As much as we believe that everyone is beautiful both inside and out, when it comes to living a long and healthy life, losing enough weight until you’re out of the obese and overweight categories is a must. Especially during the global pandemic: Covid-19 has greater negative outcomes for those who are overweight.

To inspire all of you (and ourselves!) to eat better, lead more active lifestyles, and sweat our exercise uniforms through, Bored Panda has collected some of the most motivating before-and-after transformations. These people said ‘enough is enough!’ and embarked on the long and arduous journey to reshape their bodies. For themselves. For their loved ones. For the sake of a higher quality life with fewer illnesses and more memorable moments. When you’re done scrolling through this list and upvoting the photos that inspired you the most, you’ll find our earlier articles about dramatic weight transformations and weight loss success stories here, here, here, and here.

Nuno Albuquerque, the Head of Treatment at the UK Addiction Treatment Group went into detail with Bored Panda about eating disorders and moving past them. Read on for his insights. You can also visit the UKAT website for 24/7 confidential help and support with eating disorders or mental health.


425lbs -> 154lbs. Officially At A Healthy BMI

425lbs -> 154lbs. Officially At A Healthy BMI

erikabeebee Report


    150+ Down. And Keeping It Off

    150+ Down. And Keeping It Off

    elleboopsthesnoots Report

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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Good for you! And remember - you are beautiful, wherever you are in your weight loss journey, whatever weight you happen to be!

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    Nuno, the UKAT Head of Treatment, said that eating disorders can manifest in different ways for different people. "For some, it is about controlling or limiting food, but for others, it is to consume large amounts of food. This—coupled with a sedentary lifestyle—leads to weight gain which has mood-altering side effects like depression."

    According to Nuno, there is an incredibly powerful link between food and mood. "It can often overcome a person's everyday life, in the same way that an unhealthy relationship with drugs or alcohol can, and just like an addiction to substances, the only way out is to address and treat the root cause of the problem," he told Bored Panda.


    I Know I'm Not Hot Or Anything, But I'm Proud Of The Progress I've Made To Being Healthier (2018/2020)

    I Know I'm Not Hot Or Anything, But I'm Proud Of The Progress I've Made To Being Healthier (2018/2020)

    Anishinaapunk Report


    In 2019 I Got Way Too Drunk At The Office Christmas Party & Bet My Coworker That I Would Spend 2020 Getting Fit. I Kept My Promise And Won The Bet. I Am Proud

    In 2019 I Got Way Too Drunk At The Office Christmas Party & Bet My Coworker That I Would Spend 2020 Getting Fit. I Kept My Promise And Won The Bet. I Am Proud

    Asalami_Laykum Report


    Two Different Doctors Once Told Me I Wouldn’t Live To See My 40th. I Was 500 Pounds At The Time. Today Is My 40th. During That Time I Lost 350lbs & Learned My Son's HfASD

    Two Different Doctors Once Told Me I Wouldn’t Live To See My 40th. I Was 500 Pounds At The Time. Today Is My 40th. During That Time I Lost 350lbs & Learned My Son's HfASD

    lesszachmoore Report

    "One way to alter the negative shift between 'food and mood' is to exercise. Exercising releases endorphins which trigger a positive feeling in the brain and body. Finding any way to move your body if you're struggling with weight and your mental health will bring huge advantages."

    During an earlier in-depth interview, Bored Panda spoke about weight, fitness, body composition, and learning to love ourselves with certified personal trainer and physiotherapist, Paulius Lipskis. The founder of the ‘Mes Geresni’ (‘We’re Better’) healthy living Facebook page told us that we should focus on overcoming harmful diet and movement-related habits.


    250>161=89 (8 Months Difference) Smallest I Have Been For 10 Years! Time To Push Harder

    250>161=89 (8 Months Difference) Smallest I Have Been For 10 Years! Time To Push Harder

    lovelyirene92 Report


    Lithuania-based personal trainer Paulius pointed out that we ought to learn what types of movement we enjoy while allowing our bodies to adapt to our new lifestyles. He added that we should never force ourselves to do what we’re not comfortable with: we have to go for the type of exercise that makes us feel like we’re in our element. Personally, some of us are big fans of swimming, but loathe running.

    "I can tell you from my professional experience that one of the most common problems is having an 'all-or-nothing' mindset. These people tend to either exercise a lot without taking any breaks or they don't exercise at all," trainer Paulius told Bored Panda.


    Actor Ethan Suplee From "Remember The Titans" Lost 200 Lbs

    Actor Ethan Suplee From "Remember The Titans" Lost 200 Lbs

    Last year I set a goal of having visible abs, here’s where I got to. This year I would like visible obliques. It’s going to be a wonderfully tough year. I have successfully lost weight with every diet I stuck to in the past 20 years, but my goal was never more than that, lose weight. @rpdrmike opened my eyes to “maintenance periods,” and it’s really been within these that my goals have been refined and pinpointed. When I got bogged down with going to fast or too slow, @jared_feather took over programming for me, and I cannot sing his praises enough, thank you Jared.

    ethansuplee Report

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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Also love the fact that even though he has toned up, they haven’t photoshopped the folds of loose skin away.

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    My Wife Started DDPY Exactly One Year Ago Today! My Son (5 Y.O.) And I Couldn't Be More Proud

    My Wife Started DDPY Exactly One Year Ago Today! My Son (5 Y.O.) And I Couldn't Be More Proud

    epicfamilydecals Report


    226lbs > 125lbs 18% Body Fat = 101lbs. I Am Still Working Towards Getting Stronger And Perhaps A Bit Leaner. Weight Loss Over 5 Years

    226lbs > 125lbs 18% Body Fat = 101lbs. I Am Still Working Towards Getting Stronger And Perhaps A Bit Leaner. Weight Loss Over 5 Years

    rolleydough Report

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    Monty Is Fiennes
    Community Member
    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Thank you for including the years...we often gain weight slowly over time til the day we say what happened here!!! You have got to except the weight coming off might be slow too, but every bit is a healthier you...

