The idea of the fairy-tale calendar has germinated within us long time ago, but was still awaiting its moment. Thanks to the few witches from Korabiewice Animal Shelter, Pl, it has began to take shape in the beginning of the year 2017. First sessions took place in January, with the frost and temperatures below 20oC. The Snow Queen was running on the snow in her wedding togs, smiling through icy tears,while Kai & Gerda were jumping on top of the trailer of a small tractor that belongs to the shelter. The Little Match Girl was crying from cold but she never gave up.
During spring time all kinds of princesses sprinkled to life – starting with the one from seven dwarfs and finishing with the one that slept for ages… There also appeared Alladin with the cats and Polish style sandals with sockets, and Hansel & Gretel with the wicked witch. They were always accompanied by animals – dogs, cats, goats, pigs, horses and cows. The Little Red Riding Hood was running loose with the axe in the forest and the Swineherd was kissing the Princess in the middle of the historical Korabowiece’s mud, from which it is hard to take your boots out. Rapunzel seized the stable’s window and her knight was chasing steeds away from the visor filled with carrots. Instead of magic beanstalk there appeared a sprouting sweet potatoe in the fridge of our stylist Ania. The culmination of our project was our Korabiewice’s Cindirella, who lost one of her wellies marching along with tiny goats in her breast pockets…
Never before I had such an occasion to experience such a huge dose of euphoric joy. Nothing could suppress our explosions of loughter and hundreds of ideas were jumping out of the hidden corners of our imagination. I think all of us, who were involved in this project experienced a great joy and have beautiful memories.
I wish the world was capable of becoming as happy as we were at that time. I wish all the happiness to the animals, in particular, to the ones that are waiting for its dream home…
The whole project was the result of work of the people who fight for the rights of the animals. All the work done was for charity. Help us to make this world a better place: you can buy this calendar here:
More info:
Snow Queen
Alladin’s Lamp
Jack and the beanstalk
Little Prince
Snow White
Hansel and Gretel
Matołek the Billy-Goat
Sleeping Beauty
Little Red Riding Hood
The Swineherd
The Little Match Girl
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