Dipping grilled cheese in syrup, buttering pop-tarts, or devouring strawberries with stems still attached to them may sound utterly asinine, but for some people, it’s a perfectly fine mode of consuming food.
You see, no one is immune to bizarre eating quirks, but most of us are totally unaware that we have them. So when Twitter user @kyry5 asked people “What's a strange food habit you didn't realize was bizarre until way later than you should have?” the thread blew up with 11.7K likes, and the answers, each more baffling than the previous one, came flooding in.
So let's see some of the most entertaining and stomach-turning revelations about food shared in the thread. Do you have a quirky eating habit to share? Hit us in the comment section below!
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Does anyone else eat the muffin/cupcake and then chew on the wrapper cause it still has some on it? Just me?
Bored Panda reached out to the thread’s author Kyle who goes by the Twitter handle @kyry5. Kyle said he got the idea for a tweet while he was talking to friends about how insane his diet was when I was younger. “I used to be on the chunkier side and was talking about how much junk I would eat (hot pockets for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, toaster strudels for dessert) and how even the junk food was made junkier (enter, the buttered pop tarts!)”
“That got us talking about other weird things we all used to eat, and I figured I’d take to Twitter and hear some others,” Kyle recounted and added that he was totally surprised that his thread blew up so much.
This is known as a cheese taco. If you do it right, you can add toppings and roll it up before it hardens. Requires practice with your microwave, as it changes depending on wattage, type of cheese etc.
When asked about his own food habit which is the buttered Pop-Tarts, Kyle assured us that they’re totally delicious. “You toast the brown sugar cinnamon ones, take a knife and make a delicate slit down the middle (not enough to break it in half) so that the butter can soak in, and let a fat slab of butter melt on it,” he said. “I think I did it once in college and my friends thought it was wild and that’s when I realized the buttered pop tart was not a universal household staple,” Kyle added.
When it comes to odd food habits, Kyle said he loves these quirky little things. “I feel like they always arise so organically. Like I had no idea my food habit was bizarre, nor did my friend who dips hint of lime Tostitos into minced garlic in the jar”
“Once you share it with other folks and realize it’s a little odd, that’s when it gets fun! I think we should all be open to trying each other’s little food combos.”
Eating weird food combos is nothing new. After all, who said you can’t have fish sticks with peanut butter? But unusual eating habits often get much weirder than that. For example, brumotactillophoba is an impressive term that refers to fear of different foods touching each other, and surprisingly, many people have it. Interestingly, this food habit is viewed by food psychologists as a holdover from childhood fussy eating.
There are also people who can be called delayed gratifiers as they tend to separate everything on their plate and put pieces in their mouth in some sequence. Usually, the ones that taste the best are left for the very end. Another very common eating habit is known as fork stacking, which is essentially packing each mouthful with a bit of everything on it. As they eat, people prioritize a perfect final forkful.
I will get lots of hat for this, but mac and cheese is just disgusting.
In my family, crusts either gave you curly hair (girls) or put hair on your chest (boys)...
I'm confused as to how this tastes good. Too much salt and it tastes bitter and burns.
me too! i always thought crunchy cereal like americans do in tv shows and movies are hella weird
Salted lemons are good, and I've been known to eat the peel occasionally. My grandmother used to eat whole lemons while telling me to never, ever do it because it's terrible for your teeth. But sometimes I succumb.
Try bacon and jelly on bread it is good especially with jalapeño jelly.
Try bacon and jelly on bread it is good especially with jalapeño jelly.