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    "This kind of mindset paves the way to letting yourself down and burning out because we think, 'What do you mean I couldn't do it?! Why could others? I obviously need to try harder.' Once you get rid of this point of view, your confidence in your abilities will slowly but surely grow, you'll feel less stress, and that will automatically lead to you loving your own body more,” the health and fitness expert said.


    271lbs > 119lbs = 152lbs. Unfortunately Not The Result Of Structured And Healthy Choices, But The Result Of A Hard Time In My Life

    271lbs > 119lbs = 152lbs. Unfortunately Not The Result Of Structured And Healthy Choices, But The Result Of A Hard Time In My Life

    This is kinda the other side of the coin. However things are finally, slowly starting to turn after a lot of hard work, and I'm hopeful for the future! 

    ImmatureCheese Report


    1 Year Progress. 425 Lbs To 249 Lbs Through Diet And Exercise

    1 Year Progress. 425 Lbs To 249 Lbs Through Diet And Exercise

    I set a goal a year ago after a hospital visit for cellulitis and lympedema and decided NEVER again. I started at 425lbs. The goal I set was to lose 175lbs. It was high but I knew it was doable. After 52 weeks of watching what I eat and lifting, I've made it. I have so many people to thank on this journey.

    KyleEverett Report

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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I love that this showed the excess skin sometimes left after losing weight! So many people don't realize this is a thing. And great job! You look amazing.

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    300 To 177

    300 To 177

    If you would have told me 4 years ago that I would make it under 180 pounds then I would have laughed in your face while eating a box old fashion donuts. I can guarantee you that you have what it takes to take control of your life. Do it for you though. There’s a lot of good things to help motivate and push you through the pain of hard days/weeks/months/years but nothing is as good as doing it for you. I stand here (in my unicorn undies) to tell you to do it for you and only you. Anyone that tells you that you can’t do it can go run a marathon with legos in their shoes.

    StreakyBacon Report

    Meanwhile, in another interview, conducted earlier, former American Paralympian and motivational speaker Josh Sundquist reiterated that it’s vital that we exercise in a way that makes us happy.

    “We all have different levels of physical ability, scheduling freedom, and personal motivation to be active. So sometimes there are constraints that make it difficult for people to shed a sedentary lifestyle,” Josh, who lost a leg to cancer and learned to overcome his disability, explained what we can do to get off the couch and move about more.


    Progress Pic

    Progress Pic

    soleselos Report

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    Mewton’s Third Paw
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I bet she sleeps better. She carried her weight in her upper chest and face, which can cause sleep apnea. Even if she didn’t have that, I bet it’s easier on her respiratory system. Just a thought. She looks great.

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    180lbs Down

    180lbs Down

    Knoxda2 Report


    340 Lbs To 233 Lbs. From June 15th To March 1st

    340 Lbs To 233 Lbs. From June 15th To March 1st

    Working on bettering myself through weight loss. I've always been active, playing sports, but the last 10 years have been hard on me. Lost 107lbs so far. Got 33 to go before I get to start bulking.

    ArtistX Report

    “I think all research is clear that the best health (physical and mental) outcomes are associated with an active lifestyle, so to the extent it's within your ability, find a physical activity that you enjoy,” the motivational speaker said. “I think you'll find being active is a definite life upgrade.”


    For Josh, exercise is all about the endorphins. “The harder you work, the more your body will reward you with that rush afterward,” he stressed the body’s natural reward system supports us and ‘wants’ us to be more active.


    Well, This Was My Journey

    Well, This Was My Journey

    I'm close to 6'5", on the left I was pushing 300 pounds. My entire family is obese, my father was huge. On the left I was about 32 y/o on the right almost 50 y/o.
    This took years, a conscious decision to just freaking cut out bad food and start some exercising. I have a terrible metabolism, all my family does, the type that if you "stare at food" you will put on weight. I swear, I have to do twice the aerobics to lose the same weight as what any table shows you.
    I have very few pictures of myself in my 20s and 30s as I was always so ashamed of my body. I feel like I lost a couple of decades of my life because back then I just never wanted to do anything, be out in public, I just shut down.
    It is a daily struggle to this day, sure I have a period of a week to a month where I take steps backwards but then I just focus and get back to the hard work.
    A mistake I made early on was as I put on weight I would buy larger clothes, that was a huge mistake, huge. If any clothes start to feel tight on me now that is the motivation to make sure I'm eating properly.
    I don't know if this can help motivate anyone or not, I hope it can. All you have in life is your health and well being and, at least for me, so much of that hinges on my weight. Old me would gasp for air going up a few flights of stairs, would always have to find a place to sit down if I was out somewhere, never again do I want that.

    ScottPerri Report

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    Raine Soo
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    It was a journey. But, now you look good, and even better, you feel great. Congratulations!

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    235>165=70 Lbs Lost. I Have Used My Long Hair As A Safety Blanket To Hide Behind For As Long As I Can Remember. I Decided To Not Hide Anymore

    235>165=70 Lbs Lost. I Have Used My Long Hair As A Safety Blanket To Hide Behind For As Long As I Can Remember. I Decided To Not Hide Anymore

    anustartchickendance Report


    From 380 To 193 Pounds

    From 380 To 193 Pounds

    sdenoncourt16 Report

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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I love how you can see all the uplifting expressions about how proud they all are about themselves! Great Job Buddy!

