Humans are complicated creatures. A 2020 study found that we typically have more than 6,000 thoughts per day. And we still need to get things done!
So in an attempt to organize their routine, one Reddit user made a post on the platform, asking people to share simple but effective tricks for casual life situations.
Everyone immediately started sharing tips on how to get better sleep, remove blood stains from clothes, and other useful hacks. Below you will find the most upvoted ones.
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If you put your ear up to someone’s leg, you can hear them say “What the f**k are you doing?”
Was told to put my hand on the bottom of the steering when backing a trailer because then whichever direction you move your hand, that's the way the trailer goes instead of the opposite if your hand is on the top.
When I was a little kid, I was playing in my dad's office while he was in a meeting and was drawing dinosaurs on his dry-erase bord. Unfortunately, I was using permanent marker and I got so scared I would get in trouble, I cried. His secretary heard the commotion and was nice enough to show me that if you draw over the lines with a dry erase marker it'll all come off when you erase it. She was also nice enough to take me to the bakery across the street and get me a cookie.
Turning electronics off and then on again magically fixes many problems
My boss hates when I tell him this. He leaves his computer on for weeks at a time.
When I figured out that control + shift + t actually reopened my tab I just closed by accident
OMG....I never knew this. So much quicker than going to history. Thank you!
Read in a tween magazine (might have been American Girl or something similar?) years and years ago a tip to help you fall asleep where you slowly tense all your muscles as much as you can, then release the tension all at once. I was amazed at how much more relaxed I felt when I tried it!
Years later I realized this was basically mimicking what happens when you orgasm, without the sex part. So, take that as you will; but hey, it works either way.
This is a technique called progressive muscle relaxation and commonly used to help people relax and fall asleep
Small human contact with people we pass by in life. Keeps me centred and stops the shyness of meeting new people.
Making eye contact, smiling and saying nice or funny things to strangers. Occasionally someone blanks you, but the vast majority of times it starts a little convo - a little bit of human contact. You never know - perhaps you are the first person that day who has acknowledged their existence.
Simple examples - saying good morning to the people at the bus stop. I said 'choices choices...." to someone standing looking at a display in the supermarket a short while Iago. They laughed and I laughed little too. Small human contact.
You can have your No. ;) For me, living mostly alone, it's a YES.
Load More Replies...Keep an open mind. I met my SO this way, and I am not a social butterfly. Out at a small Christmas gathering I really didn't want to be at, I'm sat on the sofa, and some rando sits on the floor in front of me & leans against my leg. After a few moments, it becomes obvious that he doesn't realize he's "on" me, so I lean over and say "If we're going to share a leg, maybe you should introduce yourself"...and then it was pretty much goo goo eyes😍, unicorns 🦄 & rainbows🌈 from there 😆 So, ya' never know. Could be granny telling you the backstory on her 27 cats or the love of your life 😁
ColorEd. You're British or Scandinavian aren't you? This is probably a American thing.
Not all British. Small talk with strangers is considered perfectly normal in most parts of Scotland and the north of England. I also experienced it when I lived in Wales.
ColorEd would be ColourEd if they were British, I'd assume they were American from the spelling. This is very common behaviour in Britain and probably internationally. Several of the people I know on Facebook I've met this way; this includes local people I've met on holiday and people from other countries I've met when we've both been on holiday. I'd say that making connections is normal human behaviour.
This is good advice if your crave more human contact. I don't, but thank you.
Upvote because it doesn't apply to you but you were pleasant, anyways.
Load More Replies...I like to compliment people when I see something I like (hair, clothing, etc) it makes most people smile... Though my family think I'm weird 😄
You probably made them feel really nice! Keep doing that!
Load More Replies...I was in a bookstore and this really pretty 20-something woman stopped and told me that she loved my boots and asked where I got them. I am unbelievably shy with zero confidence so this gorgeous, stylish, confident woman saying that really made my day. Another time, someone complimented my hair (it's past my shoulders, really thick, shiny, deep chocolate-cherry color) while I was buying shampoo. That would have been nice if he hadn't touched my hair and then asked me to help him find a hair dye the same color for his wife. 😬
Ok he was a bit creepy, and more of socially awkward. But remember He complimented YOU! Pass it on!
I do this too. I grew up with my grandma & great-grandma, so I had a lot of little old ladies as best friends growing up who all made sure I knew my manners & to always try to be kind. I don't leave home much with health problems, but when I do I try to get at least one other person to smile while I'm out.
I hope others do it for you also. I try to not "ignore" people with disabilities. I will give a smile or if they have a really cool stick ( canes are for old people) I will compliment it.
