Dear kind, smart awesome human! – this is a project I am working on at my after-work hours and i need your support and “click” to do it together!

I am VR 360Videos producer and developer, BUT THIS is the true potential for Virtual Reality!

Virtual Reality technology is just perfect for those little warriors to distract them from difficult reality. In many cases kids in medical facilities (oncology, surgery, hospices…) cannot move from their hospital beds for many days, months and sometimes for whole their life.

I’m producing 360 videos and bringing them to kids in VR goggles, so they can fulfill their dreams in virtual world. Jumping with a parachute, see the world, play soccer with their favorite team, fly as a bird or… see their room once again.

Project’s goal is to set permanent VR stands in medical facilities for children all around the world, so doctors and therapists can use it any time there will be need. To bring smile, motivate them or just to distract from unpleasant medical procedures.

So here it is… I Need help in spreading awareness and finding investments.

MY NEXT STEP is to find main partner/sponsor. That’s why I would love to go with my partner (life & work :) ) to the great conference WORLD VR FORUM in Switzerland, so we can work more, spread the word about the project and hopefully get some great feedback and potential cooperation contacts!


I am supporting project with my own funds of course, but unfortunately i cannot afford to spend this kind of money (about 1900€) for a trip and tickets yet.
That’s why i created Crowdfunding campaign for our trip

The main link from this article is to my crowd-fundraising campaign.

So, that’s it my friends. Long story…not that short, but i hope you feel the same potential in VR as me.

Any SHARE / UPVOTE / Good word in comment – would mean a world to me.

Keep your fingers crossed!

And thank you for your time!

More info: