The world of furniture design is a truly magical place. Just imagine the possibilities when it comes to creating tables, sofas, shelves, and chairs! Yeah, they still have to be usable to be called ‘furniture,’ but that’s basically the only limitation when it comes to creation and innovation. Out of this, some timeless masterpieces are born, like the Eames lounge chair or the Marcel Breuer Cesca chair, a wonderful merger of design and functionality. However, not every chair designer reaches this paramount, and some pretty weird chairs are born along the way. Luckily, the internet is positively obsessed with finding wacky, weird chairs and sharing them for everyone to see (and so are we!). So, get ready for a real freak show, for this is our collection of the outcasts, the underdogs, and the simply wacky weird chairs.
The list itself could be categorized into a couple of sections, and if we had to do it, the most notable category would be that of weird office chairs. Like, if you have to pick just one chair that has to be the most ergonomic and comfortable, it should be the one holding you for some eight hours each day. Turns out, not all chair designers thought about these teeny tiny details when pitching their designs to manufacturers. So, weird desk chairs are complete winners of this freak show, not only for being of dubious aesthetics but also for rendering the sitter’s butt numb just by looking at them. Then there’s the category of weird-shaped chairs — some of these babes make our heads hurt just by trying to figure out where our cheeks should be positioned for the motion to be called ‘sitting’ and not ‘contortionism.’ And lastly, a category into which all the cool, weird chairs fall. While they still look pretty weird, there’s an undeniable coolness about them, and we’d actually love to own most of them.
Anyway, ready to see the crazy weird chairs with your own two eyes? Well then, scroll down below and let the show begin! Since the weird chairs are in no particular order right now, be sure to rank them by their weirdness/coolness/wackiness. After that, share this article with your chair-obsessed friends!
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This Tree Trunk Chair I Found In Kendall, England
Reading Chair From The 18th Century
Found An Irl Thinking Chair At An Estate Sale Today
I Found A Ridiculously Large Chair At Work Today
Weird Chair
This Orthodontist Chair That Looks Like A LEGO Man Sitting
These Chairs At My Hotel In Munich Spell Out "Hello"
The Prickly Pair Chairs
Weird Chair
Just Bought The Cutest Little Chair For My Dorm Room!
For All The Cat Lovers
What a TRAVESTY of JUSTICE! We sit on the soft can-openers. That's why we call you SOFT can-openers! You do NOT sit on us! *claws the chair to pieces* Any questions?
My Grandfather Painted A Painting Of A Chair That He Painted
This Wooden Chair My Parents Bought Started Sprouting Leaves
Coooool!! I’d let it grow and see if I could get a chair-tree
My White Whale
I’ve wanted an egg chair my whole life - got it for free from a thrift group, I don’t mind the damage cause it’s perfect!
The Chair That Abraham Lincoln Was Sitting In When He Was Killed
It looks like a rocking chair? Was that common in theaters? I'm not American so I have just a general grasp of US history, but I'm curious
The Reddit Chair
Weird Chair
I Scored A Gorgeous Img Luna Low Back Chair
This Weird Office Chair Saddle I Found At My Work
The Chairs Waiting For You In The Laser Eye Clinic's Reception
You're Not Really Cool If You Don't Have A Peculiar Chair In Your Living Room... Freaky Furniture
I Couldn't Figure Out How To Add To My Previous Post, But Here Is The Telephone Chair After Having It Reupholstered!
For the times you don't want to reach for the table to get your snacks:
Mother Nature Approves
Weird Chairs
When U Tired After Ate Too Much During Raya And U Want To Lay Down
Weird Chair
A harp chair by Christensen & Larsen, I think. Costs about 10.000 Euro :-)
Weird Chair
These Fold Out Chairs In The Hospital I’m At
1970’s Rmic Hand Chair
Would Not Sit In This Cause Im Scared If I Lean Back To Much Its Gonna Start Rolling But It Looks Cool
Kind Of Cringe
Scored My Dream Chair Today!!
Found These Chairs That Look Like They Belong In A Gnome's House For Free On The Curb!
Looks Like Someone Got Tired Of His Banana Chair And Abandoned It Downstairs In My Neighborhood
I Had A Lot Of Fun With This Chair. It’s Shockingly Comfortable
So I Just Bought This Chair And None Of The Reviews Mentioned This
I Call My Latest Thrift Find As A Hammerhead Shark Lounge Chair
Mehndi Chair
Cats On A Weird Chair
Cool Or Creepy?