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    Weightloss After 9 Years

    Weightloss After 9 Years

    Grandpajoe Report


    94kg>53kg=41kg. It Took Me 1,5 Years And A Complete Lifestyle Change To Become The Person I Always Wanted To Be, Mentally And Physically

    94kg>53kg=41kg. It Took Me 1,5 Years And A Complete Lifestyle Change To Become The Person I Always Wanted To Be, Mentally And Physically

    Bananniia Report


    Missing: 50 Lbs. If Found: Please Don’t Call

    Missing: 50 Lbs. If Found: Please Don’t Call

    This has taken me years, and isn’t over yet. But progress over perfection. Feelin’ good!

    thePB Report


    My Last Weight Loss Post, I Did It

    My Last Weight Loss Post, I Did It

    Last weight loss post as I can finally say I hit my goal weight. 220 lbs lost. I know these posts may be annoying, but I figured it was finally time to post my triumph. Years of fighting and I finally won!
    How???: I had weight loss surgery may 2016. But basically my surgeon really fucked up my surgery and a year out I was left with a ton of scar tissue in my stomach. This basically left me in a position where I gain everything back by trying to eat "normal" foods in excess to try and absorb some nutrients or change my whole diet and exercise ways. I stuck to high nutrient low calorie foods and picked up running. I've done this for the last year and I've made it down from 264 to 144. If anyone is curious for specifics please feel free to message me!
    Do I feel better?: Yes in a lot of ways and no in some ways. I deal with body dysmorphia to a large degree because of how quickly I dropped weight. So what I see in the mirror is drastically different from what others see. Its very hard to explain but it's common with fast weight loss. A lot of people with eating disorders experience this dysmorphia as well. Thankfully, I was pretty confident at 364 so it's not an I hate myself thing. More so a shock everytime someone takes an unexpected photo of me or when I buy clothing that's 2x too big on accident. It's like looking at a skeleton in comparison to my own self image. BUT I feel better. I lost aches I didn't know I had and I gained the opportunity to safely have kids again. So when the time comes I'm healthy enough to have a healthy kid. The only health thing that didn't get better was my joints. I have early arthritis from being that big for that long. Pain in my knees and back that will never go away, but thankfully won't be as bad as they would have been.
    Am I single?: still no lol. I have been with the same person from 364 to 144. He has been an amazing support and has been the one person who has never looked at me as a different person. I'm forever grateful I didn't lose him through this whole process as a lot of people lose their partners during severe weightloss.

    MizzFortune Report

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    80 Van
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    3 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    She’ll probably be sorted into Gryffindore because of her bravery and hard work.

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    Before And After

    Before And After

    jackiepanda Report


    266 Lbs>196 Lbs=70 Lbs. I’m Not Entirely Sure On The Time Scale But It’s Between 6-7 Months

    266 Lbs>196 Lbs=70 Lbs. I’m Not Entirely Sure On The Time Scale But It’s Between 6-7 Months

    I bought a new shirt for work and it was the first time I’ve felt good about how I look since starting my weight loss.

    justratching Report


    298lbs > 180lbs = 118lbs. Took 2 Months To Lose The Last 3lbs But I Finally Hit My Goal Weight. For The First Time In My Life I Am No Longer Actively Trying To Lose Weight

    298lbs > 180lbs = 118lbs. Took 2 Months To Lose The Last 3lbs But I Finally Hit My Goal Weight. For The First Time In My Life I Am No Longer Actively Trying To Lose Weight

    suziecats Report


    1 Year Of Consistent Dieting & Exercising

    1 Year Of Consistent Dieting & Exercising

    Started weighing in at 262lbs. Now 200lbs. 1st 6 months keto / fasting. Last 6 months not keto. Still fasting. Ate more carbs. Body weight workouts/ resistance bands/ jump roping/ swimming.

    1KetoKneegro Report


    I Gained My Confidence Back (60 Pounds Lost) 

    I Gained My Confidence Back (60 Pounds Lost) 

    scastell2107 Report

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    Margaret Brownlow
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I wish losing weight didn't equal increased confidence. I'd love everyone to be confident no matter their shape, including me

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    8 Month Progress. 330 To 229 Pounds, 19 More Till I Hit My Goal

    8 Month Progress. 330 To 229 Pounds, 19 More Till I Hit My Goal

    cultofdan Report


    74 Lbs Between Pictures

    74 Lbs Between Pictures

    234 lbs to 160 lbs. 5’3, 25. Loss over almost 2 years with keto, light cardio.

    goosesnacks Report


    10 Stone Lost In 10 Months, More To Go

    10 Stone Lost In 10 Months, More To Go

    RaW2DaFlooR Report


    Keto Update - 14 Months, 150 Pounds Lost

    Keto Update - 14 Months, 150 Pounds Lost

    LosingMyChonk Report


    184->138=46 Lbs. All Thanks To Diet, Exercise, And A Pandemic

    184->138=46 Lbs. All Thanks To Diet, Exercise, And A Pandemic

    mandiekitty Report


    Exactly One Year Of Weight Loss - June '19 - June '20

    Exactly One Year Of Weight Loss - June '19 - June '20

    Excuse the loose boob and stomach skin. I'll get rid of that some day. But for now, 340lb to 190lb. Losing 150lb is crazy.

    ArtistX Report


    Weight Loss Journey

    Weight Loss Journey

    Since 2020 is here and most people want to work on their new year resolution, I thought I should post my journey that I started 3 years ago to motivate others to never give up on their goals.

