Jimmy Fallon Asks People What Are The Worst Wedding Fails They’ve Ever Seen, And Here Are 30 Responses
What’s supposed to be the most important day of your life can turn into an absolute mess. Take a generous dose of bad luck, sprinkle in some oblivious relatives, add a whole bunch of misunderstandings, and there you have it—the recipe for a perfect wedding fail!
Jimmy Fallon, the host of the Tonight Show, challenged people to share their worst wedding fails. The stories are hilarious, make us pity whomever they happened to, and act as a warning to all of us that everything that can go wrong will (probably, most likely) go wrong. Upvote your faves and be sure to share this post with anyone who’s engaged.
When you’re done with this list, you’ll probably wonder, “Thank God that’s over, I nearly lost my faith in marriage as an institution.” Well, we’re not quite done yet. There are more wedding fails to enjoy right here.
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Bored Panda spoke with Sarah and Anna, Team Leaders of The Celebrant Society, to ask them about the best way to deal with difficult and unexpected situations at weddings.
"It's really important to expect that at least one thing is going to go wrong on the day," Sarah and Anna told us. "This event is the culmination of many businesses, people, family members, elements, and months of work coming together and squeezing into one 6 hour period. Something will go wrong and that's totally okay, because the end game is not to have a perfectly run event—it's to get married to your love in the same perfectly imperfect way that you live your lives."
They continued: "Of course, having a great sense of humor helps any embarrassing situation, but it's also important to remember that these are the people you love and trust the most and who know you best (or at least they should be!)."
"You're in a safe space with people who love you. If something embarrassing happens, you're in the best company to help you through it," they said that the people we love will be able to help us get through anything.
Kiki told Bored Panda more about what happened. "It was my cousin's wedding and she was very stressed that day. Her husband acted fast, probably without thinking, but somehow it worked."
"After 3 years, we are still laughing about it and yet, she's still so embarrassed (we can't blame her for that). In my opinion, a perfect wedding is a time one spends with his or her family and friends, having the time of their lives and making the memories," she told us.
"Also, I think people can't just predict the future. So if something happens, a fail as you guys called it, I think the most important thing is to smile. Just smile and laugh about it, and don't forget that it's your time and you should be happy no matter what happens."
It’s ironic that intentionally trying to avoid fails usually leads to them. It’s best to worry only about the major things you know you can control instead of trying to micromanage every single aspect of the wedding only to burn out.
The Wedding Ideas online magazine explains that there are some things that brides should do (or avoid doing). Otherwise, the wedding might take an unexpected turn. For instance, it’s vital that you set crystal-clear boundaries from the very start how much your family members—especially your parents—can interfere in the planning.
On the flip-side, it’s imperative that you involve your partner in the wedding planning. If they feel left out, sidelined, and ignored, your marriage won’t be off to a good start.
Speaking of not leaving anyone out, it’s important that you at least say a quick “hello” to everyone who comes to your wedding. Nobody needs you to be their best friend (you’ve got an eternal bonding of souls to get to after all), but your guests will want to feel appreciated.
Also, consider getting wedding insurance: you never know, you could catch the sniffles right before your Big Day and may need to reschedule.
But at the end of the day, the very best piece of advice would be to focus on the big picture. If you focus on micromanaging everything, you’ll get lost in minor details and won’t be able to see the forest for the trees. And that’s when wedding fails tend to strike! So make sure that the next time Fallon asks about wedding fails, you have nothing noteworthy to tweet back at him.
Maybe Jesus just photo-bombed you. He's known to do that with tortillas.
This scene could be coming straight out of a sitcom. Maybe Al Bundy's second cousin getting married.
I didn't think it was possible to make that mistake until I tried saying it in my best French accent!🤣
It would have been even funnier if the wedding couple were lesbians.
My Dad had a white corvette convertible when he and my mother married in 1961. As they made their way to the car after the ceremony, they were showered with rice..a bunch of it making it into the car. Later that day, it rained hard and my father was unaware that he'd forgotten to put the top up on the corvette. When they came out to the car a few days later..there were little rice plants sprouting out of the carpet.
They showered with brown rice? That's odd. It's usually white rice, which doesn't sprout.
Load More Replies...I have a few stories from my wedding. The night before my wedding I had a phone call from my dad saying he might not make it coz he might be locked up for punching my brother (he didn’t end up pressing charges). My mother in law ran 30 mins late for my wedding and also forgot the portable stereo that was supposed to play whilst I walked down the aisle. Our friend had to play it on their car stereo instead. Later found out my MIL wanted to finish her cup of tea. My daughter had a poo explosion in her flower girl dress so my in laws had to take her to their place and clean her up, she ended up wearing trackies and a jumper for the rest of the day. The caterers forgot to offer my hubby a piece of wedding cake so he missed out. My top popped open (I was braless) whilst doing the birdie dance. the MC forgot to light the candles for the table decorations and also forgot the father daughter dance and the person taking our photos had issues with his camera at times so some of the photos were absolute s**t. But in saying all that I had an absolute blast at my wedding, the only thing I would change would be to hire a professional photographer.
If you could get through all that BS and still stay married...it's a marriage that will last forever. LOL.
Load More Replies...I don't understand all these people going to the wrong wedding. Either you know one of the people getting married or you go with someone who knows one of the people getting married. How do you sit through a wedding , not recognizing anyone?
