Have you been having weird dreams lately? Don't blame the moon or the ruling planets, or try to work out a secret message your subconscious is trying to send you through the dreams. Not only is it normal, but it's actually expected to have weird dreams. Pretty much everyone has them. In fact, if you looked at our earlier post featuring the most common dreams, you would find that none of them are actually grounded in reason.

Although we can't pinpoint the exact reasons for having really weird dreams, factors like stress, anxiety, medications, types of food we consume, and other things do have an impact. Still, it would be a Sisyphean labor to figure out what those crazy dreams mean and whether they mean anything at all. However, what we can do is take a look at what other people are dreaming about and how weird their dreams get. Interested in figuring out exactly that, a user of the AskReddit community asked fellow Redditors, "What is your weirdest dream/nightmare you've ever had?" Needless to say, loads of people admitted to having rather bizarre adventures while in their sleep.

Below, we've compiled some of the hands-down weirdest dreams people have shared. As always, upvote the dreams that left you perplexed and share in the comments whether you have had any strange dreams lately that you can still recall pretty vividly. And if you did, what was the dream about? Let us know!


Cat looking at something on the table "The first night we got my pet cat when I was a little girl I dreamt for two nights she would stop at nothing to kill me. She even killed my mother in one of my dreams. There were no gory details thank goodness. But I vividly remember the cat sitting on my mother’s corpse saying, 'Your mother is no help to you now.' I really loved the cat at the time, so I’m not sure where this came from."

baggeller Report


    Robert Downey Jr looking straight "Tony Stark fighting the power rangers. He was not wearing his helmet but was still able to kill/wound a few of them until I asked him where his helmet was."

    bustead Report


    All four Teletubbies on the hill "I had a dream once where I was getting chased by Teletubbies, I hid from them by climbing inside a metal drawer where I found Ian McKellen who was also Mickey Mouse at the same time."

    JustiniBikini__ Report

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Well. "FLY YOU FOOL. Your sword is no use here. Get to the drawer!"

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    Disneyland castle "Getting lost from Disneyland and then led back thru the sewers by a group of Minecraft villagers was pretty surreal." Report


    "I actually have some of mine written down, so I'll just copy paste my favorite's notes onto here.

    Jack Black is in a movie about a mid-low tier ranking gangster addicted to pain meds pulling off insane heists and murders so lower tier gansters stop trying to kill him and his friends for his spot. This happens after he finds his dead friend with a 7-diamond playing card with the letter J burned into it. The gang is ranked by playing cards. Ace is the new guy, King is Big Boss, Jack is currently 7 and the card was a sign that they were coming for him. At one point he gets high in the back of a garbage truck and thinks he's in lego star wars. Police try out his weird mannerisms (one of Jack's mannerisms) to try to connect him to the crimes. Jack catches the police chief in high heels when he tries breaking into the station. Finds out while spying on Chief that his friends were going to double-cross him. The name of the movie will be Jack Black's Black Jack." Report


    Chris Hemsworth happy and looking straight "It was a fourth Thor film, but it took place in either a disabled submarine at the bottom of the ocean or in a derelict industrial park (alternating between the two), everybody in it was dying, and Thor wasn’t in it nor was he or Asgard mentioned by name, just a single offhand reference to the Odinforce. Still, that it was the fourth Thor film was its underlying premise throughout. Needless to say, I woke up very confused."

    elanhilation Report


    "I've had plenty of weird dreams but the most bizarre ones are the nightmares where I'm afraid of ridiculous stuff like the letter "E" I've woken up terrified of letters."

    give-me-pie Report


    "Just a few days ago I dreamt I was a scientist trying to protect my particle accelerator from a gigantic government weapon that shot huge Lego bricks. At some point, I realized I was dreaming and tried to wake up but my associate told me I shouldn't because they still needed me in 'this dimension'. Pretty weird."

    diordru Report


    Massive castle on an island "Walking into a castle and ending up in a giant room full of different pieces of bread. Guess I was craving bread." Report


    Colorful tunnel "This one time at a sleepover when I was like 8, I woke up from a dream where my and my friend was running through a white tunnel, and right as I got to the end, I woke up. I saw the same friend sitting up, and I asked him if he was able to sleep(because I thought he was awake all night) he said he just woke up from a dream that he described as the same as mine."

    Weezythedog Report


    Atomic explosion "I had this reoccurring dream. I'm in my town center and I see a huge mushroom cloud exploding in the distance. It's fast approaching and I jump into the fountain at the last second since I'm extremely slow. As I go in I can see the flames and destruction from underwater and I immerse to see everything destroyed. I'm having this dream since I was 5-6 years old and it gets me every time. I'm 24."

    znojavoMomce Report


    Scene of Scooby-Doo animated movie "Being chased through an abandoned hospital Scooby-Doo style by the 1940s wolfman, while everything was black and white."