    Neverend1ngcircles Report

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    In today's world, where societal pressure often dictates the standards of beauty and body image, it is crucial to remember the importance of embracing our true selves. Many stories about physical transformations highlight different approaches to body positivity and acceptance.

    For those interested in understanding the broader impact of societal beauty norms, the movement focusing on normalizing all body types offers a fresh perspective.


    140 Lb Weight Loss And Living With It

    140 Lb Weight Loss And Living With It

    Left is me in 2015. 325lbs, 56in chest. Right is me in 2017. 185lbs, 40in chest. I dropped about 100 in the first year of trying, another 45 or so over the next year, and I've since put back on about 15-20. Nowadays I hover around 200, but I still fit in that suit.

    BakeBike Report


    I Lost 82lbs And Gained A Jawline

    I Lost 82lbs And Gained A Jawline

    Icantstoppooping10 Report


    500 Pound Weight Loss. From 740 To 235 Pounds (338 To 111 Kilos)

    500 Pound Weight Loss. From 740 To 235 Pounds (338 To 111 Kilos)

    irjlee131415 Report


    Update To My Last Post, Just Hit My Final Goal. From 266 Pounds To 174

    Update To My Last Post, Just Hit My Final Goal. From 266 Pounds To 174

    parkerzs Report

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    The Progression Of Sobriety. 24 Hours vs. 4 Years. One Day At A Time

    The Progression Of Sobriety. 24 Hours vs. 4 Years. One Day At A Time

    dunnkw01 Report


    Today, I Did Something I Never Thought I Could. I Ran A 5k

    Today, I Did Something I Never Thought I Could. I Ran A 5k

    After losing 150lb, I finally did what I set out to do, a year ago. Excuse the droopy boob skin. That amount of weight leaves a permanent mark.

    ArtistX Report


    One Year And 181 Gym Sessions, And I Can Finally See My Tattoo Again

    One Year And 181 Gym Sessions, And I Can Finally See My Tattoo Again

    SquirtleSecrets Report

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    Allen John
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Now, I am curious about weight loss and tattoos. Does it deform the tattoos?

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    I’m Hovering Just Shy Of 60 Lbs Lost

    I’m Hovering Just Shy Of 60 Lbs Lost

    The before picture was taken at my cousins wedding, I was photographing the event. (Hence, my super sexy fanny pack for extra batteries) I love photography, plus it always kept me safely behind the camera instead of in front of it. The after picture only has global edits. If it was for a client, I’d photoshop it a bit. But, I wanted to show an honest after picture.
    It’s had to find a full body shot at my heaviest. This one was taken almost 10 years ago at the start of some failed diet. You stop taking ‘before’ pictures after awhile. I know there is a lot of keto hate, but for me it’s been life changing. I’m pushing 40, and I feel younger than ever.

    FunnyDoesntLookDruish Report


    Making Progress! 578 Lbs To 400 Lbs

    Making Progress! 578 Lbs To 400 Lbs

    For the first time in almost 15 years I'm under 400 pounds (399,2 to be exact) the picture on the left I was 578 pounds I still have a 100 pounds to hit my goal but I'm still excited.

    t0kenblackguy Report


    Boogie Looking Great!

    Boogie Looking Great!

    Boogie2988 Report

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    Rick Seiden
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I wonder how he's doing now. This picture is 18 months old. I'll have to go look him up. I used to subscribe to his channel, but left after he got his new teeth.

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    Posting To Stay Motivated

    Posting To Stay Motivated

    TsundereBae Report

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    Deborah B
    Community Member
    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Girl, you look good. You also look stressed/sad. Take pride in what you've accomplished - It's hard work, and we all know it. Rock your new look, and celebrate!


    250lbs->187lbs=63lbs. So Proud Of My 8 Month Glow Up, 40 More Pounds To Go

    250lbs->187lbs=63lbs. So Proud Of My 8 Month Glow Up, 40 More Pounds To Go

    BriefLion Report

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    I Started At Over 300 Lbs (21 Stones), Now I’m At About 163 Lbs (11 Stones)

    I Started At Over 300 Lbs (21 Stones), Now I’m At About 163 Lbs (11 Stones)

    PhenomenalCosmicPanda Report

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    193>143 Lbs=50 Lbs Weight Loss Progress

    193>143 Lbs=50 Lbs Weight Loss Progress

    Immortal_Beauty88 Report

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    1,5 Years Of Progress For Me And The Puppy. 283>168=115 Lbs From Puppy Kindergarten Graduation To Canine Good Citizen Advanced In 1,5 Years

    1,5 Years Of Progress For Me And The Puppy. 283>168=115 Lbs From Puppy Kindergarten Graduation To Canine Good Citizen Advanced In 1,5 Years

    pizzadaughter Report

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    My 3 Year Transformation And Results Of 1st Place From My First Bodybuilding Competition This Past Weekend! 130kg (286lbs)-> 74kg (163lbs)

    My 3 Year Transformation And Results Of 1st Place From My First Bodybuilding Competition This Past Weekend! 130kg (286lbs)-> 74kg (163lbs)

    ajaysharma979000 Report

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    Cecilia Herrera
    Community Member
    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Amazing transformation. Your hard work has been rewarded with your buff look. Good for you!