There are a few stock phrases you can use. Harmless, and generally sentiments that are universally shared. Here are some examples. Passing the same person in several grocery store aisles: “We have to stop meeting like this!” Bad weather: (older person) “I don’t remember it ever being this hot/cold/rainy/snowy/etc before. Do you?” Price increase in any kind of store: “Seems like prices only go up anymore, instead of down”. A store have completely changed the placement of products: “The minute I finally get used to where stuff is, they go and change it again”. I have used all of these, and 999 times out of 1000, I get a smile, a laugh, and total agreement, because almost all of us feel exactly the same, and had the same thought in our heads at that exact moment.
We have more construction in our area than usual right now, some projects have been going on for ages. My go-to is, "Man, I hope I'm still alive when they're finished!" and it gets a smile and follow-up comment every single time.
Load More Replies...This is exactly the kind of vibe I carry with me every single day. I recently lost my partner in crime, my hubby of 24 years, who used to do everything for my autistic son and I. Even during the 11 years he battled cancer (which he beat soundly), he would be out every day running errands, talking to people, counselling them on their own cancer journeys or answering their queries, whatever he could do to help people. Now, it's a BIG deal for me to get out and about. I'm getting used to it, I need it, and when I do I try to treat people like he would have. You never know, your smile may be the only ray of sunshine in someone else's day.
I try to do this. It's actually led to making friends where I live! And other times, it brings a smile to someone's face, and mashes both of our days a little brighter!
As someone with autism who works in customer service, this actually helps.
This is fine in America but not other places apparently. There are some cultures that specifically do not like this. As an American, I like the small nod or smile as a way of having a pleasant momentary interaction. There is a sense of community and civility to it.
Another American here, I too like the feelings of friendliness that come with a smile or small chat even if it makes my anxious , autistic àss uncomfortable (cuz life isn't all about me and my comfort). I would much rather see someone smile or attempt some short friendly banter than stone-faced people with a cold demeanor.
Load More Replies...Yes, as someone who is severely isolated due to disabling health conditions, human contact is a privilege. I've literally had times when I am out that I started craving hugs from strangers. A small friendly interaction can make my entire week. At the bare minimum, please be kind and do not add to the misery of life. On another note, this post is also good safety advice. Muggers & rapists prefer to attack people who are unaware, so even making momentary eye contact with a stranger could be life-saving and also help you give a description to the police if anything does happen.
It's something simple and kind. Not an invitation to try and become best friends for life or anything. It's surprising how far a small token of acknowledgement and kindness can go. A resounding YES to this for me!
I automatically look people in the eye when I listen/speak, and realise it makes many of them feel uncomfortable. It's a hard habit to break, but as soon as I notice, I look off to the side.
I'm a people person who works from home and my people interactions are really only at stores. I love making little jokes or small talk. I definitely back off if it's not welcome! We're all just so disconnected.
I started singing 'Bohemian Rhapsody' at work (in a cult geocery store). Another picked it up with me. Then when it got to 'Galileo' part, a customer joined in. All work and shopping was paused 'til ae finiahed. Everyone laughed or clapped.
I consider it random acts of kindness. A smile and a nod. Holding the door open for someone. compliment someone on their jewelry or hair or some other fashion choice. Maybe because i am a "little old lady" I don't get negative feedback usually. I partially do it for others, but I am actually selfish , if i can make someone smile - it makes MY day.
Actually yes this is really true if you live in a community or area that is calm enough vibe that this yields positive results more often than not. I’ve gotten out of depression loops by just focusing on saying something nice, anything, to every single service person I interact with doing errands—this includes leaving people alone if they are giving “leave me alone body language”. How to get good at interacting? It takes PRACTICE, but the act of practicing 1) calms me down and gets me out of my head and 2) honestly attracts positivity to my day. It also gets easier the more you do it…practice.
Totally agree! You could save a life because you recognized someone and they were thinking dark/suicidal thoughts. You may never know that you did so, but just a smile or a hello, even a quick chuckle as you said can change someone's life in so many good ways!! You never know. It's good to have a little human contact, for both sides!!
As a seattlite hello you are my worst nightmare. Creepy serial killer person. Don't talk to me ever unless you know me
I like to compliment women if they're wearing something really cool. Like, You are rocking those boots, hat, I love that purse, etc. I don't generally compliment men (unless my husband is with me) because you nasty bastards always seem to assume it's some sort of sexual come on. I said I liked your cologne, not "may I suck your d*ck".
