rights and I am Claire Elise...whew!

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    I once had a coworker named Baby, I thought that was pretty bad. And yes, it was her real name. I never called her by her name because it's so damn awkward to call a random person "baby". I'm surprised she didn't go by a nickname, she seemed embarrassed/annoyed whenever someone asked if it was her real name. I can't help but wonder if her parents didn't speak English and named her "Baby" by mistake.

    PartyPorpoise Report


    Nuhtorious and Difr'nt Money.

    100% legal names for those kids.

    IllusionLvl_Adult Report


    It's not a weird name, but I had one named Isis. This was last year and people were just starting to talk more about Daesh and still calling it ISIS most frequently. The girl was already having trouble fitting in so I had to divert their attention several times when the news would be a topic of discussion... The last thing she needed was kids calling her a terrorist.

    kansakw3ns Report


    I had a girl in my girl named Constance Payne which sounds like constant pain.

    MrMoo1556 Report


    I work in South Korea where many kids are required to take on English names in their English class. Some memorable ones:

    Sha La La, Starcraft, Tinkerbell, Aragorn, Two Bottles, Pig

    There are also weird names that come up that I don't think are names in any language. This first that jumps to mind is "Poldy"

    turkishmoths Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I'm curious as to why the kids are required to take on English names just for a class.

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    I know a boy named Legolas.

    ronaan Report

    See Also on Bored Panda


    Pronounced My-hymen

    Optimuspudding Report

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    allan dorfling
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Imagine the kid getting hurt and someone calls the teacher "mam, my-hymen is bleeding"

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    sneaky291 Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Mommy & Daddy watched the Addams Family Values one time too many.

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    My dad always used to tell me about how he wanted to name me Testicules (test-ti-cue-lees).

    Lammergayer Report


    Obamaniqua. Graduated HS the same year Obama took office, and a girl I graduated with thought this was a good idea.

    joeythom12 Report


    I went to college with a girl named Trillion and her brother Seven. They were named BEFORE the Seinfeld episode. Trillion was absolutely gorgeous.

    sauceEsauceE Report


    Was looking through my mom's high school yearbook from the late 60's, and came across a gent named Ringling Bell. That poor guy!

    lacosaknitstra Report

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    I knew a girl named Star once. Her brother was Sunne and her sister was Skye

    anon Report


    50 Hilariously Unfortunate Names I had a boy named "Mister" and there is a kid named "Sir" at my school. Those are pretty unusual.

    DIGGYRULES , Minhaz Box Report

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    Nicola Mawson
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Professor is common in South Africa, as is Doctor. It's the parent's ambition for their child

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    When we were on holiday in Senegal we met a local names Crevette. For the people who don't speak French his name was Prawn.

    georgke Report

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    Angel, last name Fish

    Asiannaise Report


    I took care of a trio of sisters. First one was Kaisha, the second Aisha and the third Isha. I hope their parents didn't have any more daughters...

    rhapsodyknit Report


    Went to school with a kid named Wonderful Terrific Monds, he played minor league baseball for a while if I recall correctly.

    gatorblu Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    His father, Wonderful Terrific Monds Sr., played football at Nebraska in spent some time in the pros. Apparently Senior's father had several girls, and when he was told it was a boy he replied, "Wonderful. Terrific." And so a family tradition was born.

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    Shadynasty (shah - die - na - stee)

    batmanthecowboyy Report

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    abby smink
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Either fake, or the parents stole it from It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia


    Went to school with a kid called Floyd Floyd and another called Michael Jackson. Someone I went to school with named her daughter Indiana Jones. I am a teacher. I have taught a boy called Swann. Got my class list for September. I have someone called Jupiter.

    anon Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Jupiter's not only a beautiful planet, but it's also a VERY nice town in South Florida.

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    50 Hilariously Unfortunate Names This kid was born before 2001 was named Jihad.

    anon Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    That's an extremely popular name in Muslim countries and it doesn't mean what people think it does. It means ' struggle' in English not holy war.

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    Not a teacher, but I had a guy in my school called 'Awais Mann'. I'm in the UK btw and this is basically pronounced 'waste man', which is a common diss around here.

    xPlicitMike Report


    I volunteered at a preschool for a high school project. It wasn't in the best area, and most of the kids' parents weren't in the picture, or only had visitation rights with their kids. Sad sometimes, but the kids were fun and cute.

    Anyway, one little boy's first name was Aero and his last name was Smith. Aero Smith.

    RiskVSreward Report


    I know people who named their sons Hunter, Forest and Kelley.

    No, their last name was not Green.

    MrFurrypants Report


    I am a newborn photographer at three different hospitals. Worst names: Android Scientist (Mom vetoed Rockstar Ninja) Yur'Majesty Solomon

    mejillasrojas Report

    See Also on Bored Panda

    First name: Wrangler. Last name: Maxfield. Constantly told him how badass that name was. Had a Bric, last name Walls.

    bruh_berry Report


    I am not a teacher, but had a girl in my elementary school whose entire family was named after the weather (Stormy, Misty, and Snowy).

    anon Report


    It's not the weirdest name ever, and it is unfortunately becoming more common, but I was working in a school and there was a girl called "Princess".

    And, unsurprisingly, she was a total dick.

    thetwwitch Report


    My mother is a hairdresser and she cut a young boys hair this year. His name was Trout, like the fish...

    silent_engineer Report

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    I had an Aanjhrue in one of my classes.

    Dire_Platypus Report



    zappy487 Report


    A brother and sister of hippie lineage. I can get on board with the name *Sage*, but not so much *Cinnamon*.

    Treeclimber3 Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Cinnamon was popular for cocker spaniels back in the 90s.

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    Not a teacher but met someone with the name "KMNOP."

    Paleomedicine Report


    I know a girl who's name is Kenisa because her parents are Ken and Denise

    RhodaBorrocks Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    My sister's middle name is Lynae (61yo) after our mom, Linda Kay

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    He was from Burkina Faso (French Speaking) so he did not know how hilarious his name was.

    juiceboxheero Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I wouldn't count this as "bad name given by parents" because here we are talking about 2 very different languages and cultures. You should just hear what names occure here in Europe and what those sound like \mean in English...

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    See Also on Bored Panda

    I once heard the name Mario Hahner(Or Hana, not sure) being called out at a ikea. In German that sounds almost identical to Marihuana. I laughed, than i felt sorry for that kid.

    LezzGoGetEm Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Don't feel sorry. Next to no one in German speaking coutries would jump to that conclusion, at least not initially. I sure wouldn't.


    First name: Thunder
    Middle name: And Lightning

    Hak_Foo Report



    Fucking KEITH? For a child. He was 8 when I met him about 5 years ago.

    I always believed Keith's were born aged 35 on wards.

    Hinderwood Report

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    Marie Dahme
    Community Member
    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Hey Keith’s a classic name! In a few hundred years once Keith Richards dies, it’ll be back in style again. Lol

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    I'm not a teacher but I grew up in Oakland:

    * Phouc Yu

    * Carmren

    * Anfernee

    * Clocko

    * (Every Mongolian Ever)

    All of these are spelled correctly

    baseball8888 Report