Does standing on the fifth-floor balcony give you weak knees? Is the mere mention of spiders enough to make you scream? Or maybe you can’t stay in a room without at least one lamp on? Don’t worry, you are not alone; we all have our fears. In fact, scientists state that fear is one of the most human emotions, one that comes from ancient times. Those who claim they fear nothing either don’t want to reveal their weak spots or just haven’t discovered the thing that terrifies them yet.
The word “phobia” comes from Greek and translates as “fear.” Scientists use this word to name fears of various things – for example, claustrophobia, which is the fear of closed spaces. Phobias can vary greatly between something pretty understandable, like a fear of snakes (ophidiophobia), to something rather weird, let’s say, a fear of long words. The first time you hear about it, you might think the person is making it up. Like why would anyone be afraid of words, and what’s so scary about long words specifically? Yet this phenomenon exists, and we should be respectful towards other people’s fears. Remember that somebody might not understand why you are afraid of flying. By the way, it might sound ironic, but the scientific name for the fear of long words consists of 35 (thirty-five!) letters.
Arachnophobia, or fear of spiders, is probably the most common phobia, alongside fear of snakes, fear of heights, and fear of flying. It is estimated that at least one in three women and one in four men are afraid of spiders. It is difficult to say what the rarest phobias are, but some weird examples include fear of clothing, fear of beards, and fear of work (I think every now and then we all have this phobia at least a bit).
There are various reasons why people develop phobias, and scientists are still studying the deeper roots and possible treatments. But if you want to learn all about phobias that sound rather weird, read about them in our article. If you are feeling particularly brave today, let us know in the comments what your greatest fear is.
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Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia – fear of long words.
Athazagoraphobia – fear of forgetting or being forgotten.
Arachibutyrophobia – fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of one’s mouth.
Phobophobia – fear of phobias.
Zemmiphobia – fear of the great mole rat.
Pentheraphobia – fear of your mother-in-law.
Panphobia – fear of everything.
Thalassophobia – fear of the ocean or deep, open water.
I have this and it is absolutely terrifying
Ergophobia – fear of work.
Taphophobia – fear of being buried alive.
I had this for a long time as a child after watching Fall of the House of Usher ... it still makes me wince now
Deipnophobia – fear of dinner parties.
Syngenesophobia – fear of relatives.
Gamophobia – fear of marriage/relationships/commitment in general.
Kakorrhaphiophobia – fear of failure.
Paraskavedekatriaphobia – fear of Friday the 13th.
Ironic. I guess the movie creators got what they wanted, those horror loving bastards lol
Atelophobia – fear of imperfection.
Ideophobia – fear of reason or ideas.
Nostophobia – fear of returning home.
Coprastasophobia – fear of being constipated.
Chorophobia – fear of dancing.
....reminds me of a friend who would actually be better off with chorophobia 🙃
Heliphobia – fear of sunlight.
Didaskaleinophobia – fear of school.
Venustraphobia – fear of beautiful women.
Damn, it all makes sense now! Everyone around me seems to be suffering from this. Used to think it was me, but I completely understand now 😁
Optophobia – fear of opening one’s eyes.
Somniphobia – fear of falling asleep.
Allodoxaphobia – fear of opinions.
Neophobia – fear of new things.
Halitophobia – fear of bad breath.
Mageirocophobia – fear of cooking.
Spheksophobia – fear of wasps.
Evil spicy sky raisins. My one dog found out the hard way that you should not eat them
Sidonglobophobia – fear of cotton balls.
*people making phobias* This will be called jhdfbvuvwdiucgsdbcuyuphobia
Genuphobia – fear of knees and kneeling.
Kinemortophobia – fear of zombies.
Cherophobia – fear of happiness.
Anglophobia – fear of England.
Thanatophobia – fear of death.
Metrophobia – fear of poetry.
When the teacher goes roses are red violets are blue, we all hate you and your family too
Logophobia – fear of reading (or learning how).
Kathisophobia – fear of sitting down.
Ambulophobia – fear of walking.
Equinophobia – fear of horses.
Pteronophobia – fear of being tickled by feathers.
Gymnophobia – fear of nudity.
Chaetophobia – fear of hair.
Philophobia – fear of love.
Geniophobia – fear of chins.
Eisoptrophobia – fear of mirrors
Had it for a while as kid after watching Poltergeist 3. I'm ok with mirrors now at 39 but I still can't sleep if I'm across from a mirror; has to be moved or covered
Consecotaleophobia – fear of chopsticks.
Phonophobia – fear of sound.
Emetophobia – fear of vomiting.
I'm 13, and I have been suffering from this fear for a while. If I feel nauseous, I tend to panic because of the fact it could lead to vomiting. If possible, I find an assistant I know to help me. Mainly my parents. If I hear anyone saying something like "I don't feel good", or if I see them leaning near a garbage can/toilet/bag or seeing vomit, or if I hear vomiting or gagging noises, I end up getting panic attacks/covering my ears. If possible, I find an exit and leave. If not, I cry/scream in terror. What makes it ridiculous is people think I'm overreacting because of something I'm afraid of, and I get vomiting nightmares sometimes but rarely. It's that bad. I wish people can understand my fears, and I wish the vomiting nightmares stop occurring when I sleep sometimes. I don't think I'll ever overcome this fear. And even if I try, I'll fail immediately.