Lol my husband was walking through a gas station one day talking to himself. "I don't need this, I don't need that, don't need chips." When he went around a corner, there was a guy standing there looking at him kind of weird, when my husband stops, looks to his side like there was someone actually there, and said "shut up they're going to think we're nuts!" And they guys jaw dropped and he started to back up! My husband started laughing and said "no I'm just messing with you!" And the other guy got a good chuckle out of it!
I love talking to people I don't know. Just little things, like that is a pretty scarf or those are cool shoes. People just light up when you compliment them. I love seeing people smile and it feels so good to make someone happy. I have never had anyone look at me funny or say anything rude to me.
i mean OP you're right but also this is considered hella rude in american cities and also the entire northern (north-eastern?) region of the USA.
Not where I am from, Chicago are it is rude to not be friendly. ( although I have found that many younger people do not appreciate it, their issue not mine). I LOVED to see the smiling eyes even though we were wearing masks. We are back to the quick smiles and nods when we pass and the occasional compliments.
This happens to me a lot. I have a chronic illness and when i have my bad days, I'm just trying to get home before the crash hits me, and then people start their nice little convo with me. It's nice, but I need all my focus and energy to make it home! Do this on my good days, not my bad days 😩
Whenever I try something like that people treat me like I'm insane. In fact people treated me like I was insane when I said "hi" back in school, that's the sort of reason why I'm mostly non-verbal outside my home now.
This only works in a society in which people who are strangers talk to each other
I like this one, a little acknowledgement can go a long way sometimes, u never know what someone is going thru and something as simple as a smile might brighten their day.
I can concur. I'm hugely introverted but somehow really successful as a server. I used to have massive anxiety before work bc of this, but after just allowing things to pass and knowing I'll have to talk to people and might as well be chill and just engage as much as I can, I've found it a whole lot easier to talk to people. And knowing they have equally as little of import to say helps too lol
ColorEd. I'm guessing you're British or Scandinavian. This is an American thing. I do it all the time here in Montana.
I ask how someone's day is. That's basically it. Or if someone is obviously struggling, I'll ask if they need help. I do not make eye contact due to me having autism (95% sure I do), but I do care about the individual person
You think a stranger would like to tell you about their day or problems??
Load More Replies...You would be surprised. If someone is truly at their breaking point, having even a stranger care enough to utter that usually meaningless phrase, might give them "permission" to release their troubles to a "sympathetic ear".
Alternatively, people will decide you're a weirdo & move away, sometimes rapidly
So what? For every person who moves away, there may be 2 persons who's day you've made by acknowledging their existence.
Load More Replies...When did simple human contact become weird? I dread what society is becoming.
Yeah, this was always the norm when and where I grew up. I've noticed a lot of younger people struggling with simple social interactions though, even service workers. Maybe I'm too intimidating (jk).
Pouring hot water on the remaining wax on finished candles! The wax melts and floats to the top so you can just reach in and take it out AND your candle jar is clean to be repurposed or recycled. Sounds simple but as an avid candle burner it changed my life.
Laying on your left side can stop gastric reflux pain
Sadly didn't work for me and for my sister (we both have the same cause - hiatus hernias).
When your car overheats, turn up your heater to full blast while driving (roll windows down if it’s summertime so you don’t bake). It helps to keep your engine cooler than it would otherwise be until you get to a safe spot to stop (or to a nearby repair shop). After I broke up with my ex (about 2 weeks afterwards) my radiator busted, and I didn’t know who to call for help. I ate crow and called him bc he knew a few things about cars, yet at the same time was skeptical because he had a reason to give me horrible advice and screw me over. Lucky for me he was a good guy and his advice saved my car.
If your nose is stuffy and you can’t get it cleared just do 10 push-ups and it will clear right up. You can blow your nose over and over but for some reason this actually does a better job of clearing it up. I had no idea how it could work at first so I was skeptical but somehow it genuinely does work.
Im always way too hot when I try to fall asleep, but I can't sleep with open windows in the winter.
So I keep a couple of oranges frozen outside the window and I just toss one into bed. Night snack and keeps me cool without having to get up out of bed. Win-win unless you fall asleep and crush the orange, but atleast you got some sleep so thats still kind of a win...
I never expected this post to gain such traction, or I'd made it clearer. So I guess Ill edit in some common questions.
-I rarely eat them before sleep. It's either breakfast or a snack if I wake up at 3am.
-My teeth are fine.
-Ice packs would work as well, but you can't eat them and it doesn't feel as natural.
-Fans work, but I have a bad habit of ruining them. It's not as good as under blanket cooling anyways.
-I like to keep them in my armpits, but not always. Sometimes they just roll around in bed, sometimes I put one on my belly button and pretend I'm a giant teeing up my ball for a galactic game of golf.
