According to Urban Dictionary, a threatening aura is “a place, person or object that makes you feel like you're in danger just by looking at it, sometimes characterized by unsanitary condition.”
But there’s so much more to a threatening aura than meets the eye. Especially when it’s something very close and relevant to us, like things we eat. Food too can have a threatening aura, making us question everything from its contents to serving, edibility to potential danger.
This Instagram page titled “Food With Threatening Auras” is a great place to look at real-life examples of cursed food. Below we wrapped up some of the most weirdly wonderful examples and served them right here. Enjoy! Or maybe not.
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While some foods clearly have threatening auras as we have seen in this post, there exists a whole new world of weird and unusual foods popular among culinary thrill seekers. Edible insects like ants, crickets, and mealworms have been a staple in many far East diets, whether eaten raw, cooked, or added to other dishes.
Now, a growing body of research has found that edible insects have superior health benefits due to their high levels of vitamin B12, iron, zinc, fiber, essential amino acids, omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, and antioxidants.
For example, this study claims that the addition of edible insects such as crickets to the human diet could offer numerous benefits. For example, the environmental and nutritional benefits include an overall reduction in greenhouse gas emissions, decreased agricultural use of land and water, improved prevention and management of chronic diseases like diabetes, cancer, and cardiovascular disease, and enhanced immune function.
While today, most animals are born and raised for their muscle tissues, organ meats are largely overlooked. However, hunter-gatherers didn’t just eat muscle meat. They ate the organs too, such as brains, intestines and even testicles. In fact, the organs were highly prized.
Organ meats, known as offal, can be seen as a culinary oddity not for faint stomachs, but the fans of it claim it’s nature’s most concentrated source of virtually every important vitamin, mineral, amino acid, and fat.
Healthline reports that organ meats are particularly rich in B-vitamins, such as vitamin B12 and folate. They also have an abundance of minerals, including iron, magnesium, selenium and zinc, and important fat-soluble vitamins like vitamins A, D, E and K.
The meatball Dom prefers to be called "Master Meat" or "Sir Balls on Wheat"
Would you like some salad cookies for dessert with your chocolate chip dip and cinnamon roll pizza?
Totally saw a boat on water (at a glance) and after I saw the caption I realized what I was looking at, lol!
It's a good thing I could stand to lose some weight, because I'm never eating again after this article XD
I could do with losing a few pounds myself, but I'm afraid it takes a LOT more to put me off food.
It's a good thing I could stand to lose some weight, because I'm never eating again after this article XD
I could do with losing a few pounds myself, but I'm afraid it takes a LOT more to put me off food.