    Dwargen , Report


    Barney & Friends animated series scene "My first memory was a nightmare I had when I was around 5. I remember it vividly, and I have no idea why it scared me so much. I look back and laugh at it because it is so weird. Anyways, my friends and I were all playing in my childhood home. Then there was a knock at the door. My friend went to open it, and there was Barney at the door. My friend invited him in but every time he looked at me he had evil red eyes. No one else noticed this. Eventually, Barney tried to get everyone outside. I followed hesitantly, and as soon as I stepped outside I saw that triceratops character charging everyone with her "horns" and glowing red eyes. That was when I realized they were out for blood. I tried to get everyone to run, but they wouldn't listen. I watched Barney and the Triceratops take down my younger brother, and that's when I woke up." Report

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    Ronnie Cutshall
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Barney must be hunted. My son watch that show too much. To this day that song drives me nuts

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    "Once I dreamt I was chopping meat off of meat hooks with butter knifes and feeding it to robotic heads, there were no bodies, just the heads chomping down on the meat I threw to them. And while doing that I was also talking to an aristocratic cockroach called Mr. Johnson, who I knew was an aristocrat because he was wearing a tuxedo, a monocle, and was fat. He had a deep, raspy kind of voice, and I don’t recall our conversation, however at one point he said he had to go, and I asked: “But Mr. Johnson, won’t you stay for dinner?” - To which he replied: “No, and you won’t either.” - And then I woke up, one or two minutes before My alarm rang. Mr. Johnson became a joke among my group of friends, and a supervillain alongside Malpig, the Evil Swine."

    BelicCat Report


    iCarly tv series scene "Being chased by the stay puff marshmallow man with the cast of iCarly. Spencer was POPPIN OFF ON THAT TURRET THO."

    SmoughAngry Report


    Woman blowing into Arnold Schwarzenegger face in the car "My wife just had a dream that I was pregnant (am male) and I gave birth to a puppy. She then took the puppy and nursed it herself. This was last night. I have no words."

    Getroneus Report

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    Got Myself 4 Pandas
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I once had a dream I gave birth to cartoon pigeons, they just flew out of me. I was really sad though as no one would accept them and they got banned from daycare because they weren't human

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    Gordon Ramsay looking surprised "I was shot and killed by Gordon Ramsey.

    He was yelling at me out of a school bus window, I had no idea why he was so angry. So I start to walk away from him and he shoots me in the back. I fall to the ground and my first thought is: 'Okay if he thinks I’m dead, then he won’t shoot again.' And then he proceeds to shoot me exactly 12 more times in the back. Then everything went black and I woke up."

    baconanime Report


    "I’ve had this dream twice. Once when I was probably 4 and once when I was around 7

    My TV ate my parents, then I smacked it with a giant pencil and they came out. Then we went to my aunt’s house and Swiper from Dora stole my pants. Then we went back to my house and my TV sneezed and blew up my house."

    NSiwa Report


    Pidgeon looking at someone from above "I once dreamed that I was being hunted by a human sized pigeon. I woke up terrified."

    err_mate Report


    Donald Duck, Mickey Mouse, Goofy at the table "Well, last night I dreamed that the OG Disney characters (Donald Duck, Mickey Mouse, Goofy, etc.) were in a grunge rock band and I was at one of their concerts. It was weird and I have no explanation for it."

    SK12340 Report


    Elephant splashing water outside "Once I dreamt an elephant. It kidnapped me and when I ran away he was searching and stalking me, I was terrified but nobody seemed to care. I'm still terrified of elephants or any big animals to this day."

    sajathegurl Report


    "My cats putting peanut butter on MY nose and mewling until I licked it off. Was pretty strange." Report


    Soulja Boy showing off his jewelry on fingers "Overslept once because I had a dream that I was in a church and Soulja Boy was being baptized." Report


    Brown Pretzel on the table "I was working in a soft pretzel factory, running the pretzels through a sewing machine. Everywhere the dough crossed, I had to stitch an x, outlined by a square, like a luggage or a backpack strap is done."

    FishFlogger Report


    Joker animated tv series scene "The Joker (from the original Batman cartoons) is hovering outside my window in a lying-down position, looking at me with his trademark smile that’s very creepy. For some reason, his shoes are painted onto his feet." Report

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    Community Member
    1 year ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    "I like your shoes. Who's the maker?" "Home Depot: Exterior Latex Collection".