-I am almost certainly a human. I think.
-I'm single and ready to mingle.
Thank you for the gold kind stranger!
I had really bad vertigo when i rolled over for like a month out of nowhere. Id roll over and it felt like i was still rolling for a good 20 seconds. I eventually looked up some YouTube video on it, i didnt expect much, but one video told me to lie on my back on the bed and lean my head off the bed as far as it could go back. Then hold for 10 seconds. Then move my head up to even level for ten seconds and finally bring my head up so that my chin is pushed into my neck all while laying on my back still, and hold for 10. I felt really sick after for like 30 minutes but after it was completely cured.
You did the Epley Maneuver. It re-orients tiny crystals in your inner ear that have been displaced by a head injury like a severe bump, thus making you dizzy.
I work with children, and there's a lot of things they don't like to do but needs to get done. Often the phrasing of what needs to happen can do the trick.
Such as "I know you don't like Brussels spouts, so would you like carrots or green beans?" or "would you want to eat 6 pieces of broccoli or 3 to go with your chicken?". Wherein the answer is in the question and there is no opting of the vegetables, but it seems like they get to pick the least horrible option.
Create a “in case of anxiety/panic attack” playlist.
Your brain memorizes how we feel when associated with things. When you work out and have a clear head, listen to this playlist. Religiously.
When you start to have an attack, play this music. Your brain will assume it’s relax or workout time and calm down.
Apparently squatting ***does*** make it easier for you to s**t.
But if actual squat toilets are too weird/gross/inconvenient for you, you get the same effect by putting a footstool in front of a normal toilet, and leaning forward while taking a dump.
You don't have to [buy a squatty potty](, a regular *stool* (pun intended) works just fine.
If you spill candle wax on a carpet, you can get it out by running an iron over it with a damp towel in between. I was so baffled I almost felt like spilling more wax.
Edit: low heat, make sure the towel is damp enough, keep the iron constantly moving, and most importantly, don't blame me if you light your carpet on fire.
(Please Google it first. Step 1 is actually use a butter knife to get the big clumps out, and there's a few other disclaimers)
Also if you splash wax on your wall use a hair dryer to heat it up and then a towel to quickly wipe it away while it's still soft. I've removed wax from walls like this several times!
Ring toss at the fair. Don’t just sling them, or toss them towards the bottles in hopes that you’ll snag one.
Gently toss them flat up into the air above the bottles & try to get it to fall flat.
Hopefully I’m describing this correctly, because the first year I tried this at the fair I won an electric guitar and mini amp.
The following year, I won a $300 bike.
Haven’t been to the fair since, but you can bet your a*s I’ll play it again the next chance I get.
Cursing loudly makes some automated answering machines immediately go to customer service.
I personally recommend f**k but b***h s**t also works as well.
Great. Now I automatically get diverted to a human being who has a red flag on their screen telling them that I'm a screaming dipsh*t.
Listening to a song while reading along to the lyrics after it's been in my head all day to get it out. I don't even know how many times this has saved my sanity.
I was skeptical about getting garlic smell of my hands with stainless steel, but I tried it and it worked. Also, freeze onions for about fifteen minutes before chopping them up, it helps reduce the onion fumes.
Contact solution works wonders on blood stains !!
1 cup vinegar, 1 cup original Listerine, 1 cup warm water. Let you feet soak for around 30mins, then remove dead skin. BAM! No more cracked feet.
If you want to know if the egg is boiled spin it on a table and stop it with your hand for just a short moment. Then let it go again immediately. If it stops it's boiled. If it keeps rotating it's raw. The liquid inside has momentum.
If you smoke too much weed or overdo it with edibles and are feeling too high, chew on a peppercorn and let it sit under your tongue for about a minute. You will feel fine in less than five minutes.
If you are on edibles you may have to repeat this every 30 minutes to an hour until you have metabolized all the THC.
You can also just smell some ground pepper, but it takes a bit longer and does not last as long.
This works because a substance in black pepper called piperene blocks cannabis receptors.
I could have used this that one time I had a 'special' cookie I'd been slowly eating in bits whenever I needed a sleep-aid... and **AAAALLLL** the 'stuff' ended up in one tiny corner... super concentrated... omg... I was like "What. Is. HAPPENING?"
That Dawn dish soap + vinegar cleaner really does work miracles. My shower has a tendency to get this grimy coating that doesn't scrub off easily. Using Dawn and vinegar it comes right off no problem.
Edit: Ratio is 50/50! People have also suggested adding some water to make it spray easier, though I haven't tried that.
