Bidding wars online can get pretty pricey pretty fast. No matter how basic the item might seem if someone finds something they really want or need they are willing to go all in. Some things, however, you can’t put a price on – well at least a traditional price – as two bidders found out as they were thrown into the strangest bidding war you’ve ever seen.

Facebook user, Aussie Ben the Bloke, wanted to unload a water cooler he was no longer in need of, so he put it on sale for a rather egg-cellent price and hilarity ensued, as two strangers put all their eggs in one basket, so to speak, to purchase the item.


    Image credits: Ben the Bloke

    Benjamin Williamson, who goes by Ben the Bloke, was looking to unload a water cooler that he was no longer in need of, but instead of selling it for traditional currency he decided to spice things up with an unusual request.

    Image credits: Ben the Bloke

    In the ad, he explained that he was selling the appliance because they had no use for it after buying a new fridge. Ben stated he had kept it “out of spite as the wife said I wouldn’t use it now we have a new fridge,” but now it was time to sell. Instead of going with the original asking price of $3.50, gave a new condition – $0 but the buyer must supply “two uncracked eggs with smiley faces drawn on them.”


    Image credits: Ben the Bloke

    Why eggs? Like most great ideas or inventions, it came from necessity, he told Bored Panda, “I only had 1 egg left and I needed at least 3 to make an omelet.  Really it was just a spur of the moment thought that I found amusing.”

    Image credits: Ben the Bloke

    Well, joke or not the comedian said he received eight initially offers, but eventually, it came down to a bidding war between two women, Amber and Donna – and boy did things egg-scalate. “I got a few more after the bidding war had ended but sadly for them, it was too late,” he lamented.

    Image credits: Ben the Bloke

    Going in Ben said he had zero eggspectations, “I would have been surprised if I got 1 response so yeah I did have a laugh when I saw 8 pending messages, I couldn’t believe how it unfolded. I’d say you can’t write that stuff but I guess the respondents and I did. Worked out perfectly.”


    Image credits: Ben the Bloke

    Donna and Amber fell into an all-out bidding war but other than amusement he said this was not his end goal, “My end goal was to give someone who needed or wanted a water cooler a free water cooler and to have a laugh myself. Which was well achieved. The eggs were a bonus.”

    Image credits: Ben the Bloke

    At one point Amber tried to see if she good persuade him with real money ($20) but it was of no use, he was set on eggs.

    Image credits: Ben the Bloke

    It was then revealed that Amber had a leg up in the competition as she was a chicken farmer – Ben had to consider the “eggconomy.”


    Image credits: Ben the Bloke

    But Amber was not so easily scared off and increased her offer once again.

    Image credits: Ben the Bloke


    Late in the game, another bidder tried to throw their hat into the ring but backed out when they realized how egg-streme things had gotten.

    Image credits: Ben the Bloke

    Image credits: Ben the Bloke

    In the end, Donna found there was no competing with a chicken farmer with an endless supply of the asked for currency.

    Image credits: Ben the Bloke


    Amber was happy to win and informed him that she would send over the eggs complete with smiley faces. Unfortunately, Ben informed us that she was unable to collect her prize so it went to the next highest bidder – Donna.

    Image credits: Ben the Bloke

    To Ben’s amusement Donna held up her end of the deal

    Image credits: Ben the Bloke

    He said the odd request was made, “To see if I could get anyone to actually draw a smiley face on an egg, the end result was fantastic. Luckily Donna had an artistic flair for drawing on eggs.”


    Although slightly damage he was happy with his payment

    Image credits: Ben the Bloke


    While this was Ben’s first egg-bidding war, the comedian is well versed in sharing similarly entertaining posts, “I’ve been trying my hand at creating some funny content for a little while so I’m really pleased that so many people enjoyed this eggschange,” and tells readers, “If you enjoyed that check out my Ben the Bloke page on Facebook and let me know what you think of the rest of my content. And no matter where or who you are, I love you all and there is nothing you can do about it.”

    Plenty of people cracked a smile over the entertaining bid war