    Halloween 2018 Vs. Halloween 2019

    Halloween 2018 Vs. Halloween 2019

    aesras628 Report

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    101 Lbs Down In 8 Months Doing Keto

    101 Lbs Down In 8 Months Doing Keto

    Filmgeekvt Report


    Down Almost 160 Lbs And Maintaining It 14 Months

    Down Almost 160 Lbs And Maintaining It 14 Months

    donnacansing Report

    See Also on Bored Panda

    90 Pounds Down And Counting

    90 Pounds Down And Counting

    EleanorRigbeans Report

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    Hey, I've Made A Little Progress

    Hey, I've Made A Little Progress

    Left photo is summer 2016: 215lbs. Right photo is this morning before church: 185-ish lbs. Slow but steady progress.
    Just a late-night post that might not get much attention but hopefully it helps someone. I only started going to the gym in the summer of 2017. It took me two years for this progress. I never really changed my diet but I worked hard and stayed dedicated. To anyone who is trying to lose weight/get in shape. It works different for everyone. Find what works for you and don't quit.
    Seriously, two years under a trainer who kicks butt. I wasn't willing to give up cheeseburgers but I was willing to work hard and accept challenges.
    I think I look pretty darn good in that dress... But honestly, I've only gone from a size 18 to a 14. I still have plenty of cellulite and stomach rolls. So ladies, don't be discouraged by what you see others posting. It's not always what it seems. We're all just trying to get it figured out. Keep pushing! It feels so good to feel yourself getting stronger! Don't quit! What you can't do today you'll be able to do 2 weeks from now and it is such an accomplished feeling!
    Sorry if this post seems rambling, it's just past midnight and I'm tired and going to sleep. I just wanted to say this to anyone who needs it. Take it slow, do YOUR best.

    JustARatherVeryUnintelligentSystem Report


    After Two Children, I Let Myself Go A Little. I Took The Resolution On New Year's Day And 11 Months Later I Lost Almost 40 Pounds. I Am Very Proud And I Had To Share

    After Two Children, I Let Myself Go A Little. I Took The Resolution On New Year's Day And 11 Months Later I Lost Almost 40 Pounds. I Am Very Proud And I Had To Share

    yepwhynot Report


    320>144 = 176 Lbs, 4,5 Years On WW. Finally Had Skin Removal Surgery Done. Breast Lift And Extended Tummy Tuck

    320>144 = 176 Lbs, 4,5 Years On WW. Finally Had Skin Removal Surgery Done. Breast Lift And Extended Tummy Tuck

    missbhavn4u Report


    250 Lb Weight Loss Update

    250 Lb Weight Loss Update

    Just wanted to post an update to my weight loss journey. As I've passed the 2 year anniversary of beginning to reclaim my life, I've hit a big milestone. 250 lbs lost! 485 lbs down to 235 lbs. I would love to still get down to my ultimate goal of reaching 185 lbs, however my weight loss has slowed down to a crawl now as I've slowly transitioned my diet and workouts to be geared more towards building muscle, so it'll probably take quite a bit longer to reach it. But I will get there eventually.

    bubdub Report

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    215 > 165 = 50lbs. These Are Numbers I Never Thought I’d See Again On The Scale. Beyond Grateful. Not Stopping Here

    215 > 165 = 50lbs. These Are Numbers I Never Thought I’d See Again On The Scale. Beyond Grateful. Not Stopping Here

    SarahSparrow16 Report


    150 Lbs Down In 11 Months And I Just Broke Up With My Boyfriend

    150 Lbs Down In 11 Months And I Just Broke Up With My Boyfriend

    First of all. I've been big my entire life. Last time I weighed less than 200 lbs I was 13, so this has been a struggle, both with my lifestyle, genetics, my mental health, and past toxic relationships.
    Was in a bad relationship for 6 years with an exceptionally abusive nonfunctional binge alcoholic. Got two little boys out of it. Finally got the confidence to leave and put myself through nursing school, moved back home and my mom supported me.
    Then I graduated and began the process for weightloss surgery (roux-en-y gastric bypass to be specific), realizing that I was truly going to struggle working at my weight, and hey when the opportunity presents itself.... why not?
    It's now been 3 years since leaving my ex, and one year since the weightloss (with an entire, diet, lifestyle, and exercise change. I worked my ass off, don't get me wrong). New guy was the first person who was interested in the new me...
    It was a bad start all around, but sometimes you can't help yourself. Hes a CNA that worked on the other side of the building and a functional alcoholic (bonus, right? No). With no high school diploma and 5 kids with a crazy toxic ex. I knew it wasn't what I wanted, that we were on different paths in life, but I just wanted.... something. And he dumped me, because it got too serious. I told him going in my expectation of a partner and when it got to heavy of a load, he bounced.
    But I can't blame him, he has 5 kids he's trying to get custody of. And I'm over here expecting and trying to make a healthy relationship, which is difficult when all you're used to on both sides is toxicity. You want to revert to those comfortable behaviors. It just wasn't meant to be, but that doesn't stop it from hurting.

    HermioneKat Report

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    Cecilia Herrera
    Community Member
    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    You deserve happiness in your life. You have made good progress. Have you considered going to counseling? It can help you see things that are interfering with your happiness. You can gain tools that help you overcome taking the wrong path towards good physical and mental health. Good luck in your journey.


    Wanna See What 90(Ish) Lbs Looks Like?

    Wanna See What 90(Ish) Lbs Looks Like?

    I’m not sure my weight on the left. That was 5 years ago, I think I was 315lbs (143kg). I started changing my eating habits before getting a scale. By the time I got a scale I was 305lbs (139kg). I am now 219lbs (99kg). I’m still 20lbs (9kg) from my goal and have started weight lifting.

    Cheetahwerewolf Report

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    Why Yes, I Do Like My 30's More Than My 20's! Eat Your Fruits And Vegetables, Kids

    Why Yes, I Do Like My 30's More Than My 20's! Eat Your Fruits And Vegetables, Kids

    ShamalamalamaDingDong Report


    14 Months Keto Progress - Down 114 Lbs

    14 Months Keto Progress - Down 114 Lbs

    limelieteshines Report

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    Cigdem Kanburoğlu
    Community Member
    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    This should be higher. After a certain age it gets harder and harder to lose weight. So WELL DONE. You must be the master of resilience.