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    See Also on Bored Panda

    "I sometimes have dreams of my parallel universes.

    It’s like living a whole 8 hours in my other lives that are still me. Sometimes I don’t have a kid. Sometimes I live in Japan. I live in another house with a different partner but in the same city.

    The weirdest one was I was crazy and I hijacked a 747 and crashed it on a highway and escaped and hid behind some little building and I could hear all the cops coming and I remember thinking okay I’m done hanging out in the world now. And I squeezed my eyes and woke up

    I also had one where I was an Uber driver and I asked my passengers about 9/11 and they didn’t know what that was. It hadn't happened in that life"

    trontrontronmega Report

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I have a lot of the same dreams. Once I dreamt that I was a 20-something man, the next day I was 3 years old

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    Plankton in SpongeBob SquarePants animated tv series "I was being chased by someone and plankton saved me."

    nnchn Report


    "I only remember a few details about it, but it still makes me smile a bit.

    Basically, I was running from the cops for some reason, and I run into my mom. She takes me to this building that an old friend of hers owns, but the building is completely covered in grass like a ghillie suit.

    We get inside, and it turns out to be some sort of weed shop owned by none other than Snoop Dogg. So Snoop, my mom, and I sit down for a while and catch up on life cuz apparently he's known her for a couple of decades now. Eventually, I hear sirens and decide to bail after saying my farewells."

    I_Question_Everyone Report


    "I have a recurring nightmare where I'm performing CPR on my grandmother after she stops breathing. As I'm doing compressions, her chest caves in and her broken ribs stick out everywhere. I start trying to put her back together."

    flameblade_page Report


    George Washington colorful portrait "Very fuzzy but, one time, I had a dream where George Washington was riding a zebra into my house. Another one was when Broadway moved into the Amazon Jungle and I went to see a play there. The last one was the entire world started to fight in a paper towel war. I have crazy dreams." , Report


    "I got tickled by a ghost. It still bothers me to this day."

    bicholas0 Report

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    Michelle C
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    That doesn’t sound like a dream! That sounds like somebody needs to call an exorcist ASAP!!


    "I dreamt I was a reporter chasing a story on the AIDS virus. I was alone on some deserted boardwalk when a woman suddenly approached me and said 'Here’s your story!' and tried stabbing me with a syringe. We fought and struggled and I woke up punching my wall in a cold sweat."

    distilladelphia Report


    "I saw a man die in my dream when I was about 10. It was the way he died that was weird. I remember him laying on his side and puking like he had been poisoned. The puke changed color, texture, and consistency every time he puked. Eventually, he was eaten by parasites from the inside.

    When I woke up I asked myself why I would ever dream of something like this and if something was wrong with me. Just happened that one time, though."

    g_hi3 Report


    mosquito on a green leaf "I was part of a task force to takedown a godzilla-sized mosquito without wings in the inner city. This was when I found out that the whole "you wake up when you die" concept was BS, because every time I died I would respawn. It was like groundhog day but instead of learning to manipulate people in small town Pennsylvania, I was getting impaled by a monstrous insect."

    RuffWeek Report


    White toilet in a bathroom "I had a dream that I was trying to clean the toilet in my apartment, but no matter how hard I scrubbed it stayed filthy.

    I woke up legit sweating and anxious and ran to my bathroom to make sure my toilet was clean.

    Everything is clean in real life but I think about that dream every time I poop at home."

    SteveWhitman Report

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    Community Member
    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Why would you obsess over cleaning a toilet? How would your brain even out together a dream like that?

    See Also on Bored Panda

    Green work coming out from a dirt "Me and my friend chased by a giant worm on a beach, tried to escape with a sprint out onto the bathing platform. The worm continued the chase, the only escape route left was the water. Jumped in and as soon as my eyes raised above the waterline I saw the worm jumped (?) into the water and landed on a 3rd person who happened to be a kid with Down syndrome. Woke up and have never forgotten that dream."

    perineum95 Report


    "I used to have a recurring nightmare for about 6 years where I was in this endless white room being chased by giant alphabet letters with teeth and eyes. It was horrific."

    binkiexox Report


    Niall Horan with a guitar singing on the stage "I ran around the mall... naked... with Niall Horan..."

    peurijeu , Report


    "Kanye West seeks my help moving his furniture out of an apartment. Also all the furniture is assembled out of cereal boxes. Cheerios, Froot Loops, Raisin Bran, Chex, etc. I actually had this dream three nights in a row."