Barophobia – fear of gravity.
Triskaidekaphobia – fear of the number 13.
13 was my number in football. People didn't like it because they saw it as an omen. Helped me to seem more intimidating on the field. Lol
Hydrophobia – fear of water.
Chromophobia – fear of color.
Geliophobia – fear of laughter.
When an evil villain kidnap and threathen you *kalm* When the evil start laughing *gets heart attack*
Ostraconophobia – fear of shellfish.
Agyrophobia – fear of crossing the street.
Alliumphobia – fear of garlic.
Siderophobia – fear of stars.
Symmetrophobia – fear of symmetry.
Cynophobia – fear of dogs.
i love dogs i have three of them but one of them died i miss him his name was rambo he could fit in a mug when he was a puppy
Linonophobia – fear of string.
Pteridophobia – fear of ferns.
Omphalophobia – fear of the navel.
No way ... its being scared of little orange skinned people who wear green ( joke)
Plutophobia – fear of money.
Chirophobia – fear of hands.
Ombrophobia – fear of rain.
Aerophobia – fear of fresh air or the movement of air—such as drafts or breezes.
Chloephobia – fear of newspapers.
I wondered about the etymology of this so I looked it up. Turns out it had never been used before appearing on the internet in 2008. Doesn't make sense from the Greek roots so clearly some amateur lexicographer made it up and it stuck.
Eleutherophobia – fear of freedom.
Eren Jäger does not suffer from this. Facts.
Aurophobia – fear of gold.
Zelophobia – fear of jealousy.
Oh im more prettier than you! um no your not!! so JEALOUS *gets heart attack*
Globophobia – fear of balloons.
Phagophobia – fear of swallowing.
tell them to bring a blender everywhere with them. then they can blend the solids and drink it. make a hamburger smoothie.
Myrmecophobia – fear of ants.
if they get under your finger nails and bite you eeehhhh i understand this phobia
Frigophobia – fear of being cold.
Xerophobia – fear of dryness.
Aulophobia – fear of flutes.
Arithmophobia – fear of numbers.
Koumpounophobia – fear of buttons.
I've had this as long as I can remember, going back to early childhood. To this day I cannot wear clothing (sweaters, shirts, vests, etc) I wouldn't say I fear them (Even the name makes me feel ill) But it's more that they make me absolutely sick to my stomach and I cannot touch or pick one up off the floor) or look at photographs of people wearing clothing with them.
Oikophobia – fear of home surroundings.
there was this guy who was scared of his neighbor's pig-themed home surroundings he had oinkophobia
Bibliophobia – fear of books.
I didn't see mine in here and I googled it and I don't think it has a name: fear of crash test dummies. Google just showed me articles about them in general ALONG WITH SOME PICTURES, SERIOUSLY FVCK YOU, GOOGLE! FVCK YOU FOR THAT, LONG AND DRY UNTIL YOU BLEED!!!!!!
Crash test dummies? Not something you are likely to see everyday. What an odd thing. Any idea what brought it on?
I didn't see mine, so I present to you, Lepidopterophobia, the fear of moths and butterfly's. They have always made me uneasy since I was young but it all really started to take full shape after getting a surprise visitor in the shower, followed by 2 months of a fun moth invasion during quarantine..... I was a wreck.
I have kinemortophobia, thalassophobia, nosocomephobia, astrophobia, emetophobia, and nyctophobia. Funnily enough the reason I have thalassophobia is because deep water tends to be dark, and I cannot stand darkness. Do not make fun of my kinemortophobia... I swear to God if I ever watch a zombie movie I'll have a f***ing panic attack.
I didn't see mine in here and I googled it and I don't think it has a name: fear of crash test dummies. Google just showed me articles about them in general ALONG WITH SOME PICTURES, SERIOUSLY FVCK YOU, GOOGLE! FVCK YOU FOR THAT, LONG AND DRY UNTIL YOU BLEED!!!!!!
Crash test dummies? Not something you are likely to see everyday. What an odd thing. Any idea what brought it on?
I didn't see mine, so I present to you, Lepidopterophobia, the fear of moths and butterfly's. They have always made me uneasy since I was young but it all really started to take full shape after getting a surprise visitor in the shower, followed by 2 months of a fun moth invasion during quarantine..... I was a wreck.
I have kinemortophobia, thalassophobia, nosocomephobia, astrophobia, emetophobia, and nyctophobia. Funnily enough the reason I have thalassophobia is because deep water tends to be dark, and I cannot stand darkness. Do not make fun of my kinemortophobia... I swear to God if I ever watch a zombie movie I'll have a f***ing panic attack.