    See Also on Bored Panda

    Little Bit Of Progress

    Little Bit Of Progress

    jesleenichols Report

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    Deborah B
    Community Member
    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    That's a lot of progress! you look amazing! You also look like you're a health weight, and showing some muscle tone. Go you!


    2018 Has Been The Best Year Of My Life

    2018 Has Been The Best Year Of My Life

    It's crazy to think that it's almost been a year since I started this diet, and even crazier to think that I managed to stay with it. 150lbs. lost in under a year. 2018 might have been the best year of my life.

    TheGreenArrow Report


    The Difference A Year Makes. 3X To XL Slim Fit Tee. 28 To 20 Pants

    The Difference A Year Makes. 3X To XL Slim Fit Tee. 28 To 20 Pants

    Renniequeen2 Report

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    emmie rose
    Community Member
    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    wow, great job!! gosh im so proud of everyone on this list. you look great!!


    Down 35 Pounds Since August. Hoping To Hit 50 By The New Year

    Down 35 Pounds Since August. Hoping To Hit 50 By The New Year

    I lost the weight primarily through cutting carbs and added sugar from my diet. Kind of a looser version of keto. And by deciding to not be so lazy and go for a walk every now and again. and generally having a more active lifestyle.

    AlphaBrown Report




    decentmomof2 Report

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    Cecilia Herrera
    Community Member
    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Your hard work got you where you are today. Stay strong, and get even stronger.


    90+ Lbs Gone Forever

    90+ Lbs Gone Forever

    highleveldevil Report


    Because I Fear For Myself

    Because I Fear For Myself

    Girls, yet another reason to watch your weight. Women who pack on pounds steadily over their lifetime up their risk for postmenopausal breast cancer compared to those who watch their weight according to a new study. Earlier work has linked extra weight with increased breast cancer risk factors in this age group, but this particular study examined at the risk as it related to weight gained over time.

    The U.S. incidence of cancer of the breast is one in eight, about 13% (or 13 out of every 100 women) over the course of a lifetime. Your own personal risk can be higher or lower, depending on your family and reproductive history, your lifestyle and environment. As of 2008, there are almost 2.5 million breast cancer survivors in the U.S. alone.

    For this work, the team collected data on over 72,000 women who participated in the Prostate, Lung, Colorectal and Ovarian Cancer Screening Trial.

    At the start of the work the subjects were between 55 and 75 years old, and 3,677 had been diagnosed with a postmenopausal breast cancer.

    The team looked only at women who had cancer of the breast but had never taken hormone replacement therapy (HRT) for menopause symptoms. By eliminating anyone who'd taken HRT (known to boost breast cancer risk), the researchers could better isolate weight as a risk factor.

    Weight indeed did seem to play a role. The team found that a woman who'd gained about 30 pounds from age 20 to age 50 had a twofold increased risk of developing cancer of the breast after menopause as did a woman whose weight had remained stable over those years.

    Of the women in the study, about 57% had raised their BMI by 5 kilograms per meter squared (kg/m2) over thirty years. To help you visualize... imagine a woman who is 5′4″ putting on about 30 pounds.

    This type of increase brought the risk of developing cancer of the breast after menopause up by 88%, compared to women whose BMI was relatively stable during the same period. If you added this same amount of weight after 50, the risk of breast cancer went up 56% when compared to women who had a stable BMI during these years.

    No matter when you add the weight, the risk for breast cancer seems to go up. What's more, the rise in risk isn't tied to becoming obese, but rather the weight gain itself. The extra pounds increase production of estrogen in all those extra fat cells, known to encourage the growth of cancer.

    In terms of your own breast cancer risk factors, it appears that the factors within your own personal control - managing your weight in adulthood, staying active, eating right and limiting your alcohol intake - are proving to be more and more important.

    abdothabet Report

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    PrincesSparkles Report

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    Cecilia Herrera
    Community Member
    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Be proud. You have done a fantastic job in taking care of yourself.

    See Also on Bored Panda

    I Reached Onederland Today! I Realized In 2018 That I Was Actively Killing Myself With Terrible Food And Being Lazy

    I Reached Onederland Today! I Realized In 2018 That I Was Actively Killing Myself With Terrible Food And Being Lazy

    My dad passed away when he was 48, and I want to live way past that. 398>199=199 lbs. Be kind to others, eat your veggies, read lots of books, and drink your water. Believe in yourself and do the thing!

    QuidditchQueen713 Report


    350 > 198 = 152lbs. (15 Months) I Lost 150 Pounds And Gained A Neck

    350 > 198 = 152lbs. (15 Months) I Lost 150 Pounds And Gained A Neck

    ilovecfb Report

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    425lbs > 280 = 145lbs. 2 Years Apart

    425lbs > 280 = 145lbs. 2 Years Apart

    I was so insecure in the left pic that I didn’t let anyone see it until now. I felt ugly & like a waste, but not anymore. I still deal with insecurity like anyone else but now I just put it aside, “sorry insecurities but it’s my time now”.

    xenterthegalaxyx Report


    120 Lbs Lost, 4XL Shirt To A New XL Jacket

    120 Lbs Lost, 4XL Shirt To A New XL Jacket

    johneric88 Report


    Lost 151 Lbs In One Year

    Lost 151 Lbs In One Year

    I’ve lost 151lbs from my highest weight of 323 (that picture on the left wasn’t my heaviest, yikes), and I’m still going, but very happy in the mean time!