    Halealeakala Report


    Vampire looking to the side "Shapeshifting vampire aliens committed a bloody massacre on people that happened to all look like Nosferatu (but they were totally normal humans?), then took on the shape of a Shiba Inu. Mulder and Scully were blaming the murders on either this random saint bernard or my Newfie mix because the Shiba would have been too small to murder about 20 people. The Shiba was taunting me that my dog was going to be taken away because no one would believe it was the Shiba."

    PurlToo Report


    "I was really young and I slept with a lot of blankets. I always had them tucked in tightly. I honestly can't remember if there was any buildup or not, but all I remember was hanging from a cliff by my feet and a witch looking down at me. I woke up and I was hanging from my bed upside down by my feet. They were caught on the covers."

    iogame Report

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    Freddy Krueger in a movie scene "Had a nightmare I was being chased by Freddy Krueger when I was a kid. Parents shouldn't have let me watch that. Anywho, he was chasing me through my house as he does to his victims. I ran upstairs, the doors were closing like Indiana Jones being chased by boulder closing so I had to roll under them. Finally, I was safe in my room, or so I thought, Freddy appears in a corner laughing at me and telling me he was going to kill and so on. He starts growing to fill the room and then his hand turned into a slice of pizza and stabbed me with it and then I woke up."

    beaudafool Report


    T-rex in a movie scene "One of my recurring nightmares as a kid was being out in the schoolyard, and the field had turned into a lake. We weren't sure what was in it, but then realized it was a dinosaur, and that t-rex was on its way. So we were running for our lives; into the school and up all 6 floors to the top of the building. I'd wake up every time T-rex's head appeared in front of me, with our eyes locking."

    beaudafool Report


    Black big train "Whenever I would leave my closet door open at night I had a dream where a train came out of it and ran me over." Report

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    Alfonso Orozco Aguilar
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Well, probably Crossover between Codename: Kids Next Door and Game of Thrones. When the madnes begin to get sense, Mulder and Scully came and i woke up by the alarm clock


    "I've had a dream where I was walking in the corridor of my apartment at night. I spot an old woman with a cloth tied around her head, to protect herself from the chilling cold. She was at the end of the corridor. I turn and look at her, and she looks up at me and drops her walking stick. Her eyes were black and her mouth twisted into a snarl. I was frozen to the spot. She started sprinting towards me and I didn't hesitate to nope out of there. I was extremely slow at running in the dream and the corridor never seemed to end. I turned around while running and the old woman was inches from my face but was now smiling. She told me to stop and look at her. She was just about to say something when I woke up. It was 8:47 in the morning and my parents were in my room, packing. My mum was ironing out my clothes. We were moving to India from Singapore that day. It was 2012 and I was 11. When we went to our rented room for the time being in India, I kid you not, the room number was 847."

    ulothrixboi Report

    See Also on Bored Panda

    Woman in a ice skating arena looking up "Being in a completely white room with no perceivable door or windows. Around the entire room about 3 inches from the ceiling is a model train track that comes into the room through a small tunnel from one wall, wraps the whole room, and then returns into a tunnel at the opposite side of the first wall, it is also completely white.. on this track comes a small white model tank, smoking from its barrel the entire time it travels round the room. I get an anxious feeling of displacement, like the odd sensation you get if you take your thumb and push it as far as it will reach between your pointer and middle finger (I don't know why that specific action makes me get the same feeling of displacement, but it's the closest thing to it that I've been able to find out in the waking world) I have this dream around 5-6 times a year, and thus has been happening for more than 10 years now. I have no idea why."

    yorkshirejoker Report


    Slenderman standing in the dark forest "I played Slender late at night with my friend, (I was 13 that time) I was getting tired, so I said bye byes and went to sleep.

    Here is how it starts: I, my friend (F1), and another friend (F2) are making a Slenderman statue out of snow (idk why lol). We go inside to get a few cups of drinks and go outside again. Statue is gone. F2 disappears. I see something not-faced in sight. My sight blurs. Me: 'We made it live!' F1: 'Run!' We run and try not to look at it, our destination as F1's house.

    We make it to my friend's house and open our eyes. Me: 'Is it gone?' F1: '-Silence-'. I don't think about the 'silence' and open the door. Slender is at the door and says: "Hello boys!" as my sight blurs and I die. In Roblox. Wtf. I respawn and find out I'm playing a game called 'Stop It Slender 2'.

    I say: 'Is this a dream?'

    Then I woke up. oof"

    power900o Report


    "I was being arrested for shoplifting for some weird reason and I stopped the officers and convinced them I was dreaming. Then spent the rest of my dream banging my head against a wall to try to wake myself up. Obviously, I couldn’t feel anything because I was in a dream but I couldn’t wake myself up and it felt like forever. The weird part was knowing I was dreaming in my dream and trying to wake myself up from the dream without being able to." Report