Have you ever tasted something particularly unusual and strange? Or is it one of the items on your bucket list that you want to fulfill in your life? Either way, it is not a difficult task to achieve because the world is full of extremely strange and bizarre foods. Every country, nation, and even family has something that is delicious to them but very strange to others. Some cannot even handle tea with milk, let alone balut eggs or fermented shark. Well, let’s be real – in this case, it is waaay easier to talk about this than to actually do it.
This time, we’ve prepared a 23-question trivia about weird and strange foods from around the globe. This quiz will not only put your bizarre food knowledge to the test, but it also might make you rethink your bucket list of trying some unusual dishes.
So, let’s see if you still have an appetite for weird food after this ride! 🍴

Image credits: Any Lane
Trivia • 23 Weird Foods Around The Globe
#12 is incorrect. There are regional variations on "drunken shrimp" in China. Not all of them are consumed raw. EDIT: okay, since y'all seem to think I'm talking out of my áss, here are my sources: #1 - my ex whose parents are Chinese immigrants from two different areas (Taiwan and the northern coast) who have different regional preparations for this dish. #2 - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Drunken_shrimp "Drunken shrimp, also known as drunken prawns, is a popular dish in parts of China based on freshwater shrimp that are sometimes eaten cooked or raw." - "For example, the shrimp are sometimes soaked in alcohol and then cooked in boiling water rather than served live, and in other recipes cooked shrimp are marinated in alcohol after they are boiled."
The answer that I had available was that the shrimp were served "alive". Raw is not the same thing as alive. So ... I would think served in alcohol would be equivalent to a very brief marination period :)
Was in Vietnam recently and was standing on a street full of local vendors thinking, "What is that awful smell!?" (Sewer/death). Turns out the vendor next to us was selling durian fruit. It is truly terrible. Also saw a sign in a hotel room: Customers who bring durian into the room will be fined $20 for the extra cleaning required.
Question 20 about the strawberries is wrong. The „seeds“ are the actual fruits with a seed within. At least botanical.
I was so confident when I read the “straight out of the bark” question and then figs weren’t an option.
#12 is incorrect. There are regional variations on "drunken shrimp" in China. Not all of them are consumed raw. EDIT: okay, since y'all seem to think I'm talking out of my áss, here are my sources: #1 - my ex whose parents are Chinese immigrants from two different areas (Taiwan and the northern coast) who have different regional preparations for this dish. #2 - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Drunken_shrimp "Drunken shrimp, also known as drunken prawns, is a popular dish in parts of China based on freshwater shrimp that are sometimes eaten cooked or raw." - "For example, the shrimp are sometimes soaked in alcohol and then cooked in boiling water rather than served live, and in other recipes cooked shrimp are marinated in alcohol after they are boiled."
The answer that I had available was that the shrimp were served "alive". Raw is not the same thing as alive. So ... I would think served in alcohol would be equivalent to a very brief marination period :)
Was in Vietnam recently and was standing on a street full of local vendors thinking, "What is that awful smell!?" (Sewer/death). Turns out the vendor next to us was selling durian fruit. It is truly terrible. Also saw a sign in a hotel room: Customers who bring durian into the room will be fined $20 for the extra cleaning required.
Question 20 about the strawberries is wrong. The „seeds“ are the actual fruits with a seed within. At least botanical.
I was so confident when I read the “straight out of the bark” question and then figs weren’t an option.