“Passing The Bounds Of What’s Usual”: 50 Unhinged Pics That Are As Confusing As They Are Amusing
The internet might be full of cat pics, dad jokes, and witty memes, but it’s more than that. Far more, in fact. When you surf farther and dive deeper, you start coming across content that defies explanation. It often lacks context and raises more questions than it answers. But that’s part of the fun!
That’s where the popular ‘Outré Bizarre’ Facebook page comes in. The social media project does exactly what it says on the tin: it shares peculiar, odd, and meme-worthy pics that are as confusing as they are amusing. We’ve collected some of their best ones to share with you, so scroll down to check them out.
More info: Facebook | Instagram | X | OutreBizarre.com
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This is Max Fosh at a charity soccer game. There was a lot of messing around, and this was not the most abnormal thing that happened. I reccomend checking it out.
The ‘Outré Bizarre’ project has seen massive success over the years. It has a considerable presence on all the major social media networks, and it’s very likely that you’ve seen some of the memes shared by the curators in your feed.
On Facebook alone, nearly 890k internet users follow the ‘Outré Bizarre’ page.
His work is absolutely hilarious. I recommend checking out the rest of his stuff
Meanwhile, the project also has 53.4k loyal fans on Instagram, as well as 17.8k followers on X (formerly Twitter). And speaking of Twitter, the ‘Outré Bizarre’ account has been on the platform all the way since March 2013.
However, at the time of writing, it seems like the project is focusing on posting weird photos mainly on Facebook and Instagram.
The project’s name, ‘Outré Bizarre,’ clearly had a lot of thought put into it. The word ‘outré’ means that something is very strange, unusual, shocking, or—as the Britannica Dictionary notes—_bizarre_. So, funnily enough, ‘Outré Bizarre’ essentially means ‘Bizarre Bizarre.’ And that’s exactly the kind of content that the project posts.
Bizarre internet pics can be quite a double-edged sword. On the one hand, weird stuff draws people in because they’re curious about the world.
So when they see something unusual or unexplained, they can’t help but stop scrolling and try to figure out exactly what it is that they’re seeing. And let’s not forget that many of us enjoy sending weird memes to our besties, helping memes go even more viral.
It's a viral video mocking ufologist/scammer Jaime Maussan ad the Mexican government after the ridiculous claims of having found two "alien" corpses on Sep. 13. The cake was made by UK based baker/tattoo artist Ben Cullen on Sep. 15. The joke cites the game show "Is it cake" that became notorious after being published on Netflix last year.
On the other hand, extremely weird content isn’t up everyone’s alley. People find different things funny, so weird pics won’t cater to everyone’s sense of humor. You’ll always have people who enjoy dad jokes and bland boomer memes more than bizarre post-ironic humor. And that’s perfectly fine.
You cannot expect everyone to be a fan of the memes you share, so it’s best not to worry about that and instead focus on the followers that you do have.
'Well, i suppose that you could say that i've struggled with some feelings of inadequacy all of my life...'
Still, other internet users recognize that the vagueness of the images provides the opportunity for everyone to come up with their own theories about what’s happening in the frame. So, in a way, these pics are a reflection of who we are as individuals because we interpret them through our own unique perspectives.
Aside from curiosity, there’s another reason why people enjoy weird content that borders on the gross. According to Alexander J. Skolnick, Ph.D., an assistant psychology professor at Saint Joseph's University, disgust has a very useful evolutionary function. “It keeps us safe. Rotten food has a sour, bitter flavor, and that's a cue to us. We spit it out,” Skolnick told ‘Shape’ that this extends to weird photos or videos.
Meanwhile, Clark McCauley, Ph.D., a psychology professor at Bryn Mawr College, believes that looking at gross, scary, or bizarre content is similar to going on a rollercoaster. “You feel fear, even though you know you're safe,” he explains that these things get your heart racing.
There's nothing really wrong with this other then the sad reality of the situation
Now this is an actual situation where a straw comes in useful.
Load More Replies...This is when you find out who your real friends are.
Actually, it's when you have to wipe your butt when you find out who your real friends are
Load More Replies...A straw would help in a situation like this. EDIT: There IS a straw!! EDIT-2: See? I was right!!
why take pictures of this, and why post this? Not cool. (way less cool than the horsie and his girl on the beach to be honest)
I used to work with a security guy who was a mad biker. Bumped into him at a festival and both arms/wrists were in plaster (classic biker injury, over the handle bars, broken wrists/forearms). Many songs were sung, "I'm a little teapot", "heads, shoulders, knees and toes". His hot girlfriend was killing herself laughing he was mock furious and he couldn't do anything except kick me and run the risk of falling over and busting his arms more. Good times.
At least she has a caretaker. Wonder what kind of accident or surgery this poor woman had. Hope she is healed.