    notwiththeFBI Report


    Progress From Deciding To Take Control Of My Weight 19 Months Ago, 161 Pounds Lost, Still Going

    Progress From Deciding To Take Control Of My Weight 19 Months Ago, 161 Pounds Lost, Still Going

    leachim66 Report

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    What A Difference 1 Year Can Make

    What A Difference 1 Year Can Make

    Havekk Report


    Hey I Did A Thing! 7 Months Of Keto And Intermittent Fasting

    Hey I Did A Thing! 7 Months Of Keto And Intermittent Fasting

    PFCParts Report

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    300 To 164 Lbs (~136 WL) Vs. Current, Lost Another 11 Lbs, Trying To Get Back To Comfy Weight

    300 To 164 Lbs (~136 WL) Vs. Current, Lost Another 11 Lbs, Trying To Get Back To Comfy Weight

    samibug28 Report

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    See Also on Bored Panda

    50kgs Lost (110lbs)

    50kgs Lost (110lbs)

    Kept the florals, got rid of the rest! But seriously, struggling to recognise myself, literally moved out of my own way in a shop but it was a mirror. Anyone have any suggestions of how to help??

    accidentlydroppedmydurkadurk Report

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    Cecilia Herrera
    Community Member
    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Maybe taking pictures of the new you and spending a little time in the morning and night, looking at yourself and savoring the wonderful progress that you have made. You are doing great. Try doing affirmations, i.e. write short phrases that say good things about yourself. Post them somewhere where you can read them out loud to yourself. Repeat a few times, then go on with your activities. Examples of affirmations might include phrases / sentences such as: I am loveable. I am loved. I have been successful in my dieting. I am doing this for me, and my health. These are just examples. Taylor the phrases to fit your needs. Good luck to you.


    Weight Loss Over 8 Years

    Weight Loss Over 8 Years

    Today I dug up the old photos because I can feel I’m struggling. I forget how much work I’ve put in to lose 80lbs and keep it off. I have had 4 kids (2 before 2012 and 2 after) and they are the reason I’m trying to keep the weight off. There’s no wonder drug, it’s hard work.

    JustTakingANap Report

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    Oskar vanZandt
    Community Member
    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I like how the weight journey is accompanied by the increase in number of tattoos...


    Weight Loss Journey From About 300 Lbs To 192 Lbs

    Weight Loss Journey From About 300 Lbs To 192 Lbs

    kelsea2000 Report

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    Weight Loss

    Weight Loss

    I've seen a lot of awesome posts of people losing weight. I thought I'd share mine.i really don't like talking about this as I feel like it's boasting or bragging... I started out my weight loss journey when I was close to 400lbs. It took six months of heavily modified diet and a pretty intense work out regiment. I lost a total of 200+ pounds. I went from a 44 pant size to a 32 and from 2XL shirt to a medium. I smoked a d drank and ate fast food like a mad man... Was told by my doctor that I'd be lucky to see 45 at the rate I was going. quit smoking and drinking all together and made better food choices. Moral of this story... If I can do this, anyone can! Determination and sticking with it is the hardest part but of want it bad enough, you can change yourself for the better.

    TheHeavyInfantryMandalorian Report

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    1KetoK Report

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    -115 Lbs

    -115 Lbs

    lashleighxo15 Report

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    305,5 > 143 = 162,5 Lbs 3 Year Weight Loss Journey Anniversary

    305,5 > 143 = 162,5 Lbs 3 Year Weight Loss Journey Anniversary

    Dreamburnak Report

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    From 254 To 160 Lbs In Two Years

    From 254 To 160 Lbs In Two Years

    SteveTheEditor Report


    Weight Loss Progress -50lbs

    Weight Loss Progress -50lbs

    For those who are asking what I did to lose weight. I used MyFitnessPal and counted calories. Also intermittent exercise. Working night shift as a nurse this year as a lot to do with the most recent drop in weight due to decreased amount of meals per day. Not the most healthy but whatever works. Thanks for all the kind words!

    reversehipster Report

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    Cecilia Herrera
    Community Member
    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I like that sassy look you give in the second picture. " I did it!"


    Before: 130kgs/286lbs After: 75kgs/165lbs

    Before: 130kgs/286lbs After: 75kgs/165lbs

    2 years ago I started MMA and muay thai, started eating health and lost 50kg/110lbs.

    ThorFitness Report

    See Also on Bored Panda

    180>128=52 Lbs. Although I Did Successfully Lose 52 Pounds, My Biggest Accomplishment Was Learning To Love My Body

    180>128=52 Lbs. Although I Did Successfully Lose 52 Pounds, My Biggest Accomplishment Was Learning To Love My Body

    I now love the person I see in the mirror and that is my definition of success.

    Alexis_Aleen Report


    Wore A 2 Piece Bathing Suit For The First Time In My Life - 1 Year, 109 Lbs Lost

    Wore A 2 Piece Bathing Suit For The First Time In My Life - 1 Year, 109 Lbs Lost

    halesxmarie Report

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    Just Wanted To Share My First Progress Pic. 308 -> 258. Halfway There

    Just Wanted To Share My First Progress Pic. 308 -> 258. Halfway There

    theFinks Report

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    My 60 Pound Weight Loss Over The Course Over 8-9 Months

    My 60 Pound Weight Loss Over The Course Over 8-9 Months

    MadisonEverlasting Report

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    Quarantine Has Been Good To Me

    Quarantine Has Been Good To Me

    millicentmmsmith Report

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    Lost 231 Lbs Went From 520 Lbs Down To 289lbs

    Lost 231 Lbs Went From 520 Lbs Down To 289lbs

    biggjonny32 Report

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    I've Maintained My Weight Loss For Over 3 Years