My nephew, who was 5 at the time, was our ring bearer. He got scared half way down the aisle and went crying/screaming back to the back of the church. My sister in law had to walk him down. I never knew until our video came back. Lol
I was the Best Man for a friend I had been in love with for years. I drove 18 hours to get there and was super sleep deprived because I got there with three hours to spare. THEY told me the wedding party was wearing pink converse...turned out it was me, the bride, and the groom. I felt super awkward as both the bride and groom knew about my unrequited crush (and no, I wasn't being nefarious I had made my feelings known years before and accepted they weren't reciprocated).
I'm a wedding photographer and was covering a ceremony which was very close to my home. Just less than an hour before the ceremony the groomsmen discovered that the bag with all their black shoes had been left at their home, 40 miles away. They only had mostly white trainers (sneakers) with them. I asked what sizes they wore (two size 8 and one size 9). I wear size 9, so I rushed home and got the 3 pairs of black shoes I owned... I wonder if they remember wearing a stranger's shoes that day. The pictures are there to prove it!
I have a picture of myself before my wedding. Dress, vail, flowers, everything. And looking absolutely like I was going to murder everyone in that church basement. I have absolutely no idea why!
My cousin had a shotgun wedding and ended up in a huge foofy dress. She hated it, but on a tight timeline etc etc. Anyway she was late to the wedding and we were starting to think she wasn't coming when she turned up, the huge white skirt of her dress covered in little black and brown hairs, and dust. She'd been riding the horses all morning, and popped the dress on to make it feel like she was riding around in the 1800s. Not a fail really, very in character. THe marriage was a fail...
My dad's groomsmen put instant mashed potato flakes in the getaway car's a/c vents. My parents got married in August here in South Carolina.
I'm assuming it was supposed to look like snow, but after the initial blast the condensation generated by the AC turned the flakes into real mashed potatoes?
Load More Replies...This is pretty funny. Hope these mistakes didn't ruin the big day, though.
My Dad had a white corvette convertible when he and my mother married in 1961. As they made their way to the car after the ceremony, they were showered with rice..a bunch of it making it into the car. Later that day, it rained hard and my father was unaware that he'd forgotten to put the top up on the corvette. When they came out to the car a few days later..there were little rice plants sprouting out of the carpet.
They showered with brown rice? That's odd. It's usually white rice, which doesn't sprout.
Load More Replies...I have a few stories from my wedding. The night before my wedding I had a phone call from my dad saying he might not make it coz he might be locked up for punching my brother (he didn’t end up pressing charges). My mother in law ran 30 mins late for my wedding and also forgot the portable stereo that was supposed to play whilst I walked down the aisle. Our friend had to play it on their car stereo instead. Later found out my MIL wanted to finish her cup of tea. My daughter had a poo explosion in her flower girl dress so my in laws had to take her to their place and clean her up, she ended up wearing trackies and a jumper for the rest of the day. The caterers forgot to offer my hubby a piece of wedding cake so he missed out. My top popped open (I was braless) whilst doing the birdie dance. the MC forgot to light the candles for the table decorations and also forgot the father daughter dance and the person taking our photos had issues with his camera at times so some of the photos were absolute s**t. But in saying all that I had an absolute blast at my wedding, the only thing I would change would be to hire a professional photographer.
If you could get through all that BS and still stay married...it's a marriage that will last forever. LOL.
Load More Replies...I don't understand all these people going to the wrong wedding. Either you know one of the people getting married or you go with someone who knows one of the people getting married. How do you sit through a wedding , not recognizing anyone?
My nephew, who was 5 at the time, was our ring bearer. He got scared half way down the aisle and went crying/screaming back to the back of the church. My sister in law had to walk him down. I never knew until our video came back. Lol
I was the Best Man for a friend I had been in love with for years. I drove 18 hours to get there and was super sleep deprived because I got there with three hours to spare. THEY told me the wedding party was wearing pink converse...turned out it was me, the bride, and the groom. I felt super awkward as both the bride and groom knew about my unrequited crush (and no, I wasn't being nefarious I had made my feelings known years before and accepted they weren't reciprocated).
I'm a wedding photographer and was covering a ceremony which was very close to my home. Just less than an hour before the ceremony the groomsmen discovered that the bag with all their black shoes had been left at their home, 40 miles away. They only had mostly white trainers (sneakers) with them. I asked what sizes they wore (two size 8 and one size 9). I wear size 9, so I rushed home and got the 3 pairs of black shoes I owned... I wonder if they remember wearing a stranger's shoes that day. The pictures are there to prove it!
I have a picture of myself before my wedding. Dress, vail, flowers, everything. And looking absolutely like I was going to murder everyone in that church basement. I have absolutely no idea why!
My cousin had a shotgun wedding and ended up in a huge foofy dress. She hated it, but on a tight timeline etc etc. Anyway she was late to the wedding and we were starting to think she wasn't coming when she turned up, the huge white skirt of her dress covered in little black and brown hairs, and dust. She'd been riding the horses all morning, and popped the dress on to make it feel like she was riding around in the 1800s. Not a fail really, very in character. THe marriage was a fail...
My dad's groomsmen put instant mashed potato flakes in the getaway car's a/c vents. My parents got married in August here in South Carolina.
I'm assuming it was supposed to look like snow, but after the initial blast the condensation generated by the AC turned the flakes into real mashed potatoes?
Load More Replies...This is pretty funny. Hope these mistakes didn't ruin the big day, though.