Funny Chair
Weird Chair
Found This Pair Of Neglected Chairs At A Garage Sale This Morning. Excited To Clean Them Up And Bring Them Inside!
Just Sitting Here On The Corner Of Comfort
I hear things like that are to keep homeless people from sleeping on the benches. Whoever came up with that idea ought to be the next Disney villain.
Dog Found This Weird Chair Outside
Not Sure Whether To Sit Down On This Or Wear It
Weird Chair
Grim Reaper Seated Skeleton Pair Gothic Throne Chairs
A Unique Piece For Sure
Very much like something in a hobbit house. I want it.....for reasons
Have A Seat
I Have A Nice, But Weird Chair
I Don't Think That This Chair Is A Good Idea
Sit Down & Enjoy
Different Themes
These Chairs Are Pretty Cool
This Is A Drinking Chair For Ladies Who Drink In Hotel Bathrooms
No This Isn't Some Random Piece Of Art, It's A Chair. Pretty Comfortable I Might Add
Only For Tall People
These Orange Chairs Stole The Show
My Friend Has This Weird Chair
I Found These Weird Chairs. The Little Black Ball Is Not Big Enough To Hold Both Feet, And The Chair Is Too Tall To Be Comfortable Without Foot Support
Literally The Most Uncomfortable Chair To Ever Exist. Hundreds Of Jagged And Pointy Rocks
What Is This Weird Chair?
Spectacularly Unique Pair Chairs
Outfit Chairs
A Proper American Desk Chair
This is possibly the most American thing I've seen for a good while.
I Got A New Chair... Or At Least I Think It’s A Chair
you might want to chain it to the wall... just in case it tries to run off
The Chairs At Work Are Slanted Because They Don’t Want Us To Sit For Too Long. The Lip At The Back Means You Can’t Even Turn Them Around
For All The Elephant Lovers
What Is The Purpose Of This? One Arm With A Side One Without?
These Chairs Are Great
Weird Chair
Game Of Thrones
Another Way To Use A Guitar
What A Fine Gentleman
Apparently I Can Be A Bit Of A Handful Sometimes
A Chair Made With Shoes
Well, Doesn't That Look Like A Cosy Place To Sit
Optimal Sitting Down Experience
Ummm Okey
What Is This Strange Looking Piece Of Furniture For? It's About The Size Of A Footstool
Kneeling chair. It was the rage in the 80/90s. A lot of people had them in offices, homes for use in front of the computer. You sat on the seat and your knees went against the shorter pad.
Big, Tall, Ugly Chair I Picked Up For $6
Weird Chair
Would You Sit Here To Read Your Next Book?
Weird Chair
Found This ErgoErgo
Weird Chair
What Is This
Made Of Cans
Siting On Ball-Y Good Times
Weird Chair
Skinny legs, tiny head. They posted a picture of me and I don’t like it.
In One Of The Buildings In East Village, A Neighborhood That Was Designed And Constructed As The Olympic Village Of The 2012 Summer Olympic Games
A Bumpy Ride
Weird Chairs
CHRYSLER BUILDING CHAIR !!!!! Want want want! Someone contact meeee asap !!!!
Saying Farewell To This Chair I Made
I Want Zombie Seats For My Home To Weird People Out
Antique Hand Carved Spinning Chair Made 1830’s To 1900’s
Well Buying This Chair From Costco Seemed Like A Good Idea At The Time
Another ball chair! i love those things...but you should have gotten a larger one maybe?
Saw This Weird Chair At A Thrift Store Today
Definitely a "gentleman's valet," or "a place to put your suit when you get home from your mid-century office job.
New Chairs In Starbucks, Specifically Designed So People Won't Hang Around For A Long Time
Pink Chair At The Graduation Show!
Another Case Of "Go With Your Gut"
A Tall One
Who Wants To Sit On Santa's Face????
Prehistoric Chair
Weird Hairs
Went Behind The School Stage To Grab Some Stuff And Found This Really Weird Chair. It Has 4 Holes On The Bottom... Any Ideas What This Is?
This Chair Design At A Bowling Hall I Went To
Weird Chair
Monster Seats
For The Single Men
Found This Weird Hand Shaped Chair Today On Campus
Chair Made Of Horns
Weird Chair
That Doesn't Look Comfortable
I love that Corbusier Lounge, I wonder why they didn't frame the picture better!??