    I've Maintained My Weight Loss For Over 3 Years

    rollingStone2288 Report

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    Weight Loss Journey

    Weight Loss Journey

    I suffer from depression and anxiety and right around the time I turned 30, it reached a fever pitch which caused my weight to begin to climb. And being in the middle of the worst depression spells I've ever experienced, I was entirely too focused on just getting through each day to care about my appearance or the effect it was having on my physical health.
    I can't say I've gotten the depression fully under control, but hey, I've made a ton of progress which finally gave me room to make positive changes for myself.
    After 4 years of being overweight, in January of 2019, I began my journey. I cut carbs, beer, sweets, sodas, etc. I began to run again, which started to really help my depression even more. And as the weight left me, the depression got even lighter.
    On the left is me in 2017. On the right is me today! From 205 lbs to 151 as of this morning. I hope this motivates someone who might be in the same boat.

    fezzesRcool Report

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    Weight Loss Progress! 240-166 Lbs. 26 Lbs Away From Goal

    Weight Loss Progress! 240-166 Lbs. 26 Lbs Away From Goal

    Icantstoppooping10 Report

    See Also on Bored Panda

    425lbs -> 160lbs. Started My Journey Two Years Ago 275lbs From Goal Weight, Now 10lbs From Goal Weight. Feels Surreal

    425lbs -> 160lbs. Started My Journey Two Years Ago 275lbs From Goal Weight, Now 10lbs From Goal Weight. Feels Surreal

    erikabeebee Report

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    mycousinscamper5 Report


    Happy Resolutions!

    Happy Resolutions!

    missranger Report

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    Happy Lil Proud Self Transition Post. No Banana For Scale Included

    Happy Lil Proud Self Transition Post. No Banana For Scale Included

    GreatScottThisIsHeavy Report

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    Losing Weight And Finding Myself

    Losing Weight And Finding Myself

    It was about more than losing weight. It was about cutting out toxic relationships, healing from years of emotional abuse, piecing together my self-worth, shedding expectations and misplaced guilt while truly figuring out what I wanted from my life. When I look back, I can barely recognize myself. I've changed from the inside out and I continue to allow myself to do so. This life feels amazing and I'll never go back.
    I've considered starting a blog about how I used to live in excess. Excessive calorie consumption, constantly trying to keep everyone else happy, an excessive amount of belongings and spreading myself too thin. Since I've lost the weight, I've taken on a more minimal approach to life and that includes everything from the ingredients in my food to the size of my home (I live full time in an RV) and I'm thriving.

    MrsGreenLyfe Report

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    Officially 100 Pounds Gone

    Officially 100 Pounds Gone

    I've gone from 265 to 165 pounds in 17 months.
    (120 kg to 75 kg; 19 stone to 11.8 stone)

    Today is a huge milestone for me. One that I saw as being totally unrealistic when I first started. I've officially lost 100 pounds. From 265 to 165, I've gone from the heaviest to the lightest I've ever been in my adult life. I believe this is also the strongest and most fit I've ever been. I feel amazing and, as I've said before, I feel more and more like myself every day. While the numbers are a good tool for tracking progress and I love seeing the charts that @loseitapp creates for me, at this point the journey is so much more about strength, flexibility, nutrition, and so many other non-weight based goals. I've worked really hard for the last 17 months and I'm so proud of myself. Thank you all for supporting me along the way!

    CaroSparrow Report


    My Weight Loss Journey. 420 Lbs - 186 Lbs. Got The Sleeve On May 11th, 2016

    My Weight Loss Journey. 420 Lbs - 186 Lbs. Got The Sleeve On May 11th, 2016

    AncientSummoner Report

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    Oskar vanZandt
    Community Member
    3 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    DO NOT SHARE FALSE INFORMATION. Herpes symptoms can be treated, but the virus will be in your body forever: "There is no cure for herpes. However, there are medicines that can prevent or shorten outbreaks. One of these anti-herpes medicines can be taken daily, and makes it less likely that you will pass the infection on to your sex partner(s)." Taken from the CDC website []


    I Stuck To My New Years Resolution

    I Stuck To My New Years Resolution

    Coming in to 2018 I was 180 pounds (only 5 feet tall so it didn’t have many places to go). I was incredibly unhappy and even more so unhealthy.
    I spent every single day working and then coming home just to lay in bed and be sleeping by 730. I had no friends. I lost just about every single one of them. No one liked being around me because the only thing I ever wanted to do was invite them to come over and to lay in bed and watch movies with me which usually ended with me falling asleep in the first hour.
    I was tired of the way I was living, I was completely ready for a change.
    The first couple months were the hardest. I turned the way I ate completely around and stuck to going to the gym 5 days a week. I didn’t give myself an option to fail. I didn’t give myself an option to cheat.
    When I started feeling better about myself, I was more fun to be around. I gained so many friends this past year and rebuilt so many old friendships.
    I went on a cruise with one of my best friends, I went skydiving, went to a music festival, and I hiked up a mountain in Ohio! I even went to Nashville and somehow ended up dancing on a bar!
    I lost 45 pounds this year!!!! It still doesn’t seem real to me!
    I fell in love with myself this year. I fell in love with LIFE this year. I’m so grateful for this change I decided to make. I’m so grateful for everyone who has helped me get to where I am today.

    rosarioxox Report

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    From 240lbs To 158lbs

    From 240lbs To 158lbs

    Icantstoppooping10 Report

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    Oskar vanZandt
    Community Member
    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    THIS IS A FALSE INFORMATION BOT. Please look up legitimate information on websites like the CDC (US) or the NHS (UK).