Edit 2: I've only ever used Dawn, but several people have commented using other brands and finding success.
Making scrambled eggs in the microwave. They actually turn out EXTRREMELY well. Put 3 eggs in a bowl, whip em up, throw em in the microwave 35 seconds. Stir/whip them again. Another 35 seconds. Stir/whip them again, 35 seconds. Salt, pepper. DELICIOUS. Not dry, not runny. Moist and fluffy deliciousness.
Applying heat to mosquito bites. Instant relief after you take away the heat. Preferably almost unbearably hot, and apply for at least 30 seconds.
Usually lasts a few hours.
An easy way to do this is to run a metal spoon under hot water and press it on the bite.
My mom loves to collect containers to store random c**p (and converted me to do also) and both of us were stumped on how to get rid of the adhesive leftover from labels. I went online and found a post that said a mixture of olive oil and baking soda will take the glue right off. I kind of laughed at it thinking it was another joke post because how can baking soda and oil, two items we consume everyday, be used to remove something like adhesives? Still there was no real alternative since neither of us wanted to go buy Goo Gone because of the stench so we tried it out.
To our surprise the mixture worked like a charm and all of the adhesive and sticker residue came right off after letting the mixture sit on the containers for a bit. Now we have drawers full of containers full of various spices and tools that once held other spices, snacks, and foods.
Apple Cider vinegar and warts. Just take a qtip end and soak it in ACV, then place it over the wart and put a bandaid on top. Continue process each night until it's gone. Had to deal with some earlier in life and no amount of freezing helped, they would die but they seemed to always come back/return. ACV worked flawlessly and they never returned.
The vinegar is unnecessary. The duck tape method is a really good way of removing warts, that has been tested and found to be as effective as cryotherapy (freezing) or acid therapy. Just put duck tape over the wart, change it every few days, rinse and repeat until the wart is gone. Nobody knows why it is effective but it is.
If you have trouble passing gas, get down on all fours. Start with knees and hands, then knees and elbows. I learned it from a dating survival handbook from the early 2000's and it saved me the first time I had White Castle on a business trip.
Flipping over a rug, upside down, *before* vacuuming the back of it. Doing this knocks out the dirt thats deep in it that the vacuum could never get out.
If you need to cut some pvc pipe and have no tools, you can cut a pvc pipe with just some string and some friction
Edit:my most upvoted comment and it was a trick my mentor/archnemesis taught me... Damn you Ronnie!
I had really bad hiccups from drinking so the bartender gave me limes with sugar and some sort of red liquid on them and they instantly went away, and I felt like I had control over my life for a short moment
WD-40 has many uses, Google it and be amazed, the most bizarre is that it’s banned from being used at fishing competitions as a way to attract fish, spray it on your bait and apparently it gives you an advantage. Not sure the various components of WD-40 are good for the environment so don’t go trying it out eh?
Tobacco on insect stings. It takes down the pain and the swelling. I'm allergic to insect stings and this is how I stop a reaction before I need an epi injection or even Benadryl. I just get a little bit of rolling tobacco (the kind that comes with rolling papers to make your own cigarettes), get it a little wet with water or spit, and press it to the spot that was stung.
Though duck tape actually is a brand, i think they meant duct tape?
Vegetable oil gets sap off skin. Our kids used to climb and old pine tree and would get covered in sap. You cannot wash sap off, but rubbing them down with vegetable oil took the sap off and vegetable washes off way easier.
I just learned this last yr. I am surrounded by pine and I flipped out when I learned and used this.
A bar of soap under your bottom sheet can stop involuntary leg movements/restless leg syndrome
WD-40 has many uses, Google it and be amazed, the most bizarre is that it’s banned from being used at fishing competitions as a way to attract fish, spray it on your bait and apparently it gives you an advantage. Not sure the various components of WD-40 are good for the environment so don’t go trying it out eh?
Tobacco on insect stings. It takes down the pain and the swelling. I'm allergic to insect stings and this is how I stop a reaction before I need an epi injection or even Benadryl. I just get a little bit of rolling tobacco (the kind that comes with rolling papers to make your own cigarettes), get it a little wet with water or spit, and press it to the spot that was stung.
Though duck tape actually is a brand, i think they meant duct tape?
Vegetable oil gets sap off skin. Our kids used to climb and old pine tree and would get covered in sap. You cannot wash sap off, but rubbing them down with vegetable oil took the sap off and vegetable washes off way easier.
I just learned this last yr. I am surrounded by pine and I flipped out when I learned and used this.
A bar of soap under your bottom sheet can stop involuntary leg movements/